Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Me, Myself and I ❯ Me, Myself and I ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Naruto looked himself in the mirror, blinking. What exactly was so appalling about him? His blond hair was unusual, sure, but repulsive? Other people had blond hair, or even stranger shades. The whisker marks weren't so bad either. His eyes looked normal enough.

So why, why oh why, did no one like him that way? Of all the girls in his life, not one showed signs of liking him.

He liked Sakura, but she thought he was annoying and also was head over heels for Sasuke.

Ino, hated his guts.

Tenten, well….He didn't know what she thought of him, but he was sure she liked someone else, probably Neji.

Hinata always acted so weird, but she had started to talk more around him at least. At the most at least she stopped going all red and fainting.

And none of the guys were biting either, which after many nights of tossing and turning, Naruto decided wouldn't be so bad. He had to covertly examine some of his guy friends, look through what a girl must see, and imagine what it would be like to do things with them as he did with the girls he had seen through the years he had liked. He found it didn't repulse him to imagine himself kissing Kiba, or sucking on Shikamaru's length. And if it had, but one of his friends came out of the closet, he wouldn't have been homophobic just because he didn't like guys.

What being hated for taking in a breath every few seconds did to ones understanding of humility and perspectives. Open-mindedness was so easy to him, like second nature. He couldn't truly grasp one thing about other people's actions, and that was how they could be so narrow-minded.

But, after those few heart-stopping days of sexual revelation, he came to the thought that, okay, now he knew he didn't mind guys, but that didn't mean they didn't mind him.

So now, he stands here, alone on a Friday night. No guy or girl to entertain him, though he knows at least Kiba will have someone, since Kiba was bragging about a date earlier this week. Hell, as he really started to look, he saw that in the like-like category, even Shikamaru had more prospects, in the form of two blonde women who would never admit to a secret liking, unless Shikamaru said he liked them first, which he wouldn't, until they said it. Which wound up being entirely circular, but Naruto tried not to think to hard on it.

It hurt his head.

But that didn't change the fact that while he stared at himself, trying to chase away the nasty depressive thoughts, pointing out whatever flaws his eyes could find as he kept staring; his friends were out having fun with a significant other. Naruto sighed heavily, would all he ever get in the direction of pleasure be himself? Wonderful, he'd get to sit on his bed with his hands for company for the rest of his life.

He never really liked to masturbate, finding it messy and degrading, seeing the image of himself in the action and flushing from embarrassment. His mind played him as panting, flushed, hand wrapped loosely around his dusky red piece, the skin pulling with the movement of his hand.

He would almost stop them and there from the image, thinking he looked utterly ridiculous, but finding it to hard to stop, just forcing his mind to go blank, or think of certain people. Usually they would be girls from his magazines; he'd grown out of Sakura for some reason, and the occasional male friend. Mostly Kiba, but then, when Kiba tackled him all the time, allowing Naruto to feel his chest, legs, muscles nearly daily, it wasn't that hard. Second would be Shikamaru, who gave him far too many thoughts sometimes with his net shirt. And did he know he was developing a nice, thin, black happy trail? Or was Naruto the only one who checked out the lazy teen?

There were also others, he'd found Gaara at the forefront of his mind once, Sasuke a couple, Kakashi after he had a flashback to being held in his arms after a harsh training. That had nearly scared him, till he realized that although Kakashi was much older then him, he only really looked somewhere between a couple to 10 years older. And 10 years, when he saw other couples who were in entire different cultural generations, wasn't such a big gap. And when in the act of self pleasure, if they looked young enough, true age didn't matter. He was just happy he wasn't into breasts bigger then his head, or he'd be very, very worried about his mental state.

But, despite all this, he still didn't like the thought of having that as his only solution. He'd like to at one point enter someone, maybe even be entered, if it turned out others among the village were open to same sex…

He massaged his temples. Too much thinking again…..He still had the dilemma of what to do about his virginity. Because, as he had just thought over for the whatever-timeth, he really couldn't see any opportunity in the near or far future.

To die never knowing another's touch….Boy did he sound like a slut in the making when he thought this, but that sounded horrible. He cringed to himself in the mirror. If only if only…Why couldn't there be someone like him out there, someone who didn't see the difference between liking genders, or who needed bindings to begin such things.

