Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mating ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but I do own my thoughts.


Chapter III Shock and Problems

Sasuke curled up against Naruto but found that there was no one there. Sasuke opened eyes slowly and adjusted to the light. He listened for any sound of Naruto walking around the room but heard none. Then again thanks to his heightened senses, Sasuke smelled cinnamon, vanilla extract, eggs, and butter. ‘French Toast’ Sasuke thought. His stomach took the moment to grumble and Sasuke could not help but smile. Getting up and yawning, Sasuke stretched out on the bed like a cat before padding silently out of the room, past his brothers where he still heard snoring, down the hall, down the stairs, and down another hall to the kitchen. There he found his love making French toast, eggs, and coffee for himself and tea for Sasuke for Sasuke hated the taste of coffee. Sasuke felt his tail curl up a bit and it startled him somewhat until he remembered that he was now a cat demon and Naruto’s life mate. Sasuke smiled as he remembered what they did that night when Naruto mated with him and Sasuke was happy to accept him.

It really did not bother Sasuke to have ears and a tail but from time to time Sasuke would forget and would be startled by the sudden touch of his tail around his waist or the feel of the fuzzy black ears every time he ran a hand through his hair. Then again he was more than happy to be with Naruto, but he ran into a slight problem. The only person who knows of Sasuke’s transformation was Sakura and Sasuke wondered if she told anyone yet but he was not surprised. Sakura was probably holding on to that fact until she devised a way to get him and Naruto to separate. ‘That is going to be impossible’ Sasuke thought. He padded silently and softly toward his mate and encircled his arms around Naruto’s waist. Naruto tensed a bit trying to feel out Sasuke’s chakra but to no avail. So, Naruto sniffed the air before relaxing. Sasuke felt foreign chakra enter his body. He got really relaxed at first before feeling that his boxers were getting a little bit too tight. The foreign chakra had entered his body very slowly at first but was now coming into him at a fast pace. Sasuke moaned as the foreign chakra pressed on his chakra points. For a regular human it would have been painful but for a demon, having its chakra points pressed on was pleasurable beyond compare.

Naruto chuckled lightly as Sasuke fell to his knees panting. Naruto shut the stove off and put the last of the French toast on a plate before kneeling next to Sasuke and pouring more of his chakra into Sasuke binding the both of them. Sasuke yelped when Naruto picked him up and sat him down at the table. The foreign chakra that was Naruto’s left Sasuke’s body leaving him groaning at the loss of contact. Naruto just laughed at Sasuke’s gloominess and proceeded to eat breakfast. Sasuke looked at him gloomily before starting to eat himself. When they finished breakfast, Sasuke helped with the dishes and went upstairs to change with Naruto behind him. When they passed Itachi’s room they heard moaning and the banging of the headboard against the wall. Sasuke stifled the giggles that threatened to overcome him. When they entered his room Sasuke’s room Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke’s waist while closing the bedroom door with his foot. Sasuke turned in his embrace and kissed him passionately. Naruto then intertwined his and Sasuke’s chakra slowly and pressing Sasuke’s chakra points in the process. Sasuke clutched onto Naruto’s shoulders for support and grinding his hips against Naruto’s. Naruto moaned and continued to push down on Sasuke’s chakra points with his own chakra which he kept flowing into Sasuke’s body binding them both.

Sasuke moaned again and arched his back as Naruto slipped a hand up Sasuke’s shirt and lightly rubbed one of his nipples. Naruto smirked when Sasuke tried to arch his back but found that he could not. Naruto was holding his hips down. Sasuke whimpered and tried to get Naruto’s hand off his hips but to no avail. The soon to be demon fox lord had a good grip and was not going to let go any time soon. Naruto looked down at Sasuke and decided that the both of them were wearing too many clothes so he disposed of them quickly. Sasuke lay on the floor naked and panting as Naruto contemplated on what to do. Sasuke shifted a bit uneasily as he waited for Naruto to do something. Naruto noticed this and held Sasuke’s hips down once again earning him a whine from said boy. Naruto looked Sasuke up and down and caught sight of his mates aching member. Fisting it Naruto began pumping his lover at a slow pace. Sasuke moaned and writhed as Naruto sped up, then he stopped. Sasuke whined his displeasure until he felt Naruto take him in his mouth. Sasuke yowled as Naruto sucked him before going into a content purring. Both of them heard screaming coming from Itachi’s room before it fell silent again but Naruto continued to suck happily away at Sasuke’s dick. Sasuke just lay there purring and meowed every now and then before he came in Naruto’s mouth.

Naruto swallowed what was left of Sasuke’s cum before picking up the cat demon. Sasuke had fallen into a light sleep but woke up when Naruto picked him up off the floor. Naruto lay Sasuke down on the bed before preparing him for a rough morning.

