Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Iruka ❯ Fluffiness ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mission Iruka
Chapter 19: Fluffiness


Iruka tapped lightly on the half-open door. Kakashi was sitting in the corner by the go board reading. He didn't look up. Iruka tapped again. Kakashi frowned and picked up a pen, still not looking away from his book, then wrote something down on a scroll beside him on the go board. Iruka realized it must not be one of his Icha Icha novels and leaned against the door to wait. He didn't want to interrupt the man's train of thought. It amused him that he was probably one of only a handful of people who realized Kakashi read anything other than his Icha Icha novels. And he was sure even fewer had actually seen him reading anything else.

After a little while Kakashi set the pen down, book marked his page, and looked up.

"Iruka." He seemed surprised, well at least as far as Iruka could tell with the mask on.

"Hi." Iruka smiled as he looked around the normally tidy library, knowing it was his fault the place looked like it did.

Kakashi grinned, "Sorry about the mess. I tried to clean." Iruka blushed, which only caused Kakashi to laugh.

"You're not still mad at me?" Iruka wasn't sure if the jounin would still be upset by the prank. Even if he did like Iruka, which he wasn't positive it was more than friendship the man felt towards him.

Kakashi laughed again, "I'd get up, but things keep trying to attack me when I do."

Iruka blushed a deeper shade of red and carefully walked over to the desk. He moved a little silver paper weight less than an inch and several things snapped back into place as though a string had been cut. A lot of the mess was still there. A loud woosh from the other side of the courtyard grabbed Kakashi's attention.

"What was that?"

"Favor for Pakkun. He agreed to help if I would solve the dust problem in the rest of the house. He says he's tired of fighting spiders in your hallways."

Kakashi looked annoyed, his eyebrow twitched. "He helped?"

Iruka chuckled, "Don't blame him. I got a bit carried away." Iruka walked over and crouched beside Kakashi's legs.

"Besides you have a dust mask, he doesn't."

Kakashi sighed and shook his head. "Why?"

"Because you deserved it." Iruka wasn't sorry. Embarrassed? Yes. Sorry? Not in the least. The man /had/ earned it.

"I know you turn in reports that look like a pack of wild dogs got a hold of them on purpose. And I also looked into it, you only do it to me."

Kakashi chuckled. "Nobody else is quite as entertaining when I give them a bad report." Iruka frowned, thinking he'd assumed wrong and the man really did just enjoy toying with him. Iruka started to get up but Kakashi grabbed his wrist.

"Why did you kiss me?" His voice was quiet but serious.

Iruka looked away. "I wasn't really thinking about it. It's just that you were yelling at me and you had your mask off, and you were so close... I just..." Iruka could feel his face heating up. "Wanted to." He didn't dare look at Kakashi. "Why did you kiss me?"

"Because you kissed me." Iruka sighed inwardly.

"And I've wanted to kiss you for awhile now," Kakashi said after a moment. "And I thought I had been given permission until you ran off." Kakashi sounded perfectly calm.

"Iruka." Iruka shivered as Kakashi ran his thumb over his wrist. He looked at Kakashi, his stomach in knots.

Kakashi smiled, "I really like you." Iruka blushed again.


Kakashi tugged at Iruka's wrist, and when he didn't pull away Kakashi pulled the now beet red chunin onto his lap and wrapped his arms around him.

"You know you can't just kiss me every time you're in trouble," he teased.

Iruka laughed softly and relaxed a bit in his arms. Kakashi slid his mask down and nuzzled the nice tan neck, gently kissing it as he breathed in Iruka's scent.

"But Kakashi, you're just so sexy when you're mad." Iruka covered his mouth, trying not to laugh. His shoulders vibrated from the suppressed laughter.

Kakashi growled playfully, "You know most people think I'm rather intimidating when I'm angry."

Iruka shook his head. "They wouldn't if they saw you with your mask off," Iruka chuckled and snuggled against him. "Kakashi?"

"Hmm?" the jounin ran his hands over Iruka's stomach.

"Why do you wear a mask?"