Someone who would be willing to just have some fun once in a while, not have to be `going out'. Unless they wanted…But, a one night stand sort of thing didn't sound so bad, but so far everyone in this village needed at least a couple dates.

Or was he just getting desperate?

That thought process he just went through did sound pretty…whorish, didn't it?

Still…someone like him….someone…

His eyes widened. Someone like him! That was it! He flushed deeply at the thought, from happiness and embarrassment. Embarrassment from what it was he was thinking, and that he hadn't thought of it before.

Clone jutsu was his specialty after all. He had thought that line, said that line, heard that line, read that line `someone like me' so many times, how had it not come to him any sooner? This way, he could let out all his sexual frustration, and not have to go through any of the motions, like using a condom, worrying about diseases, and best of all, no one gets pregnant.

He quickly placed his hands in the places they needed to be, and a puff of smoke appeared. His stomach dropped as he realized what it was he was going to do, and an awkward blush took over his tan features as he explained in jerking words to the clone what would be happening. God, this put a new spin on being comfortable with yourself…

Luckily, the clone was a clone, so he knew the loneliness that Naruto felt. By the end of the quickly sputtered explanation, both blonde teens were blushing. The real Naruto lifted a hand behind his head, scratching it nervously.

“So…” the clone mirrored the real one, both blushing more and more as time passed. Eventually, one of the Naruto's grew the guts to move closer, dropping his hand, and reaching out. This turned out to be the clone, as the real Naruto gulped, but moved in closer to his chakra composed counterpart.

The clone wrapped his arms around the others neck, and leaned in. The tentative flick of lips on lips was quick, before the clone pulled back, the real one blushing furiously. The real Naruto wrapped his hands around the waist of his clone, resting his head on the shoulder, whispering.

“Maybe we should…move to the….*gulp*…Bed…room?” He said, tightening his arms. It was hard to realize the warm flesh under his skin wasn't real, that if he looked up he would be met with a living mirror. The clone nodded, its own blush equal to his creator.

“Sounds good…” He replied, before they both walked hesitatingly to the room in question. Naruto, the real one, moved up and sat down, facing the clone. The clone looked around wildly, the ever so apparent blush deepening as he realized it was up to him to make the first move. After a few moments, the clone had gathered up its guts, and strode purposefully over to Naruto. He leaned down, and roughly pressed his lips on the other, feeling the suppleness of his match.

Naruto couldn't believe the feeling of the kiss, instincts taking over as his mind shut down. Distantly, he had thought that this wouldn't work, like trying to tickle yourself. You just couldn't do it by yourself. Which was foolish, since if that were true, then there was no such thing as masturbation, but even with that little fact, he couldn't help his doubts.

From the glossy feel of that tongue sliding through his now slack jawed mouth, he definitely had no second thoughts on if it would work. He could feel the twitch of his cock from down below as a hand went behind his head, scratching lightly, tongue going wild with new found confidence in his mouth.

The spurt of confidence from the clone drove Naruto to fight back, beginning a tongue war, the two moist appendages moving back and forth between their mouths, bodies forcing them to breathe hot air in desperately whenever the switch was made, or to pant through their noses.

The clone threw his head back as suddenly a hand had found its way under his shirt, rubbing along his toned abs, playing with the soft skin before the pubic hair started. He gripped Naruto at the nape harshly, pressing his hips forward, letting the real Naruto know that felt just right.

Descending onto the tanned neck, Naruto began to suck vigorously, intent on leaving a mark upon his clone. The clone didn't mind, as it began to buck down onto Naruto, moving so that its legs straddled him, his back arching as his throat was exposed to Naruto. The original Uzumaki moved his hand from the stomach to the sun soaked hair, gripping it firm enough to hold his clone in place, biting and nipping now at the skin, enjoying the jump at the pulse-point as the skin was stretched taught.

This made the clone buck even more, the slight discomfort more then washed away by the feeling of a wet tongue licking at his throat, or the graze of canines on his precious vein. The bucking only proved to excite Naruto more, his own hips moving to match the roll of the others. Their two hard-ons rubbed deliciously through the twin orange fabric, making both whisker-marked teens moan illicitly against one another. Naruto released the now tender neck, in favor of burying his nose into the crook where shoulder and neck meet, hands diving up into the hot tent of his clones shirt and jacket, pushing up.

