Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mating ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but I do own my thoughts.


Chapter II A Few Changes

Stray shafts of light made their way into Naruto’s bedroom through closed curtains. Naruto was in a light doze when a soft purring woke him up. Naruto opened his eyes slowly and looked down. His sight was greeted by a pair of soft fuzzy black cat ears. Puzzled, Naruto lifted the head that rested on his chest. He saw the sleeping face of Sasuke. Naruto looked to the top of Sasuke’s head again only to see hair and black cat ears. The soft purring continued as Sasuke slept on, totally oblivious to Naruto. Naruto on the other was trying to figure out how Sasuke got cat ears. Then it hit him. Sasuke had accepted Naruto’s proposal for him to become his mate and by law, if Naruto was to mate with a human, that human was to take on the form of an animal demon that best suits his/her personality; in Sasuke’s case, a cat. ’Seems fitting enough. He is clever when he wants to. Besides, cats are notorious for being jealous. Yup that should describe Sasuke.’

Naruto smiled as Sasuke snuggled closer before continuing to purr. “I wonder…” Naruto muttered as he raised a hand and began to scratch behind Sasuke’s fuzzy cat ears. The purring grew louder and Sasuke leaned closer to the touch. Naruto silently laughed as he continued to scratch behind Sasuke’s ears. Naruto then started to scratch and message down Sasuke’s neck to his shoulders then back up to his ears. Naruto started to love the sound of Sasuke purring and put to mind the ways he could hear that sound again. There was a knock on Naruto’s apartment door which fortunately did not wake Sasuke. Being careful as to not wake the newly formed cat demon, Naruto slipped out of bed and padded quietly to the door. Naruto unlocked the door and opened only to see Sakura standing in the doorway. Naruto looked at her flatly. He did not even invite her in. Naruto just stood there waiting for her to tell him what she was doing at his apartment. Sakura saw that Naruto was not going to talk to her or invite her in so she got down to business.

“Well Naruto, I guess the whole village by now knows of your relationship with Sasuke.” Sakura smiled smugly to herself. She was waiting for Naruto to yell at her but she did not get the pleasure of seeing him angry.

“Well then, I guess they got told old news.” Naruto had a bored look on his face. It was all he could do to hide the smile that threatened to show itself.

“What. Do. You. Mean?” She gritted out between clenched teeth.

“Well, let us say it is a bit of a difficult situation to explain and I have no wish to tell you or explain it to you. So, nice to see you Sakura and have a good day.” Naruto was about to close the door when Sakura spoke again.

“Where’s Sasuke? Is he here with you? He is not at home or at the training fields or with his brother.” As if on cue, a very sleepy Sasuke stepped to Naruto’s side. Naruto wrapped an arm around Sasuke’s waist to draw him closer. Sasuke smiled sleepily and snuggled against Naruto’s chest, purring lightly. “Sasuke-kun? Why are you… Sasuke when did you get cat ears?!?!?” Sasuke raised a hand lazily to his head and felt the fuzzy black ears. Smiling in understanding, Sasuke shrugged it off and snuggled against Naruto’s chest once again. Naruto looked at Sakura before nodding his head in a good bye and closing the door.

Kakashi was enjoying the day off. He was sleeping in with his beautiful love Iruka. Sakura had stopped by a few hours ago to state really obvious news. Kakashi just brushed her off this time and left her glaring angrily at their apartment door. Kakashi smiled as he thought about Naruto and Sasuke. Then his mind drifted to Gaara and how he was fairing with Neji. Everyone knew of Shukaku’s displeasure. Shukaku loved Neji but there was a problem where Gaara was the submissive in the relationship and that caused some problems. Even though Neji was to be made a demon by law it was also set down by law that the dominant would take care of both affairs for both families. Shukaku did not want to bring that kind of pressure on Neji but Neji would not hear of it and accepted the responsibility.

