Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Shadow ❯ The Sand Siblings ( Chapter 6 )

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Chapter 6
“When you love someone you give them the ability to break your heart and trust that they will not.”
It was incredibly easy to just sit there and try to figure him out. My mind was captured by him. It was much like a difficult puzzle, with a lot of missing pieces. And I was the loony obsessed with the puzzle, trying to make a piece that did not go together fit. A month was the amount of time we had to prepare for the final exam, and all I did was spend my time trying to figure out why this human vexed me so. Even when he wasn't in the room, which was quite often, sometimes for days. I could still picture him in my mind as clearly as if I was still staring at him. Temari and Kankuro were a little put off by my obsession with their brother, but it did not matter. Let them think what they wanted.
On a rare day that he was in the room, he and I were having one of our 'stare downs' as I heard Temari call them. Today I was especially irritated; earlier on the street an old man spotted me and started screaming about me being a monster. I supposed he had known me a long time ago and had not forgotten. The encounter left me irritated and angry, very angry. Trying to get into Gaara's mind was really wearing my patience thin. Finally, I snapped.
I stood, knocking back my chair. "Curse you!" I screamed at Gaara. "You're a curse set upon me to torture every fiber of my being!" I wanted this boy dead every second he lived, every breath he took was another he stole from me.
I felt like I was outside, watching this out of control person pull a kunai from her weapons pouch and throw it. I was always in control, but I couldn't even control my own body. It was too late to not throw the kunai, too late to take back my words. Too late to be back in control.
His sand of course protected him, a sand wall coming up and stopping the kunai a mere few inches from his face. My mind felt numb, like I was in shock or something, and I wondered what it was like to have something that you can always count on to protect you . It was just a thought. My arms hung useless and limp at my sides, my eyes told nothing, while his told me he was angry. He sent his sand at me and I did nothing to stop it. I wanted to feel the pain that would bring me back to reality, and it came. The sand tightened around my body, I could hear and feel my bones break under the pressure. My mind was yanked back into clarity and I was back in control. I broke through the sand shell encasing my body.
I landed on the ground gently. I was pretty sure that at least one of my legs were broken, along with various other body parts. I could already feel my bones snapping and cracking back into place. It hurt like hell, though.
"How did you escape my sand coffin?" he asked coolly.
I didn't respond; instead, I lifted my eyes and looked into his. I was standing at my full height now, my bones had repaired themselves. I bowed towards him slightly, growling in my mind that I deserved this small humiliation.
"Forgive me for my uh ... outburst. And don't try to kill me again. Like you, I'm sure, I find it hard to forgive the vices of others against me." I turned and walked towards the door. I stopped when I had closed the it behind me, pausing for a brief second.
I was tired of it. Gaara. I was tired of trying to figure him out, it was taking too much of a toll on me. Making me obsessed. I sat on the roof, watching the sunset from a shadowed spot. It got dark quickly, and I was still sitting on the tiled roof. In the corner of my eyes I saw Gaara sitting on the roof opposite from me. He didn't notice me. He seemed deep in thought, or just peaceful.
Dosu of the sound village landed in front of Gaara.
The fool.
He said a few words about eliminating the competition. The overly-cocky bastard. I didn't know the full extent of Gaara's power, but I knew that he was too much for this rookie.
I turned and jumped off of the roof. I didn't need to see the battle to know that Gaara would be the victor. The village was quiet, my internal clock told me that it was about one am. The only villagers who would be about were the drunks, who littered the city like trash.
Said trash was currently sitting in an alley, laughing loudly. They quieted as I passed the alleyway. Their, loud conversing turned to talk in hushed whispers. I passed the trash-cluttered space without giving them a second glance not wanting to give them more incentive to confront me. Their footsteps sped to follow me in what they thought to be a sneaky manner.
My looks with irritating drunks added to the mix. Meant bad news for the drunks.
"Hey baby, where ya going?"
"Yeah, why don't you hang with us?"
