Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Measureless ❯ Momentous Moments ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Would you stop asking me! JK XD
Chapter 5
Momentous Moments
Sakura studied herself in the full-length mirror in the kimono shop. Her hair was pinned up atop her head, out of the way as Tsuki made adjustments to her kimono.
Sakura thought back to the previous day as her eyes glazed from remembrance.
Sakura made her way to the kitchen table in their apartment as Kakashi locked the door. She could still feel Yasayo's hand on her neck and the blade pressing against her. Kakashi came into the room and sat across from her.
“Are you sure you're okay?”
Sakura smiled. “I'm sure. How many times do I have to tell you that before you understand?”
Kakashi creased his eye in a smile. “I'm just worried.”
Sakura's smile softened. “I know. So, did you learn anything today?”
Kakashi nodded. “Tsuque is supposed to show up two days from now. The Tanabata festival is taking place here. He's known to go to all these festivals.”
“I completely forgot about that? I knew there was some kind of festival coming up. So what are we going to do?”
Kakashi leaned back in his chair, his obsidian eye transfixed on Sakura. “We'll attend. Yasayo's dead so no one should think we're any different from the civilians attending the festival. While we're there you'll distract Tsuque while I go to his mansion. I should be back in time that Tsuque won't suspect anything.”
Sakura's brows furrowed. “But I didn't pack a kimono. And I don't have enough money to buy one. So how am I going to play my part when I can't look like my part?”
Kakashi smiled at her choice of words. “Here.” Kakashi went to their bedroom and pulled out his money from his backpack. He came back into the kitchen and handed it to Sakura.

Sakura stared at the money in her hands. “I can't accept this, Kakashi.” Sakura held it back out to him but he refused to take it.
“You need it more than I do. Keep it.”
Sakura shook her head and pushed the money back towards Kakashi as she stood up. “It's your money. I'll find somewhere to buy a cheap kimono.”
Kakashi shook his head. He took Sakura's hand with the money in it and closed her fingers around it. “It's not a problem. Besides, I want to see you in a beautiful kimono. It'll be worth every penny to see it on you. You should look beautiful for the Tanabata Festival.”
Sakura ducked her head to hide her blush. “Thank you. I'll repay you back someday.”
Kakashi caressed her cheek. “Like I said, don't worry. You're worth more than I can give you.”
Sakura stared speechless as Kakashi walked from the room. She looked down at the money in her hands and smiled before she hurried after him.
Sakura was thrown from her memory when Mrs. Shina spoke. “You can take it off now, dear. My, you'll look beautiful come tomorrow. I can't wait to see you're fiancées face when he sees you like this.”
Sakura stepped behind the thin screen before she began to change. “He's not really my fiancée.”
Tsuki took the kimono from Sakura. “More's the pity. You two are made for each other.” Tsuki walked from the room.
Sakura paused before she shrugged and put her clothes back on. As she stepped outside she breathed deeply. Night had already fallen. The streets were lit with lanterns, almost all the decorations for the coming day were set up. As Sakura walked towards the apartment she shared with Kakashi she thought about Tsuki's words.
It was true that Sakura was beginning to see a side of Kakashi that she had never witnessed before. It was like looking into his soul. She had never believed that she would see Kakashi as more than a teacher. But ever since this mission started Sakura had come to realize that Kakashi was a big part of her life. He wasn't just the man who taught her when she was a kid but the man she adored and admired in all ways. He was a man and she a woman. Sure, she had hardly had any experience with the opposite sex, besides Sasuke, but she felt as if this was right.
Kakashi was like a more mature and kinder version of Sasuke. Yet Sasuke could never compare with Kakashi. Kakashi was kind, compassionate, manly, chivalrous, and every thing Sakura had ever wanted in a guy. Sakura was glad that she had been born into a shinobi village. If she hadn't then if her and Kakashi's relationship advanced any more then it wouldn't be accepted. Shinobi were allowed to kill therefore other taboo's in other villages were forgotten in a ninja world.
Sakura smiled at that thought as she entered their room. Kakashi was no where in sight. She gathered her bathing things and her pair of black pajama bottoms and white tank top before she left the room again. The hotel they were staying in had an indoor hot spring, of which Sakura was going to take full advantage of.
Sakura entered the women's side of the bathing area and found that she was the only one there that late at night. She stripped down and entered the hot waters, sighing as her body was submerged up to her chin. First she washed her hair with her strawberry scented shampoo. She was glad that she decided to keep her hair short or else she would have spent a longer time untangling it. A contented moan escaped her as she rubbed the shampoo in her hair, the fragrance of it enveloping her like a warm blanket.
