Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ Chapter 5 The reaction ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hey minna-san.I'm here again with chapter five.Sorry it took so long to update but it just wasn't turning out as I wanted it to. Well now I'm satisfiest with it so I'm posting it.Enjoy and review.

Title: Missing

Author: vivpiv

Chapter 5: The reaction

(In Konoha)

Sasuke appeared on a roof top near the Hokage Tower. He jumped down and sped off towards it. The Uchiha heir ran directly to the Godaime’s office but right in front the door was stopped by the guards.

“Let me in. I have to talk to Hokage-sama. It’s important.” Sasuke told the guards but they refused to step aside.

“You have to wait until the meeting is over. You can’t disturb her now.” One of the guards told the black-haired boy calmly.

Sasuke tried to pass them again however they pushed him back. He growled at them and said in dangerous yet somehow desperate voice.

“It’s an emergency, damn it! I must see her now!”

“Sorry. We’re ordered not to let anybody in.”

The Uchiha heir was ready to beat to guards to go in. His sharingan flashed. If he hadn’t felt someone touching his shoulder, he would have jumped them. Looking at the person who was behind him, he was it was Shizune and next to her was Sakura.

“What’s wrong Sasuke? Did something happen?” Shizune asked the black-haired teen.

“Shizune-san, you have to tell the guards to let me in. I must speak to Tsunade-sama at once.” He sounded angry but there was relief and worry in his eyes.

“Why Sasuke-kun? I thought you got today off?” Sakura questioned hi this time.

“Yes, I got today off yesterday but it has nothing to do with it. I must speak to Tsunade-sama about something else. It’s really important.”

“Why is it so important Sasuke? Can’t it wait a bit? The meeting Tsunade-sama is having now has been delaying long enough. It won’t be wise to interrupt her now.”

Shizune asked him to wait again. However when she looked in his eyes, she was surprised to see so much concern and a bit of fear in them. Sakura wasn’t surprised to see emotions in his dark eyes but didn’t expect these two emotions.

“It’s about Naruto. I must talk to her about Naruto.” Sasuke whispered so only the girls would hear him. He didn’t want the guards to know about it.

“Has that baka done something stupid again? He’s gonna get it this time if he had.” Sakura was a bit angry at her blond friend for his irresponsibility sometimes and raised her voice just a little.

Suddenly the door burst open to reveal a rather pissed Tsunade. The people she was having the meeting bowed at her and then left the office.

“Okay. What is going on and why are you shouting so early in the morning?”

“We’re sorry if we have interrupted the meeting Tsunade-sama.” Shizune apologized and the three of them bowed at her.

“I’m done with it. So, who’s responsible for this fuss?” she questioned and when she spotted the Uchiha asked.

”Uchiha-san. Why are you here today? You’re not on duty.”

“Yes, but I have to speak with you about something really important.”

”What’s so important this early in the morning?” Tsunade asked as she motioned for them to go inside the office.

“It’s about Naruto.” Sasuke said quietly when he sat down on the chair in front the desk.

“Naruto? What about him? Where is he anyway? He should have already come to receive his mission for the day.”

“He’s gone.” Whispered the dark-haired boy with his eyes lowered but he was heard nonetheless.

“What are you saying, Sasuke-kun? He hasn’t received his mission yet.” Asked Sakura confused.

“He left the village.” Whispered again the dark-haired teen as he took out the small scroll and handed it to the Hokage.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow in question at the scroll but opened it and began reading.

Sakura and Shizune watched her carefully while she was reading the scroll. Her brown eyes were narrowed at first but then they widened in shock. Sakura sneaked a few glances at Sasuke too. He had lowered his head a bit; a few locks were in front his eyes but didn’t hide them too well. She saw the sadness, fear and guilt in those pitch-black pools. Then she heard Tsunade’s shaky inhales of breath and looked at her.

Tears were falling from her hazel eyes, her hands were trembling along with her whole body.

“Tsunade-sensei, what is going on? What is written in the scroll?” the pink-haired konoichi asked with concern in her voice.

The Hokage’s sobs didn’t quiet down and with her trembling hand she gave the scroll to her student. Shizune had rounded the desk the moment she saw the tears and hugged the crying woman. She managed to read the letter quickly and soon her own eyes watered.

Sakura hesitated for a moment but stood up and took the small scroll. She began reading it slowly. When she finished, she realized that her body was shaking from fear, sorrow and guilt. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Her long-time teammate and friend had left them, had the Kyuubi no Kitsune sealed within his body and also was the Yondaime’s son. The girl felt weak and her leg almost gave out but two strong arms embraced her. She was shocked.

“He…he is gone…Oh God! Sasuke-kun, he ran away from us.” She couldn’t take it anymore and broke down crying, falling on her knees along with Sasuke.

“Where could have Naruto gone, Sasuke-kun? What if something happens to him? I won’t forgive myself if…” Sasuke silenced her with a finger. She buried her head in his chest and he hugged her tighter.

“Nothing’s gonna happen to him, Sakura. We will find him and bring him home. Don’t worry.” He whispered to her shaking form.

After their sobs died down they discussed the situation. Sakura had understood all the information in the letter and had to ask a few question.

“Tsunade-sensei, is Naruto the Nine-tailed fox?”

“No, he is not.” She answered but then Sasuke continued before she could.

“He is the vessel for the demon’s soul. Naruto is Naruto with or without the Nine-tails in his body.”

”You’re right. If he wanted he could have killed us long ago. However, he’s never hurt us, he’s done the opposite. He has always protected all of us, the entire village.” She said in soft voice with a warm yet sad smile on her face.

“After Sakura’s statement, they all were silent, thinking about the past, their blond friend and about the situation. A few minutes of silence passed and neither of them was talking. Suddenly there was shouting outside the office and then a knock on the door.

