Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mating ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but I do own my thoughts.

Thank you all of you for reviewing!!! Oh and thank you for the hug greenmoon666, I give you hugs back^-^
Enjoy and Review.


Chapter IV The New Text Book! Sakura Relieved! (Oh God that’s so gay!!!!! It has nothing to do with the chapter!!!!!!!!!!)

Sakura spent most of the night crying. She could not sleep. She went through every medical book she had but found similar answers. She did not leave her room and Tsunade was sent for. When she arrived Sakura allowed her in her room and Tsunade was surprised to see her student’s floor littered with medical books with their pages turned to demon pregnancy. Tsunade looked at Sakura and noticed her red eyes from crying all night and the tired look that shown visible on her face.

“Sakura? What have you been searching for?” Sakura’s voice came cracked and raspy in reply.

“I have been searching to find a way for Itachi to actually survive his pregnancy. So far I have found none.” Tsunade looked at her student for a moment before asking.

“What have you found out so far?”

“I have found that if Itachi goes through with this there is no way for him to survive at all. Not without Kisame’s assistance.”

“Which books have you been reading from?” Tsunade was curious. When Sakura handed her the books, Tsunade looked through the front of the books. They were all fifty years old but in good condition. Tsunade could not help but laugh. Sakura looked at her weird but pondering out loud..

“What are you laughing about?”

“Sakura you are stressing over nothing. These books are fifty years old. All these diagnoses of demon pregnancy is out dated. The new information gives the mother a hundred percent recovery. Itachi will be ok.” Sakura looked at her before passing out and collapsing to the floor.

Itachi had cried himself to sleep the previous night but Kisame could not sleep so he read the rest of the chapter in the book. He finished around eight in the morning. He had looked at the beginning of the book and saw that the book was fifty years old. Itachi was not relieved at all and went to see Sakura, but when he went to her house, she refused to get out of her room. Her mother told him that Sakura was crying all night and Tsunade was now talking to her. They talked for a few more minutes before hearing a loud thud. Sakura’s mom raced upstairs while Itachi took his time, he was slowly getting tired by just climbing up two steps. When they arrived at Sakura’s room, they found Sakura passed out on the floor and Tsunade laughing. She spotted Itachi and explained to him the situation. She saw the Uchiha relax and smile. Itachi placed a hand on his slightly swelled stomach. He carried twins and they were starting to find out how to gain his attention. Tsunade smiled at Itachi’s relief and escorted him home.

Sasuke was the first to wake up. The morning light slipping through the blinds into his room. Sasuke looked up at a sleeping Naruto and smiled. Leaning up slightly Sasuke kissed Naruto lightly on the lips. Naruto responded a little but not enough. Sasuke kissed him again but this time he stroked Naruto’s growing erection. Naruto moaned and turned around on his side to grab Sasuke and draw him close. Sasuke giggled a bit and grind his hips against Naruto’s. Naruto lost it. If it was not for heat season Naruto would have been more patient but the urge to mate was strong and Naruto ended up pinning Sasuke to the bed kissing him hungrily. Holding Sasuke’s wrists with one hand, Naruto literally tore Sasuke shirt and boxers off. Sasuke’s breath was coming in heavy pants and he was feeling a sudden rush that he could not explain. Naruto bit and sucked his way down Sasuke’s neck and chest. Naruto ignored Sasuke’s nipples and continued his way down. Unable to hold onto Sasuke from his position, Naruto reached into the bedside table and took out three things: lube, and two pairs of handcuffs. Sasuke eyed the handcuffs as Naruto cuffed him to the bedposts. Sasuke turned his gaze on Naruto who was kneeling between his legs. Naruto looked up into Sasuke’s lust filled gaze and smiled. Sasuke’s panting hitched then turned into moans as he felt Naruto’s chakra enter his body. He could the still foreign chakra press down in his chakra points. Sasuke tensed then relaxed when his chakra finally blended with Naruto’s. Sasuke felt something awaken but decided to ignore it for now, but it would not allow him. The feeling was growing stronger and got even more stronger when Naruto started to thrust into him. Sasuke could hear no sound. He could not hear the slapping of skin against skin but he did hear a small voice in the back of his head. Sasuke strained to hear at first but the voice got a little louder to where he could make out what it was saying. The voice sounded like it belonged to that of a child, but he heard this voice before. Then he remembered the demon that had visited him the morning after Naruto mated with him. The demon looked like a child and had a voice of one but it was thousand of years old and seemed to keep track of all the demon lords. He heard its voice again speaking in the ancient language but he knew what it was saying.

