Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Iruka Christmas ❯ Ribbons ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Christmas challenge Ribbon
Title: Mission Iruka Christmas
Theme: Ribbon
Chapter Rating: PG…wow that’s a new one for me I think…c.c
Music: What music?
Disclaimer: The only chars we possess are Shiori and Nanashi.

Authors: Kiss and Tell


Iruka walked into Kurenai’s home, carrying a couple of presents. Kakashi wasn’t far behind him, hands stuffed into his pockets since he’d forgotten his own mittens. Again. Iruka had threatened to treat him like a child and tie them with string to a belt loop or something. Each time the jounin tried to warm his hands on Iruka the idea became more tempting.

“Iruka, Kakashi! You two are some of the first to get here.” Kurenai greeted them once they were inside. She was dressed up for the occasion, a red dress a bit shorter than her normal outfit with white fur trim. Complete with a Santa’s hat, long red gloves, and red slip on shoes.
“Yo.” Kakashi waved a hand at Kurenai, smiling beneath his mask.

“Hello Kurenai.” Iruka smiled as he returned the greeting. He could feel Kurenai taking in his and Kakashi’s attire. He had to admit that they hadn’t gone quite as far as she had.

He and Kakashi were dressed a bit more for the cold weather than anything. However Kakashi was conned into wearing a Santa’s hat as well. It was perched precariously atop his head. Iruka feared for its fate every time Kakashi moved his head. Iruka was wearing a hat Naruto had sent him, a green version of Kakashi’s. It had pointed ears on the sides that miraculously managed to start right above his real ones. And an annoying bell at the end that chimed every time he took a step it seemed like.

“Kakashi, you might want to worry a little bit about-” Kurenai didn’t get to finish the sentence, getting cut off by more people coming in through the door.

He considered what he should be worrying about as he walked over to join Iruka. He was only a little bit worried about what would happen when Iruka found all the mistletoe he’d managed to hang. What else could she have meant?

He had almost reached Iruka when he heard a familiar, however unwelcome, voice calling out to him.

“Kakashi!” He turned his head to look, and somehow managed to keep the flinch purely internal.

“Shiori.” Kakashi saw Iruka glance at the girl. Apparently the chunin figured out why her eyes had lit up dangerously before he did, because he suddenly found his arms full. Iruka was warm all along his front and was kissing him through his mask. Kakashi’s visible eye closed as he returned the kiss, smiling a little bit into it. The mask definitely had it's downside but he wasn't about to remove it in front of this many people and he was quite sure Iruka felt the same.

He was still basking in pleased surprise and the warmth of his lover, so he almost didn’t notice the look in Iruka’s eyes when he glanced at Shiori. The only thing that he really cared about was that Shiori was leaving the immediate area. The one area with the most mistletoe.

“Kakashi, can you wait for me in the kitchen for a few moments? I need to use the bathroom, then I’ll make some hot chocolate,” Iruka asked giving him the smile he always wore when he was up to something.

“I think I can handle that much. Better make enough for Kurenai and Asuma when you get in there.” When Iruka nodded, Kakashi headed for the kitchen.

Kakashi passed by Kurenai on his way, and stopped for a moment to talk to her. He saw Iruka grab one of the presents he had set down earlier while Kakashi himself was apparently not looking.

“What do you think he’s up to?” Kakashi whispered to Kurenai.

“I’m not sure,” was her simple reply. They both watched as Iruka started messing with the ugly hot pink, lime and blue ribbon on it. He was walking in the direction they’d seen Shiori walk off in. Iruka somehow managed to completely miss both Kurenai and Kakashi watching him.

“Let’s find out. We have to make it back before he does though. If he finds out we were watching he might not make us hot chocolate.”

Kurenai nodded vigorously. The thought of Iruka’s hot chocolate was more than good enough motivation to not get caught. His temper came in a close second. So once he was out of sight, Kakashi and Kurenai managed to sneak off and watch him from the bottom of a doorway where they had a nice side view and with a minor genjutsu would go unnoticed.

“Shiori-san, Kakashi and I wanted to give this to you.” He smiled as he held out the box, and Kakashi’s eye narrowed. He recognized that smile. It was the same smile he’d seen moments before he’d left the missions office. The same day Anko developed a phobia about filing cabinets. Anko had tried to chase Iruka around the office the next time they had worked together.

He was amazed at Iruka’s ingenuity even more. Pakkun had been thrilled that one of his favorite humans had done something like that. After all Kakashi had already discovered his favorite mutt had a prankster streak of his own. At least lately he hadn't been focus of them.

Kurenai nudged him, pulling him out of his reverie just in time to see Shiori actually take the box. Kakashi smiled under his mask, willing her to open it. As soon as she tugged on the bow, it seemed to spring to life.

The ribbon twined itself around her arms and legs before snaking itself around to bind her in a sitting position. She was quickly and quite thoroughly wrapped up in the ribbon, and it stopped with a big bow right over her mouth. Complete with a tag that said Do not open until Christmas. Next year.

He did his best to restrain his laughter, and could see Kurenai covering her mouth out of the corner of his eye, as Iruka stood over the bound woman with a smug expression. One could almost feel pity for the woman. Almost. Anyone who knew what she regularly put Kakashi and Nanashi through probably wouldn’t. Who knew how long she’d have to stare at that hideous bow in front of her face? It could be hours! Kakashi and Kurenai thought gleefully.

“Don’t try anything with /my/ ‘Kashi. And that should hold you for awhile. I’ve been told I’m quite good with chakra strings.” Then there was the unsaid threat, if you try for revenge Kakashi will probably kill you. Of course, there was also the fact that he’d been good enough to trap her in the first place.

Iruka started to turn, and Kurenai tugged on Kakashi’s sleeve. They both bolted for the kitchen, moving so fast it almost seemed they’d used the teleportation jutsu. The guests that were starting to arrive glanced at the door to see if a breeze was coming in.

Kakashi was getting ingredients out of the cupboards for hot chocolate, and Kurenai was getting out glasses when Iruka stepped into the kitchen. He glanced around at the ceiling before talking.

“Sorry it took me so long. I see you told Kurenai what we're having.” Iruka smiled at Kakashi and the silver haired nin and Kurenai could both still see hints of smugness on his face.

“Of course I did. She’s going to want something to get her through this insanity she graciously calls a party.”

“I’m going to make sure everyone knows you two helped do the decorations.” Kurenai said with a smile of her own as she watched Iruka begin the hot chocolate.

“That’s really not necessary. All we did was string up some garland, throw some tinsel around. Wrap things up in ribbon with pretty bows…” Iruka smiled at Kurenai. She struggled and managed somehow to not give away she and Kakashi had watched him.

“I didn’t see you or Kakashi wrap things here with ribbon. If you’re talking about at home, you need to wait until after the party. You can give me more details then, Iruka.” Kurenai smirked as she teased Iruka. She watched as her comment sank in, and Iruka blushed a dark shade of red.

“I, we wouldn’t.. That is..that isn’t a proper use of ribbon.” He stammered as he paused in making the hot chocolate.

“He’s right, the ribbon doesn’t give enough…Hey! She started it!” Kakashi rubbed at his side where Iruka had elbowed him.

“I’ll never be able to look at ribbon the same way again.” Kurenai chuckled.