Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mist Made Fox ❯ Just in time. ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: At the time that I have begun writing this chapter I have decided not to include Gin or Hitsugaya as one of the swordsmen/apprentice. The reason for this is because at this time I have found a much better way to use them. Also to put to rest some peoples fears I do not plan to let Bleach characters over power the Naruto feel, and if it looks like I am feel free to tell me. So yeah I apologize for the little mix up on the voting thing it won’t happen again. I do not own Naruto or Bleach. P.S. LET ME MAKE THIS AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE TO YOU THE VOTE WAS ON GIN AND HITSUGAYA NOT THE PAIRING! I AM DECIDING THE PAIRING MYSELF!

Gates of Kusagakure two days later.
With Naruto and Joyeuse

“Alright Naruto-kun don’t forget to visit sometime.” said Joyeuse grinning widely and clasping Naruto’s hand in his own. Bending forward a little he whispered in Naruto’s ear, “I don’t know why but I think we’ll see some great things from both you and Dokubibu.”

“You got it old man!” said Naruto giving the older man a thumbs up. “And Dokubibu says to tell you that she can’t wait to finally do what she was meant to after all these years.”

“Well then you tell Doku-chan that she better not let you get killed or I’ll melt her down into scrap.” said Joyeuse ruffling Naruto’s hair.

‘I’d like to see the old man try to melt me!’ Dokubibu yelled in Naruto’s mind. ‘And how dare he think that anyone could possibly kill you with both me and Kyubi in you.’

‘Ha you can bet that I’ll never use Kyubi’s power to win my fights.’ Naruto said indignantly.

‘Aw well isn’t that funny considering not only do I heal you every time you get hurt but I’m the only reason you beat that fat bastard in the forest.’ called the Kyubi causing Naruto to jump.

“What’s the matter Naruto-kun?” asked Joyeuse concern evident in his voice.

“Oh, nothing.” said Naruto looking away lest his eyes give something away.

“Well I guess it’s your business then.” said Joyeuse frowning. ‘I can’t blame him for not trusting me enough to tell me about Kyubi. I just hope Kisame does something about the huge road sign of a chakra signature before the enemy finds him.’

“See ya old man!” said Naruto walking off towards where Kenpachi and Yachiru were waiting.


With Kisame and Sariya

An uncomfortable silence filled the air around the two former lovers as both tried to think of something to say to the other. “I guess this is goodbye again Kusakage-sama.

“So you’re leaving me again.” said Sariya sadly. “Why do you keep doing this?”

“You know why.” said Kisame turning away from her. “You are the Kusakage and I am a member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.”

“And you know that doesn’t matter!” yelled Sariya tears forming in her eyes. “Just a few words from either of us and it could change!”

“You know it isn’t that,” began Kisame turning around.

“Damn it Kisame it could be!” she yelled tears flowing down her face. “I can renounce my Kusakage title, and I’m sure if you asked your uncle he would let you become a shinobi of grass! Why don’t you consider it?” As she said this she suddenly ran forward to embrace Kisame.

Time seemed to slow down as Kisame pondered accepting her offer. ‘A shinobi of grass huh? That doesn’t sound to bad actually. I’m sure Naruto would be happy here and I could be with Sariya. Maybe,’ A voice flooded his mind. ‘Kisame… I can’t protect the mist anymore…take Samehada and… shrug off all the hatred… and please protect Mist in my stead.’ ‘Brother I will never break my promise to you.’ thought Kisame as he dodged out of the way of Sariya’s embrace.

“Sorry Sariya-chan but… I have to fulfill a promise I made to my most precious person.” said Kisame walking away to were the rest of the group was waiting.

“Damn it Kisame.” muttered Sariya as she fell to her knee’s. “Don’t you see that Toriu wanted you to be happy even if that meant leaving the Mist?”


“All right are the two of you ready to go to the Mist village?” asked Kenpachi as the two self-proclaimed siblings approached.

“Of course let’s go.” said Kisame grabbing Naruto and making a run straight across the fields. ‘Before I change my mind.’

“Hmm. Something’s wrong with him, he seems heartbroken.” said Kenpachi as he ran after Kisame. ‘I wonder what happened back there.’


Several days and several hundred miles later.

“Kisame-nii-san are we there yet?” asked Naruto for the four hundredth time since they had left Kusa.

“Ken-chan! Are we there yet?” asked Yachiru for what also seemed like the four hundredth time since they had left Kusa.