“Name them.” Name them? Sasuke was confused but the demon kept repeating “Name them” Sasuke’s onyx eyes turned a pale gray and the voice grew louder. “Name them. They are there. They need a name. Name them.” Sasuke was slowly beginning to comprehend without even knowing it. Naruto knew what was going on and let it happen. He had to do his part in order for it to work. The voice in Sasuke’s head was still speaking and Sasuke was almost at complete realization. The voice repeated “Name them.” Sasuke’s eyes then turned completely white. In his mind he uttered two names “Hikari, Arashi” Then everything went black.

Itachi felt his ears pop out. Like Sasuke, Itachi was made into a cat demon but now he was wondering why his ears and tail appeared. He felt the children move in his stomach and one of them kick him in the ribs. Itachi winced before finding Kisame at his side in a split second. Itachi was relieved of his duties the day Kisame found out he was pregnant but now Itachi was helping Iruka with the little ones and he was doing great but Kisame was another story. He tried being nice but he ended up scaring the poor kids so he just settled for watching Itachi. When his mate winced Kisame rushed to his side immediately wondering what was wrong. Itachi just shrugged Kisame’s hand off his shoulder. Itachi leaned over to Iruka and whispered something, Iruka nodded his head and Itachi began walking home with Kisame following. Itachi had the urge to check up on Sasuke but he did not utter a word to Kisame. Itachi just walked home in silence.

Naruto looked down at his sleeping lover. He had completely mated with Sasuke and now Sasuke was pregnant with their children. Naruto smiled as Sasuke unconsciously placed a hand on his stomach and smiled in his sleep. Naruto knew that he was thinking about their kids and he also knew how happy Sasuke was now. By demon law they were married and now they were going to have a family. Naruto smile grew as sleepy onyx eyes blinked open. Sasuke looked up at Naruto and smiled. The moment was ruined when there was a knock on the bedroom door. Naruto looked toward the door and then his mate who nodded at him for reassurance. Naruto bid whoever it was entrance and was not surprised to see Itachi enter with Kisame trailing behind him. Sasuke looked directly at Sasuke and smiled. ‘He’s pregnant.’ Itachi thought. Sasuke just nodded his head a little before turning slightly pink. Itachi smiled before leaving with a confused Kisame behind him. Naruto blinked and shook his head and looked at Sasuke.

“I take it that your brother already knows.”

“He has an assumption”

“Oi” Naruto rolled his eyes and got a pillow thrown at him.

Tsunade was sitting behind her desk when Neji poofed into her office. Tsunade looked irritably at Neji for not even bothering to use the door but she softened some at his disheveled state. She motioned for him to sit but he did not move from where he stood. Tsunade looked into his silver eyes and saw terror, worry, and panic.

“What is wrong Hyuuga”

“Gaara…I…it’s…” Neji’s voice was slightly broken and worn from crying. Tsunade was immediately alarmed and rushed from behind her desk to Neji’s side.

“What is wrong with Gaara, Neji. Speak. Neji snap out of it” Neji looked at her with grim eyes as fresh tears broke free and ran slowly down his cheeks.

“He’s dying. He won’t stop coughing up blood and he’s growing weaker.”

“Why didn’t you get me before”

“Because he didn’t say anything until I found he throwing up in the bathroom. He couldn’t get to his feet.” Neji’s eyes grew distant. Tsunade could tell that the byakugan user falling apart.

“Calm down. Take me to him. Come on Neji!!!! MOVE!!!!” Neji looked at her before leaving her office taking Tsunade to the Hyuuga compound. Once they got there Neji lead Tsunade to the room he and Gaara shared. He opened the door and laying on the bed was Gaara. He was sleeping and his sand shifted slightly at the new form that entered the room but rested back around the gourd sensing no threat. Gaara opened his eyes slightly to see who entered the room. Tsunade stared back at him assessing Gaara’s situation and took note of his stomach that was swelling slightly. She smiled before turning to Neji and whispering something in his ear. Neji’s eyes widened and he looked at Tsunade in shock and disbelief. Gaara smiled and nodded his head reassuring Neji that what Tsunade told him was true. Neji smiled and sat on h=the bed next to Gaara. Tsunade assured Neji that Gaara was going to be fine and left. As Tsunade walked back to her office she saw Kisame and Itachi at Ichiraku. Tsunade shook her head and kept walking. She had a feeling that she was going to get more good news.

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Hey so here’s the next chapter I hoped you enjoyed it. Please review and I will start on chapter five.