Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Me, Myself and I ❯ Educated Fun ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Naruto walked along to the usual spot, sporting a deep purple black eye, whistling to some random tune that came to his random mind. He felt great today, and so what if he'd gotten punched for that little peak in the woman's locker room. It wasn't Sakura he'd been checking out anyway.

Besides, he was thinking he'd be finding it much better to spend time in the men's one nowadays.

“A bowl of ramen, and I'm buying!” He said happily. Ayame clapped her hands together, her lips up-tilted in a happy-go-lucky smile for the shops best customers upbeat mood.

“You seem so relaxed, even though you've got a black eye!” She said, as the owner of the store made the ramen behind her in the kitchen. Naruto did seem relaxed, like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. “What's your secret? It looks like you found a way to unload a lot of tension.” She went on, being handed the ramen and placing it before the contagiously happy teen.

Naruto answered her with a foxish grin, swiping a hand under his nose in happy glee.

“Yeah, you bet I did! But it's something only ninja's can do, so it would be pointless to tell you.” He said, before wolfing down his noodles. Ayame gave him a pout, excepting his money with a jutted lower lip. To this he merely laughed, jumping up and running off, to happy and just all around-good-feeling to care about anything.

You see, he'd thought up a plan.

It was a simple thing. He was a teenage boy now. Teenage boys wanted two things, for the most part. Sex and someone they're comfortable with. Sure they say different things, like friends, buddies, a girl who's just a friend, a meaningful relationship, but really it's those two things.

He was comfortable around his friends, what few he had. One check marked, and the other with an unorthodox, but effective fix. At least until one of those comfortable people decided to get more then comfortable.

If ever.

But, now that he had that figured out, he had another idea! And boy wasn't he brilliant!

One clone satisfied his need, and all that. So he'd go home, have some fun on the way, do some experimenting with the one clone to see what was good and what wasn't, and then, for the awesome grand fin-ah-whatsitscalled!

He'd make a second clone, and officially be able to get liquored up in the next `I've never' game! They always used never been in a threesome right off the bat, as he's learned since the few recent games this past day when the sensei's left.

Who woulda thought Shikamaru, Kiba, Ino, and Shino had all done that! He was more curious as to who with, since that was four names and no one had gotten tipsy over I've never had a foursome.

He was practically skipping over rooftops, so happy he could come up with such a shrewd, clever plan all by himself.

“Hey, bonehead. Why are you so ravenously happy? You finally get laid?” Naruto stopped, skidding, his grin faltering until his head recognized the voice.

“Kiba! What, a guy can't be happy without it meaning he got laid?” He said. He noticed that Kiba was also with Shikamaru, who was walking ever so slowly towards him. The lazy one had his hands out, resting at the base of his high ponytail at the back of his skull, yawning despite how it was only a few hours into the afternoon.

“Well, for males anyway, being happy and exited does lead to certain things like sex.” Shikamaru drawled into the conversation, dropping his hands and stuffing them into his pockets. Naruto watched this, resisting licking his lips. Net shirt plus horny teenager did not bode well with most equations.

“Well it's not that kind of happy, okay! I'm just happy.”

“And hard.”

“What!?” Naruto looked down, face going red. Nothing but orange, flat and baggy.

“….You bastard.” Kiba on the other hand was laughing, using Shikamaru's lightly smirking frame for support.

“I can't believe you looked man! You know, you normally feel it rubbing on your pants when it happens. You can't not notice them.” He cackled out in his deep voice, while Naruto grew even redder.

“Can so! If you're thinking about something hard enough you don't notice!” Kiba laughed harder, sliding down Shikamaru's body until he was kneeling down. This conveniently pulled the net shirt along, dragging a wide gap across the teen's belly, showing the tender skin below navel and above hips.

“Usually that's when something other then sex happens. Rosy palm and her five sisters your lovely dates for tonight, Naruto?” Shikamaru asked. Naruto gave him a confused look, tilting his head.

“Rosy who? Five sisters? Whatever man, I'm going home. Have fun stripping Shikamaru on the roof tops without me.” He said, waving and running away. Kiba stopped laughing long enough to look to the side, seeing how conveniently placed his face was.

“Mmm, well, he was almost right. It will be without him, but not on the rooftops.” Kiba said, grinning mischievously from his knees. Shikamaru glanced down, then up, shrugging.

“Your pick, Kiba. We've learned cement and bark hurts at least.” Kiba smirked, nuzzling his hip bone, wrapping an arm around his thighs. His smile glinted with a glittering, sharp fang.

“You'll forgive me of that soon enough. I'll make it up to you, as much as you want.”

WiiiiiiithnarutooversomewhereelsemissingoutpoorhimxD< br>
Slamming into his door, and fumbling with jittery hands to actually turn the doorknob, Naruto skidded into his apartment, haphazardly slipping over what little there was to slip over.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself.

“Okay, so, make the clone, and it should know what we're gunna do without being explained…” He mumbled. Placing his fingers in the plus, summoning his companion for the time, he swallowed a nervous lump. Damn the lumps of nervousness! Damn them to lumpy hell!

