Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mountain ❯ Down from the Mountain ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Mountain

Genre: Hentai/Drama/Angst

Pairing: Kakashi/Sakura

Rating: NC17

Author: Sephira jo (contact:

Series: Naruto

Disclaimer: Naruto doesn't belong to me, nope not at all.

Archive: with permission only.

Author's notes/Disclaimer pt. 2: I'm going to start by saying that I don't approve of the type of relationship this fic promotes in real world setting. This is a work of fiction! But honestly, aside from using my Naruto RP character, I don't know who to pair Kakashi off with. And this is a really common pairing in doujinshi I've seen.

I've upped Sakura's age a couple years making her 14 which would make Kakashi 30. Since the series is still in progress, this is most likely going to end up being an AU fic. I'll also say in Japan, where until recently the age of consent was 13 (they increased it a few years ago), these types of relationships, well not common, do happen, at least in a lot of the lit. I've read. I mean, in Sailor Moon Usagi is 14 and Mamoru is in his early twenties (he's a college student.) Also in Utena, Utena is 14 and Akio god knows how old... So, don't hate me, in fact, if this type of thing offends you, don't read it at all, kay? One more thing, this is assuming that Sasuke gets away and runs off with Orochimaru... so it's most likely going to be a what if fic.

One more thing: Right now this is but a humble one shot. Feedback will dictate if more is warranted. ^_^ So remember, review if you want more.

* * ^_^ * *

Light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. - Lolita

She came down

From the mountain

And I

I stood my ground

On the mountain

Like a fire I'm drawn to her lust

I can't run from her but Lord I must

Like a demon I'm drawn to her flame

I'm gonna burn calling her name

I'm gonna burn calling her name - Mountain (Tonic)

* * ^_^ * *

Sakura gazed listlessly into the mirror that topped her desk, blowing a lock of her strawberry bubblegum colored hair out of her face. She looked horrible. Her hair rested on her shoulders, a few months ago she had decided to grow it out again, after keeping it short for two years.

It was an effort to forget about him. Uchiha Sasuke. Her childhood love, her one and only, she used to tell people that. He was gone, these two years, running away to Orochimaru, as he had predicted and Sakura had refused to believe.

At the time, not even Naruto's shy and guilt-ridden apology had gotten through to her. She and Sasuke had been getting closer, then he had left. Suddenly. It had felt like getting a limb ripped off.

Sakura hadn't changed her appearance in two years, in hopes that when (not if, but when) he came back, he'd still recognize her. A few months ago, she had given that up. She blew another stray coil out of her eyes, her hair was at the puffy stage, nothing she did seemed to control it.

"Sakura, dinner!" Her mother's muffled voice called through her door. With a sigh, she pushed herself away from the desk and adjusted the short red top, she had long ago done away with the frumpy dress, and walked into the kitchen.

Her parents sat at the table, each in front of a plate of bland looking food. "We've been calling you for more than fifteen minutes, dear," her mother said, her hands across her chest in that gesture she always used when lecturing her daughter, "Are you feeling well?"

Sakura sat down, not looking at her mother, "I'm fine," she answered.

Her mother sighed, then decided to change the subject, "By the way, congratulations on becoming a chuunin, your father and I are both proud of you, Sakura." Her father said nothing, just made an affirmative noise.

"That happened two months ago Mom," Sakura said evenly, picking at her food. Those congratulations were the first either of her parents had mentioned it. She picked at her food, pushing it with the chopsticks. She wasn't really hungry.

"Oh, well it doesn't seem that long ago," Her mother said too quickly, covering for the error. It would've been better if they hadn't even mentioned it, Sakura thought sourly. This wasn't the first time her Mom had messed up like this. A couple months after Sasuke had left, her mother had offhandedly asked her how the nice Uchiha boy was doing.

Sakura sighed and pushed her plate away, only having taken a few bites of the food, everything tasted dry lately. She walked for the door.

"Where are you going, Sakura?" Her mother's voice cut through the fog of Sakura's own thoughts while her hand rested on the doorknob.

"Out," Sakura said tersely.

"When will you be back, honey?"

"Don't know," Sakura replied.

"Well, have fun then," Her mother said and Sakura sighed, leaving the house and it's asinine occupants behind her. When was it, Sakura wondered, That she just stopped trying? It's pathetic.

Sakura walked down the street heading in the direction of the all night restaurant where she'd meet her friends. If nothing else, at least she'd have some conversation that didn't destroy precious brain cells.

She entered the restaurant to find she didn't have to worry about getting a table; Ino was already there sitting in a booth by the windows, for once without her perpetually bored looking boyfriend. Without Sasuke to come between them, the two girls had resumed their former friendship easily.

"Sa~ku~ra! Over here!" Ino called out, jumping up and waving. Sakura allowed herself a bit of a smile and made her way over to the booth, sliding into the other side.

"Ino," Sakura smiled, "Where's Shikamaru?"

Ino giggled slightly, "Well, I kinda tired him out and we kinda have a mission tomorrow. If he knows what's good for him, he's asleep." Ino smiled evilly, in the two years past she had become chestier, even more confident (if that was possible) and had grown her blonde hair back out to its extraordinary length. She had felt no need to wait for Sasuke. Not with a second option so nearby.

"You didn't, did you?" Sakura gapped, in the manner of teenage girl talk, more a matter of form than meaning.

Ino just grinned, "You know, that's one thing he isn't lazy at surprisingly." It was then Sakura noticed a couple fresh hickeys on her friend. She held in a fit of giggles as a waitress came by with a menu and sat it down in front of her then walked away to take the order of someone who was ready.

