Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Iruka ❯ Jealous Much? ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: You're still looking for disclaimers? /sigh/ I don't own Naruto

I do own Satomi, Risa, and Hayao though they're well not exactly fleshed out and I doubt they ever will be.

This chapter is half from Tsunade's perspective half from Iruka's so might be more confusing.

Natalanisha/Tellkalia helped with the editing, smut, and quite a few of the disclaimers.

Mission Iruka
Chapter 4: Jealous much?


Tsunade found Iruka at Ichiraku's. "So..." Tsunade said as she patted Iruka on the back. "How was your day?"

"It was just fine, Lady Tsunade." Iruka said, perplexed.

"A bowl of your pork ramen." Tsunade sat down. "I hear you and Kakashi-san have been spending quite a bit of time together."

Iruka could feel his eyebrow twitching. "I don't know what's gotten into him, but he shows up everywhere."

"Kakashi-san’s not so bad."

"He's not, except when he finds it amusing to torment you. And then, it's a completely other story." Iruka sighed.

"Oh, what did he do now?" Tsunade smiled. This was more entertaining than she'd hoped.

"He showed up as I was leaving my house this morning to go grocery shopping and invited himself along."


Iruka had been locking his apartment door when a familiar voice had said his name, and it had taken a great deal of self control not to jump. He'd turned around to find Kakashi leaning lightly against the wall, staring at him. Iruka took a breath and reminded himself it was just a dream brought on by fatigue and it meant nothing. Absolutely nothing. "Hello, Kakashi-san." He smiled cheerfully at the silver-haired nin.

"Heading out to do some grocery shopping, I see." Kakashi said, looking pointedly at the cloth bags in Iruka's hand. "I'll come with you. I have some stuff I need to pick up, anyway." He smiled, and Iruka's stomach flipped over. 'I'm hungry that must be it.'


"That doesn't sound so bad."

"It wasn't, until we got to the fruit stand I usually go to. Risa was helping me pick out my fruit, like she usually does, and Kakashi asked her out to lunch."

"Well, good for Kakashi-san."


Kakashi had been asking him about his students, casually, as they walked through the market. Iruka had managed to shove aside his nervousness in the process. Talking about his class was something he couldn't do without feeling relaxed. Even when they pulled pranks or tried to sneak off, he loved them, and he knew they felt the same. They were the family he didn't have. Okay, so Naruto was, and always would be, his favorite student, but it didn't mean his other students weren't still very important to him.

"Hello, Iruka-sensei and Hatake-sama," Risa greeted them as they arrived at her father's fruit stand.

"Hello, Risa-chan. How're you today?"

"I'm fine. Moegi is at home doing her homework, which she told me she didn't have, until I snatched her bag from her. I think you're going to have to work on her reflexes if I'm able to get it away from her."

Iruka chuckled. "I think it has less to do with her reflexes and more to do with the fact that she's easily intimidated by her older sister." He smiled warmly at her. "You do your mother proud with that look. Maybe you should give me some pointers."

Risa laughed. "Oh, and we have fresh daikon and ginger today, over there by the renkon." She leaned forward conspiratorially. "And, if you grab the basket under the table, I have the very best picked out for you, Iruka-sensei."

Iruka smiled and went over to get them. When he turned around Risa and Kakashi were talking. When he got back into hearing range all he heard was Risa saying she'd see him at lunch time before turning and pulling carrots out of a crate. Iruka looked at Kakashi as the man smiled and picked out a few apples. Iruka's stomach knotted, and he tried to tell himself it was because Kakashi shouldn't be flirting with Risa, who was far too young for Kakashi, at only 17. But, it didn't seem to ease the knot any.


"Then, we got to the meat stand, and he asked Hayao out to dinner."

"Oh, well, maybe he's just, uh, shopping around." Tsunade grinned and tried not to laugh.

Iruka just sighed. "He asked out practically every girl /and/ guy that we ran into shopping."

"I guess he really likes a variety."

"All for today. Several for the same time."

Tsunade looked at Iruka, dumbfounded.

"Then, he proceeded to tell me they look like characters in those wretched books he reads."

Tsunade chuckled. "I'm sure it's harmless."

"Nothing about that man is harmless." Iruka said as he drank the last of the soup from his bowl. "I don't feel so well. I think I should go home and get some rest. I have class to teach tomorrow."

"All right, Iruka-san. I hope you feel better. I'm sure you're just tired." Tsunade watched him leave. "Mission accomplished, Shizune."

"I can't believe you deliberately made him sick. I should tell him, but he probably needs a break. Especially, after having to put up with Kakashi-san for what, three days now?" Shizune shook her head and sat down to order.

"I think he enjoys Kakashi-san's company more than he admits. He seemed to have fun yesterday, from what Genma said."

"He didn't seem to have fun today, from what /he/ said."

Tsunade smiled. "You don't think he sounded just a tiny bit jealous? Hmm... maybe I'm wrong." Shizune's jaw dropped. Tsunade smiled at her friend and took a bite of food.


Satomi stood on the bridge trying to look casual. Hatake-san had said he needed to meet the fish-monger's apprentice here. He wasn't here, and Satomi wondered if he'd misunderstood.

"Hello, Satomi-san." Satomi turned around at the sound of the voice.

"Oh, hello, Risa-san," Satomi said, blushing slightly. He'd secretly had a crush on the young woman for awhile now but had been unable to get up the courage to ask her on a date. "How're you today?"

She smiled at him. "I'm fine. I was supposed to meet somebody here. They don't appear to be here yet, though."

"Hatake-san?" Satomi asked hesitantly. Risa nodded.

"He said he needed my opinion on something."

"Yeah, I was supposed to meet him here as well. I wonder what it is he wants to talk to us about."

Risa bit her lip nervously. "He's known for being late, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised."

Satomi shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "How's your little sister doing?"

"You know Moegi; she's bound and determined to be a ninja. I think she's having fun, though. And, I think she has a bit of a crush on Konohamaru." Risa laughed. "It's really cute."

Satomi saw something move out of the corner of his eye, but when he looked, nobody was there. A basket was, however, perched on rail of the bridge. "What's this?" Satomi walked over to it. A note was pinned to the handle. "Dear Satomi-san and Risa-san, I'm sorry I could not make the rendezvous. Please enjoy lunch in my absence." Satomi read aloud. He looked at Risa. "If you like, I know a nice place we can sit to enjoy the food."

Risa smiled. "That sounds nice, Satomi-san."


Kakashi smiled to himself. 'Two down, four to go. Obito would have been amused. I'll have to make sure to tell him.'
