Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Meet Your Match ❯ Sparring Mtach ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Greetings you lovely fucking dumbasses oh how I've missed you all. So before I begin its Q and A answer time. Now a few of my friends have been on my case about one thing in particular that I mentioned in chappy #1. Basically they all asked me that "If Atayla knows the Sharigon technique does that mean that she's related to Itachi because if it does that's just creepy.". Now for all the fucking dumbass people who want to ask the same question no Atayla is not related to Itachi as much as I love incest it is not a part of this story. The Sharigon that Atayla has isn't the real one I guess you could say it is similar to it, but her "Sharigon" is not the one passed done as a bloodline trait in Itachi former clan/village. Atayla's "Sharigon" was taught to her by her master Siku who is from Itachi's former village. How is this possible if Itachi killed everyone in his village? Well Siku along with his brother the mercenary leader Rakoku were exiled from their village long before Itachi was even born and they were regarded as the long forgotten never talked about black sheep of their former village. Atayla as a child was taken in by Siku because he felt that this "little girl" had immense power, an immense hatred that burned inside her fueling her to move on in life. This trait was exactly what Siku was looking for in an apprentice/disciphille and hence before he died he taught her everything he knew. Atayla's "Sharigon" is similar to the real one in the way that it allows her to copy the enemy's jutsu but this happens only on rare occasion. The real effect of Atayla's mock Sharigon is that it allows her for a short time to control her enemy's movements. Alright now that that is settled I must apologies for my horrible grammar in chappy #1 (oops). Yeah oops it was all Minia's fault she was distracting me with nude pictures of vampire boy (no I wasn't don't blame me for your bad writing maybe if you did some homework sometimes instead of me doing it you may actually learn something) hey no back talk or I'll put naked pics of you on the internet. I may have no shame but Minia is.Okay but now this A/N is insanely long so on with the chappy. Oh and one last thing you people reading this are fucking lazy!95 fucking people read this and only 1 reviewed and that was Sliverprincess0001 you my girl are fucking awesome not like those other lazy fucks who read without review and Perfectionism 101 you don't count because you took off from karate this week you lazy bitch.

Itachi carried the now unconscious Atayla on his back through the forest while making his way through the sturdy braches and leaves of the trees that he now traveled from. Itachi had basically threw Atayla on his back and took off towards Ishinrou where Kisame was waiting for him to get back with his chain so that way they could start to look for a new assassin job as soon as possible. Itachi had tied Atayla's wrists together so that she wouldn't or couldn't let go of his neck which her arms were around. As for her legs Itachi had placed one on either side of his waist and with a hand under each of her knees he took of into the trees. Itachi was almost halfway through the forest and half of his journey when Atayla's head fell forward onto his shoulder. Itachi could smell the scent of scorched cinnamon and smoke clinging to her body. To him it was a pleasant and welcoming fragrance that made his mouth water as well as his arousal to perk up from a place inside of him. Itachi could feel her soft breasts pushed up against his back and the thought of her legs clenched on his hips was almost too excruciating to bare.
Itachi knew that if Kisame was here he'd be on the ground laughing that Itachi was getting so caught up in the presence of the girl. Itachi stopped for a moment to rest on the branch of a large tree. Atayla wasn't that heavy but that little rock trick he used on her used a lot of chakra. As he set the slender girl down he noticed that she was shivering. Itachi being the "gentleman" that he was took off his coat, cut off the bounds on her wrists and dressed her in his coat before lifting her back unto his back. he realized that as soon as he jumped from the branch he was on to another that she was about to fall off his back due to the fact that her wrists were no longer bound and around his neck. As he prepared to dive down from the tree to her falling body he realized that she was holding on. 'Well now even when she's asleep she's perceptive. Maybe I should give her more credit than before.' thought Itachi as he once again took off into the cold night air towards Ishinrou. When Itachi arrived at his and Kisame's hideout (that was conveniently located above a bar) he unlocked the door and walked in.