“I TOLD YOU ALREADY WE ARE NOT THERE YET!” screamed Kisame at Naruto.

“Actually Kisame we are.” said Kenpachi grinning pointing to the docks that they had arrived at. “I guess that you’re even stupider than when I saw you last.”

“Kenpachi-san if I was still a missing nin I would kill you right now!” yelled Kisame drawing Samehada and pointing it at Kenpachi.

“It’s not to late for you to try.” said Kenpachi drawing his sword as Yachiru jumped off his back and ran over to where Naruto was standing.

“Actually,” droned a short and fat little man in a purple suit who had appeared on the scene all of the sudden. “it is to late to fight if you want to go back to Mizugakure.”

“Nord-dono, how nice of you to come and pick us up.” said Kisame not taking his eyes off Kenpachi for a second.

“Damn it fatty why the hell do you have to get in my way!?” yelled Kenpachi at the smaller man.

“Well you see if one of you kills the other then that makes you a missing nin again. Also Kisame-san I only reason I‘m here instead of the Anbu is because I retired from the service and am now the ferry master so here I was and there where sure I could handle you.” said the man named Nord before he turned to Naruto and Yachiru. “How nice to see you again Yachiru-chan, though I don’t believe I have met you friend.”

“The names Naruto Hoshigaki the most powerful future member of the Seven Swordsmen! Believe it!” yelled Naruto pumping his fist into the air.

“Hoshigaki?” said Nord as Yachiru punched Naruto in the face.

“No way Akaaka-teme! I’m the best swordsman here!” yelled the pink haired girl drawing her blade.

“Nuh-uh!” yelled Naruto drawing Dokubibu and lunging at Yachiru only to have her punch him in the gut.

‘Idiot you need to get that idiot fish and my brother to teach you how to do something besides swing wildly. ’ said Dokubibu in Naruto’s mind.

“Now, now children.” said Nord pulling a small orb form his pocket and putting on a mask he pulled out of his shirt collar. “If you’re gonna be like that I guess you’ll have to be asleep the whole trip.” as he said this he crushed the orb in his hand causing it to explode sending a purple haze across the area they were in. “Hmm, well Kisame and Zaraki are the same as always.” he said staring at the still battle ready forms of the two sleeping swordsmen. “And it looks like their students are the same way.” he said as he noted that both Naruto and Yachiru were still standing in battle ready stances. “To bad the boy doesn’t seem like he’s had much training in anything about the ninja arts.”

“Hey you fat son of a bitch, how dare you insult me like that I’m the future leader of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist!” yelled Naruto causing the plump man to jump.

“Wha.. How are you still awake? You should be out like the others!” said Nord dodging a swipe from Dokubibu. “I put enough knockout gas in that thing to put out an elephant.”

‘Hmm. Didn’t know that knockout gas counted as poison.’ said Dokubibu happily.

‘Actually stuff like that hasn’t ever effected me ’ asked Naruto continuing his assault at the stubby man. ‘The only thing it does to me is make me feel kind of funny.’

“Hold on kid!” said Nord appearing behind Naruto and grabbing his arms. “If you’re still awake that’s fine but instead of wasting time fighting me why don’t you enhance your skills?”

“Enhance my skills?” yelled Naruto struggling against Nord’s grip only to find that he couldn’t move. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

‘Good lord he’s almost as thick as Kisame when he was a child.’ thought Nord sweat dropping. “Uh you know training.”

“Training!” yelled Naruto calming down almost instantly. “I love to train! Come on old man teach me something really cool!”

“Uh, well ok. But first help me get these guys onto the boat over there.” said Nord releasing Naruto and grabbing Kisame by the collar and pointing to a small ferry by the docks. ‘Damn I never expected him to calm down so easily at the mention of training.’

“Hey old man I got Yachiru-teme and Kenpachi-san onto the boat so hurry up and teach me!” yelled Naruto from the boats stern where he was standing.

‘Holy crap he’s fast!’ thought Nord sweat dropping. “Let me get the boat out to sea first then I’ll get right on it.”

“Hurry up!” Naruto whined. “I need to get stronger really quickly!”


A few hours later on the waters surrounding the Land of Water.

“So what you’re saying is that you want me to pump chakra into an umbrella.” said Naruto raising an eyebrow at the so called ‘exercise’.

“That’s exactly what I am saying.” said Nord handing one of the many umbrellas he had pulled out of a scroll. “And you have to open the umbrella with it.”