Sakura walked around town in a pissy mood. She had gone to Sasuke’s house again to try and speak with Sasuke but Naruto opened the door and sent her away. She really loathed Naruto for taking her Sasuke away from her. She passed Shikamaru who stopped to stare at her for a second before walking lazily off. She passed Gaara and Neji and did not notice the protective arm that wrapped around Gaara’s waist as she passed by but she did notice the air of hatred towards her from Gaara and Neji as she passed them. Sakura stopped and looked at their retreating backs. Gaara was looking straight ahead talking to Neji about something but Neji was looking over his shoulder at Sakura. Sakura got a sudden chill down her back and started to walk again, resisting the urge to look back at Neji.

Ino saw Sakura and knew why the pink haired girl was pissed about. Sighing in annoyance Ino continued to sweep the front of the store completely ignoring Sakura which pissed Sakura off more. Her best friend was ignoring her and she had no idea why. Sakura saw Ino enter the flower shop to put the broom away so Sakura decided to ask Ino what was her problem. Sakura opened the store door and saw Ino struggling to close the broom closet. She saw her friend slam the door quickly and look at Sakura.

“Hey…(pant pant pant) Sakura…(pant pant pant) not having a good…(pant pant) morning I see…(pant)”

“Nope. Hey can I ask you something?”


“Why did you ignore me?”

“Because I know why you are pissed and to tell you truth you need to get over Sasuke.”

“Please, like you have given up on him”

“I have because I have fallen for Choji.”

“What? That fat lard? Are you crazy?” There was a loud smack and Sakura landed on the floor hard with a glaring Ino standing over her.

“Get. Out. Now.” Sakura did not need second bidding. She got up and raced out of the flower shop before Ino kicked her ass.

Kiba and Hinata walked by Sakura giving her a worried look before continuing on. She did not care for the looks people were giving her. She just wanted to find a way to get her Sasuke back. That night was the festival that was dedicated to the past Hokage’s and Sakura wanted to go with Sasuke but knew he was going with Naruto. This fueled her anger towards the blonde even more. All the past genin teams were to meet that afternoon for a reunion lunch thing and for sure everyone was going to freak out at Sasuke’s transformation. Sakura smiled evilly at the thought that their friends were going to reject the change and pairing. She was looking forward to it and hurried to the meeting place to wait.

Sasuke propped himself up on his elbows and looked to his side at his lover. Naruto was still soundly asleep and Sasuke liked it when Naruto’s ears and tail were visible because he looked absolutely adorable even when he was sleeping. Sasuke purred in contentment at the sudden thought of being with Naruto fir eternity. He felt the bed shift slightly and looked down to see that Naruto gad turned around and was curled up in a ball. Sasuke gave a small meow at Naruto’s cuteness before waking his sleepy kitsune. Sasuke leaned down and lazily licked the shell of Naruto’s ear only to get a muffled groan and Naruto curling up tighter. Sasuke licked Naruto’s ear one more time before whispering in Naruto’s ear.

“Love…Love it is time to get up or we will be late for the reunion.”

“(groan) It’s not time yet. Let me sleep a few more minutes.”

“Naruto, it is five minutes till one o’ clock”

“WHAT!?!?!?!” Naruto snapped up and grabbed the clock that was sitting on his side of the bed. It read 12:57. Naruto jumped out of the bed and rushed to find clean clothes. Sasuke got up casually and walked towards the dresser. He opened the top drawer and tool out Naruto’s black and orange pants and jacket and placed it on the bed. Sasuke went back to the drawer and pulled out a pair of black shorts and a black shirt. Naruto found the clothes on the bed and rushed to put them on. Sasuke casually put on his clothes and when he was finished he started to brush his hair while Naruto still rushed to put on his clothes. Sasuke finished brushing his hair and teeth and decided to help Naruto. When that was done they were out of the house by 1:08 and Naruto was running towards the meeting place which was a top the cliff overlooking the village. Sasuke on the other hand pounced from one tree limb to another like a cat casually not even worried. When Naruto reached the top Sasuke was waiting for him while licking a scratch he got from a small tree branch. Naruto glared at him slightly before kissing him on the forehead and healing the wound.

Surprisingly no one was there yet so Naruto and Sasuke sat underneath a tree waiting for the others to show up which was not too long because they saw Neji hopping on one foot trying to put his shoes on. When Neji finally put his shoes on he looked up to see Naruto and Sasuke sitting underneath a tree. Neji walked closer and noticed that Sasuke had a pair of fuzzy black ears and a semi fuzzy tail. Neji shrugged his shoulders knowing that it would happen sometime he greeted his friends not noticing his own mate in the tree.

“Nice to see you too love”

“Gaara? How did you… I mean how…”

“Neji do not try to figure it out because Sasuke did the same to me.” Neji just stared at Gaara for a few more seconds before sitting down to wait with Sasuke and Naruto.