After she had finished washing she lay against the screen that separated the women's side from the men's. Sakura suddenly regretted making so much noise when she heard sounds from the other side of the screen. Some shinobi she was, not even noticing someone a few yards from her.
She suddenly grows suspicious when she smells the scent of pine coming from the other side of the spring. Kakashi often smelt like that particular substance. Sakura had always thought it was from him constantly staying in the woods around Konoha.
“Oh, Sakura. What a coincidence.”
Sakura's mouth dropped. She folded her arms over her chest, but blushed when she realized that Kakashi couldn't see her. “How long have you been there?”
A chuckle answered her. “Long enough. I thought you had company from the sounds you were making.”
Sakura gasped, her blush darkening. “Kakashi? You didn't spy on me too did you?”
Kakashi's voice deepened. “Why? Do you want me to, Sakura.”
Sakura shivered at the raw sexuality in his voice. “N-no, Kakashi.” A silence ensued in which Sakura regained her bearings. A thought suddenly occurred to her, one that she had wanted answered for a few years now. “Kakashi?”
Kakashi hummed to show Sakura he was listening.
“Have…Have you ever been in love?”
A pregnant pause from Kakashi had Sakura regretting her question. Just as she was getting ready to apologize Kakashi spoke. “No. There once was a girl that loved me. But I was too foolish to return her affections.”
“What about you? Have you ever been in love, Sakura?” Kakashi asked softly.
Sakura cringed as an image of Sasuke surfaced to her mind. “I don't think so. I used to believe I was in love with Sasuke, but when he came back I realized it was only an infatuation. I could never love someone so cold and uncaring.”
“If you keep thinking about the past, you'll never be able to get over Sasuke.”
“I know, but it's hard, you know? You're probably going to laugh at me, but have you ever had a relationship with a woman?” Sakura asked before she waited with baited breath.
“Not like the kind you're thinking about. I've had one-night stands with women. But they're gone the next morning and I hardly ever see them again.”

Sakura blushed, a surprised yelp coming from her throat. She flailed in the water as Kakashi laughed on the other side. Once she regained her footing Kakashi asked her, “And you? Do you have a sex-life.”
Sakura nearly fell over again but managed to keep her feet. “Kakashi! You can't ask me something like that!”
“Why not? You asked me and besides, we're all adults here.”
Sakura stalled by moving towards the edge of the spring. She got out and dried off before changing into her nightclothes. Before she exited the room she turned her head back towards where Kakashi was. “I don't have a relationship like that. I'm still a virgin.” Sakura's face heated up in a blush before she rushed from the room, her dirty clothes crushed to her chest.
Kakashi leaned back on the side of the spring with a smile on his handsome face. “A virgin, huh?”
Kakashi entered the bedroom on light feet. After he closed the door softly behind him he turned to see a beautiful sight. Sakura was lying on the bed, her pink hair billowing out on her pillow. Her right hand was curled underneath her chin, the other lay out beside her. The covers were around her knees.
Kakashi couldn't help but to admire her figure. Her pajama bottoms hung low on her hips. Her flat stomach showed, her small muscles visible in the dark. One of her tank top straps had slipped off her shoulder, Kakashi longed to put it back into place and feel her porcelain skin. Her chest rose evenly with her light breathing, her mouth parted slightly. Her dark lashes contrasted beautifully with her skin. The moon outside illuminated her hair.
Kakashi kept his eyes trained on Sakura as he stripped down to his boxers before he slipped on his black sweat pants. He moved towards the bed and slipped under the covers without making a sound. He pulled her side of the covers up around her shoulders, his fingers skimming her skin as he went. He held up his head on his hand. For the next few minutes he continued to study the woman beside him. He couldn't wait to see her in her kimono the following day.
His eyes began to grow heavy. He lay down completely before he reached out and pulled Sakura towards him. She moved and lay her head partway on his chest. Kakashi lay his chin atop her head, breathing in her intoxicating scent. He moved his head down and kissed her lightly on the lips through his mask. He succumbed to sleep, a smile on his face as he pulled Sakura closer.
Sakura cuddled next to the warmth lying on her right side. She groggily realized that she was sleeping next to someone. Her eyes shot open in alarm before they softened as she looked at the person beside her. Kakashi slept soundly. His forehead protector had been discarded, the scar running down his left eye visible. His hair was messy, just as it had always been.