“And what exactly is the point of this exercise?” asked Naruto pumping a little bit of chakra into the bumbershoot. “Wow!” he yelled when the umbrella exploded.

‘God I can see my leftover umbrella collection drying up already.’ thought Nord sadly handing Naruto another umbrella. “Listen you have to open it with out blowing it up, which will happen if you put to much into it. But if you don’t put enough into the job then it won’t open at all.”

“Ha that’s easy!” said Naruto pumping more chakra into the umbrella only to have this one explode as well. ‘Or not.’


“No, No boy!” yelled Nord tossing another umbrella to Naruto who was lying on the deck exhausted. “You have to push it in little by little and fill each separate section.”

“But it blows up before I can finish!” whined Naruto getting up and getting another umbrella.

“That’s why you have to do it quickly.” said Kisame snickering as he watched his brother blow up this umbrella as well. ‘Nord was right this is fun to watch.’ he thought.



“God damn you Nord!” yelled Kisame jumping through the floor and grabbing the fat man. “I told you no more sleeping gas!”


“It was the only way to stop you.” said Nord ignoring the explosion as though it had never happened.

“Wait, what the hell exploded?” asked Kisame from on top of the mast where he had jumped in fright.

“Never mind that,” said the ferry master waving a hand. “that’s just poor Naruto blowing up another of my umbrellas.”

“Ah I see.” said Kisame coming down off the mast. “But why pray tell is he blowing up umbrellas?”

“Chakra control.” said the man simply.

“He’ll never do it at his level not to mention with Kyubi in him.” said Kisame looking at the disgruntled boy yelling at his former umbrella.

“Yes I am well aware of that.” said Nord stroking his goatee. “But it’s kept him occupied.”

“Well shouldn’t we stop him?” asked Kisame beginning to walk towards Naruto who had blown up another umbrella. “You know before he blows his hand up.”

“Probably.” said the man behind him. “But watching him try is so much more fun.”


‘I guess that’s why I always listen to Nord.’ thought Kisame smiling.


‘God damn it.’ thought Naruto looking down at his hands where they were charred from the explosions. ‘I can’t do it. I guess Kisame-nii-san will be pretty disappointed in me.’

‘What’s the matter kit?’ asked the fox rumbling with laughter. ‘Finding my power a little hard to control. How pathetic you weakling!’

‘I can’t help you with this one Naruto.’ said Dokubibu her voice retreating back into the back of his mind. ‘Sorry.’

‘HAHAHAHA!!!’ the fox was roaring with laughter now. ‘Even that bitch of a sword has left you and…WHAT THE HELL!!’ suddenly Naruto could have sworn he heard Kyubi fall into some sort of liquid.

That’s when he felt it the feel of Kyubi’s chakra being drawn into his stomach. As he felt the power recede he noticed a new feeling rush into him, a strange feeling of serenity. Then sounds filled his head, relaxing sounds like oceans and rivers. Suddenly he knew he could do it.

‘This is cake to what I’ll have to face if I want to be the strongest swordsman.’ thought Naruto grinning. ‘So I guess I’ll just have to trample this challenge into the ground! Believe it!’ With all the will he could muster Naruto tried to force his chakra to do as he wished, but instead of the chakra resisting like Kyubi’s had been this chakra bended easily to his every whim. ‘Well this might be easier than I thought!’

Forcing all his chakra little by little into the umbrella Naruto noticed it begin to open. ‘Good just a little more and.’ “There!” yelled Naruto as the umbrella burst open astonishing both Nord and Kisame. “I did it!”

“And just in time to.” said Kenpachi. Startling everyone on board the boat. “Cause we just reached the shores of the Water country.”

“Really?” asked Naruto running over to Kenpachi and jumping onto his shoulder like he had seen Yachiru do.

“Over there.” said Kenpachi pointing to an island a few minutes away. “Now get of my shoulder, that’s Yachiru’s place!”

“OK!” yelled Naruto excitedly jumping off Kenapachi’s shoulder and running over to Kisame. “Hey, hey! Nii-san is this where you live?” he asked Naruto eagerly.

“It’s where we both live now.” said the shark man grinning. “Welcome to your new home! Welcome to the Hidden Mist!”


A/n: Yeah so I don’t want to say anything more about the story incase I can’t deliver on it. I will say that I expect to go on a time skip soon and that I am working on a little side project. Soon I hope to get to the meat of the action in this story so stay tuned. Also from what people have been saying it looks like Naruto/Dokubibu might be on my list for pairings to consider.