The clone complacently lifted his hands above his head, eyes drooping to half mast with pleasure, length stiffening even more if possible from the dominant look on Naruto's eyes. The other blonde swiftly lifted the submissive's legs, cupping the rounded curve of his partners ass. He pulled the orange pants down, boxers and all, leaving nothing put smooth, muscled skin pressed against his clothed legs.

“Ahh…” The clone sighed heavily, spreading his legs more, his by now leaking erection finally freed. The sigh was outdone by a deep throated moan, as Naruto grasped the beet red member solidly, giving a sure stroke, like he's done to himself more then once. The sight and feel of the tan boy before him was erotic, nothing like the mental image he had thought, yet exactly the same. The clone's legs tightened over his thighs, the inner thigh clenching to show muscles that told innuendo of a tight ass. Naruto groaned, the hand not occupied with squeezing ecstasy from the clone moving to the back, finger sliding between the crevice, searching for the entrance.

Upon finding it, he lifted the hips of the clone up again, sliding his pants down enough to reveal his own raging hard on. He let out his own breathy sigh as he started guiding the tight star of his clone to his dripping head. Once he was sure to go in deep on the first stroke, he gave a pump to the clones raging shaft, before plunging in with an upward buck.

His thrust was met with an anguished scream, high pitched and painful. His blue eye opened, heart skipping a beat, hand tightening. This forced an involuntary moan from the clone, as Naruto had instantly stopped once he heard the pain filled cry. The two boys could feel a wet trickle from the once pink star, and Naruto looked confusedly down, seeing the red liquid slowly staining his pelvic area. He began pulling out automatically, but the hiss from the clone stopped him.

“I'm sorry, I did-” he was cut off by the clone squinting his eyes open at him, moving around with a wince, letting the blood slick Naruto's hard piece, lubricating it warmly. After a few moments of shocked silence from Naruto, the clone began to slide up and down on its own, moving Naruto's hands to hold him at both hips.

“Move.” He said, ignoring the lessened pain, feeling a light tickle of pleasure whenever Naruto's head rubbed close to something, trying to get him to co-operate. Something in the clone's instincts told him all the pain would disappear if this spot was touched.

At the sign that it was okay to move again, Naruto hesitatingly pushed up. He tried to restrain himself at first, but the tightness of his clone drove him mad soon enough, and he was thrusting up with as much power as he could from this position, leg muscles flexing as he did so, the clone riding him as best as he could. All pain had ceased a few thrusts after Naruto abandoned his caution, his throbbing head impaling the clone beautifully; nosing roughly into what neither of them knew was the clone's prostate.

Both sunny haired boys were moaning, their noises nearly in synch but for the difference in exertion. Soon Naruto found his release, shooting the sticky fluid deep into the clone. The clone likewise released the thick ribbons of white splattering messy designs onto both their chests.

As Naruto rode out the static of rapture that submerged his mind, he didn't realize he had lost control of his chakra. The only thing that kept the clone still in existence was that Naruto had so much chakra spilling in that moment; it would be harder to disappear.

Once Naruto was able to think clearly, he blinked his eyes, realizing that his clone was seconds away from poofing, only his unconscious need of another body keeping it at that point. He tiredly let it go, planning to fall back onto the bed and sleep. But as soon as the clone poofed away, his mind was flooded with all the memories it had had. This caused a sort of sexual vertigo to start, the memories of entering being brought up with the memories of being entered, and both feelings fresh and real, as if he had done them at the same time. But even as the two separate sexual positions and sensations occurred, he felt the memory of the all consuming pain, as well as the overshadowing rapture the clone remembered while coming.

All of these hit Naruto, making his head spin rapidly with it all, before his mind finally sorted it out. He collapsed onto the bed, finding that he had a stiffy from the intense memories of the clone's pleasure. He slowly got up, heading to the shower. He would have to remember that pain, for the next time. But right now, he was to tired to masturbate, in either way he had just thought of.

But there would definitely be a next time.