"Well," Sakura leaned in, "How was it?" She asked, twitching with girlish curiosity. With her luck, she'd never know.

Ino blushed and grinned sheepishly at the same time, "I dunno..."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, "You didn't really do anything, did you." She said, laughing slightly.

"Oh, no, we did it," Ino said, still grinning shyly.

Sakura leaned in close over the table, "So... what was it like?" she asked, still a half-grin on her face.

Ino blushed, and for one of the first times ever, Sakura could've sworn her friend was totally speechless, "Well, it didn't really hurt or anything, like you hear, and it was like..." Ino blushed even brighter and started to giggle insanely.

"Come on, you have to say it now!" Sakura said, then got a devilish thought, leaning as far as she could over the table, she playfully grabbed at her friend's top, "Unless you're so embarrassed because you're covering even more marks in 'unspeakable places'!"

Ino shrieked and laughed, Sakura forgetting the horrid day, the depressive thoughts as she hung out with her friend. They stopped at the sound of a clearing throat. A waitress was standing there, her eyebrows raised, "Can I take your orders?"

Realizing what they must have looked like, both girls sat back in their seats, laughing. They ordered.

Ino shook herself off after the waitress left, pulling her shirt back into place, "It's... it's really hard to describe."

Sakura sighed, "Well, it's not like I'll ever get a chance to know," she muttered.

It was Ino's turn to raise an eyebrow, "With an attitude like that, you won't. It shouldn't be too hard for you to find a guy. I mean, after two years I've finally gotten you to grow your hair out again. Maybe it's time for the next step."

Sakura looked confused as drinks arrived tea for her, coffee for Ino. "What's the 'next step'?" She asked, suspicious.

"Why, Sakura," Ino sounded coy, which worried Sakura, "The next step is to get you laid. You can't wait for him to come back; he's not. This is a surefire way to forget about him for good. It worked for me," Ino finished, like she was peddling a wonder drug. I had sex to forget about Uchiha Sasuke and it worked! Sakura had to try not to snort her thoughts about that.

Sakura sighed, "And who did you have in mind for this?"

"Naruto?" Ino suggested.

"Blech. Not only do I not like him like that, he has a girlfriend now."

"Oh yeah, Hinata, right? Okay then... Lee-san maybe?"

"You're kidding right? I mean, he's a nice guy and all..."

"You're right, that was a joke," Ino laughed, "Well, there's always Neji..."

"Too cold."

"You're impossible to please, aren't you Sakura?" Ino asked, playing with her glass.

"Better too stiff than too loose," Sakura muttered taking a sip of her tea. It was bitter.

"Too stiff and you'll never forget about him, there has to be someone you at least think is good looking," Ino said, pushing on Sakura's forehead.

Sakura thought about it and then joked, "Well, there's always Kakashi-sensei."

"Okay then. Kakashi-sensei it is, though it might take awhile. I've heard breaking older men is harder..."

Sakura looked up shocked, "Wait! Stop right there, doesn't something about that seem, wrong to you?"

"Well, you think he looks good don't you? And he's always reading those hentai books, so you know he's perverted enough to go for it," Ino explained, "And as far as I've heard, he's not seeing anyone. I know these things, Dad's quite the gossip for a high level ninja," Ino explained evenly, taking a long drink of her coffee, "besides, when everyone else doesn't fit your standards, you can't fail with the teacher."

"So, you're saying you'd sleep with Asuma-sensei?" Sakura asked, turning Ino's logic back on her.

"Of course not! Not only is he seeing Kurenai-sensei, he smokes! Do you know how bad those things smell? Say nothing of taste, smoking is such a turn off, luckily Shikamaru is way too lazy to try it," Ino said.

"Touché," Sakura returned, "But there really isn't any sane way to go about it, I mean, he's my teacher! How the hell do you expect me to seduce him? And what then? Won't it cost him his job if anyone finds out?"

"Well, I guess that's the fun part," Ino smiled, "And you don't have to worry about the last, I won't tell anyone, we never had this conversation. It will be good for you, you'll see. You'll be able to breathe again afterwards."

Sakura just shook her head and took another sip of tea. She and Ino hung out for a while longer after that, gossiping, talking, throwing ideas and stories back and forth until well after midnight. When Ino left, Sakura stayed awhile longer, bereft from the empty space her friend's departure made. The forlorn feeling came back.

And as always happened when she was alone, Sakura's thoughts turned to Sasuke. The memories hurt and she reflected on what Ino had said. Maybe, just maybe it would work, and she'd finally be able to break free from the chains that bound her firmly in the past. Kakashi-sensei, huh? Sakura thought, well, there certainly isn't any harm in trying. He'll most likely just turn me down anyway, no harm no foul. Besides, I've always wanted to know what he looks like without the mask.

Decided, Sakura left the money for her drink and left. She'd have to catch Ino really early in the morning to get her friend to tell her the finer points of this game, so when she chose to play it, she'd come out the winner.

* * *

Ino's advice in the early morning was straight forward and simple. "Let things that naturally shake and bounce, do so. Things that aren't supposed to, keep tied down. And most of all, make it all seem unintentional until you're ready to strike."

So, taking that in mind, Sakura prepared herself for the upcoming afternoon training session with her sensei. Standing in front of her long mirror by her bedroom door, she gave herself the one over. She had taken off her bra, with the small cut off red top she was wearing she could almost see the lower curves peak out from underneath the shirt. The slit skit she was wearing over a pair of short black shorts showed off her legs.

