Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mist Made Fox ❯ Dokubibu ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/n: Ok so I am skipping putting in Kisame’s past for now but fear not I will put it in at a later date. To inform everyone Naruto is getting a sword with special powers and I plan to have him get it in this chapter. As I have been told many times I do not in fact have a beachside manor so I guess I don’t own Naruto or
Bleach either.

Kusakage’s office

“So that’s what you’ve been doing all these years.” said Joyeuse frowning. “From what you’re telling me we will have to take extra precautions to make sure our Jinchuriki is kept safe from this cult.”

“A squadron of Anbu is already on it.” said Sariya passively before once again frowning. “Now that we know what you’ve been doing in your off time we have more present matters to discuss.”

“And what’s that?” asked Kisame grinning as Sariya’s face turned red at his feigned ignorance.

“You know damn well what it is!” she yelled lunging at him only to have Joyeuse grabbing her out of the air.

“I think,” said Joyeuse in a aggravated tone, “that you should tell us why we shouldn’t kill you to honor our alliance with the Mizu.”

“There isn’t any reason Joyeuse-sensei.” said Kisame frowning. “I just thought that you might overlook this one.”

“If that’s it then I am afraid that we will have to look after our people before we honor our relationships .” said the Kusakage any emotion gone from her voice. “Kisame Hoshigaki you are now under arrest for treason against Mizugakure.” As she said this ten Anbu burst in through the window and surrounded Kisame.

“I see. If that’s how it is then I guess I’ll have to fight then Kusakage-sama.” said Kisame standing up and unwrapping Samehada. “Be prepared I’m not like I used to be.”

“I learned that the day you left.” said the Kusakage pulling a three part staff out from under the table.

“I TOLD YOU, YOU CAN ASK THE KUSAKAGE FOR RAMEN WHEN I DROP YOU OFF DAMNIT!” yelled an aggravated voice from the other side of the door startling all of the people in the room.

‘An argument about ramen. Don’t tell me he’s back already.’ thought Kisame knowing he would never escape if he had to cover Naruto as well. ‘But that other voice seems familiar to.’


‘One-eyed freak… Oh god don’t tell me it’s him.’ thought Kisame groaning.

Suddenly the door burst open to reveal a very angry Kenpachi, a very happy Yachiru and a very hungry Naruto. “What the hell?” said Kenpachi looking at all the people scattered around the room before his eyes finally fell on Kisame. “Kisame you bastard you started a fight and didn’t invite me!”

“Kenpachi-san I am glad you’re here.” said the Kusakage regaining her composure. “We have captured Hoshigaki Kisame an S-class criminal in Mizugakure and were just about to kill him as per request from your village.”
“Execute him? Why the hell would you do that?” asked Kenpachi drawing his sword, which Naruto noted had a worn and rather blunted edge, before he continued. “Didn’t you get our message?”

“Ken-chan, don’t be silly.” said Yachiru drawing her own sword which was basically a pink katana. “We’re the ones who need to deliver the message.”

“Oh.” said Kenpachi his grin fading into a sad frown. “Then I guess we don’t get to fight.”

“What the hell are you doing here?!” yelled Joyeuse his patience wearing thinner every second he had to deal with these new arrivals.

“We’re here to tell you about the change in Mizu’s leadership.” said Kenpachi looking at Kisame out of the corner of his eye before continuing. “The tyrannical reign of the Sandaime Mizukage has ended and Hoshigaki Dagon has taken his place as the Yondaime Mizukage. As a result all shinobi placed under missing-nin status as a result of his efforts to remove the former Mizukage from power have been reinstated. One of these people is currently surrounded by your nin just so you know.”

“W-we finally won?” said Kisame dropping Samehada for the first time in his life. “I think I need a drink.”

“Here.” said Sariya pulling several bottles of sake out from under her desk and tossing them to everyone in the room sans Naruto, Yachiru and Kenpachi, much to his dismay.

“Today’s just been full of surprises.” said Joyeuse drinking as much of the bottle as he could in one gulp before grinning out of the side of his mouth. “I seriously didn’t know you drank Sariya-dono.”


Later after all the sake was gone.

“So Kisame.” said Joyeuse throwing the last bottle of the sake out the window. “With the nasty business of killing you out of the way I have to know. Why in the world did you risk coming here?”

“Simple really.” said Kisame grinning as he finally relaxed in the chair. “I am a master of Kenjutsu and my pupil is currently swordless.”

“Then why didn’t you go to a simple store? You know I don’t forge weapons anymore and I have no more left to give him.” said Joyeuse sadly.

