Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Passing ❯ Challenge 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Midnight Passing
Author: scottishfae
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Zaku/Kin
Challenge #: 9
Rating: M
Summary: Every person passes through another's life leaving behind a distinct fingerprint that molds them into who they will eventually become (series of oneshots/drabbles) Yaoi/Shonen-Ai, Het

A series of One-Shots according to the 20Loves Challenge. Each one-shot is mildly related to each other by one repeating character or another.

All Normal Disclaimers Apply
She stood stock straight, her hands clenched, with tears running between tightly closed lids. She refused to meet his stare. "If you ever cared about me, even for a moment, leave now."
"Kin," he said reaching out to grab her wrist.
She snapped it away from him but he was not deterred. He stepped forward and embraced her anyway. Her emotionally exhausted body sunk into his embrace. Her hand reach out and bunched the fabric of his sweatshirt as she held onto him.
"Zaku, please."
Zaku stood there with his arms full. He blinked back tears of his own. The man he so despised, Kin's father Charles, was standing by the door waiting for him to leave. His eyes were heavy on them with blatant disapproval of the man holding his daughter.
Zaku had come from nothing, an orphan from his very beginning. He was a street rat and his situation hadn't improved much over the years. After going through the inner city public schools, he decided to join a military service for lack of anything else to do with his life. He chose to join the air force and was doing well there. He had a keen sense of the wind and its movements. His superiors described his hands as a fine instrument that, along with his understanding of the jet streams, made him a natural in the air.
The young man's relationship with Kin started completely by accident. His instruments had failed while doing a normal fly around. He was lucky to be near an airport so he wouldn't have to land at random and he touched down safely. He radioed in to this base and received orders to remain at the airport until others came to get the plane.
Obeying orders, he went into an executive waiting area (a gift from the airport) and settled down. Not ten minutes later a woman with long dark hair walked in, her face puffy from tears.
Zaku tried to mind his own business but as her sniffles turned to snobs he couldn't any longer. He stood, grabbed a box of tissues that were placed on all the small tables in the lounge, and went to sit next to her. "A pretty woman such as you shouldn't be crying," he said.
She looked at him with a strange look. Grabbing a tissue she responded. "How can you think I'm pretty? I look horrible."
"You're right. You aren't pretty," he said. "You're beautiful."
Kin was beside herself. The man, sitting in a military flight suit, had such a goofy face on and before she knew it she was giggling. She really couldn't help it. "There you go. See you're even more stunning when you smile."
She hit him lightly, flushed from his complements. He introduced himself not long after and, before Kin's chauffer came they had exchanged numbers.
They had dated for months in secret. Kin feared her father's reaction and Zaku understood. However, everything ended up crashing down when he found out anyway, all their precautions for nothing.
She had turned down a date with a wealthy man of good title, one her father had specifically picked out for her. Curious as to what had changed his daughter so much, he had one of his underlings follow her. Every time Kin went to meet Zaku, it was reported back to Charles.
From there everything unraveled. Charles approached his daughter about her secret. She confessed, under dourest, and he claimed he would put an end to everything.
Charles had connections in high places and threatened to have Zaku thrown out of the air force if the relationship didn't end. Not wanting to ruin his life and have him hate her, she broke up with him immediately.
To her, and her father's, surprise, Zaku showed up at the large mansion demanding to see Kin. Charles confronted him, threatened him and nearly had both his arms broke. By the end, it was Kin who caved, no longer able to watch the pain he was going through.
"Zaku, please."
"No, Kin. I won't."
She pushed away from him and dried her eyes with the back of one hand. "Leave now."
"Leave. Don't look back, just leave," she said. "Just live."
"Not without you."
"I'm sorry."
She moved forward and placed a kiss on his lips. It was soft and lingering. She pulled back, tears returning. "Good-bye Zaku."
She rushed away to her room leaving the two men in the foyer by themselves.
"I'll trust we'll never be seeing you again then." Charles said.
Zaku smirked. "Rest assured, you will. I'll never give up on her, because, unlike you, I actually love her."
With that, he walked out of the house and down the drive where his motorcycle was parked. No pompous ass of a father was going to keep him away from the only person he had ever loved and the only one that had loved him in return.
Uh-oh, you know what this means? Only one more scene left of this arc. Then I'm taking a break from the 20loves challenges for a bit and doing some other stuff. I should probably update my Inuyasha fic, especially considering I've had the next chapter finished with since December.
This chapter seemed really rushed, though I was trying to keep it brief for a reason. Sorry for the ill quality of it all.
As it is, please leave a review and tell me what you think! And thanks to all those nice people who have left a review. I love you all very much.