Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Shadow ❯ And yet, things get worse ( Chapter 5 )

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Chapter 5
“Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard be evil”
The exam ended without incident. Sasuke was taken to the hospital ward and Anbu were put on guard. My suspicions were confirmed about Kabuto when he attempted to kill Sasuke. He had killed the three ANBU. He was however, chased away by Kakashi before he could do any real damage.
The forest of death was a large ecosystem separate from Konoha. Even though it was inside the village gates and fences closed it off. The animals and life forms that lived there were undisturbed by the inhabitants of Konoha. Stepping into the forest was strange for the genin that had come and participated in the second exam. Stepping out of the forest, for me, was unbearable.
Not hesitating in my moment of weakness, I stepping out of the shade and into the sun.
Part of me was filled with dread at being back in the city I had left so many years ago, and part of me was filled with an ebbing familiarity. I scowled at the faniliarity; it shouldn't have become familiar in the first place. All there was for me in this city was hate and confinement.
"Its good to be home!" yelled Naruto, speeding off to go to his favorite ramen store, and I couldn't help but give way to half a smirk. Sasuke and Sakura also walked off their own separate ways, but not before Sakura asked him to walk her home. He denied her with a cold shoulder.
"Amai, the Hokage wanted to see you as soon as we arrived." Kakashi said, walking towards the Hokage office. I supposed he had to lead me.
I knocked loudly on the office door in front of me. From within there came a call to enter. I pushed open the doors and there sat the Hokage, looking at me and smoking a pipe from behind his large mahogany desk.
"Sit." I complied, sitting in one of the chairs situated in front of his desk. "I have asked you here to give you some news," he went on, "You will no longer be on Kakashi's team." Now this caught my attention. "Instead you will be put on the sand nin's team. Your new sensei will be Baki."
"Why?" was my only question. He knew what troubled me about the boy. I knew myself that I shouldn't be trusted with him. I would as soon as kill him as look at him.
He folded his hands calmly on his desk. "Well, we know that you are from Sunakagare, and that does make you a Sand nin. Also, even though I do hate to send you away, I think it would help you regain some of your lost memory."
This man was clearly mad -- those were not good enough reasons. I hadn't stepped foot in the sand village for over 50 years, so I think I could officially not be considered a citizen. And as for the memory? I didn't need it, I had done fine without it all on my own.
"Amai. I'm trying to help you, I wish you could see that." He was begging me with his eyes, just to do this.
I did not need his help. I had no need for the information about my previous existence. Whoever I was then I would just have been another insignificance.
“Your existence means nothing. Without us you'd be nothing.”
“Of course, mother.”
The voices fleeted away as if they were an image in the corner of my eye. Before I could respond to Sarutobi, he spoke.
"You may enter," he called. A man came through the door. It was Baki, Gaara's sensei. He was only a sensie to me in a sense that I was now on his team. I could teach more to this man than I could ever learn from him.
I stood and faced the man in front of me. I looked him up and down, sizing him up. Half of his face was covered with a cloth and the half that was visible was set in a stern expression, as if it had gotten stuck like that.
I turned back towards Sarutobi and nodded before turning towards Baki. I nodded at him to lead the way. I had taken a quick look in his thoughts and learned that he and his team were staying in a hotel on the more remote side of town. When we stepped outside, I only stopped to open my umbrella to block out the sun's piercing rays. Really, there was way to much sun around here. We walked for a grand total of fifteen minutes until we came to a small hotel. Baki led me to the second floor and stopped in front of a door.
When he opened it I saw that Temari and Kankuro were situated on one side of the room, giving plenty of room to Gaara, who was sitting on the other. Both Temari's and Kankuro's eyes widened at the sight of me, and they immediately got into fighting positions.
"Stop that, this is Amai. She is going to be a new member on our team and will accompany us back to Suna." He addressed the three while I leaned lazily on my umbrella. "You will be staying in the same room as Temari," he said, speaking to me for the first time. I didn't really need a room to sleep or to store my stuff in since I had few belongings.
I only responded with a curt nod. Then he left the room, leaving Tamari, Kankuro, Gaara and me alone. I looked over at the older siblings first.
"You can relax. If I wanted to attack you, you would already be dead." I walked over to a chair and sat down leaning forward and resting my elbows on my knees. I inspected Gaara and he inspected me. He was leaning against a wall, as if bored by the event of my being here. But I saw in his eyes that he wanted me dead.
Finally I broke the silence. "If you want me dead, it won't do you any good to just stare at me."
Then I got up and walked towards the door. This heat was killing me, in a figurative sense. I had to get some lighter cloths; also, my cloths were too conspicuous. I needed to blend in. Once outside, I headed in the general direction of the market. I got many odd looks, I supposed because I was carrying the umbrella on a non-rainy day.
Sensing her familiar chakra pattern, I sharply turned a corner, heading into an alley. A few moments later, Temari walked past the alley and stopped, looking around.
"Looking for someone?" I asked, leaning casually on the wall.
She spun around at the sound of my voice. I walked out of the alley, stopped beside her for about a second, then continued walking, adjusting my pace so she could keep up.
"Why are you following me?" I asked, not looking at her.
"Gaara told me to trail you, to figure out where you were going," she glanced at me.
"So you followed his order," it was more of a statement than a question.
"Yes -- you have no idea what he could do to me if I didn't."
"I actually do. He would kill you, correct?"
"Yes." there was a long pause.
We came to a store with clothing that looked acceptable. I entered the shop, with Temari trailing behind. I went over to a rack and began looking through the clothes. Most of the outfits were hideous colors like pink and orange or purple, nothing that fitted my taste.
"This is what you were going out for, clothes?" she asked, amazed.
"Yes." I answered simply
We left the shop and came to a ninja gear store. They also sold practical ninja clothing. I settled on one outfit in particular. The shirt was tight fitting corset like top. The selves extended from the elbows past the wrist. Underneath was a short sleeved fishnet top. A short skirt that opened in the front and ended at mid thigh covered the tight pant like leggings. There were also a pair of boots that were covered by a shin guard.
"You look gorgeous, Amai!" Temari exclaimed.
"Thanks." I tore the tag off the outfit and carried it to the cashier.
Back out on the street, I got even more looks this time. But it was not from women because I looked out of place, though that was a factor. No, it was from men who had lust in their eyes. Their thoughts were absolutely repulsive. I also noticed that Temari kept shooting me looks when she thought I wasn't looking. Finally she spoke up, surprising me.
"That day in the forest, when you were about to attack Gaara. What was that?” she paused.
I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye.
“ You didn't look human. I mean," she added hurriedly, "I know you're human, but you kind of looked like a wild animal." Her words were rushed, she was afraid that I would attack her.
"There is no need for me to explain it. You will probably find out in time anyway. Now, let me ask you a question. Why do you fear your brother?" My voice was icy and full of accusation.
"I fear him because I would have to be crazy not to."
"It seems to me that you don't even understand what you fear. If you took the time to, then maybe you wouldn't fear it as much." with those words I disappeared, reappearing in the hotel room where Kankuro and Gaara were waiting.
Kankuro's mouth nearly hit the floor when I walked into the room. His mind was swimming with revolting thoughts, all of which concerned me. It was disgusting; I would never even consider having relations with this human, or any human. And once again there was nothing but silence from Gaara's side of the room, no words or thoughts.
Kankuro was just about to make a lewd comment on my attire when Temari came through the door.
"Im s-sorry Gaara I lo-" she cut short her apology when she noticed me sitting on a chair, staring at Gaara.