Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Almost Impossible ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here’s chapter five. Enjoy it!

Warnings: This contains yaoi, meaning boy/boy love. Also, some of the people might be OOC, but I don’t care. xD

Main Couple: Sasuke/Naruto.
Other Couplings: Kakashi/Iruka, and little bits of Shikamaru/Ino and a few others. :)

Disclaimer: I think after this many chapters you’d understand by now: I don’t own it.

Mission: Almost Impossible
Chapter Five
Chapter Written: September 1-3, 2006

It was six o’clock on the dot when Uzumaki Naruto arrived at the proper meeting place. The sun was about to set, so Naruto watched it as he waited for the other boy to appear. Sasuke, his date for the festival tonight, was not there yet, which Naruto found odd (Sasuke was always on time), but it gave the blonde boy sometime to thing and calm himself down.

You see, Naruto was shaking; he was so unbelievably nervous that he thought he’d piss himself any second. Sasuke would be here any minute. Any minute now…

Please don’t do something stupid, Naruto,’ he told himself, running his fingers through his blonde hair. ‘Sasuke will be sure to make fun of you then! Just act normal. Yeah, normal and cool. Cool as a cucumber.’


Naruto jumped, turning around to face the other person. Well, there goes ‘cool as a cucumber,’ but oh well. He could still act normal.

“Hehe, oi, S-Sasuke…” Naruto giggled out, a huge blush painting his cheeks.

Or maybe not.

Sasuke cocked an eyebrow, but then just rolled his eyes, mentally shrugging it off, deciding not to care. He then just sighed, running his hands down his clothes nervously (which was very un-Sasuke-like, he noticed with annoyance), and said, “Ready?”

No. Let me piss myself first…Oh damn it.’ Naruto sighed. “Yeah.”

Sasuke held out his hand to the other boy. When Naruto’s head tilted to the side in confusion, Sasuke explained, “We have to look like a couple, right?”

Naruto nodded, gladly taking the taller boys’ hand. It felt oddly warm, though one would think the opposite, coming from the cold hearted Uchiha boy. However, it wasn’t warm from sweat or anything, unlike how Naruto’s usually was. Now, he was just wishing that his hands didn’t start perspiring from the nervousness.

When the two boys reached the festival area, it was already packed with people. Naruto saw Sakura and Lee playing games, and Ino pulling Shikamaru to join them. The blonde grinned at the site, and the looked over to Sasuke, who looked deep in thought.



Naruto rolled his eyes at the response. “What do ya’ want to do?”

Sasuke just shrugged; he did not care. That left the choice up to Naruto, which made the blonde very happy. “Let’s get some food!” he yelled, dragging Sasuke behind him as they headed towards the nearest food stall.



“Hey, Iruka-sensei! Kakashi-sensei!” Naruto greeted loudly, a huge grin plastered on his face.

“Yo,” Kakashi greeted, and Iruka waved with his free hand. The two ninja’s hands were intertwined, holding on with compassion.

“Are you two having fun?” the blonde asked the two men.

Iruka nodded, looking over to his lover, who said, “Yes, we are. Are you two?”

Naruto nodded, looking to Sasuke, who had no expression at all. It made Naruto’s face fall a little, which was noticed by the older men. Kakashi sighed at the sight, wondering why Sasuke was acting like that. They were here together, after all. Why would Sasuke seem so unenthused by that, when the ninja knew Sasuke must be happy about this? He did like Naruto after all.

Naruto, not wanting to seem phased by this, plastered a grin back onto his face, though the men could tell it was just a fake-happy one. Poor Naruto.

“We’ll see you around, then, Naruto,” Iruka said, wanting to leave the two to themselves and wanting to be alone with his lover. So, he and Kakashi left then, leaving Naruto and Sasuke with bright smiles and waves.

Can I ever make you happy, Sasuke? I just wish you would smile for me. Just for once.’ Naruto thought as he saw Kakashi smile at Iruka when they were walking away. They looked so happy together, Naruto noticed, feeling jealous. ‘Why can’t Sasuke and I be like those two? Always happy when together? All we do is fight.’

Naruto, being lost in his thoughts and being the least observant of everyone around them, didn’t notice the sign falling off of a booth next to them. He didn’t realize that it was about to fall on his head, either.


Next thing Naruto knew, he was on the ground laying on his back with a very cute boy straddling him. The boy above him was panting slightly, and his cheeks were a pink color. His arms were pinning down Naruto’s own, not letting Naruto get up, not that he minded or anything. Naruto’s blue eyes blinked in confusion (not at all in disgust!) as to why the other boy was on top of him.

Who said you could be on top?’ Naruto’s sick mind chimed in then. Shaking the thought out of his mind, he asked the other boy, “What are doing, Sasuke?”

Sasuke got up from their odd position, to Naruto’s dismay. He held out his pale hand to help the blonde up as he explained, “Saving your head, dumbass.”

Naruto’s head tilted to the side as soon as he was standing straight, still holding Sasuke‘s hand. He was obviously confused, again. Sasuke rolled his dark eyes. “Didn’t you see the sign that was about to fall on your head, dobe?”

