Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mating ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto….but I do own my thoughts.

Chapter VII The return of Shisui

Tsunade sat behind her desk as she read the letter that Naruto had given her. She was not in a good mood since she had to deal with Gaara and make sure that the remaining kits were not in any danger. When she first read the letter she did not understand it and called in Kakashi to read, but when the perverted ninja read the letter he began to shake and mumble something about someone being dead. Tsunade then called in one of the medical nin to ask what was wrong with Kakashi and in turn called Kakashi’s old psychologist who took the freaking out ninja to his office for a talk. Now Tsunade was still trying to figure out who the person was that wrote the note but nobody seemed to want tell her. She glanced at Naruto who was sitting up straight with his eyes closed, she knew that he was trying to get a hold of himself and Kyuubi. As for Kisame, he was standing in front of the large window behind her, his distant and she could see a few tears make their way down his cheek.

“Naruto, do you know who this man is?” Tsunade referred to the letter. The blonde haired ninja nodded his head but did not open his eyes, he was still trying to regain control.

“Uchiha Shisui, Itachi and Sasuke’s cousin from the Uchiha clan. Itachi has killed him years ago when he found out that his cousin had sided with Orochimaru and was giving away the weak spots that were attackable in our village. When confronted with the evidence Itachi had, Shisui attacked him thinking that he could kill Itachi since he was always a step or two ahead of Itachi. From what Sasuke and Itachi told me, Shisui was killed with two stab wounds from Itachi and had jumped into the running stream not too far away from the Uchiha district. Shisui was presumed dead since they could not find his body but it seems that he isn’t from what the letter says.” Naruto had finally opened his eyes and Tsunade noticed that they were a shade of purple.

“Will he harm them? Even though Itachi tried to kill him, would Shisui really harm them since they are with child?” Naruto shrugged his shoulders.

“I do not know, but I do know that when Itachi had finished telling me what happened to their cousin, Sasuke later told me that Shisui had loved Itachi more than just a cousin. Since Itachi never felt that way towards Shisui, only the love that he showed to his entire family, Itachi was in love with someone outside of the village. You can only imagine how that made Shisui feel…”

“Wait Naruto, Itachi was in love with someone outside the village? Hold on…that means that…” Kisame had turned from the window at this point and looked at Tsunade.

“When I met Itachi, it was way before I became a missing ninja and I was still in the mist village’s army. I came to the leaf village on the Hokage’s request. I don’t remember why I was here or what matter the Hokage wanted me to discuss with the Mizukage, but I do remember meeting Itachi when he was in ANBU uniform. When he escorted me to the villages gate so could leave he had taken off his mask so he could talk better, I had fallen for him then and had loved him even though I was in the mist village.” Tsunade nodded her head, she was not done yet, she was now starting to get why Itachi was kidnapped but she did not understand why Sasuke was taken as well.

“Kisame, did you ever meet Shisui at all?” Kisame sighed, he was hoping she would not ask him that.

“Yes, I have. It was when I was on a mission with a few of the leaf ninjas and we were to escort the village ambassador to the waterfall village. Shisui was among some of the ninja that were sent and I kept my distance from him because I did not want to ruin my relationship with Itachi. Then again he had warned me that Shisui liked to start arguments so I had prepared myself for when that would happen. When the ambassador was safe within the village we started to make our way home and that was when Shisui began to make trouble. He threatened to tear me and Itachi apart and threatened to forcibly take Itachi so I could not marry him. It made me sick to my stomach to think that Shisui would do that to his own cousin. When he would not stop talking I pretty much punched him and continued my way to the mist village. When I got home, I wrote to Itachi making sure he understood what went on between me and Shisui. Tsunade, that ninja is not someone you would want to cross. If he wants to hurt them then he will and he will not feel regret.” Tsunade sighed as she felt a headache coming on, things never seemed to settle down in their village.

“What I don’t understand, is why Sasuke was taken as well instead of just Itachi?”

“I can answer that.” Tsunade turned to Naruto to see the blonde with his eyes closed again. “Itachi would agree to anything if it means the safety of Sasuke. Since Shisui know that he plans on using Sasuke to get Itachi to agree to marrying him but there’s a problem…” Tsunade smirked at this, she knew exactly what the problem was.

“He is bound to a demon by love and those bonds cannot be cut, not even in death.”

“Exactly, I don’t think Shisui know that and I also think that Shisui know that Kisame and I can track Itachi and Sasuke down within hours.”

“Perfect, now that we got that settled and down with, here is what I am planning on doing to capture this supposed ghost.” Naruto smirked as Kisame took a seat next to him, grinning evilly as he thought of the many ways he would kill Shisui himself. In both the minds of Kisame and Naruto, Shisui was going to go though a demon’s trial instead of that of the leaf village’s and Tsunade knew that would be the case.