Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Measureless ❯ Mind over Matter ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own, possess, or hold anything having to do with Naruto. (Except for my fanfics, of course XD)
Chapter 6
Mind over Matter
Sakura excused herself to the restroom after a few more dances with Kakashi. As she hurried through the crowds Sakura kept her eyes trained on Tsuque. Even though she was having the best time of her life she knew that she still had a mission to do. A mission was top priority after all. For once she wanted to just screw the rules, but there were a lot of innocent girls that were counting on them. Even if her day was ruined, she had to complete this mission.

Sakura made it to the restroom without being seen by Tsuque. She didn't want to be seen by him until it was time to do so. Until then she was going to enjoy herself. Kakashi's confession had shocked her to the bone. But she wasn't going to say that she wanted what he gave freely. After Kakashi had confessed his love for her Sakura knew in that instant that her love for Kakashi was true. It wasn't an infatuation or schoolgirls' crush. It was the true thing.
After Sakura was finished in the restroom she left to be met by Kakashi. He had a worried expression on his face and Sakura knew something was getting ready to happen.
He stopped in front of her, immediately bringing her into a hug. Sakura returned the embrace before she asked Kakashi what was the matter.
Kakashi's eye creased in worry. “It's time.”
Sakura nodded. She knew it would have had to happen sooner or later. “Okay. Just be careful.”
Kakashi took Sakura's hand into his own, squeezing it reassuringly. “I will be. More importantly, you should take care. Promise me you won't do anything reckless? I've already lost too many of my loved ones and if I lose you then life wouldn't be worth living.”
Sakura stood up on her toes and kissed Kakashi's lips softly. “Don't worry. I was trained by Tsunade-shishou. I can take care of myself.”
Kakashi smiled. “I know. I love you.”
Sakura smiled too. “I love you too, Kakashi.”
Kakashi gave Sakura one last peck on the lips before he disappeared. Sakura stood for a few seconds before she began moving towards Tsuque, her head held high with a fierce glint in her eyes. As she drew nearer she acted as though she wasn't headed for Tsuque; instead she stopped to chat with a few people. A few steps closer and she would be beside him.
She could feel his evil eyes watching her, waiting like a predator. Just as Sakura suspected, Tsuque sent one of his guys to ask her to join him. Sakura accepted coyly with a smile, though on the inside she cringed in disgust as she drew nearer him.
As she walked forward the two girls on Tsuque's arms tried to warn her with their eyes to turn back around. Sakura tried to convey back that she was going to save them, but then she found herself sitting across from Tsuque.
“Lovely festival, is it not?” His voice was rough, like rocks being grated against each other.
Sakura blushed prettily. “It is.”
Tsuque took a sip of his sake as he looked at Sakura over the rim of his cup. “You're new around here, aren't you?”
Sakura nodded. She told him her cover-up story. She paused near the end, wiping imaginary tears from her eyes.
Tsuque put on a fake frown. “Is that so? Well you can stay with me child. I understand your plight. My parents were killed the same way. Filthy ninja, wouldn't you say? Ninja are all monsters, disgusting beings that kill and be killed. A pathetic life, wouldn't you say?”
Sakura grit her teeth in hopes of reining in her temper. It was no wonder Tsuque had been kicked from his village. He was such a player that it was disgusting. Tsuque pushed another cup of sake towards Sakura. Throughout their conversation he had kept trying to get her to drink. Sakura knew something was up by his insistence so she had declined all his offers of drink. Sakura wondered fleetingly if Kakashi was all right.
A mile away Kakashi hid behind a tree, watching the activities of the guards inside Tsuque's compound. As the guards stopped at their posts Kakashi brought his hands up to his chest. He formed his seals quickly. “Quicksilver no jutsu.” He smirked when his gen-jutsu worked on the guards. This jutsu was one of his favorites, something he had developed after the attack on Konoha when the third had died. A different version of Kabuto's gen-jutsu. The victims, in this case being the guards saw silver feathers floating from the sky. Once they laid eyes on them they instantly fell asleep.
Kakashi moved from behind the tree. He ran and concentrated chakra to his feet before he jumped and cleared the barbed wire fence. The few traps on the other side were instantly dispelled with a simple counter trap jutsu.
After checking the west side for any more guards Kakashi entered in through an open window. He was immediately assaulted by a renegade ninja that had been lying in wait for him. Kakashi had known he was there, he only wanted to see these so called s-class criminals fighting skills. The boy, who Kakashi recognized as the boy Misaki thought she was in love with, came charging at him, a double edged sword in his hands. Kakashi easily sidestepped the blow before a hit to the back of the head knocked him unconscious.
The next two levels of the mansion were easy to trespass. He made it to the dungeon without any more incidents. He immediately noticed the filthiness of the place. A few cells were devoid of any life; a few human bones lay scattered about in some of them. The first live woman he came upon was incidentally Misaki. He broke the lock from her cell with chakra enhanced fists.
As he approached her he thought that she was dead. She moved and moaned as he came into her line of sight. She opened her eyes wide, trying to back away from Kakashi. “It's alright. I'm here to here to help you. Your mother, Tsuki-san sent for me to save you.”
Misaki hesitantly stood up, her knees nearly giving out on her. Kakashi grimaced at the state she was in. She was in filthy tattered rags, and she was barefoot. Her once glossy black hair hung in strands, as the rest of her body was malnutritioned. “Can you walk?” Kakashi asked.
Misaki nodded. Kakashi helped her out into the hallway before he left her in search of other girls. He found three others that were in worse shape than Misaki was. Their pace was slow going as Kakashi led them through the mansion. Three guards had already been knocked unconscious by Kakashi as they were moving.
