Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mist Made Fox ❯ Teary Reunions ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Ok I’m back! Before anything I would like to thank A_bigfoot37 for informing me that Kisame has the same ability as Naruto and the Nidaime. Also private things have come up causing my writing to slow so it took longer than expected to update and is smaller than I’d like.


“KISAME!!!” yelled a effeminate voice from the small crater in which a speeding object had crashed moments before. Shortly afterwards a tall red haired lady with dark tan skin and hazel eyes which were currently possessed of a mad fury burst from the smoke and began to charge after the retreating shark man.

“SHIT!” yelled Kisame speeding up considerably.

“Hey, Kisame-nii-san where are you going?!” yelled Naruto running after his adoptive brother after noticing he was fleeing the scene. “Why are we running away so fast?”

“Hey Naruto.” Kisame called not slowing down a bit. “Have you ever had a girlfriend?”

“What’s that?” called Naruto looking over his shoulder at the woman that was chasing them.

“Something to avoid.” said Kisame beginning to sweat when their pursuer picked up speed and began to close in on them. “Unless you want to end up doing this again.”

Several minutes later.

“Kisame-nii-san.” said Naruto staring at his surrogate brother sadly. “I want you to know you are the best person I have ever met.”

“Shut up and keep running Naruto.” said the exhausted man. Looking behind him he spotted their pursuer, right as she grabbed them. “Ehehe. Um, hi there Sariya long time no see.”

“Indeed it has been a long time.” said Sariya glaring holes into Kisame. “Almost long enough to make me forget to do this!” she yelled before delivering a earth shattering kick into Kisames groin.

“Too bad.” squealed Kisame as he slumped to the ground.

“Now then.” started the young woman dropping Kisame and looking at Naruto amusedly. “What business do you have in the village of Kusagakure?”

“Sh… shopping.” said Naruto nervously eyeing his fallen surrogate brother.

“For clothes and a sword I presume?” she chuckled looking the boy up and down.

“WOW!” gasped Naruto in amazement instantly forgetting to be afraid and concerned for Kisame. “How did you guess?”

“It wasn’t that hard.” she said raising an eyebrow.

“What do you mean?” asked Naruto eagerly.

“Easy.” said the Kusakage with a grin that revealed teeth white enough to put Kisame’s to shame. “First of all if Kisame is training you,” she stopped for a second to kick Kisame in the groin again, “He obviously will want to train you in KenFjutsu which would be difficult if you didn’t have a sword. Secondly, she paused a moment to look at his attire for a moment grimacing, “no self respecting shinobi would be caught dead wearing a bright orange anything.”
“What do you mean?” asked Naruto.

“Didn’t Kisame,” she stopped again to kick Kisame in the groin again as he began to regain his focus, “teach you anything about being a shinobi?”

“You bet he did!” said Naruto striking a thumbs up pose in the air he had seen a person do in the street once.


Somewhere in Konoha a strange man froze in the middle of the street before jumping in the air yelling about “flames of youth being ignited” earning him even more stares than he had already been getting.

Back in the Grass Country

“Never do that again in front of me.” said the Kusakage horrified at what the boy had just done.

“Why not” asked Naruto falling from his pose.

“Just don’t.” yelled Sariya

“Fine then.” said Naruto pouting. “But I still think its cool.”

“N-N-Naruto….help…me.” gasped Kisame reaching out for the boy, frankly It looked pitiful.

“Oh shut up you!” yelled Sariya letting go of Naruto and trying to kick Kisame in the groin again. Try is the key word. As she reared her foot back for the mighty blow she was surprised when suddenly she felt someone come up and pull her other leg out from under her.

“I won’t let you hit Kisame-nii-san again!” yelled Naruto.

‘Does this kid really think he can stop a kage?’ thought Sariya grinning as suddenly she flipped in the air and landed behind Naruto. “To bad kid but you can’t beat me.”

“He does have spunk though, eh Sariya-chan.” said a man appearing in a puff of yellow.

“Joyeuse-dono!” said Sariya turning to stare wide eyed at the burly new comer. “What are you doing here and how did you find us so quickly?”

“Where are you manners.” said Joyeuse ignoring the Kusakage’s questions (much to her annoyance). “You forgot you guests.”

“Wha- OUCH!!” yelled Sariya as a pain rushed up her body from her ankle. “What the hell.” she said lifting up her leg to inspect the source of her pain only to find Naruto hanging on to it with his teeth.

“Looks like someone takes being an ankle-biter seriously.” laughed Joyeuse as Sariya began to try and shake the small child off.

“While you deal with that I must revive my student from his stupor so that I may exchange words with him.” said Joyeuse walking over to the still dazed shark while forming some hand seals. “Wake up you brat! Water Release: Frozen mind Jutsu!” As soon as he said this Kisame suddenly howled in pain and jumped up holding his head. “Glad to see you could joi….HOLY @#$%!” Looking down as calmly as he could in his pain he was not surprised to see a blob of yellow and orange latched to his ankle. ‘Just like Kisame.’ he thought grinning like his student was known to. ‘Good, I might have some fun with him.’


The Third Hokage wasn’t scared. Hokages didn’t get scared. So what if in three hours he was going to have to tell one of the most powerful nin Konoha had ever known that he had let a formerly S-class missing nin walk out the door with her child. So what if he had to tell her that the village he was likely taking the child to was known for being insanely brutal and that her child would likely be killed by his class mates. He was the Hokage for Kami’s sake!

He was smart enough to be absolutely terrified.

“I need to leave.” he finally decided. “I think the council telling her will soften the blow.” he muttered to himself before thinking, ‘Then she’ll kill them, hunt me down and proceed castrate me.’

Suddenly he heard a huge racket outside his door. Someone appeared to be demanding that they be allowed to see him another someone seemed to be demanding they stop where they were and another someone seemed to be yelling in pain.

Suddenly the door was ripped of it’s hinges and one of his ANBU was thrown out the window opposite of him.

“Oh Sarutobi-kuuunnn.” someone said in a sing-song voice as suddenly the noise outside stopped and a deathly silence ensued.

Deathly, how ironic.


I know it’s to short for the time it took but I was dealing with stuff like I said. And I found WoW. I also didn’t really like this chapter so I hope it goes better next chapter. Anyway I may bring in another character from another anime/manga because he fit’s the description for what I am looking for in another character. And the verdict is…. Going to be released next chapter.