"We won't bite."
"Hey, come on," said one, grabbing my shoulder.
Bad idea.
I came through the window of my room using a little chakra to steady myself. I landed softly on the floor. I knew Temari was asleep; I could tell by her breathing.
What I didn't know was that the insomniac sand master had seen me come through my window covered in blood.
I walked to the bathroom, taking a white cloth and cleaning the blood from my hands to the best of my abilities. When I had finished my hands, the sink, and to a higher extent, the rag, were stained a light crimson. There were drops of blood on the mirror. Don't ask me how they got there. I hadn't let a drop of their blood hit me so there was no need to clean my outfit.
I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my small bag of belongings, pulling out a book that had been given to me by someone of importance. I could not remember who it was however. All I knew of it was a feeling that told me that the person who had given me this book was of some importance to me.
It was a book on advanced jutsus. There were hundreds of them, some the Hokage's had even written himself. I sat on my bed and read until the first rays of light struggled to penetrate the heavy black curtain I had hung upon the window.
Temari soon roused herself, and with a quick good morning to me she went into the bathroom to perform the morning necessities. Almost as soon as she closed the door behind her did she open it again and look at me shakily.
"A-Amai, who's blood is that in the bathroom?" the tessan wielder asked, while examining me for any injuries.
"That blood," I indicated to the bathroom "just so happens to belong to some of the local town drunks."
"W-why did you kill them?"
I thought about the best way to answer her question for a second, then said, "Self defense. And I didn't kill all of them, only four."
"Oh…I-I'll go get breakfast then." she left the room quickly.
Gaara came into the room a little later and looked at our bathroom, which I had not bothered to clean, and made no comment. He sat at the kitchen table where the three siblings usually ate their meals.
"Where is Temari?" he asked, folding his hands across his chest and leaning back in his chair.
I sighed. Today just seemed full of questions. " She said something about going out to pick up breakfast."
He nodded, and I went into the small kitchen the hotel provided. I set a teapot on the stove and made a pot of tea. When it was finished, I carried the pot to the table and poured myself a cup of tea, not offering any to Gaara. It was not my place to serve him. When Kankuro entered he sat down at the table where I was absently sipping my tea, letting the hot liquid slide down my throat. He poured himself a cup of tea before noticing the bathroom.
"What the hell! Who's blood is that?!" he looked at Gaara, who didn't answer not only because he didn't want to, but because he didn't know. He just looked at me, waiting for me to answer Kankuro's question.
"Town drunks" I answered shortly. All of these questions were starting to irritate me.
We sat in relative silence until Temari came back into the room, carrying a bag of food which Kankuro eyed hungrily.
"Ohayo Kankuro-kun, Gaara," she said while setting plates in front of each of us.
Kankuro immediately set upon his food, while Temari and Gaara ate at a slower rate. I didn't eat anything at all, I just stared at the food in front of me and made no move to even pick up my chopsticks.
"Afnt fo gorin fo efat?" Kankuro asked me, his mouth full of food.
I translated that into 'aren't you going to eat?'
"No," I answered. I didn't eat at all. Food held no taste for me and on the rare occasion made me literally sick. And I was only hungry for blood, so there would be no point in eating anyway. Eating was an inconvenience anyway.. Not eating for a duration of time withered away your strength and made you weak. If you did not eat you'd starve and die.
I pushed away from the table and went into the bathroom. I first cleaned the blood from the mirror, and other various places around the room. Then I turned on the shower and stripped out of my clothing. It had been awhile since I had a real shower, in the forest I had just bathed in little lakes and rivers.
I showered quickly and wrapped a towel around my naked body. I stood in front of the mirror. I a swift movement I used my fingers to write Gaara's name in the mist covered surface. I looked at it for a few moments, then in a swift movement wiped it away with a movement of my hand.
“I can dispose of him just as easily.” somewhere in the back of my mind a little nagging thought existed, telling me that was a lie.