Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Meet Your Match ❯ Lets meet Yashe Lets get Drunk ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hello all you wonderfully fucking small-minded fools. Now first off I'd just like to thank Silverprincess001 and IceNight009 you guys brighten my nights. Yashe this is a chapter dedicated to you my lovely little sparring partner. Alright before I go on I'd just like to say if you don't like my story than don't read it, which is what normal people do. But then again Ms. Blackbloodedkunoichi you really are a bore love and I would like nothing more than to throw you in front of a trolley or double-decker bus whichever you prefer. It's because of people like you who can't seem to get a grip on reality and realize that Itachi doesn't just belong to you that so many authors stop writing good stories. As for my grammar well maybe if Yashe and Zuri weren't leaning over my shoulder I could write more efficiently. By the way I'm in honors English/Humanities and have already taken my regents 2 years early so don't bitch about my spelling. So now that that's cleared up it's nice to know that the lemon is right around the corner. Oh and as for all you anonymous reviewers really who do you think your kidding your either to lazy to login or you don't want me to reply so in essence your a fucking coward. Knowing that all you flamers are still reading this just so you can review and bitch some more I have something to tell you GET A BOYFRIEND YOU STUPID FUCKS! You need to get out of the house and fuck something and stop masturbating so much its unhealthy. Itachi doesn't just belong to you and if I want to make him seem out of character I will got that you fuckers? As for abusing my readers with my bad dirty words I DON'T GIVE A FUCKING SHIT! I don't care if my grammar isn't great, get over it you flamers I know O.K.! I chose not to have a beta because I don't want to waste my friend's time with boring work, oh and just so you know people read for enjoyment not because they want to be anal so FUCK OFF! And now chappy 4.

3 days had passed since Atayla had first started to crash at Itachi's and Kisame's place. Truth be told neither Itachi nor Kisame really minded. Kisame didn't give two fucks because...well he was Kisame and Itachi didn't care because well... he had his own motives to fill with Atayla. Both of the two men hadn't even seen much of the girl since when ever they were home, which was usually at night, Atayla was out off doing god knows what. As for the daytime Itachi and Kisame had business to attend to with the constant missions given to them by the Akatsuki, and as far they knew Atayla slept during the day.
Whenever all of them were in the place Atayla was usually in her room with chakra around the door so no one could enter. Kisame didn't even bother with the girl since he didn't feel like getting his ass kicked or his mind controlled again. Itachi, even though he didn't want to admit it really did want to see Atayla and it was getting to the point where he was almost driven insane by the fact that they were living under the same roof and they never even came into contact with one another. But that all ended on the third day when Atayla burst into the living room where Itachi and Kisame were talking about their latest job...
"Damn those basterds didn't know when the fuck to quit it's like fighting a bunch of fucking retards" said Kisame taking out his sword to clean the rank blood and gore of it. "Whatever, it was easy enough" replied Itachi taking out his own weapons to clean. "Yeah but where's the fun in fighting if they're not goin' to fight back, what the fuck is the point of even fighting at all then. It just pisses me the fuck off!" shouted Kisame. "Clam down Kisame." said Itachi in his normal monotone.
"Hey Itachi what do you think the others are doing?" asked Kisame in a slightly less agitated tone. "Who? You mean Sasori, Deidara, and Zetsu? They're probably doing the same thing that we are except they're the ones that get to see the new guy first." replied Itachi still occupied with cleaning one of his knives. "You mean that guy Genji? Isn't he supposed to be the boss' new subordinate or some shit like that? What the fuck is going on with the boss anyway why the fuck would he need a subordinate, why the fuck couldn't he choose one of us!" shouted Kisame in frustration over the whole situation. Itachi just stayed quiet he had heard about the new guy from Deidara, he had told him that the guy was going to be working directly for the boss and take care of the boss' matters including all of the Akatsuki business for awhile.
Itachi didn't like the whole situation considering some stranger who none of them knew was going to be the one handling all of their secrets and all the other crap that the boss did. None of the members of the Akatsuki had ever seen the boss and it led them to believe that maybe that's the way it should stay. Itachi was pissed at the fact that this stranger was going to be living in the Akatsuki headquarters with them once he and Kisame returned.
"It doesn't concern me" said Itachi at last breaking the silence. "How the fuck can you say that? You don't care in the slightest bit do you Itachi. Fuck, you show about as much emotion as a brick you cold fucking prick." replied Kisame laughing just a little before directing his attention back at his sword. "Your right I don't care." said Itachi coldly. It was then that both of their attentions were directed to the loud BANG that sounded in the hallway.