He closed his eyes, and breathed. He could do this, it was himself he was facing. Just himself. He relaxed, or tried, and began to haltingly explain to the other blond.

“So…Instead of…rushing in…you know…like last time…I was thinking…”

“To experiment...” The clone answered, a light blush dusting its cheeks. Naruto sighed, he knew it would happen, but all this blushing and stuttering and nervousness…made him think he was being childish.

“Yeah. So, uh, umm…” He stuttered. What was the matter with him? He was acting like a virgin again! He swallowed his ridiculous nervous fear, striding forward purposefully. The clone looked just as shaky, but when Naruto put his arms around the other, and leaned in for a kiss, the clone gave in.

Soon hormones over-ruled shyness, and there hands and lips were flying everywhere. The real Naruto began driving his clone towards the bed, slipping a leg between its knees before they landed. He lifted up as they fell, so that when his leg was pushed forward by gravity it didn't hurt. If anything, it made his clone squirm just that bit more, and kiss a hell of a lot more passionately.

Naruto already had it in his head to…receive this time around. So, moving to straddle the clone's hips, he kissed harshly, throwing in some nips that were sure to sting a little.

His answer was a shuddering buck into him, a very obvious hard on rubbing against his, and a deep moan escaping through their entwined tongues. He never thought his body would like a little pain so much, but as he thought this his clone rolled his waist upward again, and he felt hands practically scratch him through his clothing.

And he liked it. A lot.

“Ah!” He'd pulled away, making a gasping sound before a rolling, purr-like thing vibrated out of his chest. Apparently, back plus nails equals hot to his body. Not a bad equation at all in his book.

He lifted off the clone, just enough to strip in record time. The clone watched the strip show, enjoying it immensely. His eyes widened when Naruto looked back, smiling and dropping down low.

The artificial male sucked in a breath, biting his lip hard. His pants were sliding down, slowly, the fabric giving an agonizing stroke across the top of him. And there was still the underwear to go to…

“Don't move so much…” Naruto whispered to his clone, breathing it out onto the one layer that separated him and his clone. The other boy shuddered, and Naruto could see the muscles straining to hold him still. He was so desperate to writhe around; it was deliciously sexy and erotic.

Naruto dipped down; glad he always wore loose boxers. His mouth took in the head, feeling the fabric press wetly against a dripping tip. Taking his hand, he slid it over the covered length, smoothing the boxers in against the heated, unseen skin. The clone made small gasping sounds, shuddering and twitching, his toes curling in torment.

Naruto let go, after discovering that his gag reflex started about an inch into his actual throat. Guess he wasn't a true blond after all, since he couldn't deep throat…yet.

Moving along, he kissed into the fabric, pushing his lips forward until he barely felt the solid organ beneath. Every time he felt it, he would give a lick, making sure that some of the wetness would be felt.

His clone by now was twisting its upper body around, arms going wild, attacking anything that could transfer the pleasure over to. Naruto eventually stopped, once he'd reached the base, looking up briefly to see his clone was sweating, panting, and bleeding from its own nail marks, and its eyes were lit with fiery passion.

Naruto swallowed, licking his lips in anticipation, before finally pulling the boxers down. He did this without looking, watching how his clone threw its head back, how his throat strained, the practically edible sounds being made. He only took his eyes from the sight when he felt the last bit of lower clothing gone, looking down. He bent, kissing along it as he had done when it was covered, feeling for the spots that he had gotten wet through the fabric.

“Ugh, oh, god…” The clone's voice was raspy, deep, begging for more. Naruto slid his hands up the others shirt, sliding forward with his body, so that his chest and belly ran along the leaking head as he reached for a sensitive nipple. With his lower stomach pressing into the clone's erection, his hands began to explore, rubbing, caressing, and even scratching, seeing which worked the best.

The clone shot its hands down, ripping its shirt away and leaving his chest bare to Naruto's touch. Naruto smirked, the small violence portraying just how good he was making his partner feel. He spread his fingers wide, splaying them along the ribs, before flexing them like a cat. His blunt nails indented into the bronze skin, and he felt the skin jump and tingle beneath his palms.

“Ah, N-Naruto!” The clone cried out softly, under his breath. He was left wriggling and squirming from the treatment, little pulses of pleasure shooting out from every ridge created by his creator. Naruto bent down, corkscrewing his tongue around and around a tight nipple, eventually reaching the spot of his desire. The clone went wild, stomach tight, legs quivering, its arms flailing and his hands landing with fingers spread, webbed with golden locks.

Naruto looked up, opening his mouth. His teeth seemed so white, so clean, and yet not so innocent hovering over the tanned body of his clone. The pink tongue traced those sinfully pure teeth, before he sank down, slowly closing the white trap over the dusky nipple.

The clone's body jolted, hands clenching harder, pulling on the hair slightly. Naruto didn't care, mind to occupied by the way his clone was biting it's lip to keep from making anymore sounds. He closed his jaw a bit more, and ran the tip of his tongue out, watching.