Kakashi leaned back against the wall pulling Iruka with him and sighed. He felt Iruka tense so he ran a hand over his arm gently to soothe him. It had been
a long time since he'd answered that question.

"Now it's really just habit. It's become a part of who I am. Especially, since I was in ANBU for so long. Masks just feel natural. But when I put it on it was because I looked like him." Kakashi paused remembering how he'd felt when people stared at him.

"Everyone remarked on it. I was just like him. They'd say I was a genius just like him and would probably be just as amazing a shinobi as him. And then they turned on him said he shamed them. His friends. The same people he saved. They blamed him when people died because he failed the mission because he cared too much about them to let them die. So when they saw me. They saw him. And they would say things when they thought I couldn't hear them or because they thought I wouldn't understand because I was so young. They'd wonder if I would turn out like him. If I would betray them." Kakashi let his voice drift. It hurt even now. Though now it hurt for different reasons.

Iruka brushed the jounin's fingers as a frown slid across his face.

"I believed them and so when I put on my Hitai-ate I put on my mask. I thought if I didn't look like him then I wouldn't be like him."

"I'm sorry." His voice cracked and Kakashi knew if he looked Iruka would have tears in his eyes. It was sweet how Iruka would feel so strongly even over things that happened to others.

"I think your father did the right thing." Kakashi smiled, a small chuckle escaping.

"Minato-sensei and Obito said the same thing." He reached up touched the chunin's hair carefully removing the hair tie so he could run his fingers through it.

"Sensei tried to explain it to me when my father died..." he managed to keep his voice steady somehow.

"When he killed himself but I was angry at him then for dying and wouldn't listen. Then Obito said it before he died and I realized later he was right." He smoothed Iruka's hair down thinking that the man should wear it like that more often.

"After that I wore it to hide the pain. Eventually it was just a part of who I was."

Iruka leaned into his caress his eyes closed. His hair was so soft and it smelled vaguely of citrus.

Iruka looked up at him his head on Kakashi shoulder. "Don't hide from me okay?"

Kakashi kissed his lips softly and grinned, "I don't know, it might keep you from bribing your way out of trouble." Iruka swatted his leg.


After a moment, Iruka smiled and then stretched slightly so he could kiss Kakashi. He tasted as good as his memory had teased him that he had. Iruka pulled back, eliciting a moan from the silver haired man.

"Besides, it wouldn't matter if you had your mask on or not. I can think of plenty of other ways to get out of trouble."

"Oh, really now?" Kakashi grinned, "I don't know if I believe you."

Iruka turned smoothly to straddle his lap rather than sit sideways.

"Mmmm... wanna bet?" Iruka tugged at the jounin's shirt.

The Copy-nin looked away casually.

"I don't know. Maybe you should wait till I'm actually mad at you. You know, to find out how effective it will be." His hands casually sliding over Iruka's thighs suggested otherwise.

Iruka pulled Kakashi's shirt loose and ran his fingers along the smooth plane of his stomach then moved down and kissed his neck.

"How about not?" It wasn't really a question.

Kakashi grabbed Iruka's wrists.

"Ruka," it came out as a moan, but Iruka looked up questioningly, had he done something wrong? Kakashi's eyes were slightly glazed even as he looked at him.

"Aren't you moving a bit fast?" Iruka blushed and started to pull away but Kakashi hadn't released his wrists. Iruka stared at him suddenly very aware of the man whose lap he was sitting on.

'How does he do that? He makes me feel so self-conscious.' The blush deepened but he didn't take his eyes off of Kakashi.

"I didn't say you should stop." And with that he tugged on Iruka's wrists, pulling them up in front of his chest. Iruka's elbows buckled from the unexpected motion and Iruka found himself about an inch from Kakashi's face.

"I just need to know if you're sure about this. I don't want some one night stand with you 'Ruka, so I need to know you're serious." Kakashi stared at him intently and Iruka felt like he couldn't breathe for a moment.

