Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You ❯ Upside Down ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summery: Sequel to the first Itachi/ Hinata fan fic `What Do You See In Me'
(Second part; please go easy on me again)
Disclaimer: sadly I do not own Naruto
Characters are a little OOC in this story.
……………………̷ 0;……………………...
More Than You
……………………̷ 0;……………………….
Upside Down
The simple word set his core on fire.
His gaze averted to the sleeping Hyuga next to him. His fiancé. He had never been married before and he could guess that she had never also. His index finger glided over her slightly parted lips, his blank stare gazing straight through her.
Why would someone as pure as her want to marry someone as devious as him?
She whimpered in her sleep, her hands groping out for the pillow but instead grabbed his hand. How could she see something within him that he could not see himself? He watched on as she snuggled his hand underneath her cheek, sighing contently.
Someone as beautiful as her could be smitten with him.
He ran his fingers through her dark hair, kissing her forehead. “Tachi-baka” She murmured, a smile tugging her lips as she shifted closer to him. Even in her sleep she wouldn't depart from him.
He smirked, finding her adorable when she slept. This was the only time he could bask in her beauty without her ever knowing. Soon she would be Mrs. Itachi Uchiha and the funny thing is; he didn't mind her carrying his name.
She had long ago proven she was worthy of the Uchiha title the moment she kissed him. His cheeks tinted a dark red as the image of her earlier demonstration came back at him. She was utterly attractive when she was slowly crawling towards him. He wanted nothing more than for her to do it again.
If she did, he promised he wouldn't upset her again.
His fingers sought out her polka dotted underwear, his fingertips teasing the flesh hidden beneath the revealing garment. She groaned, her hips bucking against his hand. “Lower…” She rasped out. He chuckled, his fingers pinching her dark public hairs just to hear her whimper out.
Her face contorted in a mixture of pleasure and pain, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.
Was she awake?
God, he hoped she was.
She groaned, her hands clutching his.
“Sunflower,” His voice came out husky. “Are you awake?”
“Touch me again.” She whimpered, arousing him even further. “Not until you open your eyes.” He wanted to torture her as badly as she tortured him. She moaned; her lips tugged downward in a pout. “I really hate you right now.”
“That isn't a nice thing to say to your fiancé.”
Hinata clutched the hand hidden beneath the thin material of her underwear, forcing his fingers to brush against the lips of her womanhood. “My, my, my, someone is a bit horny tonight.” He mused, his fingers curling in her grasp to fondle her inner folds.
“I am nothorny.” She breathlessly replied, thrusting her hips forward to give him better access to her. “Oh really? I guess you wouldn't mind if I just rolled over and went back to sleep then.” Even though he really didn't want to, he removed his hand from her underwear and turned over.
“I do mind!” She jerked at his shoulder, roughly turning back over to face her. “You can't just leave me all hot and bothered.”
Her aggression excited him, making him want to rip her clothes from her body. He knew he was arousing her also, he noted, eyeing her dusty pink nipples straining against her shirt. “Well what do you want from me?” He licked his lips in anticipation, his hand running over her exposed thighs.
“Do I really have to answer that?” She whined, her knee rubbing against the evidence of his excitement.
“Yes, I want to hear you say it.” He suppressed the urge to groan, quickly grasping her knee before she made him reach his brink. “Iwantyoutomakelovetome.” She muttered, her cheeks reddening.
Itachi smirked, loving the control he had over her. “I couldn't quite understand you.”
“I want you to fuck me!!”
“Why, sunflower I didn't know you had such a foul mouth. I'll have to teach you not to curse as often as you do.” Before she could curse him even further, he pinioned her underneath him, his lips silencing her.
She arched her back to press herself against him, his hardness taunting her. His lips covered hers, his tongue tapping against her lower lip for entrance. She responded hungrily, her lips moving against his in the same amount of fury. His hands grasped the sides of her face as her tongue surged inside his mouth, heating up the turmoil that was already festering.
She boldly grounded her hips against his, stirring his erection.
The friction of her hips and his pants were causing an unbearable strain on his swollen member, almost making him release the pent-up pressure. He unbuckled his pants with one hand, the other pinching at her neglected mounds.
She moaned against his mouth, feeling his large member pressed against her womanhood as if it were going to enter her at that moment.
Knowing Itachi, he probably wanted to stick it in her right then.
“Condom?” She mumbled out, her hands grasping his manhood. He groaned from the impact her light touch hand on him.
He grunted, rising off of her in search of a condom.
……………………̷ 0;………………………… 230;……….
Deidara instinctively hid the hentai magazine behind his back as the latch to his door unhooked, Hinata's head poking through.
“What do you want bitch?” Relief shown through his lone blue eye, pulling out his triple X magazine once more. “I was wondering if you know where Itachi went. I woke up this morning and he was gone, our clothes were still in the same place we left them.” The smallest Akatsuki lifted one shoulder in a shrug, his eye glued to the naked women plastered against each glossy page of the magazine.
“How should I know, you two were sleeping in the same bed last night,” He lowered the magazine briefly. “And making a lot of noise too. I could barely get to sleep. Next time you two decide to make babies, do it outside of the hideaway.”
