Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You ❯ Why am I so smitten with you? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summery: Sequel to the first Itachi/ Hinata fan Fic `What Do You See In Me'
(Second part; please go easy on me again)
Disclaimer: sadly I do not own Naruto
Characters are a little OOC in this story.
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More Than You
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Why am I so smitten with you?
Hinata shifted beneath Itachi, her fingers lacing with his. Her lavender eyes blinking up at his sulking features curiously as his darkened eyes gazed out the window to the left. He was purposely trying to avoid her dead-on stare.
“You still haven't answered my question, Itachi- san.” Her gaze shifted, her head rising from the pillow. Their faces were just mere inches apart.
He cringed at the `san' that she ended his name with. She was upset with him. He cleared his throat, pressing against her with his full weight. “I thought it didn't matter to you. I thought she didn't matter anymore.” He ran his finger over her pouting lips, his own pout deepening. Releasing his hand, she crossed her arms over her breasts.
They had been arguing over the recent woman Itachi had been having an affair with since the wee hours of the morning and he still hadn't been able to calm Hinata's raging mood. She had just grunted in reply when he said the woman meant nothing to him and threatened to leave him again when he said he hadn't enjoyed the sex.
Just knowing he had sex with the women set her on edge.
Somehow, he didn't like the idea of her leaving him again. It was hard enough the first time when he found out she had the nerve to stay for three days at some strange mans house. He leaned against his elbows on the mattress, his dark eyes boring into hers.
“She does matter if I had to hear this from Deidara. You couldn't even tell me for yourself that you had another woman in here, on this same bed, making love to her.” Her forehead touched his as her brows drew together. Itachi sighed heavily, his eyes shutting briefly to block out those menacing mauve eyes of hers. “It was none of your concern who I slept with, you said so yourself that I was an Akatsuki and I couldn't be trusted. I had no intentions of hiding what I did from you; I just didn't want to tell you at that given time considering I still have countless missions to complete.” Her brows disappeared beneath her dark bangs, the scowl tantalizing her lips smeared away.
He didn't care what affect that he having sex with a different woman would have on her?
Hinata schooled her shocked features, pushing firmly against his chest to be free from his cage. Itachi's eyes snapped open, his hand impulsively grabbing her wrists. “Let go of me.” She struggled to get free, failing each time.
“I didn't mean for what I said to come out as if I don't care for you; I just don't want to get caught up in this emotion. You've rendered me helpless once when you ran away from me and I don't want it to happen again. I don't want you to run away from me again.”
“So pushing yourself onto other women will execute any harboring feeling for me?” She scowled, her eyes shooting invisible darts at him. His dark eyes became a deep shade of scarlet, intimidating her almost. “No,” He drew his face closer to hers. “Nothing could ever make me forget the soft feel of your flesh, your sweet smell, the feel of your silken hair through my fingertips.” His free hand stroked her flared cheek affectionately, the dark tomeos swirling around his lone pupils. She averted her gaze quickly, jerking her captured wrists from his slackened grip.
“Then why did you have to act so careless?” She inquired under her breath, her head turning against the soft surface of the pillow.
His eyes lowered, the beating of his heart against his ribcage frightening him. How had a woman such as Hyuga Hinata caused him such pain? She was only supposed to be a captive; a peasant. Someone he could toy with and never harbor any remorse for. His teeth sank into his lower lip, his black brows knitting together.
No, he hurt her. Not the other way around.
From the moment he stepped into the Leaf village in search of the Kyubi up until this very point. Even though she stood by his side after obliviously massacring Konohagakure, he could tell she was only there physically. Mentally, she wasn't.
“I acted so carelessly because of the simple fact that I was becoming too smitten with the fact that each time I return from a mission, you would always be there. The simple fact that when I wake up in the middle of the night you would be there lying next to me,” Itachi lowered himself over her, his arms stuffing underneath her to embrace her against him. “I didn't need you becoming smitten with me as well so I purposely slept with that woman to ward off your feeling for me.”
Hinata's hands clutched his shoulders, not knowing what else to do. Her nose rested against the open flesh between his shoulder and his neck, taking his masculine scent. “Why? I am old enough to choose whom I love and don't love Itachi,” She muttered into his shoulder. “Besides, it was a bit too late to ward off my feeling for you. I was smitten with you the moment you searched for me when I fled.”
