Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You ❯ A Familiar Anything ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summery: Sequel to the first Itachi/ Hinata fan fic `What Do You See In Me'
(Second part; please go easy on me again)
Disclaimer: sadly I do not own Naruto
Characters are a little OOC in this story.
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More Than You
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I know I said that I might end the story with the last chapter but I had free time since I updated the other stories I was writing and I had some free time on my hands before I went to work so I thought I could update this story since some people were complaining that I left it on a cliff hanger and you all wanted to know what was to become of Hinata Itachi and Deidara
A Familiar Anything
It had been a month since he threw out Hinata and to be brutally honest, he was missing her dearly. He thought in order to miss her less; he would take on the missions he neglected in the past for her. Hoping one day that he would find her again just as he had the first time.
Only without all the corpses crushing her.
Itachi traveled further into the thick woods leading to Amegakure, the Land of Rain, hoping that she would be there. So he could take her back to the Akatsuki hideaway and forget ever throwing her out.
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“Tell me more about yourself.”
“I don't know if I should Chikako, Mrs. Haruki would be highly upset if I stay out too long being that I don't know where anything is.”
“Don't worry too much over Mrs. Haruki; I'll just say that I was giving you a tour of Iwagakure.” He grinned, taking her hand in his as he began to drag her from the small hut that the elder woman, Mrs. Haruki owned.
She was hesitant to follow him, flushing as his slender fingers laced with hers as he clasped onto her hand. Her teeth sank into her lower lip as he led her in the direction of a darkened tavern, his free hand brushing aside the flap as they entered.
“Don't worry Hinata,” His humor filled eyes left hers briefly before scanning their surroundings as if he were looking for someone. Craning his neck so she was once again in his peripheral vision, a smile touched Chikako's lips.
“Well this is Iwagakure's very own tavern, a place where us ninja's have a drink or two after a mission or screw up.”
“Which do you come here for?”
Upon scrutinizing her shocked expression, he chuckled, tugging her into the dark tavern after him. She tried to jerk free of his strong hold, deciding that she didn't want her first experience in Iwagakure to be surrounded by a load of drunken ninja's.
As he led her inside, she tried to adjust to the odd lighting as she almost bumped into a chair. She heard him chuckle but paid no attention, her eyes taking in the few men that crowded the small bar in the corner She had an urge to ask Chikako why had he dragged her here first until he pushed her onto a wooden stool.
He plopped down on the stool opposite of her's, that beautiful smile of his still gracing his features.
“What do you want to have? I'll pay for everything.”
“You brought me here…on a date?”
“I wouldn't call it a date…more or less a welcoming initiation.”
“Welcoming initiation? Haven't I received enough of a welcoming from you and your friends?”
He shrugged nonchalantly, his grin becoming a flirtatious smirk as his dark eyes danced over her. She crossed her arms over her chest as if her arms were a protective barrier, her gaze skittering from his. No one had ever been this openly suggestive with her since Itachi and Deidara.
She was wondering how he was fairing without her at the Akatsuki's hideaway. It was enough that the elder and only other Uchiha had kicked her out, but was giving Deidara a hard time just because he was comforting her.
To be brutally honest, Itachi never liked her associating with the other male Akatsuki members being that he always thought she was going to leave him for one of them. He hadn't always been that way but ever since he proposed to her, he had never let her out of his sight.
She couldn't have taken a shower without him sitting just outside of the shower curtain on the toilet seat, whispering how much he wanted her to be only his. At that stage of their relationship, she felt she needed much closer from him.
Maybe being with Chikako was the closer she needed.
“What would you like me to get you?”
His elbows were resting against the table's smooth surface as his chin was dormant in his opened palms; his dark eyes trained on her every move. Hinata mimicked his body language, batting her lengthy eyelashes that hooded her mauve eyes. He instantly became entranced, his tongue darting out to wet his dry lips.
“I don't really know what I could order considering I've never been here before.”
“Might I recommend the Kare Raisu?”
“They serve that here?!” She disregarded her previous gallivant behavior towards him, her lavender eyes widening in child-like innocence at him as her hands cupped her own face. He shook his head in amusement.
“They don't serve much but I do know that they serve that because I order it like all the time.”
