Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Passing ❯ Challenge 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Midnight Passing
Author: scottishfae
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Itachi x Sasuke - non-romantic
Challenge #: 8
Rating: M
Summary: Every person passes through another's life leaving behind a distinct fingerprint that molds them into who they will eventually become (series of oneshots/drabbles) Yaoi/Shonen-Ai, Het

A series of One-Shots according to the 20Loves Challenge. Each one-shot is mildly related to each other by one repeating character or another.

All Normal Disclaimers Apply
Sasuke watched as his brother's home came into view. The large mansion blinked out the sun at its hilltop position. The gates opened and the elegant Rolls Royce turned into the private drive. Since his parents' death, Sasuke had pretty much been under the thumb of his elder brother.
The tragic and mysterious death of the rest of the Uchiha family left the multi-million dollar company in the hands of its two surviving sons. The will specifically said that Itachi had control over the company but under the stipulation that he would look after his brother. Unfortunately for Sasuke, the will set no monetary minimum and Itachi could very well leave his younger brother with only the barest amount to survive.
The door opened for Sasuke and he was startled from his thoughts. He hadn't even realized that they had parked. He stepped out of the expensive car and made his way to the front door. A maid was already grabbing his bag to put in his room. "Hi Jenkins," Sasuke mumbled at the butler as he entered the house.
"Master Itachi would like to see you."
Sasuke nodded and made his way up to the second floor office. He rapped on the door when he got there. A large man, with a bluish tint to his skin, opened the door. Kisame, a long time friend of Itachi's, was one of Sasuke's most detested person. He hated the man and the pain he had inflicted on both Naruto and himself. "Hey kid, looks like you got yourself into some trouble."
"Shut up. I have no need to hear the snide remarks of a man with the intelligence factor of a retarded lemming."
The look on Kisame's face was priceless. It was a mixture of both anger and confusion though as the insult sank in, he became more and more angry. "You insolate little brat."
"Insolate? Big word for you," Sasuke shot back.
They were both still standing next to the doorway.
"Sasuke I would ask you not to be rude to my friends, am I rude to yours?" Itachi said from behind his desk.
"I don't have friends and the one I did have, you made it so everyone hated and abused him."
Itachi's smile drifted over his face with a sly ascension. "Good point but still," he said. "Please sit, we have much to discuss."
"I really have nothing to discuss with you."
Sasuke walked over to the large mahogany desk and sat at one of the chairs in front of him. There was no way of getting out of this talk, and even he knew it.
"So you don't want to explain why you broke off a marriage that guaranteed us a half a billion dollar merger?"
"I don't love her, why should I marry her?"
"That doesn't matter. You would learn to tolerate each other and in the meanwhile be put in a very luxurious position."
Sasuke shifted in his seat. "I don't really care. I don't want to be unhappy any longer."
"And you'll be happy poor? You'll be happy ruining the name your parents worked so hard to make?"
Itachi very rarely claimed their parents as his own. Usually he would just brush them off as Sasuke's parents. Though there was no doubt that of his actual belonging in the Uchiha family. The two brothers looked very much alike.
"Money doesn't buy happiness."
"What a stupid, cliché saying. One that holds no basis in reality."
Sasuke clenched his fist, bunching the fabric of his pants.
"Naruto was poor, how do you explain his happiness then?"
"Was he really happy? How can you tell? He was always very good at wearing that mask of the idiotic clown."
"Shut up!" Sasuke stood and braced himself up against the desk.
"No," Itachi replied. "Sit back down please."
He waited for Sasuke to begrudgingly take his seat again.
"I have talked to Charles and he agrees that this whole deal is just a youth's mistake. We've both agreed that the wedding should be moved here and performed right away."
"I'm sorry little brother," Itachi said. "You have no choice in the matter. You either marry her or I'm cutting you off."
Kisame snorted. Both brothers had forgotten he was even in the room.
"Fine," Sasuke said.
The unusual smile crept over Itachi's face again. The younger Uchiha soon wiped it off his face. however. "I'll leave. I'll pack my stuff and be gone by tonight."
"Excuse me?"
Sasuke had stood and was now towering over his brother. "I refuse to marry her and if that is my only choice, then I'll take being cut off."
"I don't think you understand what being cut off is. Your luxurious lifestyle will be gone," Itachi said.
"I'm sick of being under your thumb. I'm going to live my own life for once."
With that Sasuke walked out of the office and over to his room leaving a stunned Itachi behind.
Kisame's voice drifted down the hallway. "Don't worry Itachi, he's just bluffing. No way that brat could live two seconds outside of this house."
Sasuke packed only what he felt he would need. He picked up a few things to sell for later. While his personal savings was hefty, he didn't trust his brother not to freeze the account. Itachi did have connections.
As he was leaving, he was surprised to see his brother standing in front of the door. "I'll give you one last change to take everything back. You'll go on with the marriage and not go against me again."
"Hell no," Sasuke replied. He came to stand in front of the other. "I won't have you control my life anymore."
"I control it because I know what is good for you."
"No, you get off manipulating everyone around you and I'm stopping that now."
Sasuke moved to walk past his brother. Itachi reached out and grabbed his arm. "Sasuke stop this nonsense. Take your stuff back to your room."
"I know what is best for you."
"No, you don't. You just do with me whatever will help your own self."
"No, I do this stuff because I care. Because I lo--"
Sasuke's scream startled them both. His whole body was shaking and his voice was low with anger. "Don't tell me you love me, it's not who you are." He took a large gulp of air. "I want to die without hearing those words from you. That would be a wonderful way to die."
Itachi's face was blank as he started at his brother. Sasuke's face mirrored the other. "Good-bye brother. I hope the rest of your life goes well."
With that, the youngest Uchiha left the large estate. He had no clue where he was going but, for the first time since his departure from Naruto, his life looked bright and promising.
Um, yeah? I don't know about this one. Something feels off.
Next scene is already written and should be up by either tonight or tomorrow. Tenth shouldn't be too far behind. Just to give you a hint, reviewing makes me post quicker.
Tell me what you think by leaving a review! And thanks to everyone who has left one already!