Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Shadow ❯ Preliminaries ( Chapter 4 )

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Chapter 4
“Its not true life is one damn thing after another. It the same damn thing over and over.”
I was a bit irritated that they hadn't noticed it yet. Well, I'm sure Kabuto noticed it a while ago. We had been caught in a genjutsu about an hour ago and had been walking in circles for a while now.
"This isn't right. . . Just as I feared, we've been caught in a genjutsu," said Kabuto, faking ignorance.
No shit Sherlock.
"Yeah, I just noticed it too," I said, also faking ignorance. I wanted to see how strong this guy really was. "Grass nin, by the looks of it."
Grass nin crawled out of the ground and trees. Illusions, all of them. They wanted our scroll.
Naruto not being the brightest charged right in without knowing they were just illusions.
It turns out that they didn't really need my help. Naruto had created some shadow clones to look like us and still had energy to spare. The rain nin lay stunned at our feet and Naruto looked like he was going to pass out. Probably from using all that chakra. I now had some sort of respect for the human, but little, very little.
While they were all excited about their victory over the enemy nin, except sasuke, I went over to the one that looked like the leader, took the scroll, and examined it.
An earth scroll.
"I got the scroll. Let's move on to the tower, times almost up," I stated icily. I didn't see what they had to celebrate or be exited about; they had defeated the enemy, and that was to be expected.
and "Yeah!" were the replies from Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto.
We made our way to the tower that was about half a mile from where the grass nin had attacked us. Around the building there were about a dozen or more doors. We went to the one that matched the number of the gate that Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke had come into the forest through. We made our way to our door and turned to say goodbye to Kabuto.
"Kabuto, we almost missed the deadline, you're late!" Said a man, who I supposed was Kabuto's team member, walking up from the opposite direction.
"Heh, sorry about that. We ran into some trouble," Kabuto said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly with a dumb half smile plastered to his lying face.
“Okay. Thanks, Kabuto-kun, for all your help!" said Sakura, waving at his retreating back.
When they were out of sight I turned my attention to the door. It was a simple wooden double door with one handle. There were no booby traps that were visible to my eyes. I reached out and grabbed the handle, and pushed the door open very quietly. When we walked in, we saw that it was a simple room with writing on the furthest wall. We walked to the center of the room so we were looking directly up at the large painting of words.
While they were reading the painting I was looking around the room and inspecting my the room. If we were ambushed here as part of the test I wanted to be familiar with my surroundings.
"I think we have to open the scrolls," said Sakura, interrupting my inspection.
I opened my weapons pouch and tossed the two scrolls to where they were standing. I watched a little ways back as Naruto and Sakura opened the scrolls together. The scrolls started to smoke and they tossed them away. When they did that, the scrolls exploded in white smoke and there stood Iruka.
I knew Iruka from the short time I lived in the Leaf Village. But of course, that was when he was about ten or so then.
"Iruka-sensei?!" said Sakura and Naruto at the same time.
"Hey guys. I'm glad you made it through okay." he said with a big smile on his face.
"What are you doing here?" asked Naruto, confused.
"Well, I came here to congratulate you and to explain these words behind us." Iruka said, turning to look at the words.
"Yeah, I couldn't figure that out. It looks like a word is missing." said Sakura.
"Well, its like a riddle. It means that if you're strong in mind, or smart, and weak in body you have to train your body to be in balance with your mind. Like you Sakura. And if you're strong in body, like Naruto, and weak in mind, then you have to train your mind as well as your body so both are in balance." Naruto pouted at the last part.
"But what about the missing word?" asked Sakura.
"You-" my voice cut him off.
"You have to fill in that yourself," I said, emerging from the shadows where I was observing the scene.
"Amai?" questioned Iruka, looking at me as though he were trying to remember a forgotten memory.
"Hello Iruka," I said, keeping my voice and face emotionless. I had known Iruka when I lived in the leaf village. But that was a long time ago, almost thirteen years.
"Amai, what are you doing here?" He asked, still with the dazed look on his face.
"Sarutobi placed me on their team and allowed me to enter the chunnin exams," I said, avoiding the actual question which had been 'what are you doing in the forest of death?'. I had disappearedthirteen years ago from the leaf village and no one beside the Hokage and the chunnin who ran the exam knew I was here. I preferred to keep my whereabouts quiet.
"I'm glad you're okay," he said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I visibly flinched. I hated being touched. Especially by a human, no matter who it was. "Oh, sorry, I forgot," he said, removing his hand.
"I'd advise you not to do it again, but I will forgive you this time. It's been thirteen years any; human could have forgotten." As soon as the words left my lips I realized my mistake. I had become too comfortable around Iruka and I forgot who else was present in the room.
I turned to look at Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke.
"Huh? Thirteen years, that would mean that she wouldn't have been alive, right?" thought Naruto.
"She wouldn't have been alive thirteen years ago, and what does she mean any human?" thought sakura, always the clever one.