“Kare Raisu is my favorite…besides Ramen.”
“Ramen, isn't that for like younger children?”
She flushed at his acquisition, her hands hastily covering her eyes as she mumbled incoherently as she shook her head to and fro in abash. “I guess I touched a nerve there, I didn't mean to embarrass you, Moopsieface.” His hands covered hers as he pealed her hands away her face.
“Yeah, I think it's a cute name and you're a beautiful woman with cute facial expressions.” He pushed his fist up against his cheek as he tilted his head to think, his brown bangs befalling into his gorgeous face. She pushed her lips out into an adorable pout, her arms crossed over her breasts.
“See?! There it is again! That cute facial expression.”
“But Moopsieface?”
“You'll learn to like it soon enough Hinata-chan, now what would you like to order?”
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Deidara clutched the strap of his duffel bag as he waltzed past the gates of Iwagakure, inhaling the all too familiar dust that swept over the small village as the wind picked up. He hadn't known why his first choice had been to come home but he was too tired to reconsider his options.
His lone cobalt eye scanned the area, noting the small crowd beginning to form towards the small, ratty boarded tavern he had once called his vice. He silently seethed as he strode in that direction, hating the fact that his old home was in that bent.
An uproar was broaching right before his eyes and he didn't even want to be a part of it. What was wrong with him? Before he would've loved to be a part of whatever got the crowd so hyped up, wanting all the attention that he could bask in.
Being that he never received any type of gratitude or understanding from anyone in his family, Deidara was forced to become a terrorist bomber for hire in order to gain any real respect.
It was all smiles and fun until he had met Itachi Uchiha and was forced to become a member of the Akatsuki organization.
He calmly turned his head in the direction of the crowd beside him, craning his neck to see over a couple of heads. Drinks were being thrown carelessly and money was being tossed as if not a care was in the world. As if Iwagakure wasn't going through a dry spell.
Something caught his eye, making his step falter as his lone eye basked in the beauty of a dark haired woman having an eating contest with…Chikako?
He speedily dropped his duffle bag from his shoulder and pushed through the crowd, receiving a few pats on the back from some people who knew him and some strikes against his head from some natives who disliked him.
What did it matter if they hated him or not? All that mattered at that moment was finding out who that woman was with Chikako.
At last, he made it to the front of the crowd being that he was short, pushed past the burly looking men that guarded the entrance of the tavern and quickly approached the table that Hinata and Chikako seemed to be eating from.
His hand hesitantly reached out to touch her shoulder, dodging the food that seemed to be ignored once it fell to the ground. He released a shuddering breath as his hand came in contact with her shoulder, making her jolt.
Hinata spun around hastily, an apology ready on her lips before her words clogged her throat. She gazed up in horror at the man that made Itachi so callous towards her, her hand scrubbing off the remains of food from her cheeks.
“Hinata, what the hell are you doing here wench?!”
His previous shy act left as the Hyuga woman before him squinted up to him and slapped his hand from her shoulder. Her brows drew together in anger as she spun back around to face Chikako whose face was bloated.
Deidara didn't like her new-found courage, he decided, grasping her shoulder and spinning her back to face him.
“Answer me wench and you better have a damn good answer before Itachi buries me.”
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Itachi ran his fingers over the rugged face as he slowly walked from the gates of Amegakure, deciding that he was too worn out to leap through the trees and just walked the small path that the thick trees formed.
He still hadn't found Hinata even in a small village such as Amegakure! If she wasn't there, where could she have been?
He didn't want to seem like a madman but he simply felt helpless without her at his side. He felt as if he couldn't breathe without her touch or her body pressed to his. And that Deidara!
That bastard had purposely guided her into his room.
He had purposely closed the door so he wouldn't know what he was going to do to his sunflower.
If he wasn't so dead-set on finding Hinata, he would've been trying to find that traitor Deidara and make him pay for trying to steal his fiancé from under his nose. It didn't matter now, they both had lost her.
Itachi bowed his head as he sluggishly made his way to the Land of Earth, or better known as Iwagakure. If she wasn't here, he would give up and disregard ever having feelings for her altogether.
She just had to be in Iwagakure.
Alright people and readers, I updated it even though I really didn't want to.