Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mist Made Fox ❯ Enter the cyclops ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I have naught to say other than I was lying about telling you who the character I am taking was. Also I don’t own Naruto or Bleach I do however own all the original characters, I just own the whole of existence.

Kusakages office

‘Things are not looking good.’ thought Kisame, his eyes darting around the room he was in nervously.

And Kisame was right things were, indeed, very bad. Not only was he chained to a chair in the same room as two people who were, in all likelihood, out for his blood but his adopted brother slash apprentice had been chained to the ceiling to prevent further injury to the two peoples ankles.

“He reminds me of you when you were young.” said Joyeuse finally. “Always biting people.”

“At least his teeth ain’t as sharp right?” said Kisame trying to lighten the mood.

“Shut your mouth.” growled Sariya fiercely causing Kisame to laugh a bit.

“Are you really that mad at me?” said the shark man grinning happily. “I mean it wasn’t that bad.”

“LEAVING ME HANGING IN A TREE WHILE YOU ESCAPED MIST WASN’T THAT BAD?” the Kusakage roared tearing up a bit. “I wanted to go with you.” she added in a whisper.

“You two can discuss your past later for now we must attend to business.” said Joyeuse reaching up and undoing the chains binding Naruto to the ceiling.

“No! Hey! Wait!” yelled Naruto as he realized what was going to happen once the chains where undone.

“What?” said Joyeuse undoing the last binding causing Naruto to drop to the floor head first. “Oh now I see.” he said turning to Kisame. “You’d think being your student he would land on his feet.”

“Well I’ve only had him for a few weeks and in my opinion he has made fantastic progress.” said Kisame indignantly.

“We’ll have to see later, won’t we?” said Sariya looking at the child nursing the bump on his head with a sad, almost longing, grin. “But for now could you leave for a bit Naruto-kun?”

“No way!” yelled Naruto jumping up and pointing a finger at her, “You wont get Kisame-nii-san! I won’t let you!”

“Naruto-kun.” said Kisame grimly. “Why don’t you go look around town for a bit while I talk to these two?”

“But nii-san!” started Naruto only to be halted by Kisame holding up his hand for silence.

“Don’t worry Naruto-kun,” said Kisame grinning at him, “if they try anything I’ll just beat them up and we’ll leave.”

“Alright.” said Naruto brightening up instantly and running to the door. “I’m going to go look around town now bye nii-san!”

“He’s so cute.” squealed Sariya as soon as he left.

“Indeed.” said Joyeuse grinning. “But as always duty calls.” he said turning to Kisame frowning, “And I think its time you told us what you’ve been doing since you left the Mist.”


“Wow!” said Naruto running about in excitement. “I’ve never see so many plants!”

“That’s the reason we’re known as the hidden grass village.” said a lady who had stopped to watch the boys antics.

Upon hearing another persons voice behind him Naruto froze preparing from the incoming blow.

Seeing him stiffen up the woman began to wonder if she had said something wrong. “Are you alright?” she asked walking closer to him.

“No! I didn’t do anything, please don’t hit me.” whimpered Naruto falling into the fetal position.

“Hit you?” said the woman a bit stunned. “Why would I hit you?”

Naruto just whimpered a bit and muttered something as he curled up into a tighter ball.

“What was that?” said the woman leaning closer not caring anymore that she was now surrounded by a crowd of curious onlookers.

“Hey Kenny what’s going on over there?” said a short pink haired girl to the man whose shoulder she was riding on.

“Eh? Where?” said Kenny stopping what he was doing and listening to the girl on his shoulder.

“Over there!” said the pink haired girl jumping off his shoulder and running over to a crowd of people. “Hurry up Kenny I bet it’s a fight.”

“A fight eh? Well then I guess I should go join in!” said Kenny laughing manically and charging into the crowd.

“Hey you bitch why did you have to go and make the poor kid cry?” yelled one of the onlookers.

“Yeah people like you shouldn’t be allowed to exist!” yelled another.

“Leave the poor child alone!” yelled one more person.

“I didn’t do anything!” the woman said waving here arms defensively . “I just said a few things to him and hey started whimpering and got into the fetal position!”

‘God no, not again I thought people were going to be nice to me in other villages. Instead they just get in crowds to kill me here to!’ thought Naruto thinking that this was just another mob that wanted to kill him.

“Hey what’s up with this there ain’t any fight here!” roared a large scary man with spiky black hair wearing an eye patch over his right eye. “What the hells wrong with you bastards formin a group like this and not getting a good fight goin!”

The villagers in the group were surprised by this mans sudden appearance and words, some of the ones closest to him jumped back in fear.
Finally one of the men in the crowd found the courage to speak up. “W-well you see sir this lady was messing with that child there.” He paused and pointed at Naruto. “And we wanted to help the poor child.”

“Lotta good that’s doing him.” said the giant grinning wildly. “I mean listen to him whimpering about not wanting a mob to kill him.”

“M-mob?” stammered the woman beside Naruto taking a step back in surprise. “We’re no mob!”

“That’s not what he thinks.” said a little girl who had suddenly had suddenly shown up beside Naruto and was poking him with a stick. “Hey Kenny he seems really wimpy for a boy.”