“Itachi, Kisame where are you here or are you sleeping? Oh FUCK what time is it! HOLY SHIT Yashe's gonna kill me. Oh fuck, oh fuck. Not good. Damn it ITACHI, KISAME FUCKING ANSWER ME!" shouted a very agitated Atayla. "We're right here. God learn how to shut the fuck up. Your goin' to wake up the fuckin' drunks down stairs you're so fucking loud so SHUT THE FUCK UP!" shouted Kisame back at her. "Do you two really have to be so raucous, will the two of you just be quiet. When exactly do you plan on leaving anyway Atayla?" responded Itachi to the two's rantings.
"I'll leave when I feel like it I haven't even slept in a real bed or eaten real food in over a month so be a little nicer. After all I did get your chain back Itachi so you're not really in a position to complain right now, now are you?" replied Atayla with a wink and a smirk right back at Itachi. "What are you doing up anyway girl I thought you slept during the day like some sort of vampire." said Kisame inquisitively. "I'm not a vampire you fucking dumbass it's just this town is a lot more fun at night and even though I don't gorge myself on blood I do like to bite." said Atayla looking in Itachi's direction while licking her lips for good measure.
Itachi felt a familiar rush of blood race down into the groin of his pants and then looking away he asked "What were you yelling about just now girl?". Atayla was oh so tempted to jump on the snide basterd and strangle him for the 'girl' comment but she restrained herself and answered "I have to go visit a friend since she probably found out about her new guest right about now and I don't think she'll appreciate it much if I don't offer an explanation for it. " said Atayla thinking about the old guy she had sent to live with Yashe in the village hidden in the sand and how pissed she probably was right now. The good thing was that if Atayla went to visit her now she'd probably be able to provoke her level headed friend into a sparring match. 'Damn now that would be some pretty fucking fun ass shit!' thought Atayla as she pictured her friend's seething anger. "Why the hell are you yelling so much anyway girly?" Kisame asked with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
"The name's Atayla retard. And i'm yelling because I have to leave for awhile to go deal with a problem that concerns Me." said Atayla agitated. "Oh goody she's finally leaving. We'll have peace and quiet again, something good finally happens to me!" shouted out Kisame in sarcasm. "Yeah it's about time too. I mean with a face like that it's about time that something good happened to a fish boy like you." replied Atayla dryly to Kisame's comment. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROIBLEM BITCH HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU I'M NOT A FUCKING FISH" yelled Kisame. "Could've fooled me." stated Atayla sarcastically. "Both of you SHUT THE FUCK UP!" shouted Itachi getting angry at the two's constant bickering. "Where the hell are you going anyway Atayla?" asked Itachi finally in his now regained monotone.
"I have to go and visit a friend. Plus she has all my stuff at her place so I have to go and get it. I'm getting sick of wearing your clothes and not having my weapons." said Atayla coolly. "Wait a minute what did you just say about my clothes girl?" asked Itachi looking over Atayla for the first time in a long time. He saw that she was indeed wearing his clothes, well just a pair of his pants. He knew some of his clothes were missing he should've known that it was her that would take them since Kisame was hardly his size. "Anyway sorry to have to tell you but I am coming back after my little visit so i'll just tell you one thing before I leave... IF ANY ONE OF YOU TOUCH MY SHIT WHILE I'M GONE I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" shouted Atayla. "What the fuck are you going to do about it if we do Atayla, huh girly?" asked Kisame with most of the emphases on 'Atayla'.
"Well let it put it to you this way. If you do decide to be a moron and touch any of my stuff you may just find yourself sleeping in a bed full of men when you wake up, remember that. You stupid fuck" and on that note Atayla went back into the other room grabbed her stuff and went out the door on her way to see Yashe. "We really have to do something about her." said Kisame raising his blade threateningly at nothing in particular. "Not just yet Kisame." said Itachi averting his attention back to his knife. "Looks like someone has a crush, 'little boy Itachi'." said Kisame imitating Atayla's voice. "Kisame the next time you say that i'm ripping the tongue out of your mouth." replied Itachi knowing that Kisame's words were true.

Atayla made her way through the treacherous terrain that lead to the village hidden in the sand. Atayla had managed to evade their defenses. Atayla really didn't feel like explaining why she was there because she wanted to get to see Yashe as soon as possible. It didn't take long once she was in the village to get to Yashe's place. When she arrived she saw that the place looked the same as ever. The intricately decorated dojo was as clean as ever. "So you're finally here are you? Well it's about time Atayla. I think you owe me an explanation for my new guest. Wouldn't you say?" said a lyrical voice behind her.
