Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Passing ❯ Challege 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Midnight Passings
Author: scottishfae
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: SasuNaru
Challenge #: 1 (from the 20Loves LJ Community Challenge)
Rating: M
A series of One-Shots according to the 20Loves Challenge
All Normal Disclaimers Apply
“Promise me,” he said in a whisper. Night had dawned long ago and the two young men sat quietly on top of the rundown building that served as the blond's home. “Promise me, you'll never forget me.”
The darker haired man stood looking out onto the lit city. It sparkled in its haze like the million of hidden stars above them. The air was heavy with the remaining heat of the day and lay heavy on their mostly nude bodies. Sweat clung to their skin, refusing to evaporate into the night's sky, and rolled down well-formed muscles.
A fleeting goodbye had turned into a passionate tangle of ivory and tan limbs as the two teenagers said their farewells with fluttering kisses and protracted moans. They had said very little during their lovemaking and afterwards, when they had migrated to the roof, even less was spoken. Neither wanted to admit that this was their last night, their last moments, together.
Naruto and Sasuke had been rivals since grade school, which eventually evolved into a close friendship. It had been only recently that both teenagers discovered and admitted to their intimate feelings for the other and it took several weeks for the two to become accustom to the emotions enough to act on them.
For almost a year and a half the two had been in a relationship that went beyond the `best friends' façade they so delicately held together for the public. They continued with their well thought out performance with the perfect illusion of friend and rival. Both boys were happy with their secret, and non-secret, lives. They lived as friends during the day and lovers at night.
The young Uchiha spent many of his nights away from the immense mansion that his family called home. Much preferring the warm, coziness that engulfed the beat up apartment that Naruto just barely managed to afford. His family, for the most part, was too caught up in their own lives to bother with Sasuke's whereabouts so that no problem arose when he went missing many nights in a row.
Sasuke looked down at the bruises marring the tan flesh below him. He was tempted to trace the purple marks that spoiled the perfection of the golden-haired beauty beneath him. Two long cuts, healing with a ill looking red pucker around hasty stitches done by unskilled hands, ran parallel to his navel before disappearing beneath the waist of gaudy green and orange boxers. The terrible marks were proof of their secrets discovery.
The problem had started when the eldest Uchiha son had returned from studying abroad. The cold politeness of Itachi calculated everything with a cool aloofness and an obsidian gaze. His keen intuition and observational skills had already lent him to a very powerful spot in his father's corporation while still attending classes at the most elite University in the country. With his natural abilities to read people and behavior it was only a matter of time before the two teenagers were found out and exposed.
Neither had proof that it was the eldest Uchiha who had ratted Naruto out on his own controversial sexuality but, of the guys who had accosted the youth, many were known allies, acquaintances, and underlings of the already powerful Itachi.
A tall man with a sickly looking blue color on his skin, had led the bunch that had torn the blond apart in front of an audience of his peers, all the while spouting out the boy's preference in men. Sasuke, and a few other of Naruto's closest friends, had eventually stepped in and saved the boy from being totally beaten (even while trying to fend off his attackers) but by then the damage had been done and most of the school were gossiping over the “queer”.
His immediate friends, 8 people including Sasuke, along with three upper classman, ignored the comment, not caring about their friend's preferences at all. The rest of the school wasn't as accepting and when Naruto had returned the following week after a brief stay in the hospital (compliments of Sasuke due to the blond's lack of medical insurance) he found himself in a very hostile environment.
By this time some of the more smart of the close-minded had breeched the gap of clues and guessed the closeness that actually lay between Naruto and Sasuke. The harassment for the Uchiha began, and, while Naruto was already taking everything in stride (used to being outcasted) with the help of his steadfast friends, Sasuke found it harder and harder to deal with the people around him bashing his and his family's name.
After almost a month of the continual hatred and the unforeseen future in when it would stop, Sasuke approached his father about being allowed to apply to a private school on the other side of the country. Itachi had stepped in and approved of the plan, saying that it would help the younger boy become more dedicated to the things that were really important. The nefarious gaze of his elder brother silently mocked him for being denied the only true happiness Sasuke had ever felt and he was sure that his brother had planned the whole thing to hurt not only him but also his precious blond.
Once permission was granted, both elder Uchiha men used their connections to allow a speedy acceptance to Sasuke's request and not even two weeks later the youngest son found himself packing, amidst his mother's feigned tears, for a school far away from the only person he could ever say he truly loved.
When word first got out of his transfer, Naruto had been furious, more because he had heard through rumors and not directly. Sasuke hadn't been planning on telling him and avoided him most of the time. The blond, not one to be ignored, made every attempt to corner the dark haired youth and even went so far as to bang on the door of the large Uchiha house.
The result was now brandished into his skin, more scars that were caused because of Sasuke's adoration for the other boy. Itachi and his crony, the one that had started the mess months earlier, had escorted the boy out and back to his own home, only to beat him down in some dimly lit alleyway. They spared him a lot of damage, but Naruto had still been forced to stay in bed for several days.
Naruto's pain, physically and mentally (no matter how well hidden behind the clownish mask the blond usually wore), was all because the love the two boys shared and, more than even the devaluing of his family's name, that thought ate away at the Uchiha's heart and soul. He couldn't stand around and allow his friend, to suffer silently like that and no amount of standing up for him would remove the hostility that the school provided. His only hope, for both of them, was to leave. To leave and to be forgotten in order to defuse a situation that was growing rapidly out of hand.
He looked down at the boy one last time. The orange glow from a nearby streetlamp threw shadows over the roof, half concealing the face of the other teen. `Promise me you'll never forget me.' Naruto's words echoed in Sasuke's ears as his chest constricted painfully.
“Only if you promise to forget me,” Sasuke replied.
He left, quietly and without delay, too afraid to see the emotions on the face of his lover and sure that he would see the same emotions echoed on his own. He had never cared for someone as much as he did for Naruto and as he walked out of the broken down building, fully dressed again, tears ran down his face unhindered. Regret swelled within him but he didn't stop as he hailed a cab.
He left his heart that night, on the roof of a dimly lit building, in the hands of a blue-eyed angel who, even with the unanswered promise to forget the raven-haired man who had once been his best friend and lover, would always carry it with careful caresses and a loving touch.