Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ Chapter 4 Arriving ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Thanks for the reviews .BTW just to let you know maybe there will be NaruxKyuu but I'm not sure.I'll see how things will develop and then I'll decide *wink* Please R&R and enjoy this chapter. Title: Missing
Author: vivpiv   Chapter 4 Arriving   He was standing in front the bridge and couldn’t believe that it had his name. His azure eyes widened the moment he was the sign.   ‘Huh. I didn’t know that that old geezer has named the bridge after me.’ thought Naruto.   “It’s because he had acknowledged you and your strength, kit.”   ‘Yeah, I’m happy that there are at least few people who accept me the way I am.’   Naruto was about to take a step forward when he heard a boy saying.   “It’s him, kaasan. It’s Naruto!”   “Are you sure Inari? We haven’t seen him for so long. It could be someone else.” Spoke a woman in soft voice.   “No, kaasan. I’m sure it’s him.”   The blond teen turned around and saw Inari with his mom. The boy was running towards him with a big grin. His mother also had a warm smile on her face, but she was walking calmly. Suddenly Inari stopped right in front Naruto and looked at him with serious expression on his face. The blond was confused why the younger boy had stopped so suddenly and didn’t know how to react.   “Umm…hey Inari. Long time no see.” Said the azure-eyed boy with a sheepish grin.   The smaller boy eyed him from bottom to top and smiled widely as he crashed Naruto on the ground in a big and tight hug.   “Naruto! It’s so good to see you again. I knew my hero would keep his promise.”   “Of course, heroes always keep their promises. I’m happy to see you too.” Said Naruto as he gently ruffled the boy’s head.   “Inari get up from Naruto-kun. He is probably tired from journey and you’re suddenly doing this!” |Tsunami scolded her son.   “It’s all right Tsunami-san. Don’t worry.” Reassured the blond as he got up from the ground.   “So are you here on a mission or just visiting us? And where are the others?” “Well, no I’m not here on a mission but can I explain latter cause I feel a bit tired.”   “Sure, come on then. Let’s go home so you can relax. Grandpa is gonna be so surprised and happy when he sees you.” Said the smaller boy with excitement.   They started crossing the bridge in silence. Inari couldn’t help it but he was worried. He wondered what was wrong with his hero and why he looked so sad. Tsunami too noticed the change in the blond’s eyes even if he was trying to hide it.   They were walking close to each other. Naruto was gradually slowing his pace until he stopped completely. He was looking in the distance with so much pain and sorrow in his eyes. Also at that moment, his eyes weren’t as bright as they usually were. They were dull and looked lifeless as if someone has stolen the spark, which lit them.  


  “Really…You’re a burden…all the time…” Sasuke said standing in front Naruto.   “You did it, Sasuke…!” Naruto’s voice trailed off when he saw his rival’s current state.   “Look at yourself…You usuratonkachi.”   “Why?! You protected me…”   “Who…knows. I hated…you.” The raven-haired boy was barely standing on his feet.   “Why?! Why?! Why did you protect me…? I didn’t ask you to!” shouted the blond.   “Who knows…My body moved of its own accord, baka.” Came the breathless reply from the standing boy but his legs gave out.   “Sasuke!” screamed Naruto as he caught him before he could hit the ground.   “That man…I didn’t want to die until I killed my brother. You…don’t die…” were the last words that Sasuke whispered before the darkness claimed him. Naruto couldn’t believe his eyes.  