Iruka had thought about it, hard, and he'd known he wanted Kakashi even if all it turned out to be was a one night stand. He hadn't however realized the other man might actually want him for more than that. Genma had implied it but Iruka had refused to let himself really hope it was true. He realized then that he hadn't said anything and that Kakashi was still staring at him. He blushed, but the words wouldn't come out so he nodded.

"I want to hear you say it, I need to hear you say that you're sure." Kakashi's look was almost pleading by this point.

Iruka blushed an even deeper shade of red if that was possible but he didn't look away.

"Yes, 'Kashi I'm sure. I want you and no one else." Kakashi closed the distance between them crushing Iruka's lips in a passionate kiss. Iruka found his hands were suddenly free as Kakashi's hands framed the startled chunin's head. He gently held him still as he moved closer, his fingers stroking through his hair where they could reach.

Iruka's hands landed on Kakashi's chest and after a moment he slid them back down to his lover's stomach.

"Mmm..." he said pulling away.

"This has to go." He pulled the shirt off in one smooth motion. Then he decided the half mask that hung limply around Kakashi's neck had to go. For a bit he studied the other man's chest, every faintly scarred and finely toned feature of it. His fingers trailing lightly where ever his eyes went.

"You know 'Kashi," he said leaning forward to whisper in his ear, "It’s just not fair that anyone should be as attractive as you /and/ be a genius."

Kakashi chuckled, his chest shuddering against Iruka's fingers.

"It's to make up for my personality and lack of sanity. Not even you would be able to put up with me if I weren't so damned handsome and clever," he said, nuzzling Iruka's neck. Iruka returned the teasing by nibbling his lover's ear.

"Stop! That tickles!"

"'Kashi-kun. I didn't know you were ticklish." Iruka teased before continuing with his 'tickling' of Kakashi's ear.

Kakashi laughed and tried to pull away. "Stop, you brat!"

Iruka tugged on the top of Kakashi's jeans.

"Well, maybe just long enough to get you out of these." He pulled back and tugged on the jeans again.

Kakashi furrowed his brow pretending to consider it. "I don't know..."

Iruka pouted playfully, "But they're in the way."

"Well I suppose you can have them if I can have your shirt."

Iruka laughed and started to pull his shirt up, but before he could get it over his elbows Kakashi grabbed his arms and flipped him onto his back. He pinned Iruka's legs between his and grinned.

"Hey!" Kakashi chuckled at the protest. "You brat!"

"Mmhm! Clever brat though."

"At least let me see!" Iruka squirmed trying to get his head free. The motion causing him to grind against Kakashi who moaned, "I don't know, I think I like you like this."

"But I want to be able to see too."

"Uh uh." Kakashi slid his hands up Iruka's arms to his wrist and pinned both with one hand.

"There! Much better now I can have some fun."

"Fun? What? Kakashi at least let me see."

"I think not." Kakashi slid a hand slowly down Iruka's side causing him to shudder and squirm.

"That tickles, stop that."

"Hmm... that sounds familiar." Kakashi brushed his fingers back up.

"You should have thought of that when you tickled my ears. Now it's time for revenge. My ears are declaring war on your sides."

"But it's your hands tickling me," Iruka snickered.

"This is why we have alliances. I don't know if you're laughing enough. Maybe my ears should form another alliance." Kakashi was downright tickling Iruka now and the man squirmed trying to get away from his fingers.

"No! Stop, please!" Iruka gasped.

"Yeah they're definitely going to have to get another ally. I think maybe they have something to offer my mouth." And with that he leaned down and started nibbling Iruka's ribs. The man squirmed even more and he lost hold of one of his wrist. Iruka started swatting the top of his head. He couldn't manage much more since his arms were still mostly trapped by the shirt.

"Stop!" he laughed. "Please 'Kashi!" Kakashi released his other arm and used the suddenly free hand to attack Iruka's other side. Iruka yelped and struggled to get his arms free finally managing to pull the shirt off.