Upon hearing Itachi come in Kisame walked into the living room saying "Hey Itachi, you're back early. Come on I heard about a job over in Gaiche we should get there tonight if we want to get... WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU BRING A HOOKER HERE FOR YOU FUCKING DUMBASS! WE DON"T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT!" shouted a visibly angry Kisame. "Kisame shut the fuck up dumbass. There's a reason I brought the girl and she's not a hooker. I had a little bit of trouble getting my chain back. Actually I had a lot of trouble getting them back since the basterds who took it left before I could get my hands on it. As for the girl she knows where Rakoku and the fucking merc. who took it is. So basically I need her to tell me where they are to get my chain back" Itachi responded in his usual monotone. "You my friend are a fucking dumbass. As for the girl not being a hooker I don't believe it. I mean if she knows where Rakoku is she's either a hooker, merc., or someone who has a thing for violence and hell holes.” said Kisame to his friend.
"Whatever man just shut up and help me get her to my room” replied Itachi curtly before taking the unconscious Atayla into his room and placing her on the bed. "Hey Itachi how are you going to wake her up?" asked Kisame suddenly interested in the situation. The whole situation was probably the funniest fucking thing that Kisame had seen in his whole fucking life. After first getting his chain stolen and than failing to get it back and then on top of all of that having to baby-sit a girl his own age while trying to get her to tell him where Rakoku was, was honestly the funniest fucking thing Kisame had seen Itachi deal with. In a quick cat like movement Itachi was at the side of the bed in a flash and before Kisame could get a word in edgewise before Itachi gave the girl a quick and forceful strike across the face. Itachi raised his hand to strike again since the first one hadn't even made her twitch in her sleep but before he could do it he felt a hand on his wrist." Itachi you fucking dumbass! As much as I love violence I swear on my soul that if you even try to hit a woman in front of me again I kick your ass so fucking hard you'll be in next week. Understand" said Kisame in a threatening tone. "Yeah I understand but the fuck am I supposed to wake her up Kisame? If you got any bright ideas please feel free to share." said Itachi venom dripping from his tone.
"Just let her wake up on her own, okay Itachi. But it might be a good idea to get her weapons before she wakes up." said Kisame in response to Itachi's sarcastic remark. "Whatever." said Itachi walking back over to Atayla's sleeping body. Very slowly Itachi, for the first time, took a good look at Atayla's body. He saw the kunai strap to her slender thighs and decided to take them off first. His hand moved to Atayla's thigh and with one swift motion stripped them away from her body. The next thing that Itachi took off her was her sword. As he withdrew it from the straps on her back he was shocked at how heavy the huge blade was, this obviously not the kind of weapon you expected to see a woman carrying. Atayla's sword was only about 7 inches shorter than she was and was made out of heavy metal that weighed more than she herself did. Atayla used her chakra to help wield it in battles. "Holy fuck!" said Itachi as he lifted the sword away from the sleeping girl it was so heavy that Itachi almost dropped it himself. "Stop fooling the fuck around Itachi it can't be that fucking heavy." said Kisame now getting impatient. "Not that fucking heavy it's almost as heavy as yours you asshole!" ranted Itachi right back at him. "Let me try It." said Kisame getting even angrier as the conversation went on. Itachi handed Kisame the sword and let out a shitload of laughter when Kisame dropped the sword on his foot. "Yeah your right Kisame I guess your right it's not that heavy. You really showed me now didn't you." said Itachi in his usual monotone.
"Okay that's it you snide fucking basterds you did it now I'm pissed. First you bring this fucking girl her without telling me then you start getting all bitchy. Let's go right now, you want a fight well you got one!" shouted Kisame at Itachi. This was honestly quite a sight to see with the normally placid, cold, manipulative Itachi actually showing some sign of emotion and of course Kisame who was at least 2 feet taller than Itachi (who was 5'9 himself) with shark teeth and gills under his eyes it obviously wasn't something that you got to see everyday. They continued to rant and rave at each other going back and forth between who was a fucking asshole or who was a son of a bitch or who was a shitbag dumbass, but all their fighting came to a halt when somewhere behind them they heard Atayla's voice "Itachi".