End Flashback

  As he remembered this moment from the past, he was whimpering softly and crystal tears were falling from his cerulean eyes. Inari and his mom gently hugged the crying teen and guided him towards their home. All the time they held him close and whispered comforting words to calm him down. Naruto couldn’t stop the thoughts that were in his mind.   ‘Sasuke…I wonder…if you knew the truth about me back then, whether you’d do the same thing? Would you have saved me? I don’t know but I hope that you would have done it.’   “Kit, stop crying, please. You have to stop hurting yourself with those thoughts. I’m sure he would have done the same thing.”   ‘How can you be so sure, Kyuubi? I doubt it and that’s what hurts the most. My doubts are hurting me the most.’   While Naruto was talking with the kitsune, Inari and Tsunami led him in the house and then in the dinning room. The blonde’s body was moving on autopilot as he walked to a chair and sat down. The younger boy watched him sitting down and staring at the table with blank look in his eyes. It seemed to Inari that Naruto wasn’t there but somewhere else, lost in his thoughts.   “Kit, you don’t have to do this. Now you should forget all your doubts and questions because you’ll find all the answers to them sooner or later.”   ‘You’re right, Kyuubi. I should concentrate on the present and stop thinking about the past. What is done is done. I can’t change that but I can change the future.’   “That’s right, kit. You’re a smart boy,” said the fox as she smiled to Naruto and he did the same.   “As much as I don’t want to end our conversation, I think you should go back to your friends. The boy is pacing back and forth and soon is going to make a hole on the floor.” saying so Kyuubi chuckled a bit.   ‘Yeah, I better go. We’ll talk later, ok?’ asked Naruto as he hugged Kyuubi through the bars.   “Of course we will. Besides I’m stuck here and I can’t run away.” answered the kitsune.   ‘I can change that. If you want…’ Naruto got cut off by her reassuring and serious voice.   “Don’t worry about me, kit. Let’s talk about it later. You really should be going now.”   The blond nodded and left. He didn’t realize that he was already in the house and was currently sitting in the dining room until he snapped out of his trance. Naruto had stopped crying a while ago when he was talking with the kitsune. Somehow she always manages to calm him down with her gentle voice and wise words.   The azure-eyed boy looked around the room. Across from him was sitting Inari and was watching him with concern in his dark eyes. The younger boy noticed that the leaf shinobi had snapped out of his thoughts and was looking around.   “Naruto, are you ok?” asked Inari with worry in his voice.   As he was about to answer the question, Tsunami entered the room from the kitchen and walked over to him. She put her hand gently on the blond’s shoulder and smiled at him. Naruto looked up when he felt the hand and when he saw her smiling reassuringly at him, he felt better.   “Yeah. I’m fine. It’s just that some things happened back in Konoha and I’m a little upset about them.” said the blond and then smiled.   “Don’t worry Naruto-kun. Everything’s gonna be all right. You are strong and I’m sure you’ll cope with everything. Also I bet that you’re hungry. Let’s have lunch.” Tsunami said in her cheering voice to brighten the mood.   “Sure. I’m starving. Inari, let’s help your mom with the preparing.”   “Ok. Oh and grand pa in gonna be home any minute. He’s building another bridge now. He’ll tell you more about it, though.” said Inari as they got up and went to the kitchen.   Just as they finished setting the table and Tsunami finished cooking and sat down, the voice of her father sounded.   “I’m home. Is lunch ready? I’m starving.” Tazuna stopped talking and looked at their guest. What captured his attention the most were the bond hair and blue eyes. The old man stared at their guest and thought.   ‘I know those eyes from somewhere but I can’t remember from where. They are so familiar.’   Since he couldn’t guess who the boy was, he asked him.   “I didn’t know that we were going to have guests. Who are you boy?”   “Geez…I can’t believe you can’t remember me, jiji.” Said the boy with a bit of disappointment in his voice.   “Naruto? Is that you? You damn brat. You have changed so much. No wonder I couldn’t guess who you were.” Tazuna said with surprise and happiness.   The teen stood up and walked to him. Tazuna hugged him and asked.   “How are you? When did you come?” “I’ll explain everything during lunch. So let’s begin, shall we.”   Naruto explained the reason why he left Konoha to them and managed to be calm all the time. Inari was angry, Tsunami worried about Naruto and Tazuna was disgusted with Konoha’s behavior towards the blond.   “They are disgusting and so stupid. Because of their stupidity they’ve lost the best shinobi in the village.” the old man voiced his thoughts.   “Don’t worry so much about me. I’ll be fine. I just had to get away from there to heal the wounds. Everything will be ok.” Naruto reassured the worried family with a warm smile.   “Ne, Inari wanna come with me in the forest for a little practice?” he asked the boy as he got up from the table.   “Sure! Will you teach me something? Please, please, please?” Inari pleaded him until Naruto agreed.   “Okay. I’ll make you my temporary student. However don’t think I’ll go easy on you just because you’re like a little brother to me.” said Naruto with a bit of seriousness in his voice but also with a smile on his face.   “So, let’s go.”   “Hai! I will do my best.” The determination in Inari’s voce was clear and there was confidence in his eyes.   The two boys left the house and went in the forest. There Naruto showed to Inari how to climb trees without hands and told him to practice it. The blond made a few replications and started sparring with them.   They spent the whole afternoon in the forest training. When the sun started going down the boys stopped for the day and went home for dinner. After the meal Inari and Naruto immediately went to bed because of the tiredness. The blond, however, deep in his mind was talking to Kyuubi and had to make some important decisions.   To be continued     A/N: Yay I’m so happy.I'm just in such a good mood today.Please REVIEW to motivate me to update faster.BTW maybe you'll have to wait a bit for chapter 5 cause it's not turning out the way I want and I have to rewrite it.Gomen I'll do my best though.Well bye for now.