Thirty minutes later Kakashi knocked the last guard out before they were outside. On the other side of the fence in the woods were three men and three women that were to take the girls back to the village. Kakashi handed the girls over to them. As they start back to the village a feeling in Kakashi's gut makes a shiver run down his spine. Something was wrong. Sakura was in danger.
Kakashi turned towards the people behind him. “I have something else I need to do. You go on ahead to the village. Keep out of sight of everyone. I'll return when I can.”
Kakashi waited for nods from all the villagers before he teleported into the village. He scanned the crowds quickly, but saw no sign of Sakura. His stomach plummeted. There was a commotion on the west side where the festivities were taking place.
“What happened?” Kakashi asked an old man that was talking excitedly.
“Tsuque took another woman.”
Kakashi grabbed the front of the man shirt. “What did she look like?”
The man tried to pry Kakashi's hands from his hakama, but didn't succeed. “She had pink hair, wearing a white kimono. Please let me go.”

Kakashi dropped the man. “Where did they go?”
The man rubbed his throat nervously. “South. Into the woods.”
Kakashi hastily apologized to the man before he ran in the direction he had pointed. When he was out of sight of any villagers he bit his thumb. After slamming his palms on the ground his group of nin-dogs appeared.
Pakkun sat in front as he looked up at his master. “Kakashi? What can we do for you?”
Kakashi nodded towards the south. “Sakura was kidnapped. Find her.”
Pakkun stood up. “Sakura? Your student with the pink hair? What happened to her?”
Kakashi groaned in frustration. “I can't tell you right now. Just find her, please.”
Pakkun obeyed without another word. Three minutes later a howl was heard in the distance. Kakashi raced towards the sound, all his hound dogs disappearing except for Pakkun. “This way,” the little pug said before he began tracking Sakura's unmistakable scent.
Kakashi followed at a short distance, wishing that they could go faster. Sakura was in danger. If they didn't get there in time then she would be raped or worse, killed.
Sakura groaned in agony as she thrashed her head from side to side. The last thing she could remember was one of Tsuque's men coming up behind her and injecting her with some sort of substance. Sakura recognized it as morphine, a drug that if given in large doses would put you to sleep.
But the drug was beginning to wear off, her limbs were beginning to come to life again. She opened her eyes to slits, sliding them around the room to see if anyone was present. When she saw no one or felt no one's chakra she opened her eyes all the way.
She was strapped to a wooden platform. Lashed down with leather ropes her circulation was beginning to slow. On the far wall were chains and locks. On the opposite wall were the door and an assortment of weapons hanging. Directly in front of her was a small window that looked out into the forest, a little light entering the room.
Sakura tested the ropes binding her. But she wasn't able to break free. Her strength still hadn't returned. There was still too much morphine in her system for her to use her medic skills and remove it from her body.
Suddenly the sound of booted feet drew closer. Sakura clenched her fists in order to keep her temper under control. She didn't want to make the situation direr than it was now.
A key was turned in the lock before the door opened slowly. Before her stood Tsuque and two other men, all fearsome looking shinobi. They entered her dungeon cell. Sakura noticed vaguely that the other two men circled around until they were behind her, on her blind side.
Sakura bit her lip as Tsuque moved forward, a sadistic grin on his face. “And to think that a weak little girl like you is a kunoichi. What are they letting into the ninja ranks these day?”
Sakura clenched her fists. “Go to hell, you bastard!”
Tsuque chuckled. “My, what language you have for a woman. You're a pretty little thing. A little bit too old for my tastes, but still delectable.” He reached forward with a large hand and caressed Sakura's cheek.
Sakura whipped her head around and snapped at his fingers with her teeth. She smirked when he snatched his hand back. Sakura regretted her actions when Tsuque hit her in her face.
Sakura head slammed to the other side. She refused to show her pain. When she turned her head back, blood flowing from her lips she spat on Tsuque. “Is that all you've got, bastard?”
Tsuque snarled before he motioned for one of the men behind Sakura. Sakura fought with all her strength when her head was caught in large hands. Tsuque laughed when Sakura submitted, albeit reluctantly.
Sakura kept her features and body under control when Tsuque ran his hands down her neck. He groped her chest before he moved towards her legs. He ran his hands all down her body before coming back up again. “Perhaps I shall have you now. Then once my boys and I are done with you then you'll be killed. A fitting end, don't you think?”
Sakura growled. “Damn you!”
Tsuque laughed as he pulled her obi off and threw it to the floor. Her sleeves were torn off next, the beautiful silk being ripped to shreds. Her tabi socks were hastily discarded, her sandals had already been lost.
Sakura closed her eyes and willed herself to forget about Tsuque's hands groping her. She remained still though her head ran rampant with thoughts. `I'm not going to be raped. Damn it, no! I won't go through this again! Help me! Please, someone! Kakashi!'
Sakura's last piece of kimono was beginning to slide off her shoulders when the door flew inward. Sakura whipped her head to the side to see Kakashi. A joyous smile lit up her face as she recognized it as him. “Kakashi!”
“Sakura. Are you hurt?” Kakashi asked tonelessly, though Sakura could see the worry in his eyes.
“I'm fine.”
Kakashi cast Sakura a quick glance before he turned to Tsuque and his men. “Be prepared to die…”
This chapter didn't turn out exactly as I had planned, but I still believe it's great. Don't you? I didn't want to spend too much time on Kakashi in Tsuque's mansion and rescuing the girls. This story is a romance so I focused on their relationship more than the actual combat. The mission was just a means to get them together.
Overall, I believe this story is one of my best yet. I'm glad I was inspired to write it. :D Please comment!