Atayla turned around to come face to face with her best friend Yashe. Yashe hadn't changed much in the past month. Yashe still sported her short shoulder length silver hair and her eyes were still the same shade of aquamarine. Yashe was wearing a pair of loose white pants with a white tank top and a plain black gi top open over it. Of course her feet were bare in the dojo. Despite being only 21, 4 years Atayla senior, Yashe was already the resident sensei in the dojo and taught her special form of fighting Siagensho to all willing to learn.
"What I can't come and visit my best friend? So I guess the old guy got here alright. I came here not only to talk to you but to also get my stuff since it's probably been taking up space." said Atayla to the young woman. "The old guy's fine he's staying in the dojo now. I missed you Tay, you've been gone for awhile. I was starting to worry you. You know." replied Yashe. "If you don't mind Yashe it's kind of hot in here mind if we go outside and continue our conversation?" asked Atayla. "Yeah no problem." replied Yashe to her friends request. "Great!" said Atayla rushing out of the dojo and leaping into the nearby tree and from there onto the roof of the dojo. Atayla got a kick out of watching her less agile friend climb up to the roof with the aid of a ladder.
Despite Yashe being older than Atayla they were both equal in strength when it came to fighting. The only difference between the two was that Atayla main strong points were agility and skill in terms of jutsu and chakra. Yashe however had better self control and chakra conservation as well as better speed. When it came down to the bottom line however despite all of this Atayla was still the better fighter this was because of her training and of course having Siku as her sensei. In all respect Yashe was a great fighter with superb skills and an even better sensei with her students. The two young women had met not so long ago and it had surprisingly started in a fight between the two. A fight in which no winner was declared.
When Yashe finally got up onto the roof she asked "So Atayla what have you been doing the past month?". "Well lets see I've trained a little, slept in trees, eaten rats and squirrels, got into countless fights with god knows how many ninjas, now i'm living with two members of the Akatsuki, I came to visit you, an...-" Atayla answered before being cut off by Yashe. "Wait a minute what did you just say about the Akatsuki?" asked Yashe. "Oh i'm living with two of their members on is a guy named Kisame who looks like a shark and one is this really hot guy Itachi who I plan to have as a pet once I get the chance." answered Atayla. "ATAYLA! Do you know what you've gotten yourself into? And what do you mean by having a member of the Akatsuki as your pet, you can't mean you seriously want to fuck him. God Atayla you'll never chance will you!" cried out Yashe clearly exasperated by her friend's odd choice in living companions as well as men.
"Come on Yashe your not really in any position to complain about the guys I want as bedmates I mean after all I recall when you had a pet of your own. Wasn't his name... oh I don't know...Cr-!" Atayla cried out before having a hand cover her mouth and Yashe saying "Alright, Alright I won't say a word about your choices of who you want to fuck. But Atayla a member of the Akatsuki I mean come on!". "Whatever I really don't care what you think and you know it." said Atayla. "Yeah I know lets just stop this conversation before I get angry alright?" asked Yashe.
"You forget that most of the time I want you to get angry my friend. So what do I have to say to get you in the mood to spare?" asked Atayla trying to provoke her friend into a fight. "Nothing you can say will get me in the mood to fight Tay, after all you forget i'm completely uncontrollably always in control of my emotions. It'd be a miracle if you got me into a fight and that's all I have to say about that. Let's get back to talking about you I mean I do want to learn about your latest project and why you're so interested about him in the first place." replied Yashe looking at her less patient friend. "I don't know something about him just gets my 'juices' flowing if you know what I mean and how could I not be interested in him. I mean he's got one hell of a body and a face to match and plus he's my exact and complete opposite in every single fucking way it's so wonderful. I'm so excited about getting him into bed with me, he could probably go all night if he wanted to. God, I wonder what he thinks about me." exclaimed Atayla with enthusiasm in her voice.
"Okay Tay way too much information. I really didn't need to hear the whole part about how he gets you all hot and bothered. As for what he thinks about you... well... either he wants to kill you by now or probably fuck you. That's what Raige was like remember." said Yashe looking into the distance. "Yeah I remember, but Raige and me are taking a break from the fact that we are bonded to each other. you know. Besides we both have our own little projects other than each other. That's the way we want it." replied Atayla. "So that ends this conversation then." added Yashe. "Oh no it doesn't i'm still trying to arouse your interests in fighting me so get your ass up Yash we're not through yet. Tell me how's that boy toy of yours, that Mr. big shot I'm to good for every one else and let me wave my riches around. Tell me Yash are you his secretary yet, or has he not found the time to bend you over his desk yet?" asked Atayla knowing that she had just crossed line with her level headed friend. "Alright now your going to get it Atayla. Now i'm pissed, no mercy" said Yashe getting up and moving into a fighting stance. "Now things are going to get fun" said Atayla also jumping up into a fighting stance.