Then there was Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto had a bigger responsibility than Gaara since Naruto was to succeed Kyuubi. There was a little problem, Naruto had only received four tails. He had not received the other five tails. They would have to wait a few more years in order for Naruto to get all nine. It was enough time for him to become Hokage for a few years before finding a successor and taking up the responsibilities of Kyuubi as a Demon Lord. Kakashi wondered if Sasuke is ready to be a mate of a Demon Lord. It worried him though. He had a gut feeling that this was not going to go smoothly as planned. ’I need to relax. It’s my day off. I should not be worrying over these things today. I should be relaxing with my love and going to the festival tonight.’ Kakashi sighed and snuggled with his lover to sleep some more.

Sakura was formulating a plan in her mind. Problem was that she was still bothered by the fact that Sasuke had cat ears. She also noticed a long medium fluffy black tail. ‘Whatever Naruto did to Sasuke he will pay.’ She kept walking not realizing that she was thinking out loud when she passed Gaara. Gaara stopped and stared at her retreating back. He just stood there until his siblings caught up to him. Giving on last glance at the direction Sakura went Gaara continued walking to the hotel they were staying at.

Neji stood outside a eight story hotel waiting. Tsunade had told him that Gaara was visiting for the festival and that Neji needed to be by his side at all times since Gaara only trusted very few people. Neji looked up and down the street on last time when his mate came into view. Neji smiled and pushed himself away from the wall he was leaning on. Gaara nearly ran over to Neji as he caught sight of him. Neji just smiled and kissed his mate before escorting him inside.

“It has been awhile love.”

“Nice to see you to. You are expected at the Hokage tower as soon as you are settled in. Tsunade wishes to speak with you. Is something troubling you love?”

“I will speak with you about it later Neji. Right now I need to see Tsunade and get settled”

Sasuke sat on Naruto’s lap in a tree that overlooked the village. They were atop the cliff where the faces of Hokage’s of past was etched. They were watching the set up for that nights festivities and Sasuke was just curled up on Naruto’s lap purring as Naruto scratched behind his ears. They had been relaxing all morning and decided to get some fresh air. When they had passed through the village, some villagers whispered to each other while others giggled at the sight of the two. Naruto had long grown his ears and tail when he was twelve when Kyuubi announced that Naruto was to succeed him as a Demon Lord. Now Naruto had grown three more and all he needed was the other five tails to become Demon Lord, but until then he enjoyed the freedom and peace that he had.

Naruto felt Sasuke’s tail wrap around his own. Naruto smiled and looked down at is mate who was sleeping soundly and purring away. Naruto’s smile broadened as he picked his love up bridal style and jumped from the tree landing gracefully on the ground before heading off towards the village to their apartment. Sasuke slept on as Naruto made his way to Sasuke’s house. He knew that some time that day Itachi was going to search for his brother if he was not home soon. ’Well speak of the devil’ Naruto thought as Itachi came into view with Kisame along side him. Itachi smiled and nodded and acknowledgement to Naruto and continued on his way. Kisame just smiled as he wrapped an arm around Itachi’s waist. Naruto smirked at his possessiveness of Itachi and wished the best for them. From what Sasuke had told Naruto, Kisame had proposed to Itachi a few weeks back and they had come to the village to gain Sasuke’s consent since Kisame will be becoming Sasuke’s brother-in-law. Sasuke was more than happy to accept and the wedding was to be held a year from the festival. Sasuke tried to snuggled deeper into Naruto hold and stopped purring. Once he was comfortable enough he relaxed and continued purring. Naruto could not hear it but he felt the vibration from Sasuke’s throat on his chest. Naruto chuckled a bit when Sasuke nuzzled his shoulder and purred louder when Naruto nipped his ear in response.

