Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mist Made Fox ❯ Meeting Kyubi and the first kill. ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Since I started this chapter right after the other I’m not sure how it went over yet but as I am a man of boredom I shall start none the less. I wonder what shall be done in this chapter. Perhaps… Violence?

Two weeks later. Miles away form Konoha. Border of Grass country.

“Water Release: Thirteen pillars of water!” called out a rough voice that could only belong to one person.

“No fair Kisame-nii-san, you know more jutsus than me!” whined Naruto barely dodging twelve semi-sentient pillars of water only to take the final one to the face. Getting back up bruised and angry but other wise unharmed from the blow Naruto spit out some of the water before yelling at his bemused sensei, “This isn’t what I thought you meant by training! When you said training I thought you meant you were going to show me a super cool jutsu, but instead you just start attacking me and making me try to sneak up on you while wearing weights OVER WATER!”

To say the least Naruto was regretting leaving Konoha, even though it was just a bit. Kisame had fooled Naruto into his own personal training routine, or as Naruto called it “Death Routine Alpha.” In fact Naruto could still remember the day he had made the mistake of agreeing to train with Kisame.


“Hey Naruto-kun, I got a question for you.” said Kisame as they stopped near a river for a break, for some reason Kisame insisted they stay near a river.

“What is it Kisame-nii-san?” said Naruto slowly looking up from his reflection.

“Well since you’re my apprentice I figure I have to start teaching you soon so I just wanted to know one thing before I decide how to do it, do you follow the path less followed or do you walk the same road as others?” asked Kisame giving Naruto a very serious look.

“What has that got to do with training?” demanded Naruto happy to hear he was going to be given the opportunity to get stronger soon.

“You’ll see soon so just answer the question.” said Kisame sternly.

Flinching a bit at his scolding Naruto scrunched up his face in thought before answering . “Well I guess you meet more friends if you travel with everyone else but you probably see cooler stuff, so I have to go with the path less traveled.” the young boy said hoping he had given the right answer.

Kisame grinned and stood up before making hand seals and saying, “Good answer Naruto-kun, your training begins now. Water release: Thousand Raindrop bullets.

Needless to say it went down hill for Naruto from there.
End Flashback.

“You don’t have room to complain you said you wanted to travel the path less traveled and so I am training you in a way very few sensei do, by attacking you so you are forced to learn basic battle skills.” said Kisame grinning at Naruto as the smaller boy charged at him over the water. That was one thing he had to give the kid, even though they had just started training Naruto had mastered water walking causing Kisame to wonder if he was training a genius as well as the Seconds legacy. “I will teach you jutsus don’t worry about that, but they won’t exactly be useful if you can’t fight.” he added before launching thirteen more pillars of water.

“Then teach me how to fight before you start to kill me!” yelled Naruto as he dodged the all thirteen this time only to jump straight into a tree trunk. Getting up in a daze Naruto quickly found himself under assault by one of Kisames water clones. Scrambling out of the range of the clones blows Naruto panted out, “I can’t fight you all hand to hand because you haven’t shown me any teajutsu styles!”

“Taijutsu Naruto-kun, Taijutsu !” sighed Kisame knowing he was going to have to do this eventually. “Since you really must know I’m not the best person to go to for taijutsu training I just fight freestyle.” With this he began rubbing the back of his head grinning sheepishly before saying, “But I could teach you swordplay if you had a sword.”

“Oh that’s great I’ll just go and borrow one form the nearest tree!” yelled Naruto grinning slightly to himself as a his own water clone formed behind Kisame and began to sneak up on him.

“Naruto if you try to distract someone try not to be obvious about it.” said Kisame chuckling as he swung Samehada around and crushed the Naruto clone. “I am impressed that you copied my technique though.”

“It wasn’t that hard.” said Naruto grimacing as his clone was crushed. “You use it so much I eventually memorized the hand seals, from there I just experimented until I got lucky.”

“That’s very interesting Naruto-kun, it takes quite a bit to learn a jutsu from just seeing it.” said Kisame beaming. “Just don’t let it get to your head.”

“I won’t Kisame-nii-san.” said Naruto barley dodging the Kisame water clone’s renewed assault. The clone then simply grabbed Naruto and hurled him into the river.

“Good to hear.” said Kisame before dispelling his clone and saying, “Now then Naruto I think it’s time for me to tell you why we have been heading into the Grass country.”

“I’ve been wondering about that.” said Naruto climbing out of the water and shaking the water off before jogging over to Kisame.

Waiting for Naruto by the camp they had made Kisame began his explanation. “Believe it or not it’s to remedy your lack of a sword.” Kisame paused a bit to create some water clones to go and catch something for their dinner, more specifically to catch fish.

