Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Passing ❯ Challenge 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Midnight Passing
Author: scottishfae
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Sasuke/Kin (w. underlying SasuNaru)
Challenge #: 5
Rating: M
Summary: Every person passes through another's life leaving behind a distinct fingerprint that molds them into who they will eventually become (series of oneshots/drabbles) Yaoi/Shonen-Ai, Het
A series of One-Shots according to the 20Loves Challenge. Each one-shot is mildly related to each other by one repeating character or another.
All Normal Disclaimers Apply
Two things before we begin.
1: Kin is very much out of character. When I originally paired someone up w. Sasuke, I didn't have anyone from the series in mind. But it seemed my Id had something different in mind as my description fit that of Kin from the Sound team in the Chuunin exam. So I kind of just use her name & add a new characterization of her. I also realize that her character isn't very well expressed and b.c of the situation I set up, the ending doesn't make too much sense. Sorry? I don't know. This one was tough.
2: For all of those people who have been so kind to review, I thank you. For those of you rabid Sai fans who have complimented me on how well I characterized Sai…thanks! You have no idea how much of a compliment that is to me b.c I based his character completely off the two or three pictures I've seen and my friend's comments. I haven't been keeping up w. the manga for a while (I'm angry at Kishi for killing Gaara, even if he did bring him back), so I'm not familiar a lot w. Sai. So I'll pass the compliments on to my friends who must have done a brilliant job characterizing him to me so that I could in turn write him well enough to get the Sai fans' approval.
One last thing: this scene is crap. I wouldn't feed it to my dog! I hate it. Sorry for it. You can skip over this one. I don't mind.
“Now, ma'am, the city has made sure that these blocks are closed only for wedding guests. Parking, by valet as requested, will be in these areas for the ceremony,” the strawberry blond woman, Sakura, spoke to Kin, showing the bride the exact routes on a well-organized map.
A dark-brunette man was giving orders to various workers, jotting down in his notebook on occasion. It wasn't usual policy for city officials to be this involved with the personal matters of its citizens but since one of the city's most powerful families was hosting a wedding, then it was happy to bend the rules. For this reason, Sakura had been thrown off her usual business of maintaining the social services in order to become a temporary wedding planner for the Uchiha marriage.
“From the ceremony here, your limousine will be escorted by the police over to the reception hall. These blocks will be closed for the reception and guest parking, again by valet, will be located here and here.”
Sakura noted that Kin wasn't paying any attention. The bossy woman was busy skirting attention around the room before always returning focus to the doorway. There was little doubt she was waiting for her fiancé to come through.
Since their arrival into the city, Sasuke had been seen only once by the wedding staff. Rumors were he was spending his days and nights drinking and avoiding Kin.
Sakura had heard from Tsunade, an old teacher and friend, that Naruto and Sasuke had seen each other at the airport. Knowing the two's past, she had rushed over to Gaara's apartment to check on the blond. He was fine, but angry—as was Gaara. It seemed she had interrupted the two while they were making up for the long length time apart.
Even now she couldn't help blushing at the memory of a nearly naked, and clearly aroused, Naruto answering the door. She had to admit, it was a shame that such a specimen of the male species had to be interested only in other men. He was a catch.
“Sakura?” Sai's voice brought both women out of their own thoughts.
“Yes Sai?”
He smiled brightly at both women. “The flowers have arrived.”
“Oh,” Sakura said. “Oh! Thank you Sai. Excuse me ma'am while I go and make sure these are put in their proper places.”
Kin waved her hand carelessly in a way of dismissal. Sakura bit her lip to keep herself from making a comment.
Once the two city workers were gone, Kin pulled out her cell phone. She dialed the number of Sasuke's cell and waited for him to pick up.
“Hello?” Came his slurred response.
“Where the hell are you?” She contained her voice to a low whisper.
“Who is this?”
“Who is this?” Kin's anger was mounting. “Who is this? This is your fiancé waiting for your sorry ass to show up at the meeting we had scheduled to discuss the final bits on the wedding.”
There was a pause on the phone and what sounded like ice clinking against glass could be heard.
“What bar is open at ten in the morning?” Kin said, more to herself than to the man on the other side of the phone.
She bit her lip nervously, not wanting to use her last weapon against the Uchiha. It seemed she had no choice, however. “Sasuke if this is how you're going to act, I might as well call daddy.” She paused to see if that got her a reaction.