The muscles of his back tensed up, releasing her from his embrace as he rolled over. “I wanted you to hate me,” He turned his back on her. “To despise me just as Sasuke had.” He let out a shaky breath, his body shuddering from the release.
Hinata had never seen this side of him before. Every now and then he would grace her with his soft side, but only briefly when the other Akatsuki members weren't present. She had become accustomed to his ill-mannered behavior, constant distance and silence towards her.
She shifted so that her body was meshed against his, her arms wrapped around his torso. “I could never bring myself to despise you. The Akatsuki murdered my home but I'm still here, aren't I?” Something in his scarlet eyes flickered as he reached for her hand. “You had no choice but to stay with me, you had nowhere else to run off to.”
The image of Daichi's forest eyes entered her mind briefly.
She could flee the Akatsuki and live with him if he would ever forgive her for leaving him.
She was silent, his large hand warming hers.
What could she say? That he was right and that she didn't have a choice considering the fact that he did, skillfully, eliminate the fire nation? She buried her face in his back, mumbling incoherently.
Could she have defused the situation by acting as if he didn't matter to her? She shook her head. No, she couldn't have. Not after telling him how smitten she had become with him. That would have made her into the largest hypocrite. She muttered some more to herself, oblivious to Itachi nudging her in the abdomen.
“Sunflower.” His voice no longer held the hurt filled tone that it once had, but now affection and humor. “Shhh Itachi!” She snapped, her face diving further into the shield of his back. It seemed as if she were hiding from him.
“Whom are you talking to? You've been muttering for quite some time now.” He sounded bemused, unhooking her arms from around him. She swatted him lightly against his shoulder as he shifted onto his back. “Don't make fun of me; I don't take well to people making humorous comments to me thinking aloud.” Her face sullen as she sat up, arms crossed over her chest.
“I wasn't making fun of you,” He sat up also, his shoulder brushing against hers. “I was simply implying that it was a bit odd that you were talking to yourself.” She scoffed, her whole left side feeling numb beneath his shoulder.
“Well I believe I am the only one in this house that talks to herself so you can go tell Deidara so he can poke fun at me also.” She turned her body from him o face the edge of the bed. Itachi groaned, lying back against the bed heavily so his face was suffocated in one of his pillows. He knew exactly what she was doing. She was silently torturing him for making love to another woman after pledging how smitten he was with her.
And to be honest, she was doing quite a good job.
“Hinata, could we just stop arguing for one minute?” He inquired hopefully, his head anxiously rising from the pillow. She glanced over her shoulder to him, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Out of all the years she's been at his side, this was one of the few times he saw this naughty side of her.
That look in her eyes always meant he was in store for something, whether he wanted it or not. Most of the time he wanted it.
He leaned up onto his elbows, watching in fascination as she slowly crawled over the bed towards him. Each crawl she took, she discarded an article of clothing. She was crawling dreadfully too slow, he reasoned, clutching her arms and dragging her up against him. She squeaked as if she were a mouse, feeling the rough material of his shirt against his bare shoulders.
“Itachi!” She struggled against his hold, giggling as he began trailing kisses over her neck, his tongue darting out to taste her. She stopped resisting him as his lips lowered over hers, matching his passion stroke for stroke. “I'm supposed to be seducing you.” She murmured against his lips, her hands braced on his shoulders. “You were taking to fucking long.” He muttered, kissing her again so she wouldn't protest.
She pulled away as his hold tightened. “Itachi,” She whined, his lips teasing the soft flesh of her shoulder. “You aren't being fair.”
“To bad.” She whimpered as he bit softly at her shoulder. “Itachi-kun,” She slapped his shoulder as he tried to slip her bra strap from her shoulder, cheeks flushing. “I want this to be special.”
“You didn't say that the last time.” He grumbled out, her bra strap that rested against his index finger snapping back against her shoulder. “Ow,” She placed her hands to his chest, firmly pushing him away. “Stop being so inconsiderate. The last time was my first time and you just took my virginity without my approval.”