Kisame loved fish. In fact he loved fish even more than he loved fighting and almost as much as he loved Samehada as Naruto quickly learned. All that he ever ate was apparently fish or the strange fish shaped crackers, Naruto had tried them once and found that they were also fish flavored. After eating nothing but fish for the first week Naruto had begged Kisame to give him something other than fish to eat to which the shark-man had gapped and responded, ‘How can you say that?! Fish are like life, you need them to live!’ After that Naruto had begun teasing Kisame saying that he had so many fish he had turned into one.

“Like I was saying,” said Kisame turning back to Naruto, “the man who made my sword is currently there so we are going to get him to make you a sword! Oh, look the fish are here at last!” Obviously feeling he had given a thorough explanation of his actions Kisame ran over to the clone carrying the fish back to them and snatched one out its hands. “Quick start a fire Naruto, this fish needs to be eaten as soon as possible!”

Grumbling something about obsessive compulsive sensei’s Naruto walked over to his bag and pulled out some matches and then walked over to the pile of logs he had set up earlier and began to try and light a fire. Of course Naruto had never used matches before and almost caught himself on fire several times before he had to ask one of the Kisame clones to do it for him. “Hey Kisame.” said he a bit put off at not being able to properly start a fire. “You are going to teach me basic survival skills right?”

“Nope.” said Kisame simply sitting down next to the fire. “I plan to take care of the main surviving until you’re old enough to go to the academy in two years.”

“Academy? I think they had one of those in Konoha to I saw kid going in there all the time, though I‘m not quite sure what they do in there.” said Naruto grabbing one of the fish, skewering it and setting it next to the fire. “I think the old man said he was going to send me there once, but I wasn’t paying attention to what he said they were teaching.”

“Old man?” said Kisame quizzically mimicking Naruto actions except he grabbed four fish instead of one. “Who’s that your caretaker or something?”

“No, I don’t really know what he did but he seemed really important and always saved me from the villagers, plus he had a really awesome hat!” said Naruto adding a huge grin at the last part. “I really miss him.”

“Well who knows maybe you’ll see him again someday.” said Kisame comfortingly. “But back on the subject of the academy it’s the place where ninja in training go to learn the basics. I’m going to be spending all our free time training you in the more advanced skills so you’ll have an edge when you start there. By the way since we’re on the subject of training skills tomorrow I’m going to teach you how to use chakra to increase power in body parts, so make sure you get all the rest you need.”

After Kisame finished speaking they both ate their meals in silence as they usually did. Afterwards Naruto began to run upstream turning back when Kisame called to him.

“Hey where are you going?” Kisame called after his orange clad apprentice. ‘The orange goes as soon as we reach Kusagakure.’ he decided.

“No where Kisame-nii-san.” said Naruto pausing before continuing to run off. “I just need to clear my head a bit.” he called over his shoulder.

“Just don’t go to far!” called Kisame wondering if he had said something wrong.


“I don’t get it.” muttered Naruto to himself as he walked along the river bank. ‘I should be happy to have left Konoha, but when ever I think about it the old man pops into my head. Maybe I’m just a bit homesick. After all like Kisame-nii-san said maybe I’ll see him again one day.’ Feeling a bit better with his conclusion Naruto began to turn to walk back to the camp only to yelp and jump into the river as a kunai whizzed past his face.

“Aw, look what we’ve got us here.” came a feminine voice from the trees.

“A lil boy all by himself wanderin bout. Tha just dun seem safe, eh sis.” came another voice this one obviously belonging to a male.

“Right, you are bro. I think e needs to be taught a lesson.” replied the other voice giggling a little.

“Alright but one at a time ya dun know if thers sumun else with im.” said the rough voice. “I’ll go first!” As that was said a huge man in a torn brown vest and pants wearing a forehead protector with what Naruto recognized from on of Kisames lectures as a Waterfall symbol with a slash through it jumped out of the trees at him while brandishing a massive axe.

“Shit!” yelled Naruto as he dodged the strike only to be thrown back as the ground exploded from the force of the blow. Getting back up he was about to yell for Kisame when the man punched him in his chest throwing him into a nearby rock.

“Ey Roga dun be damgin im to much ya ne’re know what we could get for im on tha slve market!” called the feminine voice as the man, Roga, as he threw his axe at Naruto who barley managed to dodge.

‘Damn I’m gonna be annihilated at this rate!’ thought Naruto as he dodged blow after blow form the man. ‘I gotta take the offensive!’ On that thought Naruto quickly began forming hand seals and called out, “Water Release: Killer Water Wheels!” As he said this twin streams of water shot out of his mouth and went to his arms to form his attack. Launching the twin disks Naruto was horrified when Roga blocked one with his axe. Unfortunately for he had not been able to block the other disk and it cut off his arm.