When it didn't she continued. “He'll be angry for how you're treating me and call off the wedding!”
Sasuke snorted over the connection. “S'kay. I don't want to marry you anyway. Itachi's making me.”
Tears welled up in Kin's eyes. “You don't mean that,” she said.
“What don't I mean?” His drunken mind already forgetting what he had said only moments earlier.
“Sasuke.” Her voice was full of pain as she struggled to hold back tears.
He seemed oblivious and the noise of ice on glass continued. She had decided to hang up on him when he heard him whimper. She instantly became worried. “What's the matter baby?”
“I miss Naruto.”
Kin violently hung the phone up and then threw it across the church where it shattered against one of its stone walls. Everyone stopped to stare at the seething woman as she broke down into tears.
Sakura rushed over to comfort the woman. “Ma'am is everything alright?”
Kin fell into Sakura's arms. The other woman looked around in a panic on how to handle the situation. No one else seemed to have any clue either. “Ma'am,” Sakura began.
“Kin, call me Kin please.”
“Yes, Kin. Why don't we go down this café down the street? We can get you some coffee to calm your nerves.”
Kin allowed Sakura to help her stand. “Sai, see if we can't get a new phone, pronto. Salvage the SIM card if you can.”
Sai did as he was instructed, jotting something down in his book first, while Sakura led the other woman out of the church.
“Tell me,” Kin said around her mocha, “what this Naruto is like.”
Sakura flinched at the obvious contempt the other woman held for her old friend. “What makes you think I know him?”
“I know you were friends with my Sasuke while they were,” she paused and gagged, “together.”
Sakura snorted into her own cup. “No one was friends with Sasuke. He was just there and he either put up with your presence or he didn't. Naruto was the only one he allowed close to him and was the only one he would open up to and I only know that because Naruto told me.”
“He's lying.” Kin snapped. “Sasuke doesn't lay his feelings out for anyone. It isn't who he is and that's why he is strong and successful.”
And why he is drunk in a bar at ten a.m. completely miserable and about to marry someone he doesn't love, added Sakura.
“How did you and Sasuke meet?” She asked to change the subject.
Kin's eyes lost their focus as she sunk into her memories. A girlish smile appeared over her face. “Oh he was so handsome. It was love at first sight, for both of us.”
“Sasuke told you that?” Sakura asked more than a little skeptical.
“He didn't have to tell me, I could just tell. He is my fiancé after all.”
Sakura brought her cup to her mouth and took a sip. “And where did you first see him then?”
“Oh at a party daddy was throwing for his business associates. Sasuke came with Itachi.” Kin paused to take a sip of her own drink. “The moment I saw him I knew I had to have him,” Kin met Sakura's eyes, “and I told daddy that exactly.”
Sakura's cell phone rang. She picked it up from her purse and rejected the call. It was only Ino and she doubted it was important. “I'm sorry, please continue.”
“Oh well, that's it really. Once I told daddy I wanted Sasuke for my husband, he went to Itachi and arranged the whole thing. By the end of the month we were engaged. Of course if wasn't announced until December, a whole 6 months after the party. We're going to get married on our one year anniversary.”
“Yeah, that was my idea. Isn't it romantic?”
“I suppose,” Sakura answered around her cup. Only if you consider not having a choice in whom you are marrying romantic.
Sakura's phone rang again interrupting the conversation. “Excuse me, I suppose I should take this.”
Kin didn't seem offended and just waved her off as she had before. Sakura rolled her eyes as she walked away from the table. She picked up the phone once she exited the café. “Ino, what's up and it better be important. I'm with—“
“I know who you're with and I'm with her drunken fiancé at the police station.”
“Oh, you heard me. Seems our fine Uchiha broke into a bar this morning and has been acting as his own personal bartender ever since.”
Sakura ran her fingers through her short hair. “Oh Sasuke.”
“What should I do? They have him in detox and as it is I've had to bribe Lee into convincing the owner to not press charges.”
It was nice to have friends in the police department. “Bribe with what?” Sakura asked, half dreading the answer.
Ino's nervous laughter filtered through the phone. “Well, um, I hope you don't have plans for tomorrow night.”
Sakura groaned. “Thanks a lot Ino.”
“Whatever Sakura, that isn't the most important thing right now.”
“I know,” she paused looking back into the café where Kin was waiting impatiently. “Listen, I'm going to bring Kin down there. Maybe she can talk some sense into him.”
“Are you sure that's wise?”