Sakura ran her fingers through his bangs, marveling that he kept it so soft and tangle free. She traced his scar lightly with her finger. Suddenly Kakashi's eyes shot open. Sakura jumped back in fear, but she soon found herself with Kakashi looking down at her. He lay over her, his weight held up on his elbows. His face was only a few inches from her own, his sharingan eye spun lazily.
Kakashi breathed deep. “Good morning.”
Sakura released the breath she hand't known she had been holding. “Go-good mor-morning, Kakashi-kun.”
Kakashi wondered at the new suffix on his name before he lowered his head another inch. “Why are you stuttering? Are you getting sick?” Kakashi asked as he felt her forehead.
Sakura gaped. “N-no. You just startled me is all.”
“Is that so?”
Sakura nodded frantically.
“Well, I think you're lying. Do you know what I do to people that lie to me?” Kakashi asked with a devious smirk.
“This.” Kakashi sat up as he moved his hands to Sakura's sides.
Sakura didn't know what hit her until she started laughing uncontrollably. Kakashi's hands tickled her in all the right places. After a few minutes of torture Sakura begged for mercy.
Kakashi leaned down and nipped her earlobe before he rolled off her. Sakura lay staring up at the ceiling as her hand flew to her ear. A shiver wracked through her body as her abdomen tightened noticably.
A few minutes later Kakashi exited the bathroom. He looked over at the bed to see that Sakura still hadn't moved. He himself had had to get himself under control before he could face Sakura again, or he might of ended up doing something they both might regret.
Kakashi smiled. “Are you ready for the festival?”
Sakura jumped before she sat up in bed, the spell she had been under vanishing. “Oh, yes. When is it supposed to begin?”
Kakashi looked at the sun outside. “About three hours. Have you already picked out your kimono.”
Sakura nodded as she rummaged through her bag in search of clean clothes. “After I take a shower I have to get to Mrs. Shina's. It takes forever to dress in a traditional kimono.”
Kakashi came to stand behind Sakura, gripping her bare shoulders before she went into the bathroom. He leaned down, his breath tickling her ear. “I can't wait to see you in the clothes I bought.”
Sakura shivered before Kakashi nuzzled her neck, causing her legs nearly to give out on her. In the next instant he was gone. Sakura stumbled before she caught herself and entered the bathroom. As she ran her shower water she thought that today was going to be one of the best days of her life. Even if they had to take down an S-class criminal.
As Sakura exited Tsuki's kimono shop she was instantly met by Kakashi. She stood, breathless as she looked at the man in front of her. He was dressed in a traditional kimono of black with a hakama overtop it. On the hakama were dark green leaves that swirled as though the wind blew them. He wore traditional white tabi socks and black and silver vinyl zori sandals. His hair, which was as unruly as ever, hung freely, covering his left eye effectively. She was disappointed to see that his mask was still in place, but they had to keep up appearances. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen, even without having seen his face.
Kakashi was thinking similar thoughts as he stood, nearly slack jawed, looking at the woman that had made a place in his heart. She was dressed in a pure white kimono. A dark red obi was tied around her waist, green leaves stitched into the silk. On the --> maemigoro [Author:BF] and --> sode [Author:BF] were cherry blossoms falling from a lone tree. The --> fuki [Author:BF] and --> doura [Author:BF] was outlined with red threading. Her hair was done up in a coif atop her had, white pearls beaded through it. She wore little makeup, a bit of mascara on her already dark eyelashes and a touch of clear lip-gloss. She wore red tabi socks with white vinyl --> geta [Author:BF] sandals. In a word, she was gorgeous. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
As she walked forward, a blush highlighting her high cheekbones he realized that he was in love with her. He had been missing something in his life and here she was, standing before him in all her beauty. Kakashi met her halfway. When he reached her he took her petite hands into his larger ones. He caressed her knuckles as he bent forward and kissed her on the cheek. “You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
Sakura blushed prettily. “Thanks. You don't look half bad yourself.”
Kakashi smiled. “But not as good as you. Do you know how gorgeous you look?”

Sakura ducked her head. “Cut it out, Kakashi-kun.”
Kakashi walked around to her side, holding his arm out. Sakura instantly put her arm through his, a full smile on her lips as she looked up at Kakashi. “Ready?” he asked.
Sakura nodded. “Let's go.”
