Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You ❯ It’s More Than just You ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summery: Sequel to the first Itachi/ Hinata fan fic `What Do You See In Me'
(Second part; please go easy on me again)
Disclaimer: sadly I do not own Naruto
Characters are a little OOC in this story.
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More Than You
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It's More Than just You
“Let go of me Itachi!” She tried to pry his hands from her wrist, a bit confused as to where he was taking her. They passed each Akatsuki room in a fury, coming upon the front door. He jerked it open with his free hand, throwing her out with the other. “I'll gladly let you go. Don't come back until you've found your mind again.”
My clothes?!”
Get new ones…I don't give a fuck what you do, just don't come back here!”
How am I supposed to survive? Where the hell am I going to go?!”
Get out!”
Her nostrils flared, catching a glimpse of Deidara approaching fast. “Fuck it! Fuck it all! And most of all fuck you Itachi!”
She dashed off in the direction of the woods, not turning back to witness Deidara and Itachi bickering.
……………………̷ 0;………………………… 230;………..
“Why'd you let her just run off like that bastard, un?!”
“It's none of your concern, although you should know exactly why I threw her out.”
“What? Just because I comfort her when you were being the piece of shit that you are to her, she gets punished for it?!”
“You just couldn't keep your hands to yourself could you? What do you think of her? Is she just another easy fuck to you Deidara?”
“Why the fuck do I have to answer to your ass, un?! I think of her as a human being unlike you. She even thinks you're a fucking bastard cause you were always trying to control her.”
Itachi ran his hands over his sullen face, trying immensely to put a bind on his rising anger for the small Akatsuki. His scarlet eyes peered at the blond through his fingers, a scowl smearing his lips.
How could Hinata betray him with Deidara?
With anyone for that matter.
Had he not been satisfying her as she wanted to be satisfied?
Had he struck a nerve with her?
“I want you to leave also.”
“You aren't welcomed to the Akatsuki hideaway. Leave.”
“You are so fucked up, un” Deidara strode back into the house, leaving the elder Uchiha to melt in his own puddle of rage. He hadn't meant to touch Hinata so intimately but the moment she crawled onto his bed with those semi revealing panties he couldn't stand to see her and not put his hands on her.
She hadn't even objected to his caresses, rather…she embraced them by being flirtatious.
The blond Akatsuki burst into his room, jerking open drawer after drawer as he dumped clothes onto the floor. If Itachi was going to kick him out as he did with Hinata, he wouldn't object to it. He was glad he was leaving these sick, twisted bastards.
He didn't need any of them. He could survive on his own just as he had been doing before they found him. Maybe he would become a bomber for hire again and pursue the life of a normal person instead of killing or massacring a village every twenty-four hours. People stereotyped him enough when he when just to go grocery shopping with Konan.
“Don't look for her either.”
“Why do I need to look for your wench when I can get one of my own?”
Deidara grasped the heap of clothes in his arms, turning to see Itachi leaned against the doorframe, his arms closed tightly over his chest. His crimson gaze spitting fire out at the ex-Akatsuki.
“Just don't look for her. It was fucked up enough that you would try and fuck her when she was mine.”
“I guess that's your fault for not paying closer attention to your wench then.” His hand reached out for the pile of hentai magazines on his night stand, setting them onto his pile of clothes. The enraged Uchiha stood aside as Deidara passed, stumbling to see over the pile in his arms.
“I mean it Deidara, don't go looking for her. You have no right to.”
“I have no right to? You fucking kicked her out in just a bra and panties and you tell me I have no rights?! Un!”
He could hear the heavy footsteps of the stotic Uchiha behind him as he approached the front door, nodding in acknowledgment to each member of the Akatsuki he passed.
He didn't need any of them and he damn sure wouldn't miss any of them.
Well, maybe he would miss Konan.
Itachi yanked the door open for him, standing aside as the blond waltzed pass. He then whizzed around, silently glaring down the rival Uchiha as he saluted the others.
“Where is he going Itachi?” Konan leaned her weight against the kitchen counter, feeling as if she were going to crash to the ground if she didn't lean against something.
“He'll be leaving for a while.”
