Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You ❯ Explain This Conspiracy against Me ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summery: Sequel to the first Itachi/ Hinata fan fic `What Do You See In Me'
(Second part; please go easy on me again)
Disclaimer: sadly I do not own Naruto
Characters are a little OOC in this story.
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More Than You
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Explain This Conspiracy against Me
“Keh, you act as if I'm interested in stealing you away from Itachi, wench.” Deidara re-adjusted the way he was sitting against the tree branch, his crossed arms resting against his knees. To Hinata he looked like a normal person with his blue sweatshirt and ripped jeans. She believed those were the only regular mismatched clothes he owned.
Hinata nodded at his obvious lie, her shoulder pressed up against his as she leaned back into the trunk. “I wouldn't let you have the advantage even if you were trying to steal me away. I don't think I would even elope with you.” Deidara's lone blue eye glared over to her, concealing the hurt beneath his anger.
“Why would anyone want to elope with you? That bastard is stupid for marrying you period wench. For the rest of his life he'll just know what it's like sleeping with you. A miserable wench.” She swatted his shoulder, her brows pinching together in annoyance. “I am not a miserable wench! You are defiantly pushing your luck with calling me a wench Deidara!” She smiled despite being cross with him, leaning forward to rest her chin on his shoulder.
“What now wench?”
“Do you honestly think I'm perfect?” She felt his back muscles go taunt as she pressed herself into his back. Their proximity reminded her of those sleepless nights before she met him, where she imagined only being this close to Naruto-kun.
Receiving no answer, Hinata wrapped her arms around his torso, drawing herself closer against him. He instinctively reached out and grabbed her hand. “If I told you what I really think of you, we wouldn't be sitting in this tree together like we're damn lovers wench.”
She giggled, her fingers entwining with his. “What would we be doing?”
“You'd be in my room and out of your clothes.” He answered matter-of-factly, craning his head to get a full view of her reaction. Her cheeks flushed in realization, her hold on him slackening some. “W-w-what do you mean?”
“Aw c'mon wench, are you that much of a baka?” He abruptly turned away, his own cheeks flushing. She didn't rebuttal to his obvious taunt, her arms falling to her sides. Had Deidara just asked her to have sex with him?
Her lavender eyes traced over his lean back, ponder on whether or not he had asked her or rather demanded her to make love to him. Her face scrunched up at the thought of Deidara making love to any woman let alone her. Somehow she just couldn't picture the small Akatsuki member seducing a woman into his room with sweet caresses.
Her face flushed in anger, shaking her head firmly before embracing his torso once more. So what if he wanted to have sex with her? At least she had Itachi! At least Itachi loved her and thought of her as more than just a toy he could give away once he was bored.
Deidara jumped slightly at their closeness, his head bumping hers. “Ow! You're such a…” She stopped in mid-sentence, feeling his warm finger tips brushing over the spot he bumped her. “Jeez wench, if you didn't have such a big head I wouldn't have hit you.” He was close, his lips a breath away from her nose.
“I do not have a big head!” She shoved his hand back to him, her skin tingling from his missed touch. “Whatever bitch.” He scooted forward, his feet dangling over the edge of the branch. For some reason it hurt her to hear him refer to her as bitch again. She was just getting adjusted to him calling her wench.
“So you're just going to leave me up here alone?”
“You won't be alone; you'll have the birds and squirrels to talk to. Isn't that what you used to do before you met the Akatsuki?” He shoved off the branch, the long blades of grass pricking his bare feet. Hinata felt heat rise to her neck, scooting to the edge of the branch after him.
How had he known that she did that? Had he been spying on her even before the Akatsukis planned their massacre?
Her lips stretched into a scowl, her eyes narrowing. “Whatever,” She murmured lowly, ignoring his outstretched hand as she jumped from the branch. “I don't need your help so why don't you just quit straining yourself. I know you hate me but you don't have to pretend you like me. Leave that to someone that needs your charity cause I sure as hell don't.”
She felt as if she had lost her power to ignore his hurt filled words, leaving her bland and empty.
Please speak softly, for they will hear us
And they'll find out, why we don't trust them
Speak up dear, 'cause I cannot hear you”
She trudged pass him, her shoulder butting his harshly. So what if he was pretending? It wasn't as if she should've cared what he thought of her. The problem was that she did care what he thought of her. She wanted to know if he ever dreamed of her or even fought with Itachi for her affection.
I need to know, why we don't trust them”
Her step suddenly faltered, her hands woven in her silken locks. Why did she want to know what he thought of her? It wasn't as if he wanted her in that sense. He was just looking for a good fuck.
Explain to me, this conspiracy against me, yeah
And tell me how, I lost my power, oh, yeah”
He just wanted her because he thought she would be easy. She remembered seeing those gullible women spill from his room after screwing him, remembering that they all had something in common.
They all resembled her.