After a moment of contemplation she decided she didn't look that bad. Her hair on the other hand, she had tried comb it, to pull it back into a ponytail or anything, but it just wasn't working. The shoulder length pink locks went anywhere they wanted too, and did so with abandon. If one thing ruins this, Sakura thought, I swear, it's going to be my hair. She shook her head and tied her forehead protector into its place, at least that kept some of the more rebellious locks out of her face.

A glance at her clock told her she should get going. Despite the fact that Kakashi-sensei was always late, Sakura had never once missed an assigned meeting time. With one last pose and glance at herself in the mirror, Sakura gave herself a self-satisfied nod, and headed out of her room and toward the front door.

"Sakura, dear," Her mother's voice called out as Sakura started to open the door.

"What?" Sakura answered, not moving her hand from the knob.

"Isn't that shirt a little short?"

"It's summer, Mom."

"Oh," Her mother said, as if she hadn't known, "Well, where are you going?"

"I have a training session."

"You might want to bring an umbrella or something, dear, the weather said it might storm later on."

"I'll be fine," Sakura said, irked and left the house, not waiting for her mother to say goodbye. She looked up at the clear sky, though it was a little humid, she didn't think the weather really looked like rain. She shook her head and walked today's meeting place.

"Yo, Sakura-chan, morning!" Naruto's voice called out and Sakura looked up, normally she beat Naruto to the meeting places. She smiled and responded in like before sitting up against a tree, getting ready for the wait that could be anywhere from fifteen minutes to seven hours.

Sakura was more than slightly surprised when Naruto came up to her, "Hey, Sakura-chan, can I get your input on something?"

Sakura looked up from the book she had been using to hide a manga of a more adult nature, she hid both from the blonde's view quickly, "What?"

Naruto held out a necklace with a single purple gem in the shape of a heart hanging in a gold setting, "You think Hinata-chan will like this?"

For a moment Sakura could only stare at the necklace. Any girl she knew, herself included, would kill for a guy who gave gifts like that, "Naruto... you don't even have to ask. She'll love it," Sakura told him honestly. Remembering a time where all she had dreamed about was a gift and a confession of love from Sasuke, she smiled falsely, trying to cover up the memories.

Naruto grinned ear to ear, oblivious, "You think so? Great! I wasn't sure if she'd like it or not. I mean, girls just have weird tastes, not that you have weird tastes or anything," He said too quickly, like he was trying to cover for himself. Sakura smiled, this time it was real and moved against the tree, pushing herself up a little. If nothing else, Naruto was a loveable buffoon and a good friend.

"So, are you saying I'm not a girl?" Sakura asked, looking up at him. Naruto all of a sudden looked very confused and Sakura noticed he wasn't looking her in the eyes. He was staring at her chest.

Why is it always the guy I don't want that notices? Sakura thought, "Naruto! What do you think you're looking at?!" Sakura demanded.

"Nothing, Sakura-chan!" Naruto claimed, too quickly, backing away. He knew what happened next, "I swear, nothing! I have a girlfriend!" He finished, a lame excuse at that, as if that had ever stopped him from peeping, he was still public enemy number one at the Leaf Village public bath for women. His eyes were still locked on her chest, a small stream of blood trickled from his nose.

Morbidly curious, Sakura looked down. It must've happened when she had moved against the tree bark, that's the only reason she could think for what she saw. Her short red shirt had been pulled up, exposing over half her chest to Naruto, nipples and all. Quickly she pulled the shirt back down, "Naruto, you pervert!" She shouted, rising up and punching him soundly in the face, sending him flying backwards.

She walked over to where he lay, and got ready to kick him, "Honestly, Sakura-chan, it's not my fault you're not wearing a bra!"

"Silence!" Sakura said, kicking him a couple times for good measure, the kicks not the kind that dealt damage, "If you weren't such a perv, this type of thing wouldn't happen to you!"

Kakashi stopped and blinked a couple times before walking the rest of the way into the clearing. He had heard Sakura demanding to know what Naruto was looking at, and being a curious man, stopped and looked himself, wondering what had incurred such a tone of voice from Sakura. What he got was an eyeful. What Naruto was receiving was a sound beating.

Kakashi chuckled, it was good to see his students enjoying themselves, even if the display was a bit childish. Some things had hardly changed in two years, while other things had. He walked into the clearing, coughing to get the attention of his students.

Sakura stopped her mauling of Naruto and greeted Kakashi with the customary, "You're late sensei!" Which normally would've been echoed by Naruto if he was slightly more conscious.

Naruto managed to climb to his knees, looking like he had wrestled a tiger, and in a way he had, Kakashi mused, and Naruto finally echoed Sakura. "Well," Kakashi thought for a moment, trying to come up with an excuse he hadn't used at least once in the two years he had these students, "A cute young woman walking a fox crossed my path," he decided on.

"Liar!" Both Naruto and Sakura accused at the same time, and underneath his mask, Kakashi grinned. It wasn't entirely untrue. He had just seen a cute girl enjoying herself. And given the way Sakura had been acting as of late, it was refreshing to see her with some of her spark back.

"What are we going to work on today, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto questioned eagerly, "The chidori, maybe?" He suggested, as he did daily, though Kakashi hadn't yet taught the hyper boy that technique. He didn't need to learn it, but it didn't stop Naruto from asking daily, like a child begging for a piece of candy.

Sakura shot Naruto a look, throughly annoyed. He asked the same the same question daily, "Naruto," Sakura started evenly. Naruto looked at her.

"What?" He asked.

"What was the answer to that question yesterday?" Sakura asked, her voice lilting.