“You were going to torture me to no end if I didn't like you are now!” He didn't try to hide his growing fury as he dragged her back against him. “I am not torturing you! You brought this upon yourself by sleeping with anything that has breasts!”
“That isn't true.” His hold slackened, hurt shown beneath his dark eyes. “You're right. Maybe I gave you a bit too much credit; you sleep with anything that has a skirt on!” Hinata jerked free of his hold, crawling back across the bed, picking up her discarded clothes.
Itachi said nothing, his eyes downcast as she slammed the door shut. Was he supposed to go after her? He never had to worry about women being cross with him because he had never been with a woman longer than one night. With Hinata it was a different story. He saw her everyday whether he wanted to or not.
With Hinata, he didn't know what to do.
……………………̷ 0;…………………
Hinata stormed out of Itachi's room, almost bumping into Deidara. “What the— bitch?” His lone blue eye took in her hazardous attire, his cheeks reddening. “Where the hell are your clothes?!” He ranted as she scrambled to wrap her clothes around her. “Why do you want to know?! It's none of your concern!” She pushed pass him and briskly made her way to her room.
Slamming her door shut, she heard the latch break yet again but paid it no mind. She quickly put her clothes back on, feeling as if someone splashed cold water over her. How could Itachi be such a complete baka? She collapsed against the small bed, her body facing the small window.
Why had she been so eager to believe him when he said he was smitten with her? Maybe because she was so smitten with him. Her elbows rested against her knees, her gaze drooping. He hadn't even come after her to see if she were ok.
Hinata snorted, abruptly rising from the bed. If didn't care about her feeling then he wouldn't care if she left for good this time, right? She reached out for the small duffle bag with her clothes bursting out of it, her hand hesitating. She didn't want to leave though, that bastard Itachi meant just too much to her. Yes, she was cross with him at the moment but he did always find a way to make her forgive him again. He would always try his hardest too when she was to the brink of tears mad at him.
The door creaked open behind her but she paid it no attention as she shuffled through her small bag of clothes. “I'm sorry.” He muttered, his bare feet shuffling over the floorboard as he embraced her from behind. She smiled despite how angry she was, her ears flushing from the close proximity there were in.
Anyone could walk pass and see their embrace.
“I apologize for sleeping with that other woman,” He buried his face in the nape of her neck. “I didn't know that we were…. involved...the way we were.” He received no reply, upsetting him even further. Hadn't she wanted him to apologize to her? His frown deepened into a pout. “Please don't be cross with me.”
Her heart melted at his pleading tone. He had never said please to her before, no matter how drawn to her he was. She could feel his even breathing against her neck as his hold tightened on her. He was tense. She placed a hand over his reassuringly. “I'm not angry, just a bit hurt.” She softly muttered, turning in his arms. “It didn't mean anything if that's what you're worried for. I don't even remember her name.” She smiled up at him; he could tell it was a sad smile.
“You're still upset,” He kissed her nose. “Please forgive me.” She giggled, stepping up on her tip toes to rub noses. He smiled, drawing her closer as he kissed her forehead. “I forgive you but that does not mean you can go about having sex with any woman you please.” He chuckled at her obvious jealousy, dipping his head down to capture her lips in his.
And at that precise moment Kisame decided to pass by the opened door with Deidara at his heels.
“Oi! Itachi- san!” The blonde's anger was evident as he barged into the room. He didn't know exactly why he was upset but his temper was boiling as he dragged Itachi from Hinata. “What the hell are you doing putting your lips all over that bitch?!” This was the first time he had seen the elder Uchiha so passionate with a woman, let alone Hinata Hyuga.
“What have I told you about bursting into another person's room without their permission?” Deidara shrugged off Kisame's heavy hand, his blue eye held fury in their depths. “I can't believe you've stooped this low.” He exited the room the same way he entered, in a rush with Kisame behind him.
Hinata felt dazed, plopping down onto her freshly made bed, her hands covering her reddened face. “I was hoping that they would never find out.” His pouting was obvious as he sunk down next to her. “You were hoping they wouldn't?” She peeked out at him through her fingers, her lavender eyes sullen.
“I didn't know how they would react so I just reasoned with myself not to tell them.”
“And what if I wanted them to find out?” He pulled her hands from her face, tugging her closer to him. “I would have to tell them then.” His eyes held that blank stare she simply hated.