It took a few seconds for what had just happened to register in Roga’s mind and as it did he suddenly let out a cry of rage and pain. “YA LIL BASTARD, YA CUT OFF ME ARM I’M GONNA KILL YA!!!”

“Shit!” yelled Naruto as Roga dropped his axe and charged him again. He tried to dodge the mans blows but was unsuccessful for the most part. Suddenly Roga grabbed Naruto by the throat and snarled, “Ya may a takin me arm but I’ll be takin yer life.” As he began to choke Naruto his sister dropped out of the trees.

“Roga,” said she, “make this quick, if he had sumun with him tha racket ya made will be attracting them soon.”

“Aye.” growled Roga as he tightened his grip on Narutos neck.

‘I…I can’t believe it I’m going to die.’ were the thoughts of Naruto before darkness consumed him.

Narutos mind
Naruto awoke to find himself in a sewer like complex with pipes running all over the place. As he stumbled up He could only think of one place he could be. “Hell, I’ve died and gone to hell.” he muttered looking around.

“Hardly.” boomed a voice from down the hall. “Hell is so much more… enjoyable.” the voice said almost sadly.

“WHO”S THERE!” yelled Naruto looking around wildly.

“Why don’t you come here and find out?” growled the voice. “And be quick about it or you’ll die for real.”

“First tell me who you are.” yelled Naruto in a panic.

“I’LL TELL YOU WHEN YOU GET IN HERE! SO HURRY THE HELL UP BEFORE YOU DIE YOU LITTLE SHIT!” roared the voice angrily causing the walls to shudder.

“Ok, ok.” whimpered Naruto before he began walking tentatively down the hallway.

Eventually after what felt like hours of walking Naruto came out of the tunnels and into a large room. Besides the pipes the room didn’t have many defining features well at least other than the giant cage. Naruto deciding that that was as good a place as any to start searching for the person who had called him approached it slowly.

As soon as he got close enough Naruto felt a feeling of dread sweep over him causing him to fall to his knees. Looking up slowly and shakily upwards Naruto noticed two things. The first and least noticeable of them being the only thing holding the cage closed was a small slip of paper with seal written on it. The thing that caught his attention the most however was the fox trapped in the cage. But a simple fox it was not this fox was the size of a small mountain and had nine tails. Only one thing went through Narutos mind at that moment.

“Kyubi!” snarled Naruto. He would recognize the demon anywhere even though he had never met him. This was him the being who the old man said killed his parents. The one everyone said was dead.

“The one and only.” said the fox a little to placidly for Narutos comfort. “Now then I don’t have much time so I will get right to the point. As you can probably tell outside you are dying. Now there is only one way to save yourself and that is using my chakra.”

“Wait. Are you saying you’d just save me by giving me your chakra out of the kindness of your heart? I tend to doubt that.” said Naruto glaring at the demon.

“Well actually as it is I would love nothing more than to watch you die horribly, unfortunately if you die I die and that is something I would very much like to avoid.” said the demon standing up and stretching.

“Wait, why would you die if I die?” asked Naruto suspiciously.

“You my friend are a dumb ass for to have not figured it out yet.” said the Kyubi almost gleefully. “You child are the scapegoat of that pathetic anthill you called home.”

“I…I don’t understand.” said Naruto shakily backing up a bit.

“Let me spell it out for you then.” said Kyubi slowly approaching the cage gate. “The reason everyone hates you is because you are the little sacrifice that the Fourth needed to complete his jutsu. You child are the one I was sealed inside that day so many years ago.”

“No…NO you’re lying!” whimpered Naruto.

“Oh but you see I cannot lie, it is part of my nature.” said Kyubi pressing its face against the gate and grinning like a maniac. “But enough on that now I can torture you mentally later, for now we have to save your pitiful life.” As the fox said these words red chakra began to leak out of the cage and surround Naruto who began to scream as it consumed him. “Now then go and kill them won’t you.” said Kyubi laughing maniacally as Naruto was thrown from his mind.


“Ey Roga what’s takin ya so long?” said the female ninja as she watched Roga continue to choke the boy.

“I dun know e keeps reinflatin is throat sumow. Gime ma axe I’ll end tha lil buggers life right now.” said Roga dropping Naruto on the ground.

“Ey bro what’s with im e’s actin all freaky!” said the female ninja causing Roga to turn around just in time to take the full force of Narutos blow in the stomach causing him to crumble to his knees.

“I…I’m going to kill you.” Naruto muttered dazed by the Kyubis chakra. “DIE!” he roared as he grabbed Rogas nearby axe off the ground and cut Rogas remaining arm off.