"It doesn't mean he'll say 'no' today, Sakura-chan," Naruto grinned ear to ear, looking very fox-like as he did so. He proceeding making gestures that emulated the famous technique Kakashi had developed.

"Naruto, you moron!" Sakura cuffed him, Naruto just dodged and laughed, he seemed to be having fun, which grated on her nerves even more.

"Now, now, break it up you two," Kakashi said evenly, "Today I thought we'd work on your Taijutsu. You both passed the chuunin exam this time around, but your hand to hand skills could use a little work."

Naruto responded enthusiastically, as he did for just about everything. Sakura's reaction was a little more... puzzling. "Hai, Sensei," She said, and though there was nothing strange about that, it was the almost total change of posture and voice that struck Kakashi as odd. That and she was blushing. Horribly. Kakashi blamed the summer weather for the blush. It was extremely humid out. Though the look she shot him with her response, he couldn't pass off on the weather, so he shook it off, thinking he had imagined it.

"So, to start," Kakashi continued his voice betraying nothing of what he thought he had imagined, "I'd like you two to show me what you've learned by sparring together, no weapons, no jutsus. Just hand to hand," He finished, leaning back against the tree Sakura had been sitting against earlier.

"You can start... oh... right now."

Sakura cursed silently as she slid out of the way just in time to avoid Naruto, who, true to form, hadn't even waited for Kakashi to finish his sentence. This isn't what I wanted, Sakura sulked to herself, Not Naruto. Then again, this will just be until he leaves to train with Jiraiya-sama in a bit. Maybe I can show off with Kakashi-sensei watching me...? It's worth a try. I mean, it can't hurt, right? Sakura decided.

She started to throw herself into her moves, planning them so that the bottom curves her breasts, would show occasionally, that her flat stomach and hips would stand out. She tried to make it look like she wasn't trying, and that was hard. She felt the whole effort was making her look stupid, which added a blush to her cheeks and a slight unsureness to her moves.

It was then she noticed something odd. Naruto seemed every bit as flustered as she was. Not to mention he was blushing too. Oh great, Sakura thought dismally, It's working on Naruto, just what I did not want. Of course, since he seemed to be focused on her chest, Sakura had an advantage she could press. And press it she did. The girl in her couldn't resist a taunt, "What's the matter, Naruto? You're normally better than this," she grinned.

"I'm doing my breast, Sakura-chan!" Naruto said. They both stopped. There was a deathly silence. Naruto quickly tried to cover for himself, "Best, I mean I'm doing my best!!"

"Naruto, you lecher!" Sakura accused, letting a punch fly at the now prone Naruto. He was now being beaten by her feminine charms. Literally.

Kakashi watched from a distance, about as detached as he could be from the scene. He had to admit his eyes followed Sakura more than Naruto. He tried to tell himself that it was because she needed more work in this area. And the excuse almost stuck, until the flesh began to show.

Small bits, the lower curve of small, compact, yet all too feminine breasts. The smooth flesh of her abdomen, the curves of her legs, even the form of her arms. Distantly he reminded himself there was nothing wrong with looking that was natural. Men did it all the time. Then, unbidden, an image of Sakura, her shirt pulled up revealing her perfect, round breasts, bitting her finger and looking up at him blushing shyly, filled his mind. Kakashi-sensei...

He shook his head slightly, pushing the image aside as quickly as it had popped into his head. It was one to many hentai novels, the product of the last few months of being alone. Nothing more than that. Nothing more. He trained his thoughts back firmly on reality, where Sakura was practically killing a downed Naruto over a comment about breasts.

If nothing else she could take care of herself. Kakashi cleared his throat, "Sakura, that's enough, you don't want to kill Naruto," He said, the last part a joke. Sakura, still looking miffed, moved away from the smoking Naruto who was laying on the ground twitching slightly.

"I swear... I meant best..." Naruto gasped.

"Yeah right," Sakura returned, giving him one more kick for good measure.

Kakashi sighed, this might never end unless he stepped in somehow. "Naruto, isn't it about time for you to go meet Jiraiya-sama?" Kakashi pointed out. Naruto pushed himself up off the ground brushing off dirt and grass.

"Pervert," Sakura mouthed.

"It's your fault, Braless," Naruto mouthed back. Kakashi had to place a hand on Sakura's shoulder to stop her from attacking Naruto again. Never mind that the touch was slightly stronger than usual, or he lingered longer than normal as Naruto brushed off the confrontation and left. He pushed it all aside, a victim of circumstance, and forgot about it almost as it happened. His hand left her shoulder when she shifted.

She looked up at him, with her large sea colored eyes, "What's next, Kakashi-sensei?" She asked simply. Her tone normal, but her face flushed. She had just worked out, after all. "More hand to hand?" She looked eager.

He considered it for a moment, distraction gave her an unfair advantage but he didn't mention that to her. More likely she had no idea what she was doing, after all, she was just a child. No, a young woman, he corrected himself. He nodded slowly, "If that's what you want, Sakura." His voice was even.

She nodded, happy that Kakashi had given her the choice. She felt like she blushed a little more, she grinned up at him, "Hai, Kakashi-sensei. I'd like that," Sakura responded, trying, she hoped not too hard, to place a double meaning behind her words. She watched for a moment, it didn't look like he got it. Sakura frowned to herself. In her mind she sighed, what floored the boy seemed to have no effect on the man, just her luck.

Sakura thought quickly and added, leaning forward a little bit, knowing that he could see down her shirt, "You'll go easy on me, right?" She asked coyly.

"If that's what you want," he returned. It was hard to tell where his gaze was falling, but Sakura had the distinct impression that he might have indeed been looking down her shirt. Score!