“This in your standards means he ain't coming back.” Kisame didn't look surprised to see Deidara go, his arms crossed over his chest as a stotic expression held his beady eyes.
“You're going to regret this bastard cause when I'm gone I ain't coming back.”
His lone eye sized up the scene, lingering over each person in the room.
Kisame Hoshigaki
And lastly, Itachi Uchiha.
None of them he would ever see again. They were all dead to him as of Sasori. He would have to move back to Iwagakure if it wasn't already in ruins. Pursue his old life of being a terrorist bomber and slowly forget every being a member of the imfamous Akasuki organization.
His grudge against Itachi Uchiha or any other Uchiha would never let up though.
So this is what it felt like to leave a place where so many people adored you even if they didn't admit it. He would never forget what he learned here, cherishing only Sasori and Konan in his memory for when he needed them again.
His life would be as hopeless as it was before Itachi forced him into this organization. He would receive low pay and squander for his meals.
He was looking forward to it already as he swivled on his heels to stride off into the thick trees. He could hear Konan calling out to him, screaming for him to come back and to work things out but he just couldn't. If he did that then his pride would be perminantly damaged.
Good-bye Konan.
Good-bye Akatsuki.
……………………̷ 0;……
Hinata panted as she yanked a sheet from a slain clothes line, wrapping herself in it as she soon ran from the crime scene. She had no money, no clothes, and no one to love her. She was just as miserable as the day she found Konohagakure in ruins.
She hadn't known exactly how far she traveled until she stumbled upon a small village where she questioned a stout old woman where she was.
The old woman chuckled as she patted the dirt stains from her apron, daintily replying: “Why dear, your in Iwagakure, the Land of Earth.” Hinata sighed wearily, muttering out a small thanks as she hobbled on pass the woman. Somehow the woman wouldn't let her pass though, pulling at her wrist for her to follow along as she lead her to small, shrouding building that in some way resembled the elderly womans personality.
“Where are you taking me?” Her voice was husky from not being used over the past week she had been runing, letting the woman drag her pass the many ninjas that infested the enterance like flys on an open wound. She swatted the air to catch a few of their attentions to make them move as her hold on Hinata didn't let up.
“Some of these men are just as bad and the terrorists if you let them get a hold on you dearie.”
Hinata gazed over the short womans head, seeing exactly what the old woman meant about the many male ninjas. Their eyes held an odd mixture of lust and greed in their depths as they took in her appearance, some even trying to tug her from the elder womans grasp.
“Let go of her Chikako!”
The elder woman slapped wrinkled free hand over a younger hand, her grey eyes smothering his dark eyes. For a man who's name mean `child of wisdom'he wasn't too bright on leaving Hinata alone.
He just shook his brown bangs from his eyes; ignoring the woman's protests as his hand grazed Hinata's covered shoulder.
“And what might your name be, love?”
Her lavender eyes bored into his skeptically, wondering if the old woman wanted her to answer him or not. He took this as an initiative to step closer to her, upsetting the other male ninja's around him.
“You aren't going to answer me then, huh? No matter. You do have beautiful eyes though; what are they, Byakugan?”
“H-How did you know? Not many people outside of Konohagakure know.”
“So she speaks!” He boastfully taunts, a smile tickling his lips. She thought he had the most wonderful smile along with his adorable shaggy brown hair.
“Alright if you're done setting the field now Chikako, would you let us pass? The government will put me under heavy surveillance if this dear doesn't give her information to Tsuchikage.”
He waved off her urgently with a flick of his wrist, chuckling as he stepped back from them.
“Alright, alright Ms. Haruki you don't have to scold me like you always do. I've just never seen you in all my life bring a woman as beautiful as she is to Tsuchikage's tower.”
“Don't get too attached, I don't even know how long this poor child intends on staying here or even where she'll be staying.”
“She could stay with me!”
Ms. Haruki shook her head firmly, her wild grey curls bouncing along. Clearing her throat, she yanked the door open and drew both her and Hinata into the Tsuchikage's tower, not giving Chikako or any other male ninja a second glance.