Yashe was the first to act throwing a spot roundhouse kick into step behind kick at her friend. Atayla blocked the roundhouse but was sent flying across the rook from the back kick. Atayla performed a rollout into a foot sweep with her right foot. Then she turned her body and with both hands on the surface under her and threw an upward thrust side kick that hit Yashe in the chest. Atayla's foot sweep had caused Yashe to stumble back ward leaving her open for the kick, now she didn't feel like holding back. Yashe stood up ran towards Atayla and performed a flying jump kick that led up to a wheel kick in the air. Yashe also managed to throw in an uppercut which Atayla sifted out of the way of. Atayla hadn't fought her friend in a long time and was getting her anger out as she fought the older martial artist. Atayla decided to kick it up a notch with a front kick into round house, hook spin kick with her left foot, elbow into shouto, and a side thrust kick to finish off the combo.
Yashe had managed to block the front kick into roundhouse but was hit in head by Atayla's trademark hook spin kick which sent her sprawling across the roof. When Atayla came after her with elbow shouto technique combo with the kick to top it off Yashe shifted away from all of it, barely. Yashe decided to give Atayla a taste of her own medicine. She quickly threw an inside crescent kick with the right foot and finished it off with an outside crescent kick with the left foot. That wasn't the end of it though. Yashe decided that she wasn't finished just yet and launched a devastating punch, uppercut, elbow, hook, double shouto, and step across kick with the left foot. Atayla was hit with everything, partly because Atayla hated to block because it only caused you to slide back leaving you open afterwards and she didn't have enough time to shift. Atayla decided to throw one last technique before using any jutsu. She threw a spot roundhouse kick with her right foot knowing that Yashe would catch her foot but Atayla was one step ahead. When Yashe did indeed grab her foot she threw a spiral spin kick with the left that sent her friend across the roof once again. Yashe was hit pretty hard with Atayla's last kick and stood her ground and shouted out
"Time to get real lets have some fireworks Atayla!". "Yeah it's time for some sparkles!" replied Atayla to Yashe request of using jutsu. Yashe started to make hand signs and as soon as she was finished shouted out the words "Aurora Rise!" Yashe sent a burst of chakra at Atayla. Atayla flipped off the roof and into a nearby tree temporarily blinded by the light. Yashe was satisfied that Atayla couldn't see due to the jutsu and started making more hand signs. Atayla decided not to let Yashe have all the fun and made hand signs of her own. When the steps for the jutsu were completed Atayla shouted "Burning Wings!". T
his set a ring of fire around Yashe. Something in the shape of a large bird, a Phoenix appeared from the flames and encased Yashe in it's wings of fire. Yashe had shrouded herself in chakra to minimize the jutsu's damage and followed Atayla's attack up with one of her own. "Whipslash!" yelled Yashe as she launched herself at Atayla. Yashe's jutsu had added a power boost to her kick which she piled on Atayla who was still making her own hand signs. Atayla finished her hand signs just as she jumped back onto the roof with Yashe at her heels. Yashe's legs had purple light encased around them and just wouldn't let up with the kicks. "Scorched Gauntlets!" screamed Atayla as she felt a familiar heat encase her hands and wrists, it was a good thing that she had her gloves on. Atayla had her own power up now except it was her hands. The two attacked each other with kicks and punches until they both fell to their knees in exhaustion. They both lay on the roof worn out and not content to let the other win.
"Hey Yash do you give up yet?" shouted Atayla as she laid on her back far away from Yashe who was at least 20 feet away from her on the roof. "Never bitch!" shouted Yashe back. "I hate to tell you this but I really do have to leave before my pet gets worried about me. Besides neither of us has the energy to fight anymore." said Atayla. "Your right it's best that we continue this the next time we see each other. But I have something to tell you before you leave. Zuri left something for you when she came here and didn't find you." replied Yashe. Atayla and Yashe stood up and walked towards each other. "Zuri came looking for me, when?" asked Atayla suddenly interested in the conversation. "She was here about a week ago, you really should go visit her you know she's worried about you too." said Yashe.