Hinata's cheeks flared from his last remark, entering the room abruptly and closing the door. “I thought you would know since you happened to be up before me.”
“You could've asked Konan, Kisame, hell even Pein but you just had to ask me?” He ranted, muttering a small “bitch” underneath his breath as he flipped the page.
“Well I guess Itachi would be interested in your reading material.” Her fingers closed over the edge of the page her was gaping at, her face drawn down to his. “Stupid bitch, get your fingers off the goods!” He tried to pry her fingers off; in the process he dropped the magazine. “You don't scare me with those empty threats, stupid wench!”
“I am not a wench you… baka!” Her finger poked into his shoulder with a bit more force than necessary. His hands impulsively grasped her elbows, jerking her against him.
“That the best you can come up with? Baka?” His nose wove in her dark locks. “Wench, I think that's your new name.” She struggled against his hold, her face twisting into a scowl. “You aren't permitted to cal me wench either. My father, Hirashi named me Hinata Hyuga. Not wench, or bitch or any other names you've concocted.”
He just chuckled, the vibration sending chills through her.
“If I called you by your birth name then we wouldn't argue as often as we do.”
“Don't you want us to stop arguing?”
Hinata snapped her head up at him, her brows pinched together. “You don't?” He shook his head, tugging her chin up to hold his gaze. “Now, about my magazine. I think you owe me a new one for trashing my other one with your fingers wench.”
“I didn't trash your hentai!” Hinata pushed firmly against his chest, her chin out of his cupped hand. He scoffed, his blank stare leaving her unable to move. “Like hell you didn't. I was in the middle of…” His gaze averted to the opened hentai magazine laying against the floorboards, the large breasted woman taunting him.
“Were you getting ready to…masturbate to that woman in the magazine?” Her disgust was present, shaking his hold of her.
“Not everyone in this house is getting some like you are wench. We have to use whatever is present.” He uttered, his arms crossing over his chest in defiance. He felt somewhat empty now that she wasn't in his arms.
“You're a disgusting baka.” She shuffled over to his small futon, sinking down onto it. Deidara just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, reaching to pick up the discarded porn magazine as he approached the bed.
“Not as disgusting as those weird squealing noised you made last night. What the hell was Itachi doing to you?”
“None of your concern!” Her cheeks flushed heavily as the mattress sagged beneath his weight.
“It is if you keep me up until the wee hours of the morning.” A smirk penetrated his lips, his shoulder pressed against hers. She began to twiddle her fingers nervously, an old habit that she never seemed to get rid of.
“He asked me to marry him.”
Deidara coughed absently, trying to block out what else she was saying. Had Itachi Uchiha, bastard Itachi, really asked her to marry him? His fingers dug into his knees, his eyes cast downward as he tried not to make eye contact with her.
For if he did, she would be able to see the hurt in their depths.
“Of really? I didn't think the bastard had it in him to settle down.” He mumbled more to himself instead of to her, his fingers drumming against his kneecaps. “I didn't think so either but he said he would do anything for me.” Her hand clutched his to stop his excessive drumming. “Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with a bastard like that?”
She gazed up at him perplexed, releasing his hand.
“Of course I do.”
Deidara smirked despite his sour mood, rising from the bed and half saluted her. “Then you two belong together. I have no problems with you two becoming sexual as long as you keep the screaming down.” His smile was bitter as he crossed the room to sit in the recliner he once occupied, his hentai magazine hiding his face.
“Deidara! Must you be so…indifferent?”
His blonde brow rose, lowering the magazine so that she was in her peripheral vision. If only she knew that his indifference was because of her. Before she entered the Akatsukis life, he was a simple, easygoing guy. One that got along well enough with his partner Tobi. One that never tried to sleep with the prisoner.
With Hinata hanging around, he constantly had wet dreams pertaining to her and him being together and her denying ever harboring feeling for Itachi.
Even at this very instant, he wanted nothing more than to press his lips to hers, explore the caverns of her body, find what made her tick. “I am not being indifferent wench; I'm just making sure you don't fuck up your life by marrying that bastard.” The magazine absorbed his attention once more, flipping through page after page of nude women being sexed in different positions.
None of them compared to Hinata Hyuga in beauty.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” She awkwardly touched her face, her cheeks tenting red. “Is there something on my face or something?”
“No; you're perfect.” He mumbled; the hentai he was reading dropped to his lap. Her fingers paused from caressing her cheek, her face heating up even more. Had he just complemented her? Called her perfect? His hands mused his blonde hair, his words echoing through his skull.
Had he said that aloud?
From the look on her face he must have.
“I have to go help Konan prepare for her mission.” She backed away towards the door, her body language telling him that she found being near him an awkward experience. “Fine, do what you please.” He acted as if he didn't care that she didn't find being around him comfortable, picking up his fallen hentai and flipped through a couple more pages. She unlatched the door and briskly exited his room, he watched as she left over the rim of his magazine.
If he didn't have such a large ego, he would've called her back.
But that wasn't how Deidara was.
Okay the second chapter is done and it was worth it cause making Itachi and Hinata an engaged couple was had enough but now that Deidara is in it, I believe the story will liven up.