"So you'll do anything I want?" Sakura asked, her tone dancing.

"Anything within the limits of today's lesson." He responded, Sakura was by no means a master of all the tones of voice her sensei used, but she could've sworn that one was almost firm, reprimanding.

"What does that mean, Kakashi-sensei?" She asked, giving him the most innocent look she could muster, shifting slightly, but still making sure he'd be able to see down her shirt, the gesture felt infinitely girlish and Sakura swore to herself, girlish was not what she was going for.

She could've sworn she heard her sensei sigh, "Never mind. Shall we?"

She was teasing him. She had to be. That was the only thing he could think of and it, in it's very self was ludicrous. There was a girlish innocence to her movements that was riddled with the insecurities of her young age. And that in itself was wearing on him.

It was best to forget it, to push it aside. Whatever was going through his mind would not be there tomorrow, this was a one time only thing complicated slightly by both outside and inside matters. But nothing would come of it at all. They sparred.

It could be said he was going easy on her, but in reality his movements were dictated by what directions he could best enjoy the view from. He was constantly reminding himself that there wasn't anything wrong with that. It was human to acknowledge the budding beauty in another. Even if that other was his fourteen-year-old student.

And while she directed his movements, he directed hers. Helping her and watching her at the same time, pointing out ways to improve while keeping certain assets in certain views and positions. It was an art form really. And he was enjoying himself, almost too much. In the back of his mind, he noticed the sky darkening, but pushed it aside, it wasn't important.

It was all going well, on all levels, until Sakura tripped and fell, landing on top of him, normally the blow would not have been enough to knock him over by any means. But since he was distracted by pale flesh barely covered by the red shirt at the time, it caught him off guard enough to topple him as well.

To Sakura, they seemed to fall in slow motion. She was blushing horribly, feeling like a child. Women didn't trip and fall, women knew when they were doing such things right, a woman in the middle of a seductive dance didn't fall over an upturned root like a child running full tilt at a park. It just didn't happen.

So it figured it would happen to her. Sakura knew she should've expected things to go wrong, the way they had been for the past couple years. When she landed atop of him, it knocked the breath from her. And it wasn't the force of the blow that did so. She was against him. True there was clothing separating them, but for one moment, it made no difference to her. It was a small measure of her goal.

He feels...strong, Sakura thought, and warm. Like he could break me in half, but I know him, and I know he wouldn't. This is...nice. That thought sparked something inside of her and suddenly, Sakura felt too warm, she shifted on him, trying to push herself up a little, embarrassed for a reason she had no name for. She only knew she wanted to be closer to him, so much closer, and she wasn't sure what to think about that. Suddenly this distant concept of a 'game' became very real, very serious, and for a moment Sakura suffered a tsunami of doubt as her mind filled with the image of what it was she was after.

Is that really what I want? Sakura thought, and she was slightly afraid. This was bigger than just her all of a sudden, and it carried her around with it. She saw Sasuke's face in her mind's eye for a moment, the young girl insisting that it be love first, not desire. And that clinched it. Yes, I want this. I need this. Or I'll never be able to forget about him. It was then she realized Kakashi had just said something.

"What?" She squeaked and shifted again, leaning in a little more.

"Would you," He said, looking pained his voice strained for a reason Sakura couldn't name, "Please move your right leg? Now?"

It was then Sakura even noticed the placement of her legs. Her left leg was brushing against his outer thigh. Her right leg... Her right leg was shoved in against something hard. This alone struck Sakura as odd. She had kicked Naruto in the groin quite a few times and it was always soft. She turned about five different shades of red when she realized what that meant. She picked herself up as quickly as she could, mumbling something that sounded like a cross between an apology and a confession.

Sakura backed away, not paying any attention to what was around her, and fell again, on the same upturned tree root as before. She tried to maneuver to catch herself, but her ankle was snagged on the root. It twisted, she made a pained noise, but never hit the ground.

Kakashi-sensei held her, mere centimeters above the ground and then, like a benevolent force, placed her in a sitting position on the ground. She looked up at him, feeling the idiot. Could, she thought bitterly, things go any more wrong with this? She had finished the thought when a crack of thunder sounded and the sky burst open. Okay, it just did get worse. Now not only am I wounded, we're both soaked. So much for a grown up seduction plot. I knew this wouldn't work.

Kakashi seemed to be ignoring the heavy rain as he picked up her ankle and examined it, removing her shoe as he did so. Sakura blushed again. There was something fetching about the situation. Rain matted his hair down, ran over the curves of his face, even made his mask seem a little more transparent, she could almost see the outline of features, the paleness of skin. Her breath caught.

"It's twisted," he said simply.

"What?" Sakura squeaked, as if she had no idea what he was talking about.

"Your ankle. It's twisted, we'll have to treat this," he stated, and let go of her foot gently. There was another crash of thunder. It was still pouring. She could hardly hear him of the noise the storm was making, or was the thunder simply her heart, "We should get out of the storm too, and you're not in any condition to walk home."

Kakashi sighed, and Sakura just stared up at him, nodding dumbly, "So," he said, "I'll have to treat that at my apartment, if that's fine with you, Sakura."

Sakura smiled, trying to look completely calm. Hard, when the rain fell against her face, when her clothing was soaked, and when all she saw was him. She tried to think of something to say, "Um... I can't walk," she said lamely, breathless.

"I was going to suggest carrying you," Kakashi said, then smiled, the smile he always had used on her, Naruto and Sasuke. For the longest time it had comforted her, could've pulled her out of any depression. She called it his 'student' smile and she hated it. It meant to her that he still saw her as a child. "Piggyback, if you don't mind."