“Well Joyeuse-sensei, you made only five swords if I remember correctly. First you made Kusanagi which is currently in the hands of Orochimaru. Next you made my own sword Samehada. After that you made the Raijin which was wielded by the Nidaime from whom Naruto is apparently descended.” Kisame paused a second as everyone in the room, sans Naruto and Yachiru, picked their jaws off the floor. “After you had done that you created you made two more swords. The first it is said to have been made using the power of the Shinigami and was called Zangetsu. Rumor has it that the Shinigami thought the blade was to powerful so he took it for his own. The second blade was said to have been Samehada’s sister and was called Dokubibu. Oddly enough they say this is the only blade you have left in your possession.”

Suddenly Naruto was acutely aware that Joyeuse was grinding his teeth in anger. “Are you telling me you honestly want me to give this boy,” snapped Joyeuse pointing to Naruto, “the Dokubibu.”

“Yes sensei that’s exactly what I am saying.” said Kisame grinning a bit. ‘Jeez I wonder why he’s so uptight all the sudden.’

“No I won’t let him do it!” said Joyeuse angrily. “Dokubibu has never let anyone touch her and I’ll bet money that she won’t let this kid do it1”

“Hey if this Dokubibu lady thinks she can beat me then I crush her into dust! Believe it!” yelled Naruto pumping his fist into the air.

“Let him do it Joyeuse.” said Sariya amusedly. “Let’s see how long his confidence lasts when he’s having Dokubibu’s poisons pumped into his veins.”


“DO IT NOW!” yelled Sariya angrily pounding the table causing it to crack.

“Yes Kusakage-sama.” said Joyeuse pulling a scroll from one of his sleeves. As he opened the scroll he bit his thumb causing a small amount to fall onto the middle of the scroll. There was a large puff of green smoke and when it had cleared there was a strange sword laying in the floor.

“Wow.” said Kisame looking at the odd sword. “Now I know why they call it Samehada’s sister blade. They look so similar.”

Indeed they did but instead of having scales like Samehada Dokubibu was covered in what appeared to be scorpion stingers. The biggest difference was in the hilt as instead of a normal one with a skull Dokubibu’s hilt was shaped like a scorpion with a straight hilt.

Naruto was, for the first time in his life, at a loss for words. The sword was, simply put, awesome. “Sweet!” yelled the hyperactive boy immediately grabbing the sword ignoring Joyeuse’s cry of panic. Suddenly everyone in the room noticed Naruto turn a deathly pale before he collapsed on the floor.

“Naruto!” yelled Kisame jumping up before Joyeuse appeared in front of him and punched him in the gut.

“Sorry Kisame-kun but I warned you.” he said slinging Kisame over his shoulder. “Sariya get some Anbu to call in the clean up crew before the poison spreads to far.”

“Got it.” frowning sadly. ‘I didn’t think the poor kid would go for it after what I said. Damn’

“Hey Ken-chan what happened to Akaaka-kun?” asked Yachiru.

“An unfortunate incident.” said the Cyclops of the Hidden mist walking out the door with a little less luster than when he walked in. ‘Shit! I hate seeing kids die!’


“What… happened?” Naruto asked nobody as he woke up to find himself staring at a red sky.

“You wanna know?” asked a voice Naruto later described as ‘an angel who was in her time of month.’

“Uhh maybe not.” said Naruto standing up and scanning the room for the source of the voice.

“Behind you, you dumbass. Hurry up or I’ll kill your ass now.” said the voice getting angrier with each word.

Turning around Naruto came face to face with what he could only think of as the scariest and yet most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was tall with dark skin and dark green hair tied above her head in a pony-tail. Her eyes reminded Naruto of that paint that was labeled poison green in the store. Her lips, well Naruto decided to skip those as he felt she was getting impatient. She was dressed in an outfit that reminded Naruto of that dancer he had seen when the old man had taken him to a carnival from Suna.(think like a genie.) The oddest thing about her however was the fact that she had a scorpions tail.

“Well are you done inspecting me neon boy? Or would you prefer me to strip?” she asked tapping her foot.

“No thanks!” said Naruto waving his hands frantically.

“Don’t make it sound like it wouldn’t be a treat you little pervert.” she said clenching her teeth to reveal instead of normal canines she had fangs.

“No! That’s not it!” said Naruto getting extremely angry at being called a pervert. He had seen those books his nii-san read at night and he had almost thrown up when he had. “And don’t ever call me a pervert again!”

Naruto couldn’t help notice the look on her face change completely as he said his last sentence. Slowly it changed from an evil ‘going to kill you’ face to a strange evil ’I’m gonna hug you till you bleed out your eyes’ face.

Suddenly the woman jumped forward and began to squeeze Naruto into her ample assets causing him to blush profusely. “Aw see you are a pervert cutey!”