"Yeah i'll go see her soon maybe tomorrow, but what did you say about her having something for me?" asked Atayla. "Come inside i'll get it for you." said Yashe jumping down from the roof and going into the dojo. Atayla followed her friend into her room and looked at Yashe as she said "Here you go.". Atayla opened the wrapped package Yashe had handed her. Inside was a beautiful black kimono with the kanji for pain inscribed in blood red on the back. "Well isn't that just pleasant." said Yashe cringing at Atayla's gift. "OH I LOVE IT!" shouted Atayla trying it on over her clothes. "Don't you think it's a little short?" asked Yashe looking at the kimono. The kimono only came up to mid-thigh on Atayla, but that's the way she liked it. "It's perfect." said Atayla twirling around the room.
"Yeah looks like our Miko friend had some time on her hands. You should go see her and thank her for the gift Atayla." said Yashe like any mother talking to her child would. "Thanks mom." said Atayla sarcastically at her friend. "So tell me where's my stuff so I can get it and get back?" asked Atayla. "I'll go get it for you." replied Yashe going off to get her stuff. Yashe returned about five minutes later with Atayla's stuff. "I'm glad you came Tay, I really am." said Yashe moving to embrace her friend. "Yeah I am too. But I have to get going now." said Atayla breaking the hug. "Okay then i'll see you soon then, I hope." added Yashe watching her friend move towards the door. "Don't worry i'll see you soon and with that Atayla went out the door making her way back to Ishinrou.
When Atayla got back to the hideout the first place she went was her room to put her stuff away. After putting everything in it's rightful place she sighed and thought 'Now I have all my stuff back and all my clothes yay and even better all my weapons double yay.'. As soon as Atayla was finished with all of the other shit she was doing she grabbed her new kimono, a pair of plain black boots, some black lacy undergarments, her gloves, a hair tie, and a towel. She then made her way towards the bathroom not knowing that she wasn't the only one in the house.

Itachi and Kisame sat in silence after Atayla took her leave from the hideout. It wasn't long after that did Kisame go off to do what he wanted in Ishinrou, which meant he was probably out looking for a hooker to burn up all the time he had left on his hands. Itachi decided that since he didn't have anything to do and Atayla and Kisame weren't there he'd go take a nap. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep.
'Where the fuck am I' thought Itachi as he looked around straining to see in the darkness. "I'm glad you came, Itachi" said a female voice behind him. "Who are you?" asked Itachi still straining to see in the dark. "Who do you think. I give you a hint. I the person that you want but just wont admit it. I'm the person who haunts your every waking thought. I'm the person you want to fuck. So just take a guess." replied the seductive female voice behind him. Itachi felt himself harden at the woman's choice of words and croaked out "Atayla.".
"Bingo. I'd say you deserve a reward for guessing correctly, wouldn't you say?" purred Atayla behind him. "Yeah I think so." replied Itachi feeling the tightness in his pants only grow worse as he felt Atayla's slim figure press into his back. He could feel her firm breasts press up against him. Itachi turned around and let his horny teenage boy side take over. He crushed Atayla to him and kissed with enough force to make her let out a stifled moan of painful pleasure. Atayla pulled away and suddenly the room around them came into view. Itachi and Atayla were standing in the middle of a bedroom 'his' bedroom in fact.
Atayla looked at him and with a smirk asked "Like what you see?". Itachi looked over Atayla and saw that he indeed liked what he saw. Atayla was wearing a pair of skimpy black lace panties and matching corset. She grabbed his hand and led him to the bed. Itachi felt a pair of hands moving over his chest removing his shirt and lean fingers running across his abs like a whisper of movement. Atayla positioned herself so she was straddling Itachi's waist with a leg on either side of his hips. Itachi tried desperately to flip their current positions but Atayla pushed him back against the mattress and said “No. I'm here to please you and fulfill you're desires love, not the other way around. So relax and let me do this for you.". Itachi realized that this wasn't a battle he couldn't easily win. He watched as Atayla placed her hands behind her back and loosen the strings of her corset. Itachi watched as the lacy black garment slid down her arms exposing her pale, perfect, white breasts. His eyes looked over them and saw the erect tiny pink nipples, this only made him want her more .Atayla's head bent down to Itachi's lips and she kissed him and action that left him hungry for more.