Sakura said nothing, just shook her head. At least he'd be carrying her, even if it was a childish type of carry. What did you expect? She chided herself angrily, him to carry you over the threshold like some blushing bride? If you want this, you'll have to work for it. It's not going to happen if you keep doing nothing.

Kakashi picked her up as if she weighed nothing at all, and Sakura slid her arms loosely around his neck. He was every bit as drenched as her and the rain still kept coming. There was something pleasant about being this close to his wet body, she decided to enjoy it and wiggled in closer. He started to walk.

Kakashi was trying very hard not to think, because his thoughts were leading him down an avenue best left unexplored. It was an avenue of soft sighs, warm bodies and movement. Of lips, skin, and something wholly forbidden. It would stay that way, for his sanity it had to.

Sakura's soft breasts pressed into his back. Kakashi could feel them even through the thick uniform jacket. Her arms, wet with rain water, held onto him with a trusting innocence that made him feel ashamed for the way his mind wandered, but then there were her thighs, clenching around his waist with a firm grip, they seemed too warm despite the cool water that seemed to surround everything about them. The storm was almost as bad as the one going through his mind.

He was her sensei, he had a responsibility to keep her safe, all the more reason to get her to his bed, Kakashi mentally kicked himself, house, he had meant, to his house where he could tend her wound, where they could dry off. Where he could watch... no keep a gentle eye on her. Kakashi shifted her weight a little bit on his back, pushing aside the images of her young body sliding against his in another way.

She smelled like a field of freshly fallen cherry blossoms and strawberries, mixed with something musky, something ill defined, that had to be her and only her. It drove a part of him to distraction, and he tried to push it aside, to burry it under a curtain of responsibility.

Sakura must have been tired, for she leaned her head on his shoulder. Stray locks of the pink hair brushed and stuck against his upper cheek, where the mask receded, glued there by the rain. He tried to ignore the feeling, and had managed to push it aside, when her lips brushed his neck oh so innocently. Even through the thin fabric of his mask, it burned. He stopped dead as his mind threw at him the image of him holding her against him the other way, devouring those soft lips as bodies wet with rain dried each other off.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura's voice was quite and concerned, innocent and pure. She shifted against him, and he tried to steady his breathing, "What's wrong, why did you stop?"

"No reason, we're almost there," he said, his voice betrayed nothing. They traveled the rest of the way in silence. The more he tried to push the thoughts and images aside, the stronger they became. He wouldn't let that part of his mind take over because of the events of this one day. Sakura trusted him as a teacher, and he would never betray that trust. Not for anything, not even himself.

Sakura sat in a silent observation from her spot on Kakashi's back. Had her sensei looked upon her face, he would've seen a little, quiet smirk. I think it's working! Sakura thought, excited. He seemed to be walking stiffly, and though Sakura couldn't figure out why that was, she enjoyed the fact that she could indeed affect a man. Now, if I can keep it up, that will be the hard part, not to ruin this. Oh, God, I don't want to ruin this.

Without thinking she snuggled her head into his neck. Even with the mask in the way it was nice. Nice to be so close to someone. She inhaled. He smelled like the rain that fell around them, wet fabric, matted hair and something, that for lack of a better description, smelled manly. It made something in her stomach twist and turn, the feeling you got when climbing something or falling from a high place. She felt... twitchy, like she was missing something she needed.

Sakura pouted and moved her hips against him, and noticed that it seemed to help the twitching ache slightly. She moved her hips again, innocently, like she was just shifting her weight to make herself comfortable. But even that slight movement spread a fire through her. It burned every corner of her body, her hands twined in the fabric of his shirt, caressing his shoulders. She shifted again, and she almost thought she heard him bite back some sort of sound.

His arms then shifted her legs for her, moving her in such a way that she couldn't keep shifting herself anymore. Sakura swore to herself harshly, maybe he wasn't interested. Maybe he just saw her as a dumb girl going through some sort of phase. She bit her lip, but didn't move her head from the comfort of his neck and shoulder. If he accused her of anything, she'd feign innocence.

They entered his apartment building. Sakura was surprised to see that his was one of the smaller apartments there. True to male form, it was extremely austere, the only extras saw anywhere were a few photos. And those caught her attention, they were photos back from when team seven was still a three man operation. Back right after Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke had first graduated.

She looked away from the pictures, her happy memories of those times had been shattered when Sasuke had left. The memories were tainted. Kakashi turned and shut the door with her still on his back, then he gently sat her down on an overstuffed and mismatched chair. "I'll be right back," he said quickly, almost too quickly and went in the direction of his bedroom.

Sakura took the moment to look around the small apartment in more detail. He had bookshelves stocked with an odd combination of hentai manga, scrolls and books on fighting, she recognized an old bingo book, a testament to time he must've spent as an Anbu. But the hentai manga out numbered all of it. Sakura had to repress a giggle, it was kind of funny actually. My sensei, the pervert.

Sakura looked up as she heard Kakashi re-enter the living room, wearing a change of pants and his mask, nothing else, not even his forehead protector. In his hand he was holding an overly large white shirt out to her, "Change into this and then we'll look at that ankle, okay Sakura?" Sakura took the shirt and nodded, "Can you stand?" He asked, when she didn't stand up from the chair.

"I don't know," Sakura answered honestly.