“Not at all but our only other option is to call Naruto and ask for his help.”
“Well that's definitely not an option.”
“No it is actually. Ino give him a call. Explain to him the circumstances. Ask him to come down to the police station, which precinct?”
“And tell him to keep out of sight. We'll only use him as a last resort.”
“Sakura,” Ino said. Her voice was cautious and doubtful. “This isn't a smart idea. For either of them.”
“Well hopefully we won't have to use it.”
With that Sakura hung up and rushed back into the café to Kin's side. She explained the situation and they both quickly left and headed down towards the thirty-seventh precinct.
Sasuke stared across the small cell to the mildewing concrete walls. He struggled to keep it in focus but every time he felt he had it down the wall would lurch. Usually his stomach would lurch with it and his cell reeked because of it.
One of the cops, an exuberant man with a bowl cut hairstyle, had given a wastebasket. He clutched it tight to his chest. The smell made his eyes water. He wretched.
As his stomach started to calm down again he vaguely became aware of the sound of footsteps coming down the corridor. He was still recovering from his latest upheaval when the door to his cell opened. The bowl cut man was there again.
The Uchiha stared at him for several minutes before he realized he was being spoken to. His throat was soar and his voice was croaky. “What?”
The policeman sighed. “People are here to pick you up.”
He helped hoist up the sobering Uchiha. They walked, slowly and unsteadily, down the corridor and out two sets of doors until they reached the main room of the station.
As they exited, Sasuke ducked his head to shield his eyes from the bright lights. His eyes began to tear up.
He looked up when he heard his name. In front of him stood someone who looked surprisingly familiar. She was wearing a knee-length, tapered blue skirt. Tucked into that was a maroon blouse that set off her strawberry blond hair. “Sakura?”
Her scowl lessened but by no means did she look happy to see him.
“Sakura!” He said again finally figuring how he knew her. “Sakura, please.”
He stepped forward but the cop held his arm preventing him from getting too close. She seemed relieved.
“What do you want Sasuke?”
Her voice was different than he remembered. It was a touch deeper, and had a hint of exhaustion. She no longer possessed the high-pitch squeal he remembered from the days when she was the president of his fan club.
“Sakura, please. Where's Naruto? I miss Naruto. Tell him I'm sorry and that I do love him, I never stopped and I never will.”
He was on the verge of tears and missed the two startled gasps.
“You bastard.”
Sasuke looked up at those familiar words only to have his face violently thrown to the side by a powerful slap. Kin stood there seething and at the verge of tears herself. “You drunken ass hole! How dare you!”
Sakura put a hand on the woman's arm in hopes to calm her down but it was just shoved away. Sasuke sunk to the ground. Kin stared down at him. “I hate you!” She said around tears.
“I don't care. Go away. I don't want you.”
“I hate you!” She repeated. “I hate the way you look at me, and the way you talk to me. I hate the way you make me fell.”
She paused to catch her breath. The whole room was and staring at the scene. A year's worth of ignored and pent up anger was beginning to be released.
She began again in a whisper, barely able to talk for her grief. “I hate the way I'll watch the door for you. I hate the fact that I don't think I can live without you.”
Both Lee and Sakura were by her side guiding her to a chair before she too collapsed.
“I'm sorry Sasuke. I'm sorry,” she choked. “I can't be him. I can't be your precious Naruto and I can't take his place in your heart. I just wanted you to see me and love me.”
Sasuke had gone quite listening to the woman he was supposed to marry. She was sobbing now and Sakura was desperately trying to soothe her.
“Come on bastard, let's get you out of here.”
The deep baritone was familiar and Sasuke looked up. Blond hair and blue eyes met him. “Did I die just now?”
The man above him smiled though it was laced with sadness. “No but I bet you'll be wishing you were dead once you sober up and you're hangover hits full on.”
Naruto didn't say anything else. He hoisted Sasuke up and, with the help of Gaara, took him out of the building while Kin was occupied in her own grief.
The next day the wedding had been called off and Kin left the city for her own home on the other side of the country.
So this has to be the worse one of the series so far. Possibly one of the worst things I have written. I hate it so much. I don't expect reviews for this one, I don't review crap & I don't expect others to either.
I may come back to this one once I finish this arc. I think Kin just needs a complete recharacterization. Possibly one that fits her original character much better.
Until then, sorryness for the crappiness. I will see you on the flip side w. another GaaraNaru/SasuNaru.