Together they walked through the village. As they made their way to the center of the village, where the festival would be taking place that had many compliments given to them. They congratulated them on their soon to be marriage and if Sakura didn't know any better then she would accept those praises with more joy.
When they stepped into the center of the festivities Sakura laughed joyously. Kakashi looked down at her and watched as the sunlight seemed to illuminate her beauty. The festival was already under way. Couples danced out in the streets, their lovers in their arms. Sakura pulled on Kakashi's arm. “Let's dance.”

Kakashi obliged as he let Sakura drag him into the center of the dancers. A slow song began as soon as they stopped. Sakura turned to Kakashi expectantly. Kakashi smiled before he stepped forward. They were standing only a few inches apart when Kakashi lay his hands on her waist. Sakura brought her manicured hands up and looped them around Kakashi's neck.
As they song began Kakashi discretely looked around them, even though he wanted to stay engulfed in Sakura's sea-foam eyes. He immediately spotted Tsuque. He was lounging around one of the festivals tables set up for dining with two young women on his arms. Kakashi could tell by one look at them that those girls were from another village, captured for Tsuque's uses.
After confirming where Tsuque was Kakashi turned his attention back on Sakura though he kept a small part of his senses on their target.
“Did you know,” Sakura began. “That the Tanabata Festival is one of the most romantic festivals in all of Japan? Tanabata, the daughter of a Kami of the Firmament weaved garments for her father. When she was weaving one day she saw a handsome man and instantly fell in love with him.” Sakura twirled slowly from Kakashi's arms and then back again. “Tanabata stopped her weaving and her father became mad. He demanded that the Celestial River separate them. On today a great many birds formed a bridge across the river. Only once a year could they meet. It is said that when the Star Lover's meet each other the stars Lyra and Aquila shine five different colors; blue, green, red, yellow, and white.”
Kakashi pulled Sakura closer to his body after he twirled her out again. “It sounds as if they would never be happy, seeing each other only once a year.”
“I don't believe so. I think that if you love someone and circumstances forbid them to be together at all times then their love is all the more strong.”
Kakashi suddenly stopped, their bodies seemingly frozen as the other people around them continued to dance. “Sakura…”
Sakura raised her head as she watched Kakashi look at her with love in his eyes.
Kakashi lowered his head until his masked covered lips brushed across her own. His heart raced frantically, he could feel Sakura's do the same as he brought one of his hands up and lay it on her neck. Their foreheads touched as Kakashi looked into her softened eyes. “I think I love you, Sakura…”
He moved his head down as he closed his eyes. Their lips met hesitantly before they were consumed by passion. Kakashi held Sakura's head and angled it as his lips moved expertly over her's.
When he pulls back Sakura stood dazed for a moment before she ducked her head. “I think I love you too, Kakashi.” Their lips clashed once more, their love for each other pouring into their kiss. All around them nothing mattered, all that mattered was whom they held in each other's arms.
WOW! That last part was soo….awesome! I'm still feeling the after effects of it. Whew! Lol!
`After a momentary pause'
I went straight into this chapter right after I completed chapter 4. And I'm still wanting to write the next chapter! It's already 10:00, but I'm not bushed yet.
Now a little bit about this chapter. I don't know much about kimonos and Japanese clothing so I tried my best. Sorry if it isn't exactly right. I would have looked it up but I want to go onto the next chapter.
I think the hot spring scene is a classic and ZipperRabbit requested it. It was a great idea and I'm glad I did both the hot spring and festival scenes.
I sort of sprung the love confessions a little quickly, but life is like that, things unexpected come at odd times. The Tanabata Festival is actually a real festival in Japan. During the festival, which takes place on the seventh day on the seventh month, they place freshly cut bamboo on the roof of houses or in the ground beside the houses. They place colored strips of paper onto the bamboo. On the paper is written a poem in praise of Tanabata and her husband, who is her lover, Hikoboshi. This festival is connected with the legend of their love.
Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool and great for the festival I was trying to portray. I got the festival idea from a book called Myths and Legends of Japan by F. Hadland Davis, if anyone want's to check it out.
I hope everyone enjoyed this and I hope I get a ton of reviews! Please comment!!! XD
Maemigoro- the front main panel of the kimono. Located at the bottom.
Sode- The sleeves of the kimono.
Fuki- The hem guard on the bottom of the kimono.
Doura- The upper lining on the kimono.
Geta sandals- Similar to what Jiraiyia wears, but not as thick.