At first they both looked at each other before Itachi felt the blood rush to his face and knew that he was blushing and without his coat there was no way to hide this at all. Kisame was already going into a fit of laughter and said "Looks likes someone is having some naughty dreams about you little Itachi." "Shut the fuck up!" shouted Itachi who tried his hardest to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks. Both of their thoughts were interrupted by a soft moan by Atayla and yet another "Itachi..." from her. At this point both Kisame and Itachi were waiting to hear what she said next. "Itachi... ohhh... you fucking jerk...I'm gonna fukin' killlll yo-..." said Atayla while rolling over in her sleep. At this point Kisame was almost pissing himself from laughing so hard and Itachi was well being ... Itachi." Come on lets go into the other room this is getting old really fast" said Itachi losing his patience quite quickly. "Alright whatever you say man." said Kisame leaving the room with him.

5 minutes later...
Atayla woke up on something that was soft and warm very much unlike the ground which she had already been sleeping on for a month and obviously it wasn't a tree she was sleeping in someone's bed that was for sure. It was then that it had finally dawned on her that that basterds Itachi had fucking kidnapped her and had probably taken her to his hideout somewhere. Atayla got up of the bed and felt very quickly that her weapons were missing from their places on her thighs and also that the familiar weight of her sword on her back was missing. 'That fucking shit bag basterd took my weapons.' thought Atayla angrily. Suddenly she realized that she was wearing his jacket. 'Oh great he even dressed me up in this ugly fucking rag' thought Atayla her thoughts full of anger once again. Atayla heard voices coming from the other room and decided that she would take matters into her own hands.
Both Itachi and Kisame had been sitting in the living room of the hideout basically just talking about nothing unparticular when they both her a noise come from the hallway "You fucking basterd you fuckning kidnapped me you asshole" said Atayla who was literally fuming with even more unspoken anger. Itachi and Kisame both looked at each other and before either of them could get a word in edgewise Atayla had already jumped on Itachi and had him in a strong chock hold. Kisame at this point was surprised at how fast the girl was and had already backed up towards the door steeping close to Atayla and Itachi who were on the floor fighting with equally vicious ninja skills. Atayla sensing that someone had taken a step closer to her instinctively threw the kunai she had lifted from Itachi belt and threw it at the doorway where the figure was standing. The kunai had come within inches from his head and was lodged in the doorframe. "Damn." was all Kisame could say "I'm not involved in this Itachi your the one who brought her here so she's your problem, not mine." said Kisame leaving the two to fight it out. "Kisame come back here get this crazy girl offa me!" screamed Itachi at him. "Like I said not my fucking problem Itachi, and you're a ninja you can take care of yourself. If that doesn't motivate you enough than I just want you to know that I believe in you." said Kisame with a snicker and with that he left into the other room.
"Pay attention, it's no fun to fight someone who's not going to give it their all!" shouted Atayla at Itachi. "Fine then girl if that's the way you want it then let's play!" shouted Itachi right back at Atayla. With saying that Itachi flipped Atayla over so that he was on top and in one quick skillful movement that clearly showed his strength and speed he pinned her hands above her head. Atayla was now at this point fucking furious and tried desperately to get leverage off the floor in hopes of bumping him off of her, but it didn't really work out. Itachi felt Atayla try to throw him off by thrusting her hips up in an attempt to get him off all it did was make him more "sensitive" to her actions. Itachi felt her hips grind up against his groin and he also felt himself harden at the intimate contact. If that wasn't enough just watching the way her body moved set him off. He looked at her breasts heave up and down as she tried to get more air into her lungs and also the flushed looked on her face as she became out of breath from her small attempts to get him off of her. Atayla could feel the way Itachi was getting hard from their contact and she couldn't help but blush and look away.