“Bro!!! Guk!” said the female ninja as she ran forward only to be cleaved in half at the torso.

“Naruto, if you kill him do us both a favor and spare his head. We’ll need it to collect the bounty with.” said Kisame grabbing the females head and separating it from the neck with one clean stroke.

“Aye nii-san.” muttered coming out of his daze a bit upon hearing Kisames voice.

“NO! WAIT DON’T KILL ME!” begged Roga trying to crawl away.

“Why not?” asked Naruto staring at the man grimly. “All my life people have tried to kill me and I think I need to fight back. So I ask you again, why should I spare you?”

“I…I ave money!” said Naruto looking around wildly for a place to escape to.

“We can take that off his dead body.” called Kisame from where he was sitting on a rock.

“A… A scroll then! Me an sis stole it en we left Waterfall!” cried Roga his face becoming hopeless as he found that there was no escape.

“And why can’t we take that when you’re dead?” asked Naruto wondering how it felt to kill someone. ‘I bet it feels weird the first time, after that who knows?’

“We id it!” said Roga taking his chance. “Am you’ll nere find it if ya kill me.”

“Very well.” said Naruto lowering the axe. “Tell us where it is.”

“El if ya go up river a bit ya’ll find our camp. From there it’s jus a few miles east in a cave.” said Roga nervously. “So at’s it right? I can leave?”

“No.” said Naruto raising the axe above his head. “You threw your bargaining chip and forgot to secure a route to safety now you will pay with your life.” The axe came down.

‘That wasn’t so bad.’ thought Naruto as he ran off towards the place Roga had mentioned leaving Kisame to deal with the bodies. ‘I wonder if I should tell Kisame-nii-san about Kyubi-teme?’

“Hey Naruto-kun.” shouted Kisame. “When you get back we need to have a talk about your ‘condition’.” With that he turned back to disposing of the bodies.

‘Guess I don’t have a choice.’ thought Naruto grinning slightly. Somehow he wasn’t worried about it, he knew his nii-san wouldn’t mind.



“What do you mean he left!” yelled an infuriated silver headed Anbu at the Hokage.

“Exactly what it sounded like I meant.” said the Hokage glaring at the Anbu.

“Well we need to go get him back!” yelled the Anbu.

“We shall do no such thing Kakashi.” said the Hokage smiling a bit. “I’d hate to take him away from his new family.”

“New family! What the hell are you talking about?” yelled Kakashi angrily!

“I am simply saying that here in Konoha he was constantly under assault both mental and physical from the villagers and always would have been. Apparently when I was gone the villagers attacked Naruto and then a foreign ninja saved him. Naruto then left with him three days later.” said the Hokage shuffling some papers on his desk.

“Hokage-sama, how could you just let him walk off with a foreign nin? What if they use him against us?” yelled Kakashi furious that the Hokage had just let his senseis legacy walk out of Konoha.

“I doubt that he will.” said the Hokage looking at Kakashi. “In fact the one who took him is none other than Hoshigaki Kisame.”


“Calm down Kakashi, I don’t know if you’ve heard yet but Kisames status as a missing nin is now null.” said the Hokage a small glint in his eye.

“Nulled? How?” asked Kakashi.

“Recently, power has been usurped from the former Mizukage by his student. Also as it turns out most of the revolts that took place in Mist lately were formed by the new Mizukage in an attempt to wrest control from the former. One of the revolts orchestrated by the new Mizukage was one led by none other than Kisame.” said the Hokage giving a small chuckle before continuing. “Another thing about this new Mizukage, he is much more placid than his predecessors.”

“How so?” asked Kakashi still not keen on the idea of sending his senseis legacy to another village.

“Well for one thing he has changed the Mist genin graduation exams to something much less, deadly. Also he has sent peace treaties to all nations, in fact we just got ours today if you’d like to see it.” said the Hokage pulling out a scroll and holding it out for Kakashi to take.

“It’s all right.” said Kakashi pushing the scroll back to the Hokage. “But what if his mother wakes up from her coma?”

“Well then we’d all be in deep trouble wouldn’t we? Said the Hokage chuckling before turning grim. “But the doctors all say that she will never..” The Hokage never finished his sentence as suddenly a chunnin burst through the door and yelled the one thing that the Hokage did not want to hear.

“She’s awake! Uzamaki Shirane is awake!”

Grinning underneath his mask Kakashi turned back to the paling kage and said. “You were saying Hokage-sama?”


A/N: Ok I probably wont update for a long time after this cause my computer has a virus in fact I probably wont even be able to use the computer. Also to clarify I am going to be making some pretty major changes to the Naruto universe as far as some character history goes it won’t change the very way you look at it but lets just say that some people’s motives are changing.