Kakashi ignored the man, shoving his shoulders back and moved his mouth from the man's ribs to his nipple gently flicking his tongue across it. It caused a shiver but the man was still trying to push him away. Of course, he hadn't stopped tickling his sides so it's not like he couldn't see why. He grinned and stilled his hands then gently began sucking on Iruka's nipple. The man stopped shoving and moaned.

Kakashi looked up. Iruka had his head back and his eyes were half closed. As sexy as that look was, he stopped. It seemed to take a Iruka a minute to register the fact however.

"It looks like my ears win," Kakashi teased as he pushed himself back on his heels and stood up.

Iruka looked at him, lust and confusion in his eyes. He held his hand out to the poor befuddled man who just continued to stare at him. Kakashi nodded to the door which was still partially open.

He couldn't see him, but he knew Genma was out there watching and he decided he was tired of giving a show.

"Come on let's go someplace with a little more privacy." Iruka blinked and took his hand.


"Did you get a look at his face?"

"No, he always seemed to be at just the right angle to keep it hidden," Genma growled.

"Well on the bright side, we did figure out a couple of bets. They are officially screwing and Kakashi is most definitely seme."

"I dunno Rai. I think he might let Iruka have his way."

"Yeah right. He's as pushy as you. You never let me top," he scowled at his lover.

"You just look too pretty when I've got you pinned beneath me."

"I'm not pretty," Raido said hitting him.

"Mmm, sure, whatever you say my lil uke." Genma grinned wickedly at him.

"Ow! I'm gonna have a bruise."

"You're the pretty one and the vain one."

"You only say that because you can't see what I see when I fuck you. Now let's get out of here so we can collect some money."


Kakashi pulled him in the room and closed the door. “Now, where were we?”

Iruka pounced him, knocking him onto the bed and kneeling between his legs.

“I believe I was about to get rid of these,” he said as he tugged at Kakashi’s pants.

Kakashi grinned and tucked his hands behind his head. “I told you, you could have them; therefore they’re yours. So you’ll have to take them off.”

Blushing, he started to unbutton them, “Lazy jounin, always getting us poor hardworking chunin to do everything for them.”

He slid his fingers along Kakashi’s waist to the back and then trailed them down the inside to cup the man’s ass. Each move caused the pants to slide down slowly over his hips.

“I changed my mind. I don’t want your pants.”

Kakashi raised an eyebrow, “Oh? What do you want?”

Iruka slid his hands out and up along his lover’s ribs before leaning in to whisper in his ear.

“Your underwear.”

“I don’t know… I think it’s going to cost you more than your shirt.”

“Oh? What else will it cost me?”


“That doesn’t seem like a very fair trade… What else do I get?”

“Me. However you want me.”

Iruka sat back blushing. “Even…?”

He watched as his lover took his hand and kissed it. “For you, anything.”

Iruka jumped off the bed and stripped with near blinding speed and then straddled Kakashi. He held a pair of dark blue boxers over his head.

“They’re all yours then.”

Kakashi laughed and snatched them, tucking them under the mattress.

“And I’m all yours. You are never getting those back. Ever.” He laughed again.

Iruka kissed him then and the laughter turned to a deep, rich moan.

“I love your laugh,” he said when their lips finally parted. He slid his hand down the pale chest.

“It’s so… beautiful.”

“It’s nothing compared to yours.” Kakashi brushed a hand over Iruka’s cheek then pulled him down and kissed him again running his tongue over Iruka’s lips.
He shuddered and opened them slightly in invitation. Kakashi ran his tongue over Iruka’s teeth.

The kiss grew deeper, hungrier, and he moved against his lover. Gasping sighs mingled in the kiss until Iruka pulled away. A moan escaped the other man’s lips when Iruka started to trail kisses down his jaw. An interesting noise was earned when his hands slid over the sinewy muscles of Kakashi’s shoulders and chest. The hands in his hair urged him on while the moans slowly drove him crazy.

He wanted more and kissed his way down the jounin’s neck, licking and sucking at the dips and rises. He picked a spot near where the shoulder met the neck and bit down. His action earned Kakashi's hands tightening in his hair.