Itachi knew that Atayla could feel his hard on because of their positions and was going to get off of her before he did "something" but he didn't get a chance because he heard Atayla say "Well now this could be interesting.” When Itachi looked down at her he saw a looked in her eyes that he had seen before in a woman's eyes.. Lust. Itachi barely had a chance to do anything before Atayla bent her head and kissed him softly and then came back forceful and wanting like any other woman he had every had. If Itachi was barely able to control his actions just a few second before now he was way to out of control to stop now. Itachi still had Atayla's hand above her head as he deepened their already "simulating" kiss. Atayla felt a tongue in all its sweet pressure between her lips and she quickly slipped her own into Itachi's mouth. Their tongues danced in a passionate dance of response over each other's pulses as they tangled in each other's mouth. Before he could make another move he felt the cold touch of a metal point on his throat, apparently Atayla had skillfully sneaked another kunai from his belt while he was distracted from her other ministrations.
"Didn't I tell you to pay attention." said Atayla with a hint of later in her voice. 'Now that is what a boy should be able to kiss like, damn alright now play times over.' thought Atayla vaguely in the responsible part of her brain. "I Am." said Itachi in response to her snide "Pay attention'.”Maybe it's you that should pay more attention Atayla." said Itachi in his usual monotone. "What the fuck are yo-..." but before she could finish Itachi had her on her stomach with both hands behind her back.”Asshole." spat Atayla at him. "Dumbass." said Itachi in response. As Atayla tried to get free she found her chance when Itachi's focus was on the other room and the footsteps coming closer.
Atayla with her own ninja speed gripped the kunai in her hand and in one quick motion flipped over on her back and through the kunai so that it once again almost hit Kisame in the head. This time the kunai came 3 inches from his head. "Alright children break up the fighting I can't hear myself think with you two rolling around screaming at each other on the floor. And now for the second fuckin' time I've had a fuckin' sharp fuckin' object thrown at my head and i'm getting fucking pissed at your little girlfriend Itachi so if you feel like keeping her here tell her to stop fuckin' attacking me you asswipe!" shouted Kisame at the both of them. Itachi climbed up from behind from Atayla since their positions were once again switched her back was against his chest.
Atayla fell backward when Itachi basically flew out from behind her into a now standing position. 'Kisame i'm going out for awhile try to make sure that she doesn't leave or do something stupid like that. If she starts pissing you off just lock her in the fucking closet I really don't care." said Itachi and without staying and waiting for a response he left through the nearby door without any sort of noise at all. Both Atayla and Kisame looked at each other with sheer shock on both of their faces before finally calming down and sitting down at the nearby table only to sit and stare at each other for 10 minutes.
Atayla basically was pissed at the silence between her and the new stranger in front of her. "So your Kisame right, yeah well i'm Atayla. You know your friend Itachi is a fuckin' prick right?" said Atayla getting angrier as the long silence went on. "Does it look like I care and honestly I don't want fuckin' baby-sit a girly like you, oops sorry Atayla was that what you said your name was I really don't care" said Kisame pissed at the fact that Itachi left him to take care of his mess. "you know Kisame your really fuckin' boring, so do you mine telling where exactly your little friend has taken me and what fucking time it is?" said Atayla getter borededer as the moments passed. "Your in Ishinrou and it's about 10:00 o' clock at night, happy now good now shut the fuck up before I do lock you in the fucking closet" shouted Kisame at Atayla.
"Don't be a fucking jerk listen so since it's so boring here why don't we play a game?" suggested Atayla to Kisame. "What the fuck are you talking about Atayla." said Kisame getting interested in the conversation at this point. "Well since the bar down stairs is closed and Ishinrou ain't exactly the kind of hell hole you want to go outside in at night I want to play a game lets lets see... Dai hin min Dai fugo." said Atayla looking past Kisame staring at the wall. "Let's get this straight you want top play rich man poor man. You've got some taste girly you know that. And wait a minute how the fuck did you know that we were above a bar?' asked Kisame suddenly getting more interested in the girl as minutes passed.