All Naruto could think at the moment was ‘what the hell’ and ‘mmm soft’.

Kusakage’s office

“Alright now we need to destroy the boys body and reseal the sword as it’s retracting its poison.” said the medic nin in charge of the cleanup operation.

“Sir!” called one of the other medics frantically. “The type of poising in the boys body has changed ! Instead of killing him it’s started giving him immunity to the other poison.”

“What’s that? There’s no way that could happen the boy should be dead by now!” said the leader. ‘What the hell is going on here?’


“Oh, how could I stay mad at a cute little Jinchuriki like you?” said the woman letting go of Naruto and staring at him with a huge grin on her face that reminded Naruto of the grin that Kiba’s sister would give Kiba whenever she picked him up from the playground. Lots of love with a bit of predatory gleam mixed in.

“I hope you don’t kill me for asking,” Naruto noted that she just grinned even wider and that her tails were pulling him closer to her, the latter causing him to sweat nervously, “but who are you and why did you decide not to kill me?”

“Me?” she said pointing to herself. “I am the one they call Dokubibu.”

“Hey you have the same name as that sword that I grabbed before I came here!” yelled Naruto pointing at her.

‘Hmm, he’s kind of dense. Oh well that just adds to the cute factor of it all!” thought Dokubibu happily before drifting of into wondering if everything about him was small besides his cute factor. ‘I hope not.’

Kusakage’s office

“This hasn’t ever happened before!” yelled Joyeuse in excitement.

“So what’s the big deal?” asked Kisame having finally recovered enough to stand. “Does it mean he could live?”

“Better than that!” yelled Joyeuse dancing around the room. “It means that not only will he be immune to poisons but also that Dokubibu may be accepting him as her wielder!”


“As for why I didn’t kill you it’s because.” the sword spirit paused for a moment before shrugging and replying simply. “Well it’s because I think you’re so cute.”

“Oh well that’s nice.” said the blonde trying to edge backwards.

“YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO SAY THANK’S FOR THE COMPLEMENT YOU BRAT!” Dokubibu yelled punching Naruto over the head.

“Th…thanks.” groaned Naruto nursing his head.

“That’s better.” she said punching his shoulder playfully. “But enough with the fun, we need to get to business.”

“What business?” asked Naruto easing away lest he be hit again.

“Simple stuff really.” said the sword dragging Naruto back with her tails, being careful not to sting him. “I have decided to be your partner.”


“Meaning you get the privilege to wield someone as beautiful as me.” she said twirling around. “And the only thing we need to do now is seal the deal!”

“Seal the deal?” asked Naruto wondering if he had to do something humiliating or if she was just going to hit him again. “How?”

“Don’t worry I’ll do all the work.” she said happily drawing him even closer with her tails. Suddenly Naruto noticed her lips were slightly green. “Just remember to open your mouth!” With out any further warning she locked lips with the Jinchuriki.

“HOLY SHIT!” yelled Naruto suddenly sitting up and hitting his head against Kisame’s. “Oh damn it who hit my head!” he yelled jumping up and looking around the room only to see Kisame nursing his head. “Oh god nii-san I..” he was cut off as Kisame grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

“From now on I won’t let you come to anymore harm.” said Kisame softly.

“Nii-san.” muttered Naruto reluctantly returning the embrace. The only thought that went through his head before he passed out again was this, ‘I can’t believe she stole my first kiss.’


A/N: Ok several things first of all I am taking a vote over whether or not to bring the following bleach characters as a swordsman apprentice combo into the seven swords men. Ichimaru Gin with his apprentice being Toshiro Hitsugaya. I am only having the vote open until next chapter so if you wanna vote you better do it. Default winner is yes.

Also if some of you think Kisame and Naruto have taken into their relationship to quickly (not that kind of relationship I don’t do M/M) I will explain. On Naruto’s side, he’s four and Kisame saved his life and was the first ever true blue loving character he ever met. (The Sandaime doesn’t count simply because it’s doubtful he would have had much time to spend with Naruto.) On Kisame’s side he relates to Naruto because he to was out cast in his village for reasons I will explain later but he had a family, also explained later, that helped him through it. He just wants Naruto to have what he had.

Also unless lots of people ask for it the pairing is not going to be Dokubibu/Naruto. The possible pairings so far are Naruto/Femhaku, Naruto/Yachiru (they are about the same age here) Naruto/a female Ranmaru (only if I really want to stretch it) Naruto/OC of my choice or Naruto/Harem. Basically it’s whoever I fell like making female and Naruto. PLEASE NOTE THAT I AM NOT TAKING VOTES ON THE PAIRING YET SO DO NOT VOTE!