A few minutes later everyone was there and did not seem to care at all about Sasuke being Naruto’s mate or having ears and a tail. Sakura on the other hand was not too happy about it and started to plan another evil plan. Other than that they had a great time. They ate a Frontera, trained for literally two minutes before breaking out into a hid and seek game that lasted until ten at night, then they went home. Sakura walked home alone and pondering on he next evil plan until she walked into Itachi. Kisame was not with him so Sakura relaxed a bit. Itachi just looked at her as if daring her but she remained silent until Itachi broke the silence.

“ If you even think about ruining my brother’s happiness you stupid whore I will torture you and tear you apart mentally and physically. Do not even go there do you understand me?”

“You know, for an S-class nin and a murderer of your own clan you care an awful lot about Sasuke. Besides he will be a lot happier with me than Naruto. At least I will give him children.”

“You really are dense. Never mind. Keep deceiving yourself but when the day comes you will realize the truth. Until then, be careful, because I am not the only one watching you.” Kisame then appeared from down the street with his arms filled with grocery bags. Itachi glared at Sakura a bit longer before going over to his lover and helping.

“Why did you do this on your own? I could have helped.”

“Not in your condition. You are to be unstressed, hurt, and be kept healthy until they are born you are to do nothing.” Itachi blushed lightly when Kisame gave him a bag containing only bread and a box of cereal. Sakura watched them walk off before running to Tsunade’s place. Sakura wanted answers about what just happened and knowing that Tsunade was one of the people Itachi trusted in the medical field.

Tsunade had been doing extra work in the office and was surprised to see her student enter her office with an air of determination about her. Tsunade tilted her head slightly and when Sakura failed to answer her she broke the silence first.

“Sakura what brings you here so late?” Tsunade’s head was still tilted slightly to the side.

“I want to know what Itachi is going through. Why Kisame will not carry groceries and have him get stressed out.”

“Sakura that should tip you off shouldn’t it?”

“I want to make sure my assumptions are correct and I want to know why he is able to have children.”

“(annoyed sigh) Well, Itachi is pregnant and that is possible because Kisame carries the three tailed shark demon and since it is a demon lord and Itachi is a submissive and Kisame’s mate, Itachi was given the ability to give birth as well as Gaara and Sasuke.”

“SASUKE!?!?!? NO!!!!!”

“Yes Sasuke has the ability to give birth but not until Naruto is made a the fox demon lord. Until then he is sterile but I must warn you while Itachi is in this state do not stress him out because he will lose the child and if he loses this child he will die from it. I am warning you Sakura, leave him alone. Everyone is keeping an eye on you because we all know that you dislike Naruto being with Sasuke so we will be watching you and Itachi just in case you decide to do something under handed.”

“I understand. Thank you.” Sakura got up and left. She was lost in thought even when she got home she did not hear her mother and father greet her home. She went up to her bedroom and drug out all her old medical books and began to look up demon births. She found something that she disliked. When a demon child is being produced it feeds off the mothers chakra. If the father does not replace the lost chakra the mother and child will die. If everything goes ok and the mother gives birth to the child, the child uses up 2/4 of the mothers chakra sometimes killing her if constant chakra is not channeled through by the father. Sakura did not like tiachi at all but what she read so far, that was a bad way to die. She marked the page in the book where it explained everything before disappearing in a puff of smoke to Sasuke’s house. She wrote a note to Itachi and left the book at the front door. She heard footsteps getting closer so she disappeared back to her bedroom.

Itachi walked beside Kisame carrying the bread and lone cereal box bag. He thought he saw Sakura but shrugged it off. They reached the front door and Itachi was about to open it until he spotted the book in front of the door. Picking it up, Itachi read the note and frowned. It was from Sakura but it seemed that she was shaking when she wrote the note. She had stressed the word ’IMPORTANT’ a lot so Itachi decided to take it seriously. He opened the door and set his bag on the table before moving to the living room to read the book knowing Kisame would not allow him to put the groceries away. Sitting down on one of the very cushy chairs and opened the book to the marked page. There was another note that had a scribbled sorry on it which confused Itachi until he read the text in the book. His hands started shaking to the point that he dropped the book. Kisame heard the book drop and rushed to his loves side only to see him crying. Seeing the book on the floor Kisame picked it up and turned to the page Itachi had read. Kisame looked at his mate before reading the page again. Kisame closed it and put it down on the table next to the chair. Kisame kneeled down next to Itachi and pulled him into his arms. Itachi cried on Kisame’s shoulder. The thought of dieing and not seeing child ever again upset Itachi greatly and Kisame tried his best to calm his mate. On the other side of town Sakura sat on her bed, her knees drawn up against her chest and silent tears faling down her cheeks. The one line from the book running through her head ’IF NOT DONE CORRECTLY MOTHER AD CHILD WILL DIE AT BIRTH’ Even though Sakura hated Naruto having Sasuke, she hated seeing someone die that way even more. She hugged her legs closer to her chest. Sakura did not sleep that night.

A/N: Hey! Sorry for not updating sooner! Please Review!