“Mmmmm!” Tears speckled the corners of his clone's eyes, just a light misting. His neck was clearly trying to make more noise, his tongue easily being abused in the face of the surge of pleasure. Naruto let go, lapping at the red imprints on the top and bottom of the hardened nubs.

While his mouth did that, his hand snuck down, until he felt the curling of hair. His clone's eyes opened wide, before rolling back, arching. Attention to a highly sensitive organ, and to a nearly equally sensitive nipple. It was the best torture he'd ever felt.

"Mmm, Nar-Naruto……” The clone moaned out, his hands moving in their holds, sliding over lightly sweating skin. The barest tip of a fingernail traced the spine that protruded as Naruto bent his neck, attacking his alternate's neck.

The fact that since they were the same height meant that when Naruto then pulled up, kissing his clone with equall passion, their twin hard ons rubbed insitently together. Both boy's moaned into each others mouths, the male on top spreading his legs so he could hold himself up. Each boy let their hands run wild, touching and scratching in turn.

Naruto stilled eventually, his actions coasting to a stop much to his clones displeasure. He smiled with sinful intent, bringing himself up so that he straddled his clone's ribs between his knees. This left a very obvious organ in tempting reach.

The clone looked up, licking his lips, before leaning forward.

"Ah! No, no, something else..." The real Naruto said quickly, catching his clones chin and stopping his advance. The clone settled back, giving him a questioning look, before Naruto reached down and directed his hands to his hips.

"I'm going to be the one entered. But last time...didn't work. So, you're going to stretch me first." What good finding some nice porn does to your knowledge. Once he'd figured out what went wrong last time, he felt like a fool for not even bothering to research more into anal sex. He'd assumed it was a lot like vaginal, just different body location. 'Of course, you have to stretch sometimes in vaginal as well, but that has self lubrication, so...i'm an idiot.'

The clone's eyes were wide, but it allowed its hand to be guided further, downward, and eventually to an unused entrence. Naruto pushed the first two fingers in to the second knuckle, dry. He gulped, shivering. Pain. Not as much as before, but still...Maybe two was to much at first? He mentally shrugged, pushing the clone's digits further inside of him, pivoting his hips lazily to begin the process he'd neglected last time.
As the clone stretched him, the real Naruto reached his hands up to run a nail along the underside of his swollen pole. His back shivered, tightening. He didn't care if he looked ridiculous in his mind; the clone under him seemed to be enjoying the view just fine. He was licking his chakra fabricated lips in hunger as he watched his creator's hands fist and slide, pulling out low moans and making his legs tighten almost painfully on his ribs.

“H-ah! I think…that's enough…” The clone groaned, finding it unbearable to watch anymore. Naruto opened his eyes, smiling in a drugged way. His forefinger idly traced the underside of his cock, his skin shivering and tempting the clone underneath him.

“Alright.” Before the clone could help, Naruto slid down, repositioning himself over the needy piece. He held onto his clones hips with a death grip, slipping onto the organ slowly and with painstaking care. The memory of his previous clone's pain pulsed behind his eyes, shadowed only by his concentration as he sheathed his clone's manhood.

“Mmm, so much better then last time…” he murmured as he finally was taking in all of him. His clone had rolled back its head, eyes fluttering at the tightness squeezing him. This was stretched? It seemed too tight to be anything but contracted. It felt great.

Naruto began to move, lifting and lowering his hips as best he could, trying to remember the angle the clone had loved him to hit. The clone sat patiently, swooning delicately as the real Naruto worked.

“Move.” The clone moved his eyelids up into slits, seeing Naruto's impatient look. He almost chuckled, until Naruto clenched all the muscles in his lower body he had control over.

“Ahhhh!” The clone moaned loudly, spine jerking under the amount of pressure being applied onto his stiff and wanting organ. He gladly, even blindly, pivoted his hips upward, driving into Naruto harshly in his passion. Naruto worked back, feeling that spot being hit, realizing that he wasn't built right to simply just move down and hit that nerve. He needed to be actually screwed, or made love to, by the other person for it to be hit.

Working in near synchrony, both Uzumaki's drove against each other, drawing and coaxing sounds out of their identical throats, nails scraping along heated, thirsty skin, teeth nipping and lips sucking. Soon one hit their climax, setting off the other like a chain reaction, spilling into and onto within seconds of bliss.

“Wow…so much better…” Naruto panted, pulling himself off. He rolled down, his clone leaving in a poof of lonely smoke. Now he was left with dull a throbbing mixture from his body in several places; some of pain, some of pleasure and no one to hold him.

“Damn it…Maybe I won't do that other idea…” He whispered, relaxing into his pillow. He thought he had stamina, but he felt so tired and sluggish…Sex really took it out of you. He supposed with practice he could get better…

“This feels like a drug though…Up while I'm having it, down worse when he's gone…” He murmured, feeling his deep rooted sadness worm up at the thought. He snuggled down further, deciding to let his dreams work out his personal issues for him.

Little did he know of the person, shocked and strangely aroused by the scene, slinking away to do their own thinking.