Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Time ❯ Secrets And Brother’s ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto.
Summery: Naruto is a fox demon his has an older brother name Kyuubi is a fox demon who also likes Sasuke who is also a fox demon. Will Kyuubi try to break them a part to win Sasukes heart?
Chapter Summery: Naruto asked his dad if he can tell Sasuke their secret. Will Naruto dad say yes? Read and find out.
Mating Time
By: SasukeAngel
Chapter Three: Secrets And Brother's
Naruto went into his house seeing his dad was coming from the kitchen smiling at him seeing he was finally home.
Naruto walked up to his dad. “Dad I have something to ask you?” the youngest blonde asked his dad.
“Yes what is it?” Yondaime asked, looking at his son waiting to hear his question.
“Can I tell Sasuke that I'm a prince?” Naruto asked his dad hoping he will be able to tell his mate about himself.
Yondaime started to sigh knowing this would have come up sooner or later. “Why do you want to tell him?” he asked his youngest son who was standing in front of him.
“I finally asked him be my mate.” Naruto said, he looked at his father before speaking again making sure he would say yes. “He said yes to be my mate, and I want to tell him about my past life.” The blonde said, his fox's ears flatten down as he waited for his father to answer his question.
“I don't know if that would be a good idea to tell him right now.” The older blonde male said to his son who gave him a pouting looking on his face with his fox's ears still flat on his head. “I'm sorry you can't tell him right now.” Yondaime left Naruto in the room alone to pout.
Sasuke walked out of the kitchen after eating his breakfast. He sat down with his older brother Itachi who was watching TV in the living room doing nothing at the moment. The youngest raven hair fox demon looked at his brother.
“Aniki can we do something together?” Sasuke asked, he gave his older brother the puppy dog eyes.
Itachi sighed knowing his little would not stop bothering him until he said yes. “Otouto I know I made a promise to you to spend time together, we will just not today.” The older raven said to his little brother who sat next to him on the couch.
Sasuke just looked away mad at his older brother who told him he would spend time with him if he left him alone last night. “You lied to me Aniki.” The youngest brother said, he got up left the room to get his jacket left the house to get away from his lying older brother.
Itachi sighed knowing he had to go after him; he got up left the room got his jacket walked out of the house. He saw his little brother walking down the sidewalk, he ran to his brother pulled him back to him into a hug to prevent him from walking away from him. He kept on his hold on him until Sasuke stopped struggling way from him. After a while the youngest raven stopped struggling to get away. “Sasuke, I'm sorry I didn't mean it the way it sounds, I meant we can do brotherly things next weekend.” The older brother said, he let go of his little brother.
Sasuke turned around to look at his brother. “Do you really mean it we will hang out together this coming next weekend?” the youngest raven asked looking at his older brother with sad hopeful eyes looking at him.
“Yes I really mean it.” Itachi said after he pulled his little brother in a hug. Sasuke started to hug his older brother back. Itachi let go of him when his cell started to ring, he pulled back from the hug a little to answer his phone.
“Hello!” the older raven said, he kept his little brother into a hug, while his other hand held his phone to his ear.
Itachi I thought we were suppose to meet me here an hour ago!” Kisame said, he was at the theater waiting for his lover at.
Itachi smiled hearing his lover on the phone. “I'm sorry I will be there soon, I love you!” the older raven said, he pets his little brother hair.
See you in a bit then, I love you too bye.” Kisame said.
“Okay bye.” Itachi said when he heard the dial tone when Kisame hang up, he closed his cell phone pulled Sasuke even closer for a hug. Sasuke smiled expecting the hug his brother was giving him. “I will see you tonight otouto bye.” The older raven said, he let go of his brother waved good bye before walking to his car in the drive way.
“See you yea aniki, bye.” Sasuke said as he saw his brother get into to the car started to drive away, he waved good bye to his brother before walking down the sidewalks walking to the park where he hope to see one of his friends at.
Naruto was still trying to get his dad to say to let him tell Sasuke about him and his family. He can't keep this a secret from his mate.
“Dad please let me tell him I know he will not tell our secret.” Naruto said; he looked at his father hoping he could get him to say yes.
Yondaime sighed again thinking on what his youngest son was asking him. He sat down on the couch as his fox tail lay next to him. “I will tell you what if I can met him first let Kakashi decide if we can trust him enough with our secret is that good enough for you?” the oldest blonde asked.
Naruto smiled at his father. “Thank you I will bring him over later to night, I know he can keep our secret you will see.” The youngest prince said; he ran out the door to his car to go to his mate.
Yondaime sighed when his oldest son walked into the room. “What's up with Naruto?” the red head prince asked his father, his fox tail moved around back and forth.
“Your brother just went to get his mate to bring him here for dinner.” He said, the older blonde left the room to go take a night for the long night head.
To be continued in next chapter, I hope you like this chapter.