Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Passing ❯ Challenge 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Midnight Passings
Author: scottishfae
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: SasuNaru, GaaraNaru
Challenge #: 2
(from the 20Loves LJ Community Challenge)
Rating: M

A series of One-Shots according to the 20Loves Challenge

All Standard Disclaimers Apply

With a sigh of relief, the anxious blond walked out onto the expansive second floor balcony into the cool night air. The ancient and beautiful building that made up the Chariot Hotel had been chosen for the site of the Konoha Corporations annual New Year’s bash. Naruto had been apart of the company for six years, working his way up the corporate ladder and into the hearts of most of the employees and many of the executives. It was common knowledge that the founder and current CEO of the successful company looked at the exuberant blond as a son and treated him thusly.

Their fights often filled the halls with echoes of anger-etched screams before the two would exit the office laughing and leaving for an early dinner. Rumors had already begun that Naruto would be designated the successor of the buxom blond woman who ran Konoha with an iron hand. The blond just shook off the gossip as nothing and continued to work hard on all the mounting work assigned to him.

He had made friends with several of the other employees, and kept in touch with several of his high school friends who had followed him into the Konoha ranks. Naruto, however, kept his distance from the group of people now drinking the night away throughout the vast second floor ballroom.

"I didn't figure you'd be the type of person to run away," a low, baritone voice commented.

From the corner of his eyes, Naruto watched as the vibrant red head stepped out of the shadows and up to the spot where he was leaning against the railings.

"Not running, just needed a break," the blond slurred in response. He had been downing a lot of the delicate champagne flutes over the night and now his mind was hazed and exhausted.

His friend said nothing just stood there looking over the night. It was almost midnight and much of the Konoha employees still capable of coherent thought were gathering up everyone else for the big countdown. The two men standing outside on the corner of the large balcony were missed by the drunken scan. Neither really cared.

Gaara watched as Naruto downed another glass of champagne before turning to study the empty glass. The ever-tanned face was etched in confusion as his drunken mind struggled to figure out where his drink had gone. He twirled the long stem of the expensive glass in clumsy fingers. Gaara watched fascinated as the large hand encapsulated the delicate flute.

"You'll drop it," he said monotonously.

Naruto just snorted. He swayed on his feet, standing up straight from his leaning position. He looked over into the brightly lit city nightscape. Everywhere people, happy and drunk, walked up and down the streets trying to get to their party before the ball began to drop. Most of them wouldn't make it.

A tan arm unfolded to its full length in front of him. A goofy smile, one that Gaara recognized as being false, spread over his face as he dangled the flute between his fingers precariously over the edge of the balcony.

"It's a new year Gaara, what do you wish for?"

"I didn't think one made wishes at the New Year, just resolutions," Gaara replied. He had moved so he was leaning against the railing with one hip so he could face the blond. His body seemed relaxed but he was prepared to grab the man if, in a moment of drunkenness, he toppled forward.

"Some things can only be wished for," Naruto mumbled, the grin falling from his face. With the arm that wasn't already outstretched, the blond dug into his nice slacks and brought out a crumpled piece of newspaper.

He brought it in front of him, seemingly forgetting the presence of the other man. The anticipation of the coming countdown electrified the atmosphere all around him as the whole city prepared for the coming excitement of a new year.

Smiling back at him from the torn and smeared paper from earlier in the week was one Uchiha Sasuke. He hadn't changed much since the blond had last seen him on the roof of his apartment building. He still lived there, afraid that if he left his best friend wouldn't be able to find him. Now he knew that Sasuke would never come looking for his one-time lover and best friend.

Beside the scowling Uchiha stood a woman with matching long, dark hair and a flirtatious smile gracing plump lips. She held onto the arm of the man beside her as if she was afraid he would run from her if given a chance. The article announced the engagement of the youngest Uchiha heir's marriage to heiress of the Sound Corporation, one of the leading innovators in music in the country. The marriage meant the two corporations would merge and become an even more powerful conglomerate.

Gaara watched as unacknowledged tears ran down the tan face, smearing the makeup that hid his scars. Being Naruto's project partner he had known about the scars but, just as the blond never questioned the curious tattoo on his forehead, he returned the favor and left him alone about the odd marks.


The voices began to scream around them. Naruto's hands trembled and the paper threatened to be taken away by the slight breeze that was whisking around the two men.


An excited squeak echoed below them as a couple ducked into an alley, the man pressing the woman into the wall for a premature New Year's kiss.


Tears were running down faster between closed blue eyes. The flute dangled dangerously from trembling fingers.


Gaara stepped closer to the other man, a bit worried as the trembling moved to encompass his whole body.


Many delighted squeals echoed inside as another bottle of champagne was popped and the group was refreshed with more alcohol.


"You left it with me, you bastard, and I took care of it so carefully," the blond said. His eyes were again opened and looking at the battered newspaper clipping.


The clever redhead began to put things together and he felt himself uneasy at how to comfort one of the only men he considered his friend. The tears were beginning to


The tears were beginning to subside leaving the blond’s eyes an odd shade of crimson.


One hand shifted so that the clipping was lying in his palm. His fingers closed around it, crumpling up the picture even more and hiding the familiar face from his gaze.


A sad smile ghosted his face, the only true emotion the blond had allowed to surface in ages. Both arms were extended before him now and he slowly relaxed both hands. The breeze picked up the paper and it floated off into the murky night sky. The heavier flute dashed down towards the ground below them.

..~Happy New Years!~..

The sound of the shattering glass was hidden by the happy call of the people around them. Gaara just stood there observing the man in front of him.

"I loved you with every ounce of my being," Naruto whispered into the cool breeze that had just taken the picture of his former friend, rival, and lover away moments earlier. "But I knew you could never love me that way."

Gaara had shifted back once the blond had started talking, worried that he was observing something he wasn't supposed to. Suddenly, however, he was looking into the pain-filled crimson eyes of the other man and felt something in his chest jerk.

"And you know the sad thing about it all?" Naruto asked the other man in a quiet voice. "I didn't care."

A sob wracked the muscular body and he collapsed into Gaara's startled form. Hesitant and unsure arms wrapped around Naruto as he tried to comfort the crying man. "I didn't care," he repeated.

The crowd inside cheered for some unknown reason capturing the redhead's attention. The various employees were moving from one person to another delivering the customary New Year's kiss. The redhead quirked his lips, in an attempt at a smile, at the odd tradition.

He pushed the blond up a bit, just so that he could see his face. His cheeks were tear stained and he looked miserable. "Happy New Years Naruto. Remember, 'old acquaintances should be forgot and never be brought to mind,'" Gaara said quietly, bringing a hand to run down the tear covered cheek. "Especially when you have so many people here who love you so much."

Gaara leaned down and placed a sweet, and chaste, kiss on the blond lips before returning his arms to encompass the man's form. Naruto answered by snuggling into the warmth offered to him as they watched the city continue to sparkle around them.