It meant that he was going to revert back to his old ways.
“You didn't look totally honest about that.” He snorted, dropping her hands. “I told you that I would do anything for you and now you do not believe me?”
“I didn't say that.”
“But it's what you're implying.”
“No it isn't!” Her hand was in the air, poised to slap him. “Now you're going to hit me for stating my opinion?” He didn't sound cross.
He sounded hurt.
“I…I don't know. I wanted…I wanted to just be happy with you. Was I asking for too much?” His mouth opened as if he were going to respond but thought better of it. “I don't think I'll ever be happy living in this house with the other Akatsukis. I can barely stand sneaking around with you the way we have been.” He scowled upon hearing that. He wanted her to be happy with him period but she wasn't.
“What if we were to have children Itachi? Where would they sleep? In the same bed that me and you sleep in? It maybe alright with you but with me it isn't. I don't want to hide my affection for you.” Even though she was being serious, her cheeks were flushed at the mentioning of having his children. It wasn't as if he were embarrassed by her wanting to have his children, it was the scary thought of him wanting her to.
“So you're saying you want us to leave the Akatsuki?” She hesitated with her answer briefly, her eyes boring into his. He was being serious and he wanted her honest reply.I…I want us to.” She leaned into him, her face hidden in the crock of his neck. “I'll do it if that's what you really want.” He muttered in her hair, his hand stroking her back. She abruptly drew her face up, her eyes gazing up at him shockingly.
“Y-you would leave the Akatsuki for me?”
“Of course I would, haven't I told you already I'm smitten with you.” He rubbed his nose against hers lovingly. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“That I'm stuck on you and you're stuck on me.” She smiled as his lips brushed over her forehead. “Now I have something to use against you.” He groaned, walking his fingers over her arm. She shuddered, her arms embracing his middle tightly. “So when exactly do you want to elope with me?”
“After you ask me to marry you.”
He said nothing, his blank stare taunting her. Hinata cleared her throat, her eyes narrowing as she waited for his answer. “You want to marry me?” His brows kissed his hairline as his dark eyes widened. Itachi wasn't much for showing emotion but his shock was evident.
“Of course I do. I'm stuck on you and you're stuck on me, remember?” The twinkle in her eyes dimming. He smirked, his hold tightening once more. “Right. So would you marry me if I asked you right now?”
“Itachi!” She swatted his shoulder as he began caressing her lower back where goose bumps were spreading. “Is that a yes?” She giggled as his lips brushed over her neck, his tongue fondled her pulse. “Or a no? I would be hurt if your answer is no.”
“Tachi- kun,” She muttered, pulling from him. “Are you sure you want to know my answer?”
“Of course I want to.” He was serious again, his eyes gazing at her expectantly. She threw her hands over her face to hide the flush that tinted her cheeks, embarrassed by how serious his expression became. Was he serious about marrying her?
“I want to marry you.” She mumbled lowly, her cheeks darkening. “I couldn't hear you; take your hands from your face.” He pealed her hands away, taking in her flushed face. “I said I…I want to marry you.” His lip twitched, upsetting her. So he wasn't serious at all about marrying her.
Hinata tugged her hands from his, scooting as far as she could away from him on the bed. His lips tugged into a pout that was dreadfully adorable on him, gazing at their lengthened proximity. “Why did you do that?”
“It felt necessary.” She uttered, feeling as if she shrunk two sizes. “I don't think it is if we're going to be husband and wife.” Her head snapped up, her parted lips forming a small O. “Husband and wife?” She inquired stupidly, her brows knitted together. “Yes, that's what people become once they're married Hinata.” He chuckled, tugging her back in close proximity of him.
“So we're getting married?” She clung to his shoulders, not sure if she could stay conscious if she didn't. “Yes, that is, if you still want to.” He looked unsure as she contemplated her answer. “I still want to be married to you.” She wrapped her arms around his middle, her face in his shoulder as she flushed.
“I can't believe we're getting married Itachi!”
“Me neither.” He spoke into her hair, finding himself growing even more smitten with her.
Ok this is the first chapter to the sequel of What Do You See in Me and I hope you like it. I know it took forever for me to write it but I wrote it and I hope you all like it.