“Yeah, I mean any good man would be itching to fight this many people at once!” exclaimed Kenny walking over to the two children to examine the boy. As he got closer his eye widened in surprise and his grin widened even more “Hmm. I think we’ll take him with us Yachiru.”

“But why should we?” asked Yachiru jumping up onto Kenny’s shoulder. “He’s so weak!”

“Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t.” said Kenny lifting Naruto up onto his other shoulder and walking out of the crowd. Only Kenny noticed when Naruto seemed to loosen up a bit. ‘Hmm, I wonder what’s up with that.’ he thought frowning a bit.

Suddenly one of the men from the men called out after them, “Hey how do we know we can let you take that kid. We don’t even know who the hell you are!”

Turning around Kenny gave the most maniacal the people in the crowd had ever seen. “The name’s Kenpachi Zaraki also known as the Cyclops of the Hidden Mist!”


“Oh my head.” groaned the Third Hokage sitting up and immediately remembering the situation he was in. “Crap I have to get out of here before Shirane gets me.”

“To late old man.” came a voice that to most would sound angelic, but to Sarutobi like the devil himself (herself in this case) had come to take him to the afterlife. “I’d like you to know that the only reason you’re alive is the fact that I need you to tell me what happened to my son and why in the hell HE ISN’T IN THE VILLAGE!!” said Shirane ending in the fearsome voice that the Third suspected would have made Satan pass out in fear.

“Uh.. Well you see Shirane, we didn’t think you were going to wake up so.” started Sarutobi.


“Well he’s not a criminal anymore.” the Third Hokage chuckled nervously.

“OH YES WELL EXUSE ME! AN S-CLASS KILLER!” yelled Shirane into the elderly mans ear. After a few seconds her features softened a bit and she quietly asked the question Sarutobi had been dreading. “Does he know he has a family here?”

Sighing Sarutobi shook his head. “No. Arashi said that it’d be to dangerous for him.”

“Any particular reason he was trusting enough to leave town with a complete stranger, especially one like Kisame?” asked the heartbroken mother hanging her head.

“That boy… has never been truly cared for.” admitted the Third slumping down. “I wish I could have done it myself but…”

“Don’t worry I understand.” said Shirane as tears dripped down her cheeks. “I also understand that he was persecuted instead of getting the thanks he deserved.”

“The way I understand it Naruto is better off in Kisame’s hands.” said the Hokage trying to cheer the broken woman in front of him up. “From what I understand he inherited a very interesting ability.”

“And what’s that?” asked Shirane, though Sarutobi could tell she didn’t care about her son’s abilities. She cared for what most mothers care for, her son.

“Well he seems to have inherited the Nidaime’s ability!” exclaimed Sarutobi.

“Isn’t that ni.. WHAT!!” yelled Shirane her misery put aside for the moment.

“Like I said.” said Sarutobi happily. “He has inherited the ability to use water jutsu with out a water source!”

“A…And the council still let him leave?” asked Shirane stunned that the bloodline loving bastards in the council hadn’t immediately tried to start a clan using the boy.

“Didn’t tell them.” said the Third smirking. “They didn’t deserve to keep that boy.”

“Well I guess you’re right then, maybe he is better off with an insane swords master.” said Shirane happy that her son had avoided a fate few would want. “The only thing I don’t get is how in the world he’s related to the Nidaime.

“Well that’s the thing.” said Sarutobi holding up a finger and grinning. “You aren’t related to the Second. You’re related to Kisame.”

At that moment every person in Konoha was crippled by hearing someone yell. “WHAT?!”


“Did you hear that Yachiru?” asked Kenpachi turning to the young girl on his shoulder.

“What do you mean Kenny?” asked the pink haired girl as she continued to poke the unconscious boy next to her. “Hey what are we gonna do with him Kenny?”

“Well I hadn’t really thought of that yet.” said Kenpachi sheepishly. “ I suppose since we need to see the Kusakage to deliver our message anyway we can ask her what’s wrong with the kid.”

“Hey look he’s waking up.” squealed Yachiru dropping the stick she had been using to poke the boy with and jumping over to Kenpachi’s other shoulder.

“Is that you old man?” muttered Naruto looking up at the sky sadly. “Thanks for saving me again.”

“I’m not old damnit!” yelled Kenpachi dropping Naruto and almost causing Yachiru to fall off. I’m only twenty four!”

“Wahh! Stop Kenny you dropped him!” yelled Yachiru jumping off Kenpachi’s shoulder and running over to the dazed boy. “Hey are you still alive?” she asked producing another stick and poking Naruto with it. Getting no response she started jumping up and down on the boys stomach while yelling random ways to tell someone to wake up.

Suddenly Naruto reached up one hand and motioned for the small girl to come closer. As Yachiru eagerly leaned in she could just barley hear the blond whisper, “Quickly, I need Ramen.”


A/N: I think that one went pretty darn well. Anyway so yeah I decided that Kenpachi Zaraki was the perfect character to include as one of the seven swords men of the mist and if you disagree then to bad it’s my stinkin story! Also a few more Bleach characters will be appearing but not enough or in the right way to make it a true crossover. Also I plan to wrap things up in Kusagakure in the next chapter if I can or at least in the next two chapters then it’s off to train and prepare to be a real ninja. Also pairings come later when I have set all things up!