Naruto blinked. “No?” he grinned sheepishly. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Sasuke replied, not letting go of the blonde‘s hand. His hand was too warm, and felt perfect within his own. At the thought of that, he blushed slightly. However, that’s when he noticed a crowed starting to gather and whisper things about the two boys. The Uchiha swear he head something like ‘I always knew that boy was gay.’

Sighing, he said to Naruto, “Let’s leave.”

Naruto obeyed, letting Sasuke drag him through the crowd and into the street, still holding tightly onto his hand. As soon as they got through, he dropped it; what would Sasuke think if he held onto it for longer then needed? Surely not anything good, he thought.

Naruto looked back to see the man at the booth, who did not even bother to apologize to the two ninja (he figured since it was Naruto, it didn’t matter. The bastard.) and he just picked up his sign, putting it in front of his small booth.

People started to walk away then, still somewhat shocked at the sight of Uchiha Sasuke on top of Uzumaki Naruto. What dirty minds these people had!


It was now dark out, the sky a navy blue, and all the stars could be seen. All the clouds had vanished, leaving the sky clear. The wind was gently breezing, making the cherry blossoms on the trees sway, their sent lifting into the air. Everything about the setting was beautiful.

The blue eyes looking into the sky were not the same color, however. They were as blue as blue could be. Just blue. Not navy, not light blue, not turquoise; just blue. The prettiest blue eyes that the boy looking into them had ever seen.

Sasuke’s dark eyes then drifted to the sky too, realizing why his blue-eyed companion was so enthralled by it. It honestly was a great sight. The sharingan user did not keep his gaze in the sky for long, though; the sight of the blonde boy named Naruto sitting next to him was much more beautiful.

Naruto’s hair was covering his eyes slightly, and all Sasuke wanted to do was reach over and brush it away, to reveal all of the blue eyes that had enchanted him so. They were the blue eyes that Sasuke felt himself melt into whenever he looked into them. They made him feel weak, but not physically, just emotionally; like if he didn’t look into them, he would be alone for the rest of his life. He needed to look into those eyes, but even more so, he needed those eyes to look into his own. He needed the owner of those eyes to realize it too.

However, knowing Naruto, Sasuke didn’t think it would happen. Naruto was just too slow, right?

Right when Sasuke was thinking this, the blue eyes shifted so that they were looking into his own dark ones. That’s when he felt the connection that he had been longing for. It felt like magnets pulling the two closer together, but the magnets were placed in Sasuke’s heart an stomach. His heart was beating faster, and his stomach was fluttering. Heat was rushing to he cheeks, and he could see that the same was happening to Naruto; the blonde’s face was becoming a light pink as well.

It ended within a few seconds, though it seemed like it was an eternity. This was only because there was a loud bang! Above the two boys, fireworks had started exploding, their magnificent colors lighting up the dark sky, making it seem even more stunning. Greens, red, purples, and every other color illuminated the navy sky, making a rainbow of beauty and noise. With each bang, another color joined the rainbow.

Naruto’s face held a large grin and his eyes were wide in excitement. Fireworks were one of his favorite things to watch. Sometimes he would just sit on the roof of his apartment and watch them from afar. But being this close was even better. In addition, he was with Sasuke. Even if the blonde thought Sasuke wasn’t enjoying himself as much as he should, Naruto was glad the other boy was there, with him, and not with anyone else. He was glad that they were lying in the field alone, where no one could bother them.

You see, after Sasuke and Naruto left the crowd, it had already begun to get dark. Since the boys had their food already, they decided to sit in the open field that wasn’t far away from the festival. It was far enough away, though, so the two wouldn’t be bothered by the people whispering about them and saying foolish things.

Naruto was very content with that fact. Even though he didn’t get to see his other friends, he didn’t mind it. As long as he was with Sasuke, he was happy.

Now, all he wanted to do was make Sasuke jovial as well. But how could he do that? The only answer Naruto could come up with was to give Sasuke what he wanted most, but what did the boy want more then anything? Surely, it had nothing to do with the blonde shinobi.

At least, that’s what Naruto was thinking.

Blue eyes drifted over to see the other boy laying down, staring up at the fireworks with a small smile on his face. So Sasuke liked fireworks too? That was good!

Naruto laid down next to the Uchiha, staying close, but not too close. He did not want Sasuke to get the wrong idea or anything. Even though Naruto just wanted to hug and squeeze him, he could hold back for the sake of his friendship. He wanted to at least talk to the other male, though; that was something they hadn’t really done tonight.

“Sasuke?” Naruto whispered, only loud enough for Sasuke to barely hear.

The taller of the two boys looked over when hearing his name, his face holding little expression. “Hn.”

“Do you like fire works?” Naruto asked, a small smile on his face.

Sasuke nodded, looking back into the sky.

“Why do you like them, Sasuke?” Naruto asked, still looking at the other boy.

“They’re pretty.”

Naruto never thought he’d ever hear Sasuke say pretty. But, oh well. “Do you think I’m pretty, Sasuke?”

Now, when did he ever get the guts to ask something like that?

-----To Be Continued-----

Heh. xD ;o;

Sorry that this was kind of short too. I try to make each chapter at least 2000 words, which I know isn’t much, but it’s good enough. It’s not like they’re only 200 words or something. xD hope you people liked it anyways. I’m happy with it now. There will be one more chapter.

Please review! Thanks!