The villagers had not seen anything so cute before. Sasuke was in Naruto’s arms sleeping with his tail intertwined with Naruto’s and nuzzling the blondes shoulder. It had taken Naruto some time to gain the trust and respect the villagers gave him now. It took the defeat of Orochimaru to prove to them that he was willing to protect a village that hated him. Some villagers banished the memory from mind while others let it play as tears slid down their faces. They had almost lost Naruto that day. He had almost ended up dying the same way his father had died. If it was not for Sasuke, Naruto would have been lying next to Yondaime. Things changed that day. The villagers began to respect Naruto and trust him. There was still a remote few that still thought of him as a demon even though he truly was. A fox demon that would do anything for the place he grew up in and loved. Ebisu still treated him like shit but was soon brought down by Gai who seriously whooped his ass. Other than that, the villagers loved Naruto.

Sakura sat outside of Sasuke’s house. She had been talking to Itachi when Kisame came out of no where and told her to fuck off. Itachi had refused to split Naruto and Sasuke up and told Sakura to find some one else to chase after. Sakura did not take that well and went off on Itachi only to have the elder Uchiha silence her with a smack on the face. Itachi left quite pissed off with an almost equal pissed off Kisame. Sakura heard humming coming towards Sasuke’s house and noticed it was Naruto since he always hummed the same song. Sakura then got a somewhat bright idea to change her appearance and pretend that her and Sasuke had been going out. Doing what she planned Sakura changed her appearance and waited for Naruto to get closer.

Naruto saw Sakura standing on the porch. He rolled his eyes in annoyance before picking up his pace. He did not want to linger nor talk to Sakura while Sasuke was asleep. Walking up the steps, Naruto set Sasuke down gently on the floor before taking out Sasuke’s house key. Sakura just stood there waiting for Naruto to say something to her, but al she got was a glance before Naruto vanished behind the door with Sasuke in his arms. Sakura just stood there in shock wondering about what just happened. Then she started to pound on the door. She did not like being ignored. She hated being ignored. She heard the door unlock and saw Naruto’s hands shoot out and grab her wrists. Sakura looked at him in surprise as he stepped out of the house closing the door behind him.

“Sakura what do you want?”

“I am not Sakura.”

“Please Sakura, there is no way you can be some one else”

“I am telling you I am not Sakura. Do I look like Sakura?”


“What?” She looked down at herself. She did not look like herself.

“Sakura there is one thing a demon can do and that is see through transformation jutsu. Have a nice day!” Naruto turned around and closed the door locking. Sakura just stood there before walking off.

Sasuke lay curled up on Naruto’s lap purring lightly while Naruto read a book on chakra control. He heard the door open and voices entering the house. Naruto did a few hand signs causing a clone to pop up in front of him. “Please tell then to keep it down.” Naruto whispered. The clone nodded its head and disappeared around the corner. The voices lowered to hushed whispers as they turned the corner to the living room. The clone reappeared in front of Naruto then disappeared with a soft pop. Itachi walked in with Kisame in tow. Both of them were smiling at each other. Naruto just smiled at the two of them before returning to his book.

Itachi glanced at Sasuke’s curled up form. His brows furrowed in confusion and curiosity as he caught sight of Sasuke’s ears and tail. Naruto glanced up and looked towards Kisame then went back to reading. Itachi looked between Naruto and Kisame until Kisame leaned over and whispered something in Itachi’s ear. Itachi nodded his head and smiled. A quiet giggle escaped Itachi’s lips as he glanced on more time at Sasuke. Itachi turned to Kisame and gave him a light kiss on the lips before heading up stairs with a slight naughty look that was directed towards Kisame. Kisame smiled, looked at Naruto and nodded his head before following Itachi up stairs. Naruto just shook his head and began to scratch Sasuke behind the ears. His purring grew in volume as Naruto continued. Naruto truly loved that sound. He lifted Sasuke’s head a bit and kissed him on the cheek before setting him down again on his lap. Naruto then continued reading while scratching his mate behind the ears.

Hey! Sorry it took so long to update. Well, I am working on Chapter III so hang tight. If you want the unedited version of First Impressions and Bad Memories Chapter Three Then email me at or