Iruka slid his tongue over the bite mark as his hands settled on Kakashi's hips. The silver haired nin moving against him, and reminding Iruka that he had yet to claim one of his prizes from the other.

He moved back just far enough to settle his knees between Kakashi's thighs and slipped his fingertips under the edge of Kakashi's boxers. He leaned forward and let his lips brush against Kakashi's adam's apple.

Iruka flicked his tongue out between slightly parted lips to taste Kakashi's skin once more as his fingers tightened in the material of Kakashi's boxers.

As he inched his way down Kakashi's chest he worked the boxers lower until they met the pants he hadn't quite removed yet. He marveled at the difference in texture between scarred skin and non against his tongue. An edge of teeth near Kakashi's nipple earned him a low growl and a tightening of strong hands in his hair, but no indication that the move wasn't appreciated.

The brunette became infatuated with the various sounds he could get Kakashi to make. Teeth earned growls quite often mixed with something else which made for an interesting sound. Whimpers when he traced his tongue along scars. His mouth found an interesting hollow near Kakashi's hip and he bit down once more on the pale body beneath him.

"'Ruka!" Kakashi gasped and rocked his hips towards the chunin.

Iruka licked his lips and looked up Kakashi's body, and met the dual colored eyes that were watching him intently. Iruka had the pants and boxers down past Kakashi's knees, and he was just dipping his head to move again when Kakashi pulled him back up.

"What-" He began once he was again eye to eye with Kakashi, but he was cut off by Kakashi's mouth meeting his. Kakashi's mouth was demanding, his tongue moving against Iruka's. His taste was filling Iruka's senses, drifting through his mouth and lingering. It teased him with faint memories of strawberries and dark chocolate.

Suddenly Iruka's world spun and he was looking up at Kakashi, his back against the soft bed. Kakashi nibbled at his bottom lip and he whimpered. With an almost apologetic lick to his lip Kakashi leaned back.

Iruka watched with passion glazed eyes as Kakashi moved, finally completely ridding himself of his pants and underwear. Unable to think properly he simply reached out to Kakashi to draw him back in.

Kakashi settled himself against Iruka once more and Iruka groaned at the feeling of their bodies touching. He restlessly moved his body, allowing his legs to open and frame Kakashi's to get more of the friction his erection was begging for. All this teasing was frying his brain, but he wasn't willing to trade it for anything.

"'Kashi." He managed to say as he arched his body towards the silver haired man. In reply to the plea a strong hand wrapped around Iruka's erection and gave a slow stroke. Iruka trembled and tried to thrust his hips, but Kakashi placed his free hand on them and held him down.

Iruka protested by sliding one of his hands down Kakashi's chest until he could do the same to Kakashi's erection. A low groan was his reward and a shudder that shook Kakashi's entire body. Kakashi released him long enough to rummage very quickly through a drawer built into the side of the bed. He quickly grabbed the item he was after and set it next to Iruka's thigh.

With a self-satisfied smirk he leaned down, moving over Iruka's body. Soft, barely there touches of lips and tongue against his sensitized skin fanned the heat in Iruka's veins. A more solid lick over a nipple had his body arching helplessly. Kakashi's talented tongue playing in and around his belly button made him squirm in pleasure.

It wasn't until Kakashi's breath puffed over the head of his erection that Iruka realized his head had fallen back against the pillow. He realized he'd closed his eyes when they snapped open to look down at Kakashi in disbelief and hope.


"'Ruka," was the husky reply. The low tone made Iruka's body tense in expectation mere seconds before Kakashi's tongue came out to lap over the head of his erection. Iruka's head fell back against the pillow again at the pleasure singing through him from that simple act. He wasn't sure how, but he made himself sit back up to watch Kakashi.

Kakashi's soft silver hair brushed against his thighs and each strand tickled in its own soft caress. None of the sensations distracted him from watching as Kakashi slowly took Iruka's erection into his mouth. Soft lips brushed over the surface, his tongue teased the bottom as he continued to take more in. By the time Kakashi had made his way to the base Iruka was panting and trying to squirm, but Kakashi’s hands once again held him still.

He felt one of Kakashi’s hands leave his hips, but couldn’t pay it much attention when Kakashi’s tongue undulated against his erection as he drew his head back up. The one hand left stroked against the skin over Iruka’s hip and Iruka felt the other hand return. Kakashi’s hand cupped his ass and he could feel a slick finger sliding around his entrance. The teasing finger slipped inside and Iruka whimpered. Kakashi looked up to his face at that sound, his mouth leaving Iruka’s erection with a wet pop.


Iruka smiled down at Kakashi, panting softly as the intruding finger continued to tease his insides.

“A-ah.. Don’t worry.. Most definitely want you like this.” The last word trailed off into a moan as Kakashi seemed to find what he was looking for. Once he had, the finger slid back and Iruka groaned in protest. It soon returned with another finger and Iruka could feel Kakashi scissoring them. The fingers brushed over a place inside him nearly every time they moved that had Iruka nearly seeing stars.

In between helpless squirms and noises he could hardly believe he was making he felt another finger join the previous two. His hips moved restlessly by now, Kakashi no longer holding him still and propped up on one arm to watch him. Iruka couldn’t take that intense gaze on him much more, so he pulled Kakashi in and kissed him hungrily. Not as sweet as the previous kisses but just as intense. Iruka found himself seeking out his own taste on Kakashi’s tongue, the proof that the copy nin had actually done that. That he wasn’t in an elaborate dream.

While they kissed Iruka hooked a leg around Kakashi’s hips and arched towards him. He broke it long enough to speak, to tell Kakashi just what he wanted.

“Now, Kashi.” Those two simple words gave him the low nearly growling groan he was becoming so fond of. Both hands left him as Kakashi pulled back and lubed his own erection. He quickly returned to Iruka’s body, one hand bracing himself by Iruka’s side, the other guiding his length to Iruka’s entrance. Iruka took a deep breath and relaxed as much as he could as Kakashi began to slowly enter him.

He knew he’d probably regret it, but he couldn’t resist as impatience overtook him. He needed to feel Kakashi completely inside and he need it /now/. Managing to slip his other leg around Kakashi’s waist he pulled and arched his body at the same time. Both of them cried out at the sudden move and Kakashi went very still above Iruka. Iruka licked his lips and looked up at Kakashi. His lover had his eyes closed and his body was nearly shivering as he tried to remain still.

Iruka wasn’t going to put up with it for long. Unaware of how deep his own voice had gotten he managed to say one word as he rocked his hips towards Kakashi.


Kakashi’s eyes opened half way and met Iruka’s. Both hands settled into new positions near Iruka’s sides as he began to move. Iruka cried out as Kakashi pulled back and changed the angle slightly. He thrust back in, the head of his erection brushed over Iruka’s prostate, earning a near scream from Iruka.

Their bodies moved desperately together, Iruka’s hands tangling in the sheets beneath him as he sought something to hold onto.

“Kami…Kashi.” He softly chanted, his mind blanking as Kakashi hit that spot over and over. His body so sensitized already from teasing and being teased. He could feel his orgasm building inside, making his body tense and shiver.

“’Ruka,” Kakashi groaned and rested his forehead on Iruka’s shoulder. Come for me, ‘Ruka.” As if those words were what his body had been waiting for, he did. His back bowed as he came, the hot liquid spilling over his stomach. Kakashi’s name barely breathed out as if he could barely get enough air from the force of it.

“Iruka!” He heard Kakashi call out just as he could feel him coming deep inside, the feel of the length inside of him filling him making his body shudder that much harder. Kakashi managed somehow to fall to one side of Iruka, but pulled Iruka along so they were still together. As they slowly relaxed Kakashi kept stroking Iruka’s side and back. Iruka himself found he barely had enough energy to press his head against Kakashi’s shoulder.

“Love you.” Iruka murmured, feeling his eyes falling closed despite his mind’s insistence he should shower or something. Just before he fell completely asleep he heard Kakashi’s reply.

“Love you too.”