However, Hinata turned her head just in time to catch him giving her a short wave before waltzing off with a group of other ninja's. She hastily faced forward, her cheeks warming up. He was such a beautiful man with a since of wittiness to him. She found herself wanting to know more of him and being able to see him again.
“Excuse me, Ms. Haruki?”
“Yes dearie?”
“Who was that man outside?”
“Chikako you mean? He's just an artistic jonin with too much time on his hand. Stick around him for more than a day and you'll be heart-broken dearie. I've seen it done and don't want such a sweet girl like you to be subjected to his cruel behavior.”
“Hai. Oh and Ms. Haruki?”
“My name is Hinata Hyuga if calling me dearie is becoming tiresome for you.”
The elder woman's footing faltered, glancing back at Hinata with a cheeky smile plastered to her swollen face. “I feel as if you were my daughter Hinata and if you wouldn't mind it too much, I'd like to keep calling you dearie.”
“I'm fine with it Ms. Haruki.”
As they glided pass many different people waiting in line at different desks, Ms. Haruki found a way to keep their conversation going even if they were starting to have less and less to talk about. She asked many questions of her family and in turn Hinata inquired of the Land of Earth.
Upon reaching a tightly latched door, Hinata couldn't be more relieved to finally have an excuse to not answer Ms. Haruki on her love life.
As of right now, she didn't have one.
The old woman held a fist to the door, poised to knock until the door abruptly opened, a young blonde woman storming out as she tried to cover her flushed face from Hinata and Ms. Haruki.
“Why Ms. Haruki, isn't this a pleasant surprise. I wasn't expecting to see you.”
(ok with this part I haven't see the Tsuchikage before so I cant really describe how he look s so I'll just improvise )
Hinata gazed up in fascination as the Tsuchikage escorted them into his office, his eyes hidden beneath the brim of is yellow hat, his face hidded behind the white cloth hanging from his hat. She thought they only wore that out when they visited other villages because Tsuade-sempai never wore her's inside her office.
“Who is this young woman you have accompanying you today Ms. Haruki?”
“She says her name is Hinata Hyuga and she is a native of Konohagakure.”
The Tsuchikage was silent, his fists clenched over his desk shaking imensly, frightening Hinata even more.
Was he going to band her from his village?
Ms. Haruki's hand tightened its hold reassuringly as she tried to coax the Tsuchikage to speak again. Her attempts proved fruitless as he strode to the door and yanked it open, with a sweep of his hand gesturing for them to leave.
“What has gotten into you Tsuchikage? We are to welcome any new comer as if they were our own.”
“She needs to leave, now. We are not of allience with Konohagakure and she isnt welcomed among us. She cant stay.”
“She needs to stay here! Just look at her Tsuchikage! She barely has any clothes on and you expect her to just move on until she finds another village that wont accept her?! Well I wont!”
With that, Ms. Haruki dragged Hinata out of the Tsuchikage's office after her, leaving him no time to respond to her demand.
……………………̷ 0;……………
The Akatsuki hideaway had been in total caos since the departure of both Deidara and Hinata. It was like the house was in silent mourning for the two to return so it could be like old times. No one would speak to the other, taking missions constantly to avoid being caught in the house alone.
For if they were caught alone in the hideaway alone, they would remember the times where Deidara would order Tobi around or when Hinata would waltz around the Akatsuki members as if she owned them all.
Even Itachi began taking on missions constantly, his thoughts of leaving the Akatsuki organization for Hinata drowning out.
It had been a month since he threw out Hinata and to be brutally honest, he was missing her dearly. He thought in order to miss her less, he would take on the missions he neglected in the past for her. Hoping one day that he would find her again just as he had the first time.
Only without all the corspes crushing her.
Itachi traveled further into the thick woods leading to Amegakure, the Land of Rain, hoping that she would be there. So he could take her back to the Akatsuki hideaway and forget ever throwing her out.
Sorry it took so freaking long but I was writing the third chapter to Addicted and then writing the sixth chapter to Here we Go Again and I forgot to update this one!! Okay and also my Microsoft Word is acting really fucked up so if u see that it's bold and italicized in one part and not the other just ignore it.
God computer r so fucked up!!
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