Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Passing ❯ Challenge 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Midnight Passing
Author: scottishfae
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Naruto/Sasuke, Naruto/Gaara
Challenge #: 6
Rating: M
Summary: Every person passes through another's life leaving behind a distinct fingerprint that molds them into who they will eventually become (series of oneshots/drabbles) Yaoi/Shonen-Ai, Het

A series of One-Shots according to the 20Loves Challenge. Each one-shot is mildly related to each other by one repeating character or another.

All Normal Disclaimers Apply
He had decided to delay his return to his brother's home by taking the train cross country instead of flying. His mounting fear of facing the other man made his knees weak and he could barely contain his body from shaking.
The blond put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. The pressure was reassuring even with the knowledge that he would soon be leaving the other. Gaara stood close behind Naruto with the air of indifference towards the soon departing Uchiha. His possessive grip on the blond's hip spoke of the lie behind this indifferent attitude.
The two had rescued him from an impending marriage that would have made neither party happy in the end and for that he was thankful to them both. However, as he watched the train pull into the station, he couldn't help but wish that it were he holding Naruto possessively against his form and not the silent redhead.
The blond seemed to realize Sasuke's thoughts. His beautiful blue stare was filled with sadness as he looked at the Uchiha. Every time Sasuke tried to reach out for the long dead connection between the two men, Naruto would clam up and shut himself off. Sasuke would watch with regret as Gaara would go to the blond and help him recover to his normal self.
That could have been me.
The train had come to a halt and the current passengers were disembarking. Naruto stepped forward, away from Gaara's hold, and took Sasuke's free hand with both of his. Sasuke squeezed the hands but kept his eyes on the train.
"Naruto," Sasuke said. "Do you love me?"
The blond's voice was soft and there was something hidden in its depths that made Sasuke doubted the sincerity of the statement.
The people disembarking had filtered to only a few and people were now allowed to board. Without releasing Naruto's hands, Sasuke bent down and grabbed his bag. The two men walked towards the train together. They stopped when they could no farther. It was time for Sasuke to board.
"I love you," he said turning to look at Naruto.
The blond wouldn't meet his eyes but instead stared at their connected hands. "I know."
"And you don't love me?"
Naruto looked up, biting his lip. His eyes were regretful. He released Sasuke's hand and backed away. "Good bye Sasuke."
The Uchiha sighed. He watched as Gaara came up and wrapped his arms around the blond. Naruto unconsciously snuggled back into the embrace.
"Thank you," Sasuke said.
He held out his hand to Gaara. The redhead took the offered hand and they shook. "Take care of him."
Gaara nodded.
Naruto was pouting. "Hey don't act like I'm not here and I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself."
Sasuke allowed himself a small smile. With a quickness his family was known for, he leaned forward and brushed the barest whisper of a kiss on the blond's lips. Naruto looked dazed when Sasuke pulled back. Gaara was unreadable as usual.
The Uchiha nodded his goodbye to both men and turned to board. He got on the train and found his seat. Out the window he saw Naruto standing there hand and hand with Gaara. The two were talking congenially together, Naruto giving the redhead one of his radiant smiles.
Sasuke tore his eyes from the pair and sunk down into his seat. He remembered when he was the recipient of those smiles.
The train lurched and began its way. A flailing of arms brought his attention back to the window. Naruto was jumping up and down like a child, waving goodbye with the whole of his body. Sasuke placed a hand against the window trying to reach through and touch the other man.
He leaned against the window further, his forehead flattening against the glass. He watched the two as long as he could before the station was no longer in view. Then he turned and sunk into his seat. The city was rushing by the window in a blur.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed. It means so much to me! Here is the next update. I have the next one already written and type up w. just some tweaking to do. I'll post it tomorrow.
Thanks again. Further comments would be appreciated!