Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Iruka ❯ Training Day ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Isn't it a cute little plot bunny? But it's all I own.

Mission Iruka
Chapter 3: Training Day


Iruka awoke to the sound of tapping on his window. Grudgingly, he opened his eyes and peered over at it. Kakashi was perched outside, upside down, from the roof.

"Show off." Iruka mumbled before turning over to ignore him. The tapping started again. "I'm trying to sleep." The tapping persisted. "Fine. Okay. I'm getting up." Iruka threw his blankets back but waited a few minutes before sitting up. Kakashi laughed. Rubbing his eyes, Iruka walked over and opened the window.

Kakashi jumped down. "Come train with me."

"What?" Iruka stared at him, believing he had to still be asleep.

"Gai is on a mission. Raidou has watch. Genma will kill me if I wake him up after maybe 2 hours of sleep. Asuma and Kurenai have to work with their teams. It's Saturday, you don't have work. So, come train with me."

"I'm not a jounin, though. I wouldn't be a match for you." Iruka hated to admit it, but he wasn't even sure the others were a match for the Copy-nin. He wasn't about to give Kakashi any more of an ego boost, though.

Kakashi smiled. "I think you underestimate yourself, Iruka-sensei." Iruka blushed a little at the compliment. "However, I'll refrain from any jounin level jutsu and the Sharingan. If you can hit me before noon, I'll buy you lunch. If you can't, you can buy me lunch. After all, if you can hit me, that means I got more benefit out of it than you thought and should buy you lunch as a thank you for the favor. If you can't, well then, I gave you some practice you needed, and you can buy me lunch."

Iruka considered it. "As long as you promise not to just let me hit you."

Kakashi chuckled. "I wouldn't do that." Iruka wasn't so sure.


Iruka threw the kunai and triggered an explosion to Kakashi's right. He was starting to get tired. Everything seemed to be a near miss with the man. Kakashi had already landed over ten hits on him that would have been deadly had Kakashi not been using practice weapons and pulling his punches. And kicks. The chunin panted heavily as a small pebble hit him in the back of the head. Eleven. Iruka bounded off wondering how a man, who played with him like cat would a mouse, ended up able to summon dogs.

Iruka performed the Shadow clone jutsu and sent his clones off with explosive tags. He'd have to hurry if he was going to manage this one.


Kakashi took out each of the clones. The explosions pushing him closer to where the chunin wanted him. Kakashi knew this, and he let Iruka think he was falling for it. After all, the closer he got to where Iruka wanted him, the closer he was to Iruka.


Iruka was running out of explosive tags, but he was hoping it would be enough to wear the jounin down. It was almost noon, and he was hungry and very very tired. He knew his plan would never work in a real situation, or at least it would be pointless. But, in this case, it might just get him lunch.


Kakashi could see him panting against the tree. There were various explosive tags attached to the other trees, meaning to get a shot it'd have to be a close up one, as any other move would give away his location. As the brunette turned to peer around the side, Kakashi slid up behind him pressing the kunai to his throat. "Boo."

Iruka seemed to droop. Kakashi actually felt bad for him. Maybe he'd pushed him too hard. It had probably been awhile since the chunin had trained this hard. Aside from not using jounin level stuff, Kakashi hadn't gone easy on him. Maybe he should have. And then, Iruka started laughing. Kakashi was confused for a moment, then the wires slapped around him and Iruka, and flung them hard against the tree.

"Caught you," Iruka chuckled.

"And, here I was thinking I'd been too hard on you." Kakashi shook his head. "It's not a deadly hit, but it is a hit."

"You never said it had to be deadly," Iruka chuckled before releasing the strings and sliding down the trunk of the tree, panting. "After I catch my breath, you can buy me lunch."

Kakashi smiled. "It's a lot harder than I thought to not just resort to the jutsu I'm so used to having available to me. I had to be far more creative than I would have had to be otherwise."

Iruka raised a questioning eyebrow at him. "You got me twelve times."

"Well, eventually, you'll learn all my tricks and that number will drop."

"Or, you'll learn all mine, and it will rise."

Kakashi chuckled and held his hand out to Iruka.


They stopped at a restaurant close to the training grounds they had been using. Kakashi was halfway through his curry, and Iruka was on his second plate of beef stir-fry, when Genma and Raidou walked over and sat down with them.

"Hello, Iruka and Kakashi-san," Genma said, motioning for the waitress. Raidou smiled and waved. He looked tired. "I figured I'd better feed Raidou before I let him crawl off to bed. Even if he won't let me crawl in with him." Genma feigned being hurt.

"You wouldn't let me sleep if I did, and besides, you have mission room duty in an hour."

"Maybe I could get Iruka to cover it for me." Genma teased. Raidou looked at Iruka with that 'Don't you even think about letting him' look.

"Unfortunately, Kakashi-san spent the morning wearing out every muscle in my body." Raidou raised an eyebrow, but Genma and Kakashi broke out in laughter. Iruka realized how it had sounded and blushed.

"Iruka-sensei was training with me. Just so you know, it was completely innocent." Kakashi said, still chuckling.

Genma smiled. "Oh?"

"He even managed to get a hit on me. That's why I bought him lunch."

Iruka blushed again at the compliment. "Only because our rules wouldn't let him use his Sharingan or any of the high level jutsu. And, only after he managed to get 12 deadly hits on me. Mine wasn't even deadly."

"Still, I'm impressed," Raidou said, patting Iruka on the back. "He's a hell of an opponent. I couldn't lay a finger on him the first time we sparred."

"Sounds to me like you let your guard down, Kakashi-san." Genma tsked at him. "What were you distracted by, I wonder." Iruka's blush deepened at the implication.