Itachi slid his tongue into her more than compliant mouth. Atayla let him contol the kiss as well as his own ministrations. Itachi let his hands creep down Atayla's sides and let them rest at hips. Atayla deepened the kiss as if reading his mind she pressed a hand against his groin and said "What do you want Itachi?". "You." replied the aroused man below her. "Whatever you want. " was her reply. Itachi watched as she reached down in between them and loosened his belt and removed his pants. He felt Atayla kiss his neck and he also felt her tongue creep out of her mouth and dart in his ear. Atayla sucked on the sensitive skin of Itachi's ear. She took the delicate lobe between her teeth and bit down playfully. Itachi just laid below his fantasy woman and let her do whatever she wanted to do to him. After all he was more than willing to let her be in control. Atayla's tongue dipped down to his chest and trailed down to his exposed and now erect cock.
Itachi felt her take him into her mouth and suck him. She moved her mouth up and down on the hard member. Itachi's hands came down to tangle in Atayla's hair to keep her where she was. Atayla pulled away with a string of saliva running from his cock to her lips. Itachi saw her smirk and watched her move off the bed to remove the last of her clothing. Atayla returned to her place on him and rammed herself down on his cock. Itachi heard Atayla moan out and felt her thrust herself up and down on top of him. Atayla's pussy started to slicken and drip with her desire for him making it easier for her to maneuver Itachi's cock in and out of her. "Don't stop Atayla. Damn you're so tight. Uhhhh, do that again!" he cried out at Atayla as she moved her hips in just the right way. Atayla grinned and repeated the motion not once but numerous times. "I wont stop, just as long as you don't wake up sexy." replied Atayla smirking. Itachi felt himself jolt out of dream of Atayla.
Itachi woke up with a start and feel out of his bed. Despite having woken up from his risky dream about Atayla he hadn't been "satisfied" by it per say. Itachi groaned looking down at his bulging boner in the crotch of his pants. True his dream had been "simulating" he hadn't cum from it and this now caused for him one major problem. Itachi tried to remember the way Atayla felt on top of him in the dream but it didn't help. Itachi was surprised that he even had a dream like that. Despite being a boy of 17 Itachi had had very little wet dreams in his life. Itachi became painfully aware of the situation at hand and realized that something had to be done. Itachi picked himself up off the floor and walked towards the bathroom that he now shared with Kisame. Itachi stood over the toilet and undid his pants. He pulled his erection out of his pants and gripped himself. Itachi rarely ever felt the need to masturbate and when he did it usually was because of a biological urge not out of actual arousal. This time was different. Itachi ran his hands up and down his hard cock thinking of Atayla with every motion his hands made. Itachi thought about his dream and started to pump himself harder and faster.
He thought of how Atayla would feel pressed against him and how tight she would feel around him. Itachi imagined her strong legs gripping his waist and her nails digging into his back. Itachi felt himself convulse and then cum to the image of Atayla begging and moaning for him to fuck her. Itachi cleaned up and walked out of the bathroom. He decided that he needed to go let off some steam after his little "escapade". Itachi walked out of the hideout and roomed the streets of Ishinrou for hours until the sun set. It was then that he decided to return to the hideout. On his way there he saw Kisame. "Itachi hey! I haven't seen you all day where the fuck have you been?" asked his friend. "I was just out doing nothing. Where are you going now Kisame?" replied Itachi. "I need a drink so i'll be in the bar come and get drunk with me when you feel like it. I'll see you later." said Kisame leaving Itachi to his own meanderings.
Itachi decided to go back to the hideout and do nothing since he really didn't feel like getting drunk at the time. As Itachi walked into the hideout he heard something and instantly took out a kunai to find the source of the noise. Itachi walked thought he house and came to Atayla's door. He notice that it wasn't shrouded in chakra and decided to go in. Itachi heard the noise again and realized what it was, running water. Itachi knew what it probably was but at the time the teenaged boy and his curiosity got the better of him. Itachi walked over to the door that lead to the bathroom and opened the door with his kunai gripped tightly in his hand. Itachi at that moment was face with one of the most wonderful sights he had ever seen.
Atayla stood in front of a very surprised Itachi. Atayla had heard a noise and jumped up from her place in the tub grabbed the kunai from her stack of clothes and gripped it ready to strike. Itachi's eyes wandered over Atayla's nude and wet body. Itachi watched the droplets of water run down her body and would have given anything to lick them off. Atayla just stared at Itachi she knew that she should say something but decided to throw her "pet a bone and let him see exactly what she had to offer. Itachi suddenly began to appreciate all the training Atayla must have done to get a body like that. She was perfect. Her breasts were just like in his dream, firm and perky. They were tipped with pink nipples hardened from their contact with the cold air. Itachi also noticed that the only body hair was her long raven colored hair that hung limp and wet over her shoulders and back. A definant plus in his book.
