Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mating ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but I do own my thoughts.

Thank you for the reviews and thank you again greenmoon666 for the hugs and kisses. I really appreciate it^-^ Review and Enjoy.


Chapter V The Mood Swings Begin

Itachi slept silently as Kisame prepared for the days events. Itachi was two months while Sasuke and Gaara were a few weeks in. yeah Itachi is that far along. Scary. His mood swings started the other day after they left Sasuke’s room. Itachi had sat down in the living room when he started to cry. Kisame had asked him what was the matter but got yelled at. Kisame had gone to Tsunade who told him of the upcoming mood swings and told Kisame to do his best as to not piss Itachi off unintentionally which was sort of stupid to suggest because Kisame would have to stop talking and that would really piss Itachi off. So Kisame fucked Itachi senseless the previous night which seemed to do the trick and greatly please the cat demon. Kisame smiled when he heard the soft purring of contentment and the slight tickle of Itachi’s ears as he snuggled up against Kisame’s chest. Kisame scratched behind Itachi’s ears and heard the purr grow in volume. He felt Itachi’s tail run down his back and smiled. Itachi’s eyes fluttered open and he looked up at Kisame who smiling.

“This is a nice way to wake up” Itachi mumbled sleepily. Kisame just chuckled and kissed Itachi on the forehead and drew his lover closer. Itachi’s tail wrapped around his waist out of startlement. Kisame gave a sigh of relief. He was safe for now.

Gaara had woken up in a bad mood and was currently on a rampage with his brother. It was too early for Kankuro to piss him off but he never ceased to amaze Gaara. Neji was with his team for a short mission and was returning the next day. So Hinata, Temari, and Kankuro were left to care for Gaara but from what Tsunade said it was unusual for Gaara to get the mood swings so early but then again she knew very little of demons and their habits when pregnant. Shukaku on the other hand had experience and warned all to be careful because even though Gaara and Sasuke were a few weeks into their pregnancy, submissive demons were known to hide their displeasure and mood swings till two months into the pregnancy where some female humans start with the mood swings. Shukaku said that it was to avoid being questioned or avoid people being suspicious or finding out and killing them. So Kiba and Shino kept well away from Gaara, Sasuke, and Itachi even though he was two months along but he still showed no sign of mood swings. “That’s the thing with cat demons,” Tsunade said “they keep quiet until something really pisses them off.” She said this when she finished reading an old scroll on demon behavior during mating season from some researcher in the rock village when Jiraiya got his ass kicked by Sasuke for writing several yaoi editions of Icha Icha Paradise that were based solely on Itachi and Kisame and Naruto and Sasuke. Itachi had not found out yet but Sasuke was intent on telling him and no amount of begging was going to get Jiraiya out of this kind of trouble.

Tsunade smiled every time the younger Uchiha glared at the toad sannin. It never failed to amuse her. Tsunade was surprised that Itachi did not know about the yaoi edition yet. ’oh never mind Sasuke just told him’ Tsunade thought as Jiraiya got his ass beat by two very pissed Uchiha’s. Tsunade turned to Naruto who sat across the room reading a scroll which seemed to trouble him. Tsunade was about to ask what was the scroll until Naruto noticed her staring and stashed the scroll in his pocket before grabbing Sasuke and waving goodbye to everyone then disappearing in a puff of smoke with a still pissed Sasuke. Tsunade glanced at Kisame who was trying to hold back a murderous Itachi and wondered if there was more to this whole demon lord situation than what has been revealed to her.

Jiraiya lay twitching on the floor as Kisame finally got Itachi off of him. Jiraiya made a mental note to never piss the Uchiha heirs while they are pregnant ever again but then again he would do the same thing later on. Kisame looked at the clock hanging on the wall before dragging Itachi to lunch and away from Jiraiya. Kisame was half way through the village before he asked Itachi what he wanted for lunch.

“I’m not hungry” Itachi looked gloomily around then looked at Kisame “I want to go home” Kisame just nodded his head and picked Itachi up and carried him home. Once they entered the house Kisame placed Itachi on the couch before going to make tea. Sasuke was sitting next to him crying. “Sasuke you alright?”


“Then why are you crying?”

“I don’t know” Sasuke began to cry harder. Itachi suddenly felt sad and started to cry as well. Naruto entered the room and saw his mate and his brother in law crying. Naruto rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen to get Kisame. When they reentered the living room their mates were still crying. Kisame whispered something in Naruto’s ear who just smiled and nodded his head. Naruto then walked up to Sasuke and picked him up and carried him to their room while Kisame did the same carrying Itachi to their own room.

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HA a cliff hanger!!! I finally did one!! Woooootttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review! I love being evil. More mood swings in the next chapter.