Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mist Made Fox ❯ Arrival at Kusagakure ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/n: Damn! That was ridiculous. Sorry if it took a long time to update but those dingbats who tried to get the virus off my computer fried all the stuff that was on there and that includes the thing I use to get on the internet and this chapter! So any I’m probably going to slow down from here on out because I really don’t want to paint myself in a corner, make the story suck nor run dry of ideas half way through. Also to all the reviews I couldn’t get around to answering I really appreciate the kind words and the advice and unfortunately most of the questions asked cannot be answered without giving away the story.


Gates of Kusagakure 2 weeks later.

“Hey Kisame-nii-san!” yelled Naruto needlessly considering the shark man was only about two feet away. “Why exactly are we here again?”

“Well we are here for several reasons.” said Kisame grinning, “But it’s mainly because I refuse to be seen training a orange blob any longer.”

“Hey take that back you bastard!” said Naruto launching himself at Kisame only to have a hard meeting with mother earth when Kisame punched him into the ground.

“Language Naruto, Language.” chided Kisame grinning like the partially sadistic madman he was. He was actually pretty glad that his apprentice had an ever regenerating demon in him, it let him increase his training and let off stress at the same time. It was pretty funny though, the kid himself had found out about Kyubi after his teacher, who had noticed the first time they met. He could still remember the conversation about it two weeks ago.


Flash back!

“So then Naruto is there some terrible dark secret you’d like to share with me?” asked Kisame sitting by the fire when Naruto returned scroll less. Of course he knew full well what it was but still he wanted to see how much faith Naruto had in him. “But before you share the sure to be epic news I have to ask, why don’t you have the scroll?”

“Because the bastard lied.” grumbled Naruto angrily sitting down opposite of Kisame.

“Well it is to be expected.” said Kisame nodding thoughtfully. “They were only Genin, and the likely hood of Genin successfully stealing a hidden villages scrolls are almost nil unless the guards really suck at their job.”

“Still,” said Naruto hanging his head a bit, “there is something I have to tell you.”

“Oh and what’s that?” asked Kisame grinning.

“Before I tell you, you have to promise not to call me a freak or try to kill me.” said Naruto still staring at the ground.

“I promise.” said Kisame thinking, ‘How does he figure I can call him a freak when I look like this?’

“Well the thing is Kisame-nii-san, I… I’m the container for the Kyubi.” said Naruto shrinking back a bit.

“Really now?” said Kisame his grin getting even wider. “If it makes you feel any better I already knew.”

“WHAT?” yelled Naruto jumping up and staring wide eyed at Kisame. “HOW?”

“Well considering you are always leaking it, it’s hard not to notice.” said Kisame grinning wider than usual.

End Flash Back.


“Hey why do you keep doing that?” whined Naruto not moving as Kyubis chakra healed his bones for the eighth time in the last two weeks while a lump formed on his on his head.

“Because when I travel to long without fighting someone near my own level I get bored and in turn I get stressed.” said Kisame frowning. “But no worries right? I mean it’s not like you stay injured.”

“It still hurts!” yelled Naruto before deciding to change the subject. “What exactly do you think I should be wearing? A massive overcoat like you?”

“No, you probably couldn’t lift this baby.” said Kisame. “You can wear anything for all I care, but it should be in a color that doesn’t yell ‘kill me’ to the world.”

“How exactly does this say ‘kill me’?” asked Naruto gesturing to himself.

“Let me answer that question with a question.” said Kisame. “Is it wise for a master of stealth to wear orange?”

“Don’t answer a question with a question!” yelled Naruto waving his hands around angrily.

“While you ponder that I am going to ask the nice gate guard if we can go inside!” laughed Kisame walking over to the guard who had been watching the seen with strange fascination and handing him some papers.

“Baka, I’ll wear whatever I damn well feel like.” grumbled Naruto before he walked over to were his nii-san had left their belongings and sitting down.


“Kisame Hoshigaki?” said the guard looking at Kisame quizzically. “I would have thought you’d have returned to your village by now, but according to your papers you haven’t.”

“It doesn’t matter I should have the status of traveling nin.” said Kisame turning to Naruto before turning back to the guard and saying, “Uh, there’s a small problem.”

“And what would that be?” Asked the guard in a tone that spoke annoyance.

“Well my traveling compatriot doesn’t appear to have any papers.” saying this Kisame grinned nervously hopping to avoid having to beat up any ANBU.

“Really?” said the guard leaning over to stare at Naruto. “Well that is a problem, you’ll have to hold on while I call my superiors.” As he said that he began to reach for a button before being stopped by Kisame.

“Hey, hey don’t bother them with that.” said Kisame nervously. ‘Shit, I thought I might be able to slip into a smaller village without any papers but I guess I was wrong.’ he thought before being struck with an idea. ‘Just hope this works.’

“It’s their job so I don’t think they’ll be to bothered.” said the guard raising a eyebrow at Kisame’s reluctance to have the boy checked.

“Umm. Actually I was just thinking of someone who could clear him!” said Kisame gulping a bit hoping desperately that his plan worked. “Does Sariya still live in this village?”

At the mention of Sariya the guard raised an eyebrow before saying, “Of course she does, but how may I ask do you know her?”

“We used to be on the same joint squad back when Mist and Grass were allies.” said Kisame still sweating and hoping Sariya would help them.

“Really now? Ain’t you lucky.” said the guard before hitting a button on the below a speaker on the wall beside him and speaking a few words into it. “Good news.” he said turning back to Kisame. “The Kusakage will be with you in a few minutes.”

“Ku… KUSAKAGE!” yelled Kisame stumbling backwards in surprise. ‘Oh shit, I hope she isn’t still mad at me!’


Ten minutes later.

“Nii-san!” called Naruto feebly, “I’m bored!”

“Not the time Naruto-kun!” snapped Kisame causing Naruto to stick his tongue out at him. ‘If she is still mad at me we’re totally screwed.’ thought Kisame. ‘You know maybe now would be a good time to…’

Before the sweating shark man could do anything a small explosion rocked the area generating several different reactions in all of the spectators.

“Shit!” yelled Kisame as he began running.

“Whoa cool!” yelled Naruto glad his perpetual boredom was over.

“The Kusakage has arrived.” said the guard casually.


A/N: Ok so maybe that chapters length was pitiful but I seriously thought that I ended it in the right place (the next one should be longer). Anyway all I can think of to say right no is happy whatever Holiday you may be celebrating and if you aren’t celebrating a holiday then Hello! Also I’m kind of thinking of starting a new story and writing both so if you think I should do that tell me please. Review please.