Where can I turn, 'cause I need something more
Surrounded by uncertainty, I'm so unsure
Tell me why, I feel so alone
'cause I need to know, to whom do I owe”
Each woman had dark hair pass their shoulder, full rosy lips and an average body. Just their eyes were different colors. Now that she thought of it, all the women Deidara had ever brought home resembled her in a way.
Save for that one woman who he brought home the first night of his squandering.
Explain to me, this conspiracy against me, yeah
And tell me how, I lost my power, oh, yeah”
That one woman was by far more beautiful than any other woman he had ever brought home and she could tell in those few short encounters with her that he had become smitten with the woman. Who could blame him, with her soft brown curls, hazel/ green eyes and body that could rival Sakura Haruno's any day.
What made even more exotic in Hinata's eyes was the small beauty mark just above her left eyebrow.
I thought that we'd make it
Because you said that we'd make it through
And when all security fails we'd be there
To help me through”
She turned on her heals to face Deidara, her eyes inquiring his. He dipped his head, wanting to brush his lips against hers but thought better of it. “What?”
“What ever happened to that one woman you brought here with the brown hair?”
“You mean Yuri?” Hinata only nodded, becoming a tad livid with the laced affection coating her name as it left his lips.
“To be honest, she had a boyfriend at the time when we were…meeting.” He looked bummed with his own rancid answer, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Did you like her?”
“Like her? What are you, five? Jeez I loved her Hinata.”
Explain to me, this conspiracy against me, yeah
And tell me how, I lost my power, oh”
It felt as if her heart had been ripped into tiny pieces and stomped on by a million elephants. What did she expect? Of course he would love the woman!
“Y-you loved her?”
“Duh, isn't that what I just said! Damn, do you pay attention to anything I say?”
“I do. It was just shocking to hear that you…l-lo...loved her.” He snorted, oblivious to her changed mood. “You don't have to treat me like that. I know, no one can ever picture me loving anyone but I did, ya happy?!”
She stood before him, motionless as her eyes gazed at the landscape behind him. She just couldn't look at him, fearing what she may see in their depths. “Why'd you let her leave you if you loved her?”
“It just wasn't right. She loved me but at the time I didn't love her. Now that I think about it, I was a dick to her. I never wanted her to get too close to me because if I did I knew I would fall for her.” He just wanted his heart to stop beating so he could drop dead right there.
He didn't want to enlighten Hinata on his previous love affair.
It was just too painful.
“You sounded like a complete dick. I can't believe she still loved you after you deliberately threw her out of your room.” She knew exactly why their affair ended.
Deidara had rushed into his room in a frenzy with the woman in tow, yanking their discarded clothes from the floor and pushing them into Yuri's arms. She had yet to figure out why he was so upset with her until he pushed her out of his room. She pleaded with him numerous times to tell her why he had suddenly strung out at her but he gave her no reply, shoving her shoulder so she slipped on a discarded shirt and fell.
When were you going to inform me on your recent sextape with your boyfriend?” He ranted, stomping out the doorway briefly with a drawer in his hand. Yuri thought he was going to bash it against her head but he instead dumped the articles inside on her. Letters, tapes, pictures, and even lingerie pooled around her as she whimpered. What sextape was he talking about?
Her eyes flashed a gold color as she glanced up at his angry face, her fingers caressing a bruise just above her lip where he had hit her. “What are you talking about Dara-kun?”
You slept with him! Just admit it!” He yanked her to her feet, dragging her to the front door.
Slept with whom?” She felt as if she were in the dark, not know who he was referring to. “Your boyfriend, bitch! Don't play games with me cause I'm really not in the mood.” He jerked the door open, pushing her out into the cold. “If you're so into your boyfriend again why the hell are you sleeping around with me?!”
He remembered the whole argument as if it were a bad plague, his lone eye cast downward in disgust with himself. “I wasn't exactly the nicest person to any woman I slept with. I was more into the sex than the women in general.” He slouched, peering up at her through his blond bangs.
“I could tell. Well it isn't as if you can change the past; you can just apologize to her.” She embraced his torso as if to extract life from herself and give it to him. “It isn't as easy as it seems to apologize to a woman as gorgeous as she is.”
“How do you know? Have you tried recently?”
“Okay then, so you don't know how she'll react. She may forgive you.”
“Then again maybe not.” He grunted out, resting his chin in her hair. “Stop doubting yourself baka or you'll never be able to apologize to Yuri.” Her head jerked up, almost butting his chin if he hadn't moved quickly enough. “Why do you care, it isn't your problem. I mean you have Itachi and you're going to marry him soon so why are you shacked up with me?”
That was a good question.
Why was she shacked up with Deidara?
Maybe she was beginning to get cold feet about marrying Itachi.
Explain to me, this conspiracy against me, yeah
And tell me how, I lost my power, oh”
She shook her head firmly, riding the nonsense thoughts from her mind. How could she think such cursed thoughts of backing out on Itachi? It had taken her months just to get him to confess his feelings for her and here she was with Deidara.
Only difference was, it had taken her fifteen minutes to get him to confess his feeling for her.
Okay chapter three is done and I wanted it to be just a Deidara/Hinata chapter.