"Why does it sound like she's saying she's not human?" thought the ever suspicious Sasuke.
"Kuso!" I cursed, out loud this time.
I turned and looked into each of their eyes. I entered their minds, carefully avoiding their memories except the one I was looking for, the memory of that conversation, and replaced it with one that I made up. When I pulled out of their minds they all had a dazed look. and would clearly be dead to the world for a few minutes.
"What did you do to them?" asked Iruka, working himself into a state of panic.
"I did what I had to do to survive. Don't worry, they will be fine and should wake up any second." I stated blandly, even though inside I was enraged. But that rage was not directed at Iruka; more at myself for letting my mind slip. I could never afford to do that again.
When they woke up Iruka led us to a large room where all the other teams were assembled. At the front of the room stood the hokage, with him stood the teams' senseis and the exam proctor. Behind them was a large statue of a hand sign.
I looked at the teams assembled and noticed immediately that the sand nin were among them; I stiffened when I noticed this. There were also seven other teams standing in lines. As soon as we got into line I felt Garra's gaze fall on me and I heard his sand shift in the gourd he carried on his back. He obviously wanted to attack me. I could feel bloodlust radiating off of him. And I could smell him. Even though I had just fed, the smell made my mouth go dry and created a hunger deep in my stomach. It took all I had not to attack him as well. Thankfully I was distracted by the conversation going on behind me.
"If you don't tell, I will!" It was Sakura talking to Sasuke about Orocimaru's mark.
"Don't. You. Dare." said Sasuke, turning to face Sakura.
Sarutobi was saying if anybody wanted to quit then they could now. Kabuto quit, saying he was deaf in one ear, which added to my suspicions.
"But Sasuke, I'm worried about you!" she was sobbing now. "You're always so cold to me, but I have to do this." She started to raise her hand.
"I'm fine!" said Sasuke, grabbing her hand before she raised it.
Before she could speak again Sarutobi said that the preliminaries were going to begin and the non-participants would have to wait on the ledge while the fight progressed. When we walked onto the ledge a man appeared next to us. I recognized him as Hatake Kakashi. I also knew him from when I lived in the village, but he had only been about ten. He still wore his mask and wore is hair in that horrendous style.
He glanced at me through his one eye.
"Hello Amai," he said boredly.
"Hello Kakashi," I replied rather blandly.
"What are you doing here. Last I heard you had left the village and no one knew where you went."
"Technically that's not true. The fourth knew where I was, and so did the third and a selected few."
"How did you come to be on my team?"
"Oh, these are yours? Really, Kakashi, I would have expected more of you."
"You didn't answer my question."
"Sarutobi put me on their team for... reasons and allowed me to participate in the exams."
"Hm," was his only answer as he pulled out Come Come Paradise.
"Really, Kakashi, why do you read that trash?"
He just ignored me and kept reading. I noticed though that Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were listening to our conversion with obvious interest.
Then Sarutobi started talking. "The matches will be paired randomly. When you are selected, you and your opponent's name will appear on that screen," he said, motioning to a screen behind him. "Now, let's begin."
The screen stared flashing and Sasuke's name and one of Kabuto's team member's names appeared. I glanced at Sasuke. This would be hard for him, considering that he was under tremendous pain. He walked down to the floor.
"Good luck, Sasuke!" Sakura said.
"Don't lose," were Naruto's words.
As he walked past me I grabbed his shoulder with my hand, and leaned in and whispered so softly that he had to strain to hear.
"Don't think about the pain." When his match started, I looked at Kakashi and said, "He has the mark. You should do what Sarutobi said and seal it as soon as possible." He just nodded.
On the opposite ledge I saw Garra watching the match intently. Next to him stood his siblings and what looked like their sensei. Sasuke's match was over rather quickly, with him struggling, then using some move at which Naruto and Sakura exclaimed.
"That's fuzzy brows' move!" and "Isn't that Lee's move"
When the match was over Sasuke collapsed on the floor, panting heavily, and Kakashi appeared behind him using his knee to support his weight. I knew he was taking him to seal the curse mark. I left the room in a way as to not draw attention to myself.
When I entered the hallway I became aware of another presence following me. Gaara. My mouth went dry like a desert. I clenched my hands so hard I felt my nails dig into them, making blood drip down my hand onto the floor, leaving a small trail of blood.
As soon as I turned the corner I disappeared, only to reappear next to Naruto.
"Where did you go?!" he asked, loudly enough for the whole room to hear.
I sighed in annoyance. "My whereabouts are none of you business." I looked down to my hand and saw the little crest shaped cuts heal.
The boy in the jumpsuit pushed past Naruto.
"My name is Rock Lee, will you be my girlfriend? I will protect you with my life!" he asked rather dramatically.
"No," I stated icily. Then without looking at him I read Naruto's mind to figure out what match we were on, because I didn't feel like talking to him. His match hadn't happened yet, and now we were on the Huuyga's match.