"Yeah I've got some taste alright. As for knowing we were above a bar well I can smell the stale liquor. So are we gonna sit here and stare at each other or are we going to play the game Kis Kis." said Atayla using her new nickname for Kisame. "Listen Atayla if i'm going to play a game there's got to be stakes. So what the fuck are we playing for girly, just so the know I don't play for dolls or candy little girl." replied Kisame sarcastically. "Really you could've fooled me with the dolls part, but seriously I play for cash the name of the game is rich man poor man and we're playing for$500 in gold per. game got the rules good lets get started Kis Kis." said Atayla pulling her money out. "Hope your ready to lose little girl." said Kisame now actually ready to participate in the conversation.

30 minutes later...
Atayla sat at the table counting all of her money that she had basically stole off Kisame from playing rich man poor man. Truth be told Kisame was almost crying at his pathetic defeat and misfortune. Yet another sad truth was that Atayla had cheated just to win the game I mean that was the whole point of the game to Atayla, winning all the stupidasse's money, ha ha ha ha ha ha. "Fuck girly you fucking cleaned me out great beat by a fucking girl." mumbled Kisame wallowing in his defeat. After Atayla had finished counting her money she got up from her chair and walked past Kisame. Kisame looked at Atayla like she was fucking out of her fucking mind. "Where the hell do you think that you're going girl?" asked Kisame pissed at Atayla for kicking his ass at their little game. "To get Itachi's chain back, where else?" replied Atayla with a smirk visible on her face. "You think you can get past me. And even if you did why would you try to get his chain back?" asked Kisame amused at the girl in front of him. "I'm doing it because if I do then your friend Itachi will owe me big time now won't he?" said Atayla back at Kisame.
"What is it you want from him girl?" asked Kisame. "I want to stay here at your place for a while. You see I've been sleeping on the ground and in the trees all while eating squirrels and rodents for the past month since I left the vi8llage to go train and now since my training is done for now I like this place and I want to rest here." replied Atayla nonchalantly. "And what if you get his chain back and Itachi says no that you can't stay here what will you do then?" asked Kisame. "Well then I guess i'll either take his chain back to the place I found it or i'll keep it, I've been looking for some new jewelry lately. You and I know that I and your friend have matched skills so he won't be able to track me or find me if I say actually fought him seriously." replied Atayla. "Alright seem like you've got it all planned out except for one thing, how are you going to get past me?" asked Kisame "Easy just watch!" shouted Atayla moving into a jutsu stance before making a hand sign that had her pointer and middle finger extended upward and the rest of her fingers laced together she shouted out the word control and every thing in Kisame's world went black.
Atayla spoke to the now almost lifeless Kisame like a child "Now Kisame i'm going to go pay a visit to my friend Rakoku and when Itachi comes back your going to tell him, only if he asks though, that i'm locked in the closet because I wouldn't shut the fuck up. If he asks why I'm so quiet tell him because you knocked me out because I wouldn't stop banging on the door. If he asks you any more questions say `I'm too fuckin' tired to deal with this shit i'm going to bed!' and then go to your room and go to sleep do you understand all of what I've told you to do shake your head. Yes or No.?" Atayla asked as if she was talking to a child. Kisame shock his head yes and Atayla said "Good boy Kis Kis, i'll see you guys later see ya!" and with that after collecting her weapons and getting the rest of her stuff she headed out the door to go visit Rakoku.

A/N: Hey guys this chappy was shorter than I wanted it to be but I knew I wouldn't finish by my deadline that I promised Silverprincess0001 so I decided to make it 2 chappys instead of 1. So any way I plan to have chappy 3 up from Jan. 31st- Feb. 8th but probably sooner. I do have to tell you guys that there will be a definant lemon by chappy 5 I know I said chappy 4 but since this one is two I can only say I'm sorry oh and you lazy fucks you better review. You don't have to of course but depending on how much review I get for this story affects the way the lemon turns out. The more reviews the better the lemon and it willmake Minia happy so FUCKING REVIEW YOU FUCKING ASSWIPES. I love you all my fucking jerks.
See you in the Shadows...
Atayla the Maiden of Darkness