Kakashi walked over to her, and helped her up. It was hard to balance, but as long as she didn't have to walk any distance, she'd be okay. Which brought to mind the question of where he expected her to change. Struck with a wicked idea, Sakura, not moving from where she stood slowly and easily pulled her wet red top off, reveling her chest to him. She undressed the rest of the way with a boldness she had no idea she possessed, standing right in front of him.

She noticed then he had turned away from her. But the position and movement of his head made her wonder if he was looking at her anyway. Sakura felt a little confused by this. The matter seemed extremely straightforward to her. Either he wanted to be with her or he didn't. He couldn't have it both ways. He couldn't not want to be with her but want to look. More than a little frustrated Sakura slid the large white shirt over her head. The size difference between Kakashi and her made it way too large, and it dropped around the shoulders.

She sat back down on the chair. Kakashi took her ankle and some bandages and started examining her hurt ankle. Sakura pushed down a grin, he was about to get quite the surprise. This should tell me wether he sees me as a girl... or a woman.

Of course, it was just her luck that thunder sounded and the lights went out before he could notice she wasn't wearing her underwear either. She jumped slightly, the loud noise jarring, but Kakashi just tended her ankle in the dark, lighting providing the extra light needed. Sakura sulked a bit, and sat back into the chair, watching him bind the twisted limb. "Now what?" She asked, as much to herself as to her sensei.

"You can wait out the storm here," Kakashi said moving away from her, "You'll be safe here." There was another flash of lighting, and the features above the line of his mask looked conflicted.

"Is there anything we can do together?" Sakura asked, curious.

Now it seemed like Kakashi was giving her a harsh gaze, its potency was doubled with both eyes, "I don't play games, Sakura," was all he said.

Inside Sakura blanked, but she reacted quickly and titled her head to one side and asked, "What does that mean?"

Kakashi sighed, it seemed to Sakura that he was doing that a lot today, "Nothing," he said.

"Do you have any candles we can light or anything?" Sakura asked, "So I can read or something?" Since I won't be doing anything else, she thought bitterly, I so blew it.

"There are some candles in that stand over there," he pointed to a small night stand looking thing by one of the windows. Sakura, not giving him a chance to move. She made it to the drawer okay and pulled out a couple white candles, her hands guided by a couple more flashes of lighting. She turned to walk back towards the chair, but fell when her ankle gave out.

For the second time that day, Kakashi-sensei caught her before she had hit anything. Her face was practically buried in his lap, her arms wrapped reflectively around his waist. For some reason she couldn't name, her rear felt kind of cold. She looked over her shoulder and her eyes widened. The shirt had been bunched up around her waist. Kakashi had a full view of her ass.

Sakura sat up quickly and looked away from him that was not how she had wanted him to see that part of her. She glanced up at him shyly and was surprised to see some old wounds on his chest still in the processes of closing, they looked like they hadn't been treated right. Her embarrassment over her constant slip ups vanished. "Kakashi-sensei, when did this happen?" she asked, moving in to look at the wound closer.

"It's nothing," he returned without embellishment.

Sakura shook her head, "How can you say that, Kakashi-sensei?" She stood, wobbly, all her weight on one foot and hobbled into the bathroom, with the way he kept everything arraigned it was easy to find the disinfectant, She had to reach on her tip toes for it, and Kakashi may have gotten another glance of her rear end, but to Sakura that didn't matter. She moved back to the small living room with the disinfectant and some bandages and kneeled back down in front of him.

"Sakura, you don't have to do this," Kakashi said. Sakura gave him a stern look.

"You always tell us to take care of ourselves, I'm not going to let you sit here with an infected wound you won't do anything about," Sakura stated evenly. Besides, she thought, I'd be a total moron to pass up this chance for recovery! I'll get him yet. I know I felt his eyes on me when I had to reach up for the disinfectant, you only look if you're interested, right?

Kakashi said nothing and Sakura poured some of the clear solution onto a spare rag and leaned in. Dabbing the harsh smelling liquid on one of the open wounds, Sakura was able to touch him, to move in close. She felt slightly flushed. It was hard to concentrate with being so close to him. It was like his very aura seeped into her skin.

Sakura, too busy staring at Kakashi's perfect chest, too nervous about her planning and too affected by his mere presence, didn't pay attention and realized too late she was over pouring the disinfectant, right over her sensei's groin. It was like watching one of those movies with a train wreck in slow motion. She was unable to stop it until after a goodly amount of damage had been done.

"I... I'm so sorry!" Sakura gasped and took the pieces of fabric she had been using to start sopping up the alcohol smelling liquid. She blushed furiously, not looking up at him, half afraid of what she'd see there in his eyes. As she sopped up the liquid, she felt something come to life, pulse and grow beneath her hands, beneath the fabric of his pants.

She paused and for a moment was slightly confused. Then Sakura remembered earlier, when she had fallen atop of Kakashi while sparring. It had been hard then too. Her lips upturned in a small smile. There was hope for her it seemed. Like she had no idea what she was doing to him, she moved in a little closer, and with both hands continued to soak up the liquid moving her hands over him, caressing it through the fabric. Beneath her touch it grew, it pulsed.

She moved in closer, with the movement the overlarge shirt fell from one of her shoulders. Everything was warm. She smiled openly. She was sure she had him.

It seemed that everything conspired against him this evening. And Kakashi had enough. For both their sakes the game had to stop here. Sakura was just a child, more than likely she had no idea what she was doing. Kakashi knew the flaw in his logic on that, he knew full well she was at the age to know what she was doing, to know what she thought she wanted, and that was all the more reason for this to end here. Before what she thought she wanted consumed them both.

Kakashi took both of her hands in one of his, and with the other pulled her shirt back up over her shoulder, covering up the one pale breast that has shown in a flash of lighting. This was madness, it had to end, "Sakura, stop it."

