Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mating ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but I do own my thoughts.

Chapter VI Kidnap

Sasuke lay curled up on the bed sleeping soundly while Naruto tip toed out of the room and gently closed the door. Naruto needed to head over to the academy because he promised Iruka that he would help with shuriken practice. He made it out of the house clothed and ready for the day’s events but he forgot one thing, Sasuke was a light sleeper even when pregnant. When the thought crossed Naruto’s mind he cringed slightly. ’There is no way I am not going to get yelled at. Oh well, what is the worst that could happen?’ Naruto thought to soon, he was half way to the academy when he heard Sasuke scream him name angrily. Naruto cringed visibly as he quickened his pace to the academy. When he reached Iruka’s classroom he paused for a second before knocking. He heard Iruka say something to the students before opening the door and stepping outside to talk to Naruto.

“Naruto can you explain why Sasuke was screaming?” concern was written all over Iruka’s face and Naruto quickly reassured him.

“Nothing serious Iruka-sensei, just something he hates”

“That is…?”

“Me leaving without waking him up and kissing him goodbye.” Iruka looked at Naruto before laughing uncontrollably.

“Man (laugh) you have it rough”

“Tell me about it” Naruto rolled his eyes

“Now, let’s get started. The kids are getting impatient” Naruto laughed slightly and entered the classroom with Iruka.

Mood Swing Scene Change

Neji walked through the village looking to see if his mate was anywhere about but to his surprise he did not see Gaara anywhere, he did see Kiba and Shino in a small clearing. Neji did not approach the two since they were currently involved in…training. Heading home, Neji saw Temari and Kankuro but they did not say anything. They just looked sadly away when they locked eyes with each other. The closer Neji got to the house the more he felt a depressing sad feeling getting stronger. He practically ran through the house looking for Gaara until he ran into Tsunade who held a solemn expression. She closed the door to his and Gaara’s room and pulled him aside.

“Neji I have some bad news…” Tsunade’s voice was cracking and Neji could see she was trying not to cry.


“I’m sorry Neji. Instead of having four you now have two.”

“What…what happened?”

“It seemed that Gaara did not have enough chakra to distribute to all four of them so instead his chakra only went to two of the children to help them develop.” Neji was silent for a while. Tsunade could not tell what he was feeling but she did not want to be near him when he went off. Neji stood in front of the bedroom door before slowly entering.

The room was dark and silent. Neji looked around searching for Gaara until his eyes fell upon a curled up form on the bed covered in a sheet. He walked over to it and shook it gently trying to get its attention. Neji got no answer so he tried again but this time the body pulled away from his hand.

“Gaara? Gaara got out from under there” he saw Gaara’s head shake no before remaining still and silent. “Why not?” Gaara’s voice was cracked and hoarse from crying.

“Because I know you’re ashamed of me for not doing it right” Neji balled his fists up making a mental note to throttle his uncle later. Neji reached out and pulled the sheet away from Gaara’s body. The boy was wearing sweat pants and a black shirt, his hair was messier than usual and his eyes were red and puffy from crying. Neji wiped away a few stray tears from Gaara’s cheek before kissing him gently on the lips. Neji could feel shaking from deep within Gaara and knew that new bouts of tears were coming. “I’m sorry” /Neji shook his head from side to side.

“Don’t apologize for something you cannot control. Don’t blame yourself for something that comes naturally. If you keep this depression up my love you will lose the other two” Gaara went still for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. “Good, now that we got that cleared up are you hungry?” Gaara smiled slightly at his mate’s sudden change of topic. He nodded his head, smile widening when he felt Neji wrap his arms around him.

“I feel like miso ramen with some milk” Neji looked at him strangely.

“I thought you hated miso ramen?” Gaara looked back at him.

“I do?”

“Yes. You said it yourself that you hated miso ramen after Naruto force fed you it.”


“You still want ramen don’t you?” Gaara nodded his head sheepishly. Neji just laughed before getting up.

“Alright but I’m dragging Sasuke and Itachi with us. Maybe that will help calm the three of you down.

They did not find Sasuke or Itachi at their house so they figured they might be over at the ramen stand already. Once Neji and Gaara entered the stand they spotted and pissed Itachi and an emotional Sasuke. Gaara sat next to the brothers while Neji sat with Kisame and Naruto.

“I thought you were supposed to be at the academy?”

“I was but Sasuke tracked me down and nearly kicked my ass. He was half way through lecturing me when he just started crying again.”


“Yeah, he and Itachi had a crying fest last night. Man do I have a headache.” Naruto rubbed his forehead trying to alleviate it but failed. There was a rumbling noise and smoke filled the area. They could not see anything but they did hear maniacal laughing and the protests of Sasuke and Itachi. When the smoke cleared Gaara lay on the floor unconscious. Neji ran to him worried that he and the child were hurt.

“Gaara? Gaara?!?” There was no answer so he picked up the sand nin and carried him quickly off to the hospital. As for Naruto and Kisame they stood in the ramen stand staring at a piece of paper that was trembling in Naruto’s hand.


“I thought he was dead?”

“I thought so too but it seems that we were wrong. We need to see Tsunade immediately before…”

“Why don’t we just go after him now?”

“No, we need a plan for this. We cannot afford to have the both of them hurt or killed…”