His eyes trailed down to her abs which were always in sight and as tight and trim as ever. The next thing that came under his gaze were her legs. They were slim and athletic something he wouldn't mind having wrapped around him. Itachi started to fantasize about how it would feel to have Atayla pinned down on the cold bathroom floor as he fucked her mercilessly. His fantasy was cut short by Atayla's voice. "I'm not a modest person Itachi but I don't like to be stared at like some piece of meat. I suggest that if you don't want me to gouge your eyes out you'll stop staring now.". "Sorry." said Itachi turning around and reaching for the doorknob. "I didn't know you were home I apologize." said Itachi apologizing again trying desperately to control himself from ramming her against a wall right then and there.
"It's fine. But one thing you close your mouth now it's starting to collect dust." said Atayla smirking at the way seeing her naked made Itachi react. Itachi couldn't say anything so he did the only thing he could he left. As he walked out into the hall he rammed his fist into the wall and said "Great now I need a drink." and with that he made his way downstairs to the bar to find not only a drink but Kisame as well. Atayla had heard Itachi's outburst in the hall and decided to go to the bar to. She went back to the tub and sank into the water never wanting to leave it's warmth. After about 30 minutes she got out and dried off. She put on her lacy undergarments and new kimono tying it tightly. She slid her boots on and then put her hair up in a tight pony tail . She exited the bathroom and made her way down to the bar.

Itachi made his way into the bar it didn't take him long to find Kisame. "Hey what are you doing here I thought you said that you didn't like to drink." said Kisame watching Itachi sit down at the table with him. "I think I need to start." replied Itachi dryly. "Well it's about time you star-... WHAT THE FUCK!" shouted Kisame his eyes moving from Itachi to the door of the bar. Itachi turned in his seat to see what Kisame was yelling about. In the doorway was Atayla in all her scantly clad glory. Itachi watched her sashay over to their table and sit down next to Kisame and put her feet up on the table. "So tell me are you boys having fun without me?" asked Atayla. "Who the fuck invited you!" shouted Kisame at Atayla. "Get over it shark boy, I need a drink with my day and excuse me if I feel like getting wasted." snapped Atayla back. Itachi just sat back and watched the situation unfold. It amazed him that Atayla would have the gall to walk into such a seedy bar and cause this much of a commotion.
Itachi looked at Atayla she was wearing an indecently short kimono, with a pair of knee-high black boots, and a pair of fingerless fighting gloves. Itachi also noticed that she was wearing her hair up for the first time since he had saw her. "Let her stay." said Itachi interrupting the two's bickering. "Why the fuck should she!" shouted Kisame back at his friend. "If it gets you to shut up then I don't really care weather she stays or not." replied Itachi. Kisame would have kept up with his rant but at that moment the bar tender came over. He placed a bottle of strong Sake in front of Atayla and said "From all of your admirerers" and with that he left. The 3 of them looked around the bar and saw indeed that Atayla had attracted a lot of attention. Atayla raised her hand in a mock gesture of gratitude and then said to Kisame and Itachi "Lets play a game.".
"What kind of a game?" asked Kisame and Itachi. "A drinking game, whoever goes the longest without throwing up or passing out gets a prize, money from the losers" replied Atayla. "Oh your on girly, how about you Itachi you feel like getting drunk?" asked Kisame. Itachi was about to say no but then Atayla's nude image came back into his mind and he realized getting drunk might just make him forget his attraction toward her, a least for a little while. "Yeah I'll play" said Itachi putting his share of money up on the table. Kisame and Atayla also put up money and the bartender brought 3 shot glasses out for them. Atayla poured out the strong liquor and said "Bottoms up." and drank the strong booze. Itachi and Kisame followed her lead taking their drinks too.
30 shots later... Kisame had been the first to pass out and now Itachi and Atayla were going head to head. The both of them had lost almost all of their normal if what little reasoning skills that they had to begin with. The fellow drunks of the bar were placing bets on who would win. Itachi was grinning from ear to ear for no particular reason and Atayla after 5 more shots thought that it would be a good idea to get up on the table and dance. "I must confess, my loneliness is killing me oh oh oh, Hit me baby one more time. Wee this is fun yay oh no holy crap crap whoopsy!" shouted Atayla falling into Itachi's lap. At this point every one in the bar was either passed out or to drunk to care about Itachi and Atayla's antics. "You know Itachi from here you look kinda hot I bet everyone wants to fuck you." said Atayla giggling like a mad woman. "You betcha!" blurted out Itachi giving her a thumbs up and a wink.