She looked up at him, her green eyes seemed like pieces of jade glowing in the dim light, "Stop what?" She asked, though her tone tried to convince him that she was innocent of all wrong doing, she couldn't bury what she thought in her eyes. It was all right there and he saw it clearly. So clearly that it scared him.

He caught her gaze with the stern gaze of a teacher, of someone who had to be responsible, who would stand in the storm of consequence that would result of her little game. "What you think you're playing. It stops here. This isn't a game, this isn't something you can play and forget. I'm your sensei, and what you think your feeling, it won't be there in the morning, when you and I would have to live with it."

She held his gaze, if anything else, her smile blossomed her eyes flashed again in the lighting, "I just want to feel you," Sakura said, "Nothing else." She tried to move in closer, he placed his hands on her, to keep her at bay, he tried to keep them from wandering over the smooth flesh of her arms.

"I'm your sensei, Sakura," he stated, his voice firm, "You're a fourteen-year-old girl who is confusing this for something else. You don't know what you're getting into, what the consequences would be. And there would be consequences, beyond the emotional, beyond the physical."

Sakura held his gaze, unflinching and even, "I just want to know you," she leaned in, when had he loosened his grip? "I wouldn't tell anyone, it'd be our secret," her face was so close to his, gazing up at him. There was no love in her eyes, just desire, it was heady and he sighed, this wasn't going well. He had to make her see that this was wrong. His train of thought stopped when a small hand rubbed against him, it took all of his will power to move the hand away, she was still smiling, "Besides," she said, "Your reaction speaks differently."

"My 'reaction' has nothing to do with you, it's natural," he tried to make his words sound harsh, she had to understand, he had to make her understand, "I'm not going to let this happen between us."

Sakura pouted slightly, her full lips turning downward, "Why not, it's natural. There's nothing wrong with something natural. If you want me, take me," she smiled coyly, "I won't complain."

She was going to be his death, plain and simple. He moved his shaking hands to her shoulders, surprised that they had been on her waist, he pushed her away from him, keeping her at arms length, "What you want cannot happen. It violates our relationship, taints who we are. You'll hate yourself in the morning, I promise you that, if we do what you think you want."

Sakura's eyes closed a moment, a flash of lighting played against her pale skin, making her look alabaster in the blue light. When she opened them, they were fierce, jaded. It was like staring down a tiger, "What I think I want," she paused, as if tasting the words, she didn't seem happy about them, "What I think I want. You say it like I'm a child, like I have no idea what this is, or what's happening here. But I think I have quite the handle on the situation..."

Suddenly Sakura's small soft hand rested against him. In another situation he would've been immensely proud of her ability to stealthily move past him, but considering her hand was caressing bare, hot flesh, stroking him, having pulled his manhood free, he hardly found the room for pride. He tried to glare, it was hard with heavy breathing mixed in, "Sakura...stop this."

Sakura smirked, moved in closer and didn't stop stroking him, if anything the movements of her hand became bolder. Lighting again lit the curves of her face he could've sworn that through the fabric of her shirt, nipples pointed out, "Stop what, being a woman?" Her voice was as coy as her movements, and it made him even harder.

Kakashi tried to disengage her from him, with little success, he refused to believe his effort was half-hearted, even though it was. "Damnit, Sakura, this has to stop. I'm your sensei. You are my student. We should not be doing this."

He thought for a moment he had won, that Sakura had finally listened to reason and he could slip back into lonely sanity. She stood in front of him, and for one long moment neither of them said anything.

Then Sakura smiled, it was the look of the devil, "Really, Kakashi, you can be so stupid," she said. His rebuttal was lost when without hesitation or ceremony she pulled the large white shirt over her head, tossing it to the ground. Standing must have pained her, but she never showed it. Another flash of lighting lit the curves of her body, perfect and perky, full in all the right places. A woman's body. He stared in awe as she seemed to glide over to him.

She embraced him, holding his head to her breasts. Without thinking his hands went to her waist, moving over the soft flesh, the curves that rested there. Some part of his mind was screaming at him to stop this, that this was his last chance to put things right. Her body was a tidal wave in the storm drowning out logic and reason. Right and wrong were being swept away. He was trembling.

Sakura's voice reached out to him, mixing in with the thunder, "In the end, the world all comes down to this. This woman," she moved slowly against him, until she kneeled in front of him, one small hand moving back to his length, the other caressed his mask, "and this man."

Kakashi was hovering on a very fine line. Her words washing away the world outside, the notion of right, of wrong, the feelings of existence, all swept away in the storm. Thunder crashed. Sakura leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Don't be afraid. Let me be a woman for you. I want to be a woman for you," she accented it with a bite on his ear. His arms wrapped around her, he pulled her close, answering without words.

Sakura smiled, feeling the heat of his arms surround her, she used her own hands to move slowly around his neck, trying to find the trick to his mask, the whole time, burying her lips in his neck. Her hands found it, and she slowly removed the mask and looked up, gazing for the first time on his uncovered face. He was handsome and for a fraction of a second Sakura just stared. Then she leaned in. She was going painfully slow, but she knew if she went to fast right now everything would shatter. And she couldn't handle that. Not when she was so close.

Their lips met to a crash of thunder the first touch gentle, experimental, like each was making sure the other wouldn't suddenly disappear. And then, something exploded between the two of them and the kiss changed. Sakura felt like she was being devoured. His lips and tongue were strong and sure and their touch alone was spreading the fire through the rest of her body. It was nothing like she had imagined it, and she