“What is it?” Tsunade bit out through gritted teeth. She stood up and went to open the door, an angry expression on her face.

Outside the office the guards were pushed aside by the five chuunins standing there. They all were catching their breaths as if they have run through half the village to the Hokage Tower. Kiba, Neji, Shikamaru, Ino and Hinata actually did run half the village from Naruto’s apartment to the Hokage.

“What’s going on? What happened?” she asked them again after the five shinobi calmed down their racing hearts.

“Hokage-sama, we have to tell you something really important.” Kiba spoke up first still a bit panting.

“Come in. I’ve got to tell you something too.” She went inside the office but before doing so told the guards not to let anybody disturb them. They nodded and took their posts again.

Tsunade sat behind the desk and motioned for the others to take a seat.

“Okay, first you tell me your news and then I’ll tell you mine.”

Kiba spoke up again for all of them in a worried voice.

“Naruto is gone. He is nowhere to be found. We looked through the whole village and didn’t find him.”

“Yes, I know that.”

“You do?” Ino asked a bit puzzled.

“Yes, Sasuke told me early in the morning.”

“What are we going to do? We have to look for him.” Neji said as he looked at her.

“We’ll consider that later. First you should know why Naruto left in the first place. The reason is written in this scroll. Read it.” She handed them the scroll and leaned back in her chair slightly to see how they will react.

Neji took the small scroll and began reading it. The other four gathered around him to do the same. Sakura and Sasuke also waited to see their reactions. They were almost the same. At first their eyes were slightly narrowed in confusion, then they widened in shock and disbelieve. Every one of them re-read the scroll several times but there still was disbelieve in their eyes. Their mouths were gaping, their hearts were beating fast again and their eyes blinking. The five chuunins looked at the Hokage.

“Is…is this true?” Ino stuttered as she looked in the hazel eyes.

“Yes.” She said in serious tone without doubt.

“Does Naruto-kun really have the Nine-tails sealed in his body?” Hinata asked with her quiet voice.

“Yes. He is the vessel of the Kyuubi no Kitsune’s soul.” The Hokage answered again in serious voice.

“So that’s the reason why we weren’t allowed to play with him in the past.” Shikamaru stated after he recovered from his shock.

“But Naruto isn’t the fox, right? He’s just carrying her soul. Naruto is Naruto even with a demon inside him.”

The Hokage, Shizune, Sasuke and Sakura kept quiet to let them sort their thoughts. There were several minutes of silence again in which Kiba, Neji, Shikamaru, Hinata and Ino thought about Naruto and the villagers’ actions. They realized how the village had behaved towards their blond friend and slowly anger was beginning to well up inside them Even Hinata felt disgusted with their behavior.

“Tsunade-sama, why didn’t Naruto-kun or the elders tell us about it?” suddenly Hinata asked.

“Sandaime Hokage had forbade the elders to tell the young generation about it. He wanted to protect Naruto.” She explained with sadness in her voice.

“I’ve seen adults beating and insulting Naruto but back then I was afraid to help him or even ask why they were doing such things.” Neji told them as he looked down to the floor.

Soon all of them drifted back to their thoughts. They remembered the missions they’ve completed with the blond teen. The moments of happiness and sadness, the good and bad situations they’ve been together in. The time was flying so quickly that they didn’t realize it was past noon already.

Sasuke looked outside the window. The sun was still shining but was preparing to set down slowly. He turned back to look at the woman behind the desk. Their eyes met.

“Hokage-sama, what are we going to do? What are your orders?”he asked still looking in her eyes. She closed them and sighed.

“We have no idea where he went. If we had some clues I could have sent some of you to bring him back. However, we have nothing. I can’t send you to search for him blindly. You’re needed here too.” She explained but then Shikamaru cut her off.

“Wait! You’re not telling us that we can’t go look for Naruto, right?”

“No, I’m not saying that. Listen, today you’re not going anywhere. I won’t assign any missions for today so you could think about this whole thing in peace. Otherwise you’ll be distracted and won’t be able to complete your missions safely.” She paused for a moment to take a deep breath and continued answering their unspoken question.

“Tomorrow you’ll be given your tasks. Aside from them I order you to gather information about Naruto’s whereabouts. However, I beg you not to force him to come back if he doesn’t want to.”

“But Tsunade-sama…” Ino started to protest but stopped when she looked in those hazel eyes. They were pleading and held so much more emotions.

“I beg you not to force him to come back if he doesn’t wish to. He has been through way too many things in his life. Naruto deserves to be happy and if he is going to be happy out there, then I won’t take away his happiness. I’d rather let him wander in the world then make him stay here. Onegai, you have to understand me and Naruto as well.”

The seven chuunins stared at her for a moment but then they all nodded their heads in understanding. Tsunade smiled slightly and spoke in quiet voice.

“If you persuade him to come home, I’ll be very grateful and happy. However, if he doesn’t want, at least tell him to visit us from time to time or write every once in a while, okay?”

“Yes.” The teens answered in union.

“Well then, go home and rest. Tomorrow you’ve got missions to complete. Shizune that goes for you too. No objections.”

“Hai.” They bowed and left the office.

Only Sasuke was still sitting in his chair with his gaze on the floor. He hesitated for a moment but then spoke.

“Tsunade-sama? Can I…umm…can I have the scroll from Naruto?” he asked quietly with hope in his dark eyes.

She looked at him and nodded.

“Sure. He’s written it for you after all. Here.” She handed him the scroll as he stood up.

“Thank you, Hokage-sama.” Saying so he left to go home to rest and think about everything.

The Sannin sighed and closed her eyes tiredly for a moment. When she opened them again she glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall.

“What a day and it’s Monday…Ahh the week has just began…” she sighed again and took out a bottle of sake.