Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ chapter 3 Finding out ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Well hello everyone.I'm here again and I want to thank darkangelthefallen for the review.Aslo to all those who didn't review but read the story.Thank you.There are going to be pairings and it is going to be het,bi and yaoi.Probably I'll need help for the couples but I'll let you know if I do.Oh almost forgot Sasuke may be a little OCC or a lot.Dunno you decide. Enjoy and review (:


Disclaimer:Don't own Naruto,just this crazy plot.


Title: Missing
Author: vivpiv

chapter 3 Finding out

Even though I’m the sacrifice,
You won’t try for me, not now.

He stood there in the middle of the room watching the scroll. For the first time in long period he couldn’t move and didn’t know what to do. He was frozen on his place and felt the fear crawling and taking over.

After five long minutes passed he was finally able to will his body to move. Slowly he walked to the night stand and picked up the scroll. His pale hands were trembling and the heart beating faster. Sasuke opened the scroll and began reading its content.


I know that you will be the one to find out about my absence. Don’t ask how, I just do. Also I know why you’re here. You’re here because you want an explanation for the red charka I posses. So I’m gonna give it to you.

First of all you’ve been lied about Kyuubi’s death. 17 years ago the Forth Hokage didn’t kill the Nine-tailed Fox. He didn’t have the strength to kill her because after all she’s a really powerful demon. So instead of killing her he sealed her soul in his newborn son. He not only sacrificed his life but also sacrificed his own son’s life for the sake of the village. And what did they do? They hated that child and treated him like a trash.

Huh now probably you’re wondering about what nonsense I’m babbling and who it that child. Well that kid is me. Yes I, Uzumaki Naruto, am the vessel of Kyuubi no Kitsune… The Yondaime wanted all of the villagers to see me as the hero who saved them, but instead they treated me like a monster. I grew up without the love and care a child would need. Well actually the only one who loved me then, and still continues, when I was young was Kyuubi. She is not the monster people consider her, actually she is the opposite. Anyway I don’t blame the villagers for their hatred towards me because it isn’t really a hatred it is rather a fear. They are afraid cause they don’t know the truth. You and the others don’t know it either. You don’t know the real reason why Kyuubi had attacked Konoha but I do… Anyway I won’t explain that to anyone.

Now that I’ve answered your unspoken, probably you are wondering where I am. I left Konoha. I left because I can’t stand the way everyone is treating me and those cold glares I receive every single day. Not anymore. Please don’t blame yourself for my actions, cause it’s not your fault. I had to get away from this place if I wanted to survive…But hey I’m gonna come back someday…

Sasuke, I don’t want you to look for me, because even if you find me I won’t come back until I’m ready. You’ve got to understand me. Please take care of yourself and everyone else and protect the village I love. And remember no matter what will happen I will always love my home and the people there.


Love Uzumaki Naruto

P.S. I leave you my picture of team 7 cause I know yours was destroyed.


By the time Sasuke finished reading the letter from Naruto, he was sitting on the blonde’s bed. He couldn’t believe that his best friend had left the village, even if he re-read it over and over again. He wanted to believe that it was just some kind of a bad joke but Naruto’s words said the opposite. It wasn’t a joke, it was real.

”Naruto…” his voice was barely above a whisper when he said the blonde teen’s name. He couldn’t hold back any of his emotions so he simply let them go. Hot tears slipped from his onyx eyes. As they streamed down his pale face his heart was beating rapidly in his chest from the shocking news.

‘Oh my God. Naruto is the vessel of the Nine-tailed Demon Fox. But that doesn’t mean he’s the fox itself. He is just caring its soul in his body. The Chuunin Exams and the Valley of The End he must have used its charka then. Now everything makes sense. This is also the reason why the elders have treated him so badly. Even I and the others behaved so badly towards him. And now it’s our fault that he is gone…’

The raven-haired boy felt so weak and helpless at that moment that he couldn’t to anything else but cry silently in the quiet room. He blamed himself despite his blonde friend’s words. Sasuke was ashamed and felt guilty for chasing away the one he loved. {AN: I’m not saying what kind of love.}

”It’s my fault…Why did I have to behave like this towards him. I’m really a bastard. Even if he’s my best friend, hell he is more than a friend to me, I still continued to insult and hurt him. I’m such an idiot.”

Some time passed and soon his sobs died down completely. He was calmer and wondered what to do.

”Kuso. What should I do? I have to find that baka before he does something stupid. Agrr…Damn it but I don’t even know where he went! Damn that usuratonkachi. I’ve got to inform the Hokage about this.”

Sasuke took the scroll and ran towards the door. He put his shoes on and quickly performed the transportation hand seals and disappeared in a puff of smoke from the small apartment with the thoughts:
’This time I’ll save you my angel. Wait for me…’

A/N: So how was it?What do you think?Please review and tell me your opinion.I'll update tomorrow so look for it.