"So, how was watch this morning? Fall asleep at all, Raidou?" Kakashi asked, changing the subject out of pity for the poor beet red chunin.


"Ow. I hurt in places I didn't know I could hurt." Iruka winced and rubbed at his shoulder then turned the key in his lock. "I guess I'm more out of practice than I realized. The second training session after lunch was probably more than I should have done for one day. It was worse than the time I had to cover both Hoshiko-san and Keiko-san's classes."

"Then, we'll have to train together more often." Kakashi followed Iruka into his apartment. "Sit. I'll make you some tea."

"I should make the tea, you're the guest," Iruka protested half-heartedly.

"Sit." Kakashi walked over to the kitchen and pulled out the cups and tea, then put the tea pot on to boil. He slipped a mild muscle relaxant into Iruka's cup while the tea was brewing.

Iruka sat slumped on the couch, barely able to lift his head. Kakashi handed him the cup. Then he set his down and walked behind the chunin, placing his hands cautiously on Iruka's shoulders, wondering if he'd pull away. Iruka didn't seem to have the energy, so Kakashi slowly rubbed them.

Iruka moaned. "That feels amazing; where did you learn to do that?"

"I had a friend who was a medical nin when I was younger. She showed me a few of her tricks." Kakashi leaned forward. "You know, it would be much more effective if you took off your shirt." Iruka blushed. "I promise to be good." Kakashi tugged at the bottom of the shirt, and Iruka let him pull it off; too sore to protest, and too unwilling to give up the free massage. 'What an odd scar. Looks fairly new, maybe a couple years.' Kakashi didn't ask, though; he had his fair share of scars, and some of them he'd rather not discuss.

Kakashi kept his word and behaved himself. Well, aside from admiring the view of the nicely tanned muscles. Muscles which he had the pleasure of running his hands over for quite some time before poor Iruka started to fall asleep. He occasionally jumped like he was trying to keep his eyes open and was having trouble doing so.

"Off to bed with you, Iruka-san." Iruka started to lean over like he was going to sleep on the couch. "No sleeping on your couch and ruining all my hard work." Kakashi gave him a hand up and started shoving him towards his bedroom. "I'd suggest a shower first, but I think if I did, you'd fall asleep in it."

Iruka collapsed on his bed. "I'm sorry, Kakashi-san. I don't mean to fall asleep on you."

'He's so tired, I don't think he even realizes how that sounds. Still..' Kakashi chuckled. "Don't worry about it, Iruka-san. Get some sleep. I can see myself out." Kakashi pulled the blankets up around Iruka and headed to the window. 'Although, I almost wish I didn't have to go,' he thought and leapt out the now open window.


Kakashi leaned against his bathroom door. He couldn't get the image of Iruka out of his head. Thankfully, the man had been too exhausted to notice how turned on Kakashi was. He turned the shower on, making it as cold as he thought he'd be able to stand. He stripped himself quickly and got into the shower. He shivered as the near ice water hit his flushed skin.

He was able to stand it for a few moments, but Iruka was simply burned into his brain. The tan muscles of his back, the interesting scar, and the feel of his skin as Kakashi slid his hands over it. The moans he'd earned when he got a particularly difficult knot to loosen. With one last mental grumble at himself for his lack of willpower, he turned up the temperature of the water.

Kakashi leaned against the cool tile of the shower as the water warmed his skin. Unconsciously, he rubbed his hard on slowly; his mind lost in its current obsession. It hadn't helped that he'd spent the entire morning studying the man. The way he moved, worked, thought, even the way he smelled. Kakashi shuddered as he remembered how intoxicating Iruka smelled.

His back arched slightly away from the wall as he pulled at his erection, just thinking about the chunin. Kakashi let random images of Iruka roll through his mind. The first time he'd gotten a hit on the chunin. He'd pulled one of Iruka's arms behind his back and twisted the one holding the kunai up to his throat. He'd done the move dozens of times before, to complete strangers, but he'd never responded like he did then. His stomach had twisted with pleasure the instant he'd put his hands on Iruka.

He reached up, one hand pressing against the wall above his head as it tilted to the side. A low groan escaped as he pumped his hand a little harder, letting the pleasure of the memory seep over him. He flicked his thumb over the tip of his erection, and the light touch was enough to send him over the edge. Kakashi let his boneless feeling body slide to the floor. He was shivering, and not entirely from the once again cold water.

Within a few moments, he moved, turning the water off and standing up. 'This is only going to complicate things. This is why I prefer mission sex. Quick and emotional without being personal. And, no one speaks of it afterwards. It's simple. I liked it being simple.'

"Damn!" Kakashi slammed his fist against the shower wall then grabbed his towel. He pushed the emotion aside and reminded himself it was just a week, and then he could simply avoid the man until the attraction faded.


Iruka rolled over and turned off his alarm.

"Mm..." He felt amazing and refused to let go of the dream. "Kashi..." His eyes snapped open, and his face turned red at the same time. He looked around, verifying that he was, in fact, alone. His heart still racing, and the remains of the dream haunting his mind, he sat up. They'd been... in his dream... 'It was a dream, right?'

It took a second for him to realize that yes, it was a dream; and that, despite that, he was hard. 'It's just because it's morning.' He told himself. 'It happens sometimes, and it has NOTHING at all to do with that dream or the massage...' His face, which had almost lost the blush, gained it with twice as much force as before. He headed for the shower, not even bothering with the hot water when he got there.

It was nearly an hour before he managed to forcibly calm himself enough that he felt comfortable heading out for his weekly groceries.