The two of them were now completely drunk and laughing like a bunch of idiots at anyone and anything. "Hey Itachi i'm bored lets play a new game." Atayla said wrapping her arms around Itachi's neck. "What kind of a game?" asked Itachi his speech slurred from the booze. "Tag you're it!" shouted Atayla jumping up from Itachi's lap and running out of the bar. Itachi got up and ran after her. Atayla led him back to the hideout and said "Na na na na na na you can't catch me!" running into her bedroom. Itachi ran after her and caught up with her grabbing her from behind and said "I win!" with a gleeful smile on his face. "No fair, no no fair you cheated.” replied Atayla pouting. "Since I won I want my prize Tay Tay." replied Itachi laughing a little. "Okay what's your prize then?" asked Atayla confused. "You." said Itachi turning Atayla around and kissing her roughly.
Atayla moaned out, even drunk she knew when something was to good to give up. Itachi had lost all contol at this point and slid his tongue into Atayla's mouth. Itachi pushed Atayla onto her bed and pulled at the tie holding her kimono closed. Atayla sat up on the bed with her chest now exposed to Itachi and grinned. "I like this game." said Atayla pulling Itachi down on top of her. Itachi had never wanted anything more in his life than fucking the writhing girl below him. Atayla pulled of Itachi's shirt and let him press his form up against her and pin her under him. Itachi moved his lips to Atayla's neck and sucked the sensitive skin, and then biting it to leave his mark. Atayla moaned out as Itachi ran his cool callused hands over her breasts.
She felt him move his head down from her neck and trail his tongue over an erect nipple biting and teasing it with his teeth. Itachi made marks all over Atayla's breasts and neck almost like it made her his if he did it. Itachi's hand cupped against her lower regions causing her to buck up and cry out his name. Atayla felt his fingers make their way inside her panties and his knuckles run over her mound. Atayla wasn't content with letting him have all the fun so she flipped their positions so she could be on top. "I want to play too you know." said Atayla pouting. She brought her lips to his ear and bit it with enough force to make him cry out. Atayla made her way down his neck and chest leaving bite marks as she went.
Atayla sat up on top of him and said "Itachi why is the room spinning? Hey there's two of you Itachi and I feel kinda dizzy." and on that ending note Atayla feel limp on top of Itachi's chest. Itachi nudged Atayla and realized that she had passed out on top of him. Itachi was sober enough to realize that taking advantage of Atayla wasn't a smart thing to do so he carefully pulled the sleeping girl off of him and placed her on her side next to him. Itachi was disappointed that this had happened but what could he do other than to get up and go to bed in his own room that he shared with Kisame. As Itachi got up to move he heard someone go "No don't your warm.". Itachi looked down and saw that Atayla had grabbed him around the waist. She was cold and didn't want him to leave. Itachi got back on the bed and wrapped his arms around Atayla. Atayla snuggled into Itachi's chest and went back to sleep in Itachi's arms. Itachi passed out not long after not knowing that by tomorrow morning he and Kisame would have and unlikely visitor.

A/N: I know that this chapter was kind of confusing but whatever. The next chapter will be featuring my lovely little friend Zuri in it along with some tasty lemons the colors will be... Gray, White, Yellow, and Silver. God the next chapter is going to be so much fun to write. There is also something I have to tell you all the week of Feb. 20th-feb.27th there will be no updates since I will be going away on vacation. In fact my whole reason for going on vacation is to look for some fun in another state which is where some rather unpleasant people who I have to stay with live. I wanted you all to know but I will try to have chapter 5 up as soon as I can which will probably end up being before I leave. So at last before I go i'm expecting at least 3 new reviews and Yashe doesn't count because you just don't, got it sexy. Oh and just to let you all know I hate Britney Spears I just thought putting her song in there would be some comic relief. I realize the Britney Spears also didn't exist in Naruto time so don't bitch with me about it. The rest of you stupid fucks REVIEW! Oh and for everyone who thinks that this is a "Mary Sue" it's not. I don't plan on having a happy ending in fact it's going to be rather creepy. As for my characters (Itachi) being ooc he's not. I based his attitude on everyone who has ever meet me attitude, which is basically violent. As for Itachi not being himself well it's my fucking story. I must admit though my characters are not the least bit perfect like in a "Mary Sue" but I have to tell you that yes I do have great abs. The Atayla in the story is based off of me 3 years from now and yes I really do look good i'm not exactly the lazy kind of person with no life. I go to school, do karate, write ficcys, and quench my obsessions with blood and violence. So now that that is settled you all better FUCKING REVIEW!