Naruto's and Sakura's were nothing special. Naruto had won and Sakura's match was more of a cat fight that ended in a draw. We were waiting for the Board to select the next match. The letters flashed and the names were Garra vs. Rock Lee. This should be interesting. Garra appeared in the arena in a flurry of sand and Rock Lee jumped off of the railing.
A few minutes after the match started I heard Temari and Kankuro.
"Where are you going?" she asked as Kunkuro started walking towards the stairway off the ledge.
"A little reconnaissance," he answered, waving over his shoulder.
He came over and stood by Naruto, who coincidentally was standing by me. But he did not notice me.
"What do you want!?" Naruto asked rudely.
"Hey, chill, I just came to talk," Kankuro said, holding his hands in defense.
"Well I don't like you!" Naruto responded, turning away
"Why you lit-" he was cut off when there was yelling between Lee and his sensei. Lee was standing on top of the statue.
"Lee, take them off!" yelled the jonin wearing green spandex.
"But Gai-sensei, you said to only do that if someone important was in danger," he protested hesitantly.
"It's okay, you can do it now!"
"Hai, Gai-sensei!" then Lee sat down and took off his orange leg warmers to reveal weights.
"Huh! He thinks by removing a few pounds he can defeat Garra?" said Kunkuro, but he was shut up when Lee dropped the weights and they crashed onto the floor, leaving a huge crater.
Garra was losing badly and Lee had opened two of the seven Gates. It was a good match, even I had to admit that. But I knew it was obvious Garra was going to win; opening the gates proved to (be too) much of a strain on Lee's body and in what would have been the finishing move he winced. That sealed his fate.
Gaara had replaced himself with a quickly made clone, and when he was going to finish off Lee, Gai stepped in and blocked the attack.
"Why?" Gaara asked.
"Because he is important to me," was Gai's answer.
It took a few minutes for the chunin to clear the arena as much as they could, but the eventually they announced the next match. The match was nothing spectacular. In fact, it was rather pathetic. But when it was over, that meant the only match left was mine. The board flashed and my name and that of my opponent appeared. I jumped down. I wanted to finish this quickly. When my opponent came down I observed him, taking in his every move. He was Kabuto's other teammate and about medium build.
My opponent smirked. 'A weak girl. This should be easy,' he thought. Then he charged at me.
Big mistake.
I had learned to never make the first move in a battle. He ran at me, ready to punch me. He was quite slow, actually, so I waited until the last second and side-stepped his blow. Then I turned and delivered a roundhouse kick to his back. Not my hardest kick, though. I had specific instructions not to reveal my true strength.
He stood unsteadily and did a bunch of hand signs, activating the same justsu his team mate had in the first match. Where is the originality, honestly? Blue chakra gathered at his finger tips. He charged at me again, his arm held back, ready to strike me with his chakra-infused hand.
When he was close enough I crouched down and drove my clawed hand into his chest, just above his heart. His hand fell limply and his body slumped. I pulled my hand out of his chest and straightened from my crouching position. I then punched him hard in the gut, sending him crashing into the wall. I'm sure I felt more than one rib crack under the force of my fist. He hit the wall with such force, his impact created a huge crater behind him.
I smirked inwardly at the feeling of bones breaking.
I walked over to the fallen man very, very slowly. Not a sound was made in the auditorium besides my footfalls. He was slumped over, a small trickle of blood coming from the corner of his mouth. He was also bleeding profusely from the wound on his chest, and it was creating a small puddle around him.
I came to his seemingly lifeless body, pulled him up, and looked into his eyes. They were glazed, but he was not unconscious. I pulled out a kunai and twirled it around my finger. Then I grabbed its handle and plunged it downward toward the man's heart.
I hissed under my breath and redirected my kunai, driving it into the mans shoulder instead. He let out an earsplitting scream, finally coming out of his daze and passing out from the pain. I let go of his shoulder, letting his body crumple to the ground. The proctor appeared next to me and examined the man's wounds, frowning. The match had ended in less than 5 minutes.
"If you want to save his life, then I suggest you get a medical nin out here, or he will die, I assure you." my voice was icy.
The proctor nodded and called out the medical nin, who loaded him on the stretcher and quickly looked over him before rushing off. Before they went I noticed one of the nin looked at me, astonished. I left the scene quickly and headed up to the balcony where my team was waiting, but not before casting a heated glare in the direction of Sarutobi, who had yelled out in my mind to stop. I walked calmly, as if nothing had ever happened. Everyone I passed either got out of my way quickly or looked at me with the same astonishment the medical nin had.
"That was a little much. You didn't have to try to kill him, you know." said Kakashi when I go to his side.
"The weak die, and the strong survive. You know this," was my response. I lowered my eyes from the spot on the wall that they had rested upon, and met the sea foam ones of Gaara.