Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mist Made Fox ❯ Begining of a legend. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I think Kisame is cool. So I made a fic for him. My Japanese stinks so I probably won’t be able to say the jutsu names in Japanese so bear with me.

Disclaimer: I do not own Canada thus I do not own the Naruto Universe or its characters.
I do own the characters I make up to supplement my cause though so do not steal them lest I spoon you to death.



Three years ago.

All was quiet in Konohagakure. At least as quiet as a village gets when it is under attack by a massive demonic fox.

“Gahahaha! Pitiful little mortals can none of you stand up to the might of the great Kyubi no Yoko? If not then go back to your little hovels and wait for me to bless you with death!” roared the giant as it rushed towards Konoha intent on killing every last human soul that resided within.

“This is getting us nowhere.” muttered a certain blonde haired villager as he stared sadly at the carnage before turning eyes to the small bundle in his arms. ‘I’m going to have to use the Shiki Fujin.’

“Then does that mean you’re going to use it?” asked a voice from beside him sadly.

“Yeah, probably. How’s his mother?” said the blonde ignoring the older man beside him to make funny faces at the baby inside the bundle.

“Comatose. Seems she couldn’t handle the stress of birth and Kyubi attacking at the same time.” said the older man sadly.

“Make sure you tease her for that when she wakes up Sarutobi?” said the blonde man putting on a false grin as he passed the baby to the man named Sarutobi. “And make sure my son gets the respect he deserves.” With this said the blonde man made one last sad grin before turning to jump off the railing only to be stopped by Sarutobi.

“Before you go you should at least give him a name.”

Turning around the blonde man gave his long time friend one last sincere smile before saying, “Uzumaki Naruto hero of Konoha!” With that said the blonde man jumped off the limb they were standing on and into the carnage below.

Later that night the Kyubi was defeated and sealed into the newborn child of the Fourth Hokage, who had died sealing it into the child. His last wish was that the child be hailed as a hero and jailer for the most powerful demon to ever live. This was not to be as the village instead viewed him as the demon itself and repeatedly attacked the child. The attacks reached such frequency in fact that the Third Hokage was forced to pass a law that forbade ever speaking about the boys demon. This however did little to sate the villagers hatred as is demonstrated by what is happening now.
Present day

“Le’me alone!” cried one Uzumaki Naruto as he ran frantically down the streets of Konohagakure in a desperate attempt to escape the mob pursuing him. “I didn’t do anything!”

“Bastard! You kill our families then call it nothing, we’re gonna finish the job The Fourth started.” yelled one of the villagers in the mob to a chorus of agreements from the rest of the villagers in the mob.

“Lets kill im!” yelled another angrily.

“Whaahhh!!” screamed Naruto as he desperately tried to gain speed to get away form the ever closer mob. He had never been able to figure out what he had done to deserve all this torture he went through. Sure he had pulled a few pranks here and there over the past year but that wasn’t enough to make them want to kill him he was sure. Was it because he was an orphan? He also thought that was pretty unlikely as well, he had never seen any of the other children at the orphanage treated as he was so that couldn’t be it.

It didn’t really matter what their reason was, this sort of thing was always happening to him. Usually though the old man in robes with the cool hat came to save him, but today he had had no such luck as the old man was out on a mission today. Unfortunately for Naruto his woes continued to pile up as he had not been watching where he was going and had run into a dead end alleyway.

“We gotcha now ya fox bastard.” said the mobs leader, a ratty middle-aged man who had lost a son to Kyubi. “Les kill im shall we?” With that said the man as he and the crowd began charge at Naruto.

‘Is this it? Am I going to die?’ thought Naruto tears forming in his eyes as time seemed to slow down as the mob charged him.

Fate however had something else in store for Naruto as at that moment a person who had been quietly observing up until now decided to step in and body flickered into the fray,.

“Eh? Now what do we have here? A group of grown men and women attacking a little kid. Here I was thinking that Konoha was above that sort of thing.” said the man who had just appeared. At his sudden appearance all of the villagers stopped for a multitude of reasons. One reason was when a 6 ½ half foot tall man with a sword roughly as large as he is shows up in front of you, you usually stop running. When that man just happens to look like a shark you always stop.

“Well are you all just going to stand there gawking or is one of you gonna answer my question?” asked the shark man impatiently.

“It was nothing stranger just us trying to finish the job The Fourth couldn’t.” said the rat like man from before grinning. “Can’t have demons running around eh?”

“No, I suppose we can’t.” said the shark man grimly before moving through a set of hand seals faster than the eye could sea and roaring, “Water Release: Water Shark Missile Technique!” Suddenly much to everyone but the shark mans surprise a shark formed from the water of some nearby puddles appeared and began firing water bullets into the crowd.

“Now then demons get lost before I show you what I can do with this sword.” roared the shark man. Much to his satisfaction anyone that could move did move and soon the only occupants of the alleyway where him the boy behind him and the unconscious people who had been hit with his jutsu.
Naruto’s POV(A/n It’s called stream of consciousness in case you didn’t know.)

Who is this guy he looks kind of funny but he’s really strong and really nice I bet he’s a shinobi I wonder if he can teach me to do that shark thing that would be cool he’s asking me if I’m ok no one asks me that but the old man and the ramen man I say yes he’s walking away no he can’t leave he’s the only person who’s been nice to me in days I have to stop him


“Hey wait fishy-san!” yelled Naruto as the shark man began to walk off. “I wanna ask you something!”

“One, I’m not fishy-san. Two, my names Kisame, Kisame Hoshigaki.” growled Kisame turning around to face Naruto. “What is it that you want?”

“Teach me to do that thing you did!” yelled Naruto latching on to Kisames chibi-style.”

“How about, no?” said Kisame desperately trying to shake Naruto off his leg only to have him climb up to his chest.

“Pleeeeeaaaasssseeee?” asked Naruto pulling out every ounce of chibi-cuteness he could.

For a minute Kisame thought he might break but he managed to get a handle over himself when he reminded himself that he was a ninja and couldn’t afford anything weighing him down. “Sorry kid but I’m a shinobi not a babysitter.” he said as he managed to pluck the distraught demon container off his chest and drop him on the ground. “So maybe next time we meet, but till then see ya!” With that he ran off at a high speed.

‘He ran off…” thought Naruto sadly before he got up and dusted himself off and grinned a bit. ‘But he’s not going to get away!’ On that thought Naruto sniffed the air for a bit before turning in the direction Kisame had run and began to run after him.

‘Maybe I shouldn’t have left the kid there.’ thought Kisame with a bit of remorse before he looked up to check his surroundings. “HOLY SHIT!!!” he yelled in surprise as his eyes fell on the kid from before. “How did you catch up to me!?” he asked without slowing down.

“I‘m not giving up till you agree to teach me!” yelled Naruto without breaking pace.

‘Damn I can’t speed up or I might blow my cover.’ thought Kisame as he leered at the child running beside him. ‘The kid does run pretty fast thou.. NO! I. Can. Not. Take. The. Kid. With. Me! No matter how fast he is for his age.’

“Bug off kid you’re annoying me!” yelled Kisame at Naruto.


“Then we’ll just have to see how long you can keep up at that pace!” yelled Kisame before turning a corner.

‘If I can’t out run him then I’ll outlast him!’ thought Kisame.

And so the race through Konoha began.

Five and a half hours later.

“Damn it kid where did you get all that speed and stamina?” said Kisame rubbing his sore legs as he sat at the ramen stand the kid had demanded to go to when he had finally worn Kisame out.

“Mnf, whatda men?” asked Naruto around a mouthful of ramen.

“Swallow before you talk Naruto-kun.” said the owner of the establishment to Naruto to which he only got a nod of understanding.

“Sorry.” said Naruto after he had swallowed the ramen. “Like I said though what do you mean?”

“Listen kid..”


“Listen Naruto most kids your age can’t run that long nor that fast.” said Kisame before turning back to his ramen and resuming eating it.

“Well I do have to run all the time.” said Naruto his face becoming grim although Kisame didn’t see it.

“Your parents work you to death huh?” said Kisame jokingly after he had finished his ramen.

“No I don’t have any parents.” said Naruto softly looking down into the broth of his ramen. “I have to run a lot because the villagers are always trying to kill me like today.”

This comment caused Kisame to flinch before he got a sort of pained look on his face. ‘Damn it now look what I’ve done. I really should take him with me, he doesn‘t have anyone to look out for him and without someone to do that this incident will just repeat itself. But he really young. But he’s also a really good runner. But that’s not enough to not weigh you down, he needs jutsu as well. Then we’ll just have to teach him then. But what if he can’t learn fast enough? Then we’ll just have to make sure he can.’

“Alright kid,” said Kisame slamming his hand against the table to get Narutos attention after he was sure that the owner of the shop couldn’t hear them. “I have a deal for you. If you can master one of my jutsu’s before I leave in three days time then I’ll take you with me when I leave and make you my personal apprentice.”

“Alright!” yelled Naruto happily throwing a fist in the air. “Not only do I get to learn to be super awesome like Kisame-nii-san but I get to learn a new jutsu in the process…uh…hey nii-san?”


“What’s a jutsu?”

‘I have a feeling it’s going to be a long three days.’ thought Kisame sweat dropping before going into an explanation over all things ninja.

“Hey hey nii-san what are you gonna teach me?” asked Naruto bouncing around the shark nin happily as they reached the most secluded part of the river that they could find.

“Hold still for a minute and I’ll show you damn it!” yelled Kisame. Sighing he flashed through several hand seals making sure Naruto could see them before holding his arms out to his sides. And saying quietly, “Water Release: Killer Water Wheels.”

Naruto watched in awe as suddenly water was drawn form the lake and formed a disk around each of Kisames arms. Suddenly with a roar Kisame swung both arms forward and launched the disks in front of him. The disks proceeded to cut through anything that was in their path .

“WOW!!!!” yelled Naruto in shock. “Do I get to learn how to do that?”

“Well if you don’t you won’t be coming with me.” said Kisame turning back to Naruto and grinning as he yelled, “SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR HOP TO IT!” Seeing Naruto just stand looking at him confusedly Kisame realized he had neglected to tell Naruto how to do the jutsu. “Ok so here’s how you do it, first you have to gather your chakra by focusing on it. Then you have to take it and maneuver it into the water giving you some control over it. Next you have to try to get the water to come to you and on to your arms. Do you follow so far?” said Kisame pausing to make sure Naruto was keeping up, he had a feeling the kid wasn’t exactly the sharpest kunai in the pouch. Seeing, to his surprise, a nod from Naruto Kisame grinned before continuing. “Ok now comes the hard part. For the final stage of the jutsu you need to create spin in the water by circulating your chakra through it in circles causing the wheel affect while at the same time compressing it with your chakra. Ok kid you got it?” asked Kisame again expecting Naruto to be confused only to be surprised when he still wasn’t. “Well in that case, GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR AND TRAIN YOU ONLY HAVE THREE DAYS TO MASTER THIS!!”

“Aye, Aye nii-san!” said Naruto as he ran over to the river and began practicing.

“Hey kid I’d love to stay and watch but I kinda got a mission and don’t have time to watch you personally. But I am staying in a hotel by the main gate so come and get me if you get it down.” yelled Kisame over his shoulder as he turned to leave. The last thing he heard before he sped off was the sound of the jutsu going out off control and exploding. ‘Hmm, At least the kid seems to be able to control the water pretty well. I wonder what his natural affinity is.’ “Don’t let me down kid.” muttered Kisame so low not even he himself heard it.
Roughly six hours later

“Urgghh.” grunted Naruto as the jutsu backfired again soaking him, knocking him over and almost crushing his arms in the process. “Damn it, it seemed so simple when nii-san did it but whenever I start to compress the water it backfires and if I try to spin it without compressing it first it losses shape and sprays everywhere!” the three year old yelled angrily. “There’s got to be a trick to it all I have to do is find out what that is and I’ll be home free.” With that and a new determination Naruto jumped up and retuned to his training. “I will never disappoint Kisame-nii-san.”
Two days later

It had been two days since he had eaten, slept, or even taken a break. Of course practicing water jutsus made it so you didn’t really need a bath but still it felt kind of funny.

“Ohhh.” groaned Naruto as he finally sat down clutching his lower stomach. That was another thing that felt funny, the area right below his stomach had been hurting for the last four hours and now the pain had become so intense he had had to stop training. If he had had to compare the pain he was in right now he probably would have said it felt like growing a new organ. “I think…. that I’m gonna hurl!” yelled Naruto as a wave of nausea flowed over him suddenly.

Jumping up and running off in the woods so not to contaminate the river he had become attached to as a sort of second home Naruto suddenly fell to his knees and began to regurgitate…Water?

“Wha…. What the hell.” panted Naruto still reeling from the effort of throwing up a bucket full of water. “Where…. Did that…come from.”

Suddenly Naruto noticed he no longer felt sick. So checking it off as something he would have to ask his new nii-san later, Naruto once more resumed training deciding he had enough energy left to give it one last try.

‘I wonder if it’ll work if I compress the water and spin it at the same time. Well no harm in trying right?’ thought Naruto as he assumed the jutsus position. Running through the hand seals Naruto suddenly began to get a strange feeling right below his stomach again almost as though something was moving up and.…..

‘Oh no!’ thought Naruto as he realized that he had no ability to stop himself this time. So little Naruto did the only thing he could think to. He opened his mouth.

Suddenly to his great surprise two streams of water shot out of his mouth and began to feed his arms with the water he needed to perform the jutsu. Deciding to go with this development for the time being and determined not to fail Naruto began to compress and spin the water at the same time while calling out the name of his jutsu. “Water Release: Killer Water Wheels!”

As he roared these words the water finally began to take proper shape and spin. Looking triumphantly at his two disks he immediately mimicked Kisame and threw them with all his strength off his arms.

He was quite proud to say the least when they caused a decimated the surrounding forest to a point far beyond those Kisame had fired. In fact he was pretty sure that if anyone was in the forest at that point that they weren’t now.

“I did it Kisame……nii-san.” he said falling to the ground with a dull thud having spent the last of his chakra I that last attempt. “I can’t…. wait to….show you.” With those words he blacked out letting sleeps gentle hold embrace him at last.
Fourteen and one half hours later.

‘I guess the kid didn’t make it after all.’ thought Kisame sadly looking in the general direction he had had Naruto training in before adding. ‘It’s to bad, he’s living the same childhood I had.’

Just as was turning to leave he just so happened to look over his shoulder one last time and in doing so caught a glimpse of orange moving towards him over a hill. Even though he wouldn’t admit it Kisame was overjoyed to see the kid running over the hill towards him.

“Bout time kid I was beginning to wonder if you were going to make it or not!” called Kisame waving to the running child. “So you got the jutsu down or what?”

“Yeah, yeah. I would never let you down Kisame-nii-san!” yelled Naruto running up to Kisame and grabbing his leg chibi style yet again.

“Then show it to me.” growled Kisame stress marking as he tried to get chibi-Naruto off his leg.

“Aye, aye nii-san!” said Naruto letting go of Kisame and giving him a mock salute before he got into the jutsus position. Flashing through the required hand seals he opened his mouth to allow, much to Kisames surprise, two streams of water to leak out and move onto his arms before yelling out, “Water Release: Killer Water Wheels!”

Kisame, still stunned by the child’s show of a ability only one before him had possessed, could only watch as the child performed the jutsu not only with ease but with mastery as well.

“So how’s that? Huh, Kisame-nii-san?” asked Naruto turning back to face Kisame as bouncing around giddily.

“That was… That was spectacular.” stuttered Kisame before he regained himself and said, “Naruto-kun do you realize what you just did?”

“Uh, I preformed the jutsu you showed me?” said Naruto calming down immediately when he saw the shocked look on Kisames face.

“Exactly,” said Kisame almost unable to hide his excitement, “you just performed a mid-level water jutsu with out a water source.”

“Uh, yeah I’ve been doin it since I mastered it like that. What’s the big deal anyway?” asked Naruto glaring at the taller man. “Don’t think just cause I didn’t use a water source means you get off without fulfilling your end of the bargain.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it at this point Naruto-kun. After all who would give up a apprentice with an ability only possessed by one man before him that man being the Nidaime!” Kisame said excitedly.

“You mean you’re gonna train me?!” said Naruto looking at Kisame hopefully.

“I’d be a fool not to!” said Kisame giving Naruto one of his rare smiles. “So come on I will help you pack your stuff!”

“Well you see about that. I kinda don’t have anything to pack. I went by my apartment earlier and some one kinda burned it down.”

Appalled by this new revelation it took everything Kisame had to stop from going on a killing spree against the bastards in the village. “Well then lets get out of here then I can’t stand the smell of bastard any longer.” he growled as both man and child turned and walked out of the village into the world. Into the legend of Naruto Hoshigaki.
Hokage Tower

Unbeknownst to the two of them they were both being watched by a single elderly man.

“So it appears that Naruto has found someone to care for him. To bad it had to be another villages nin, think of all the paper work I have to fill out now.” sighed the old man sadly before chuckling. “Just make sure you come and visit me before I die, ok Naruto?”

A/N: That was a bit of work. I hope this thing goes over well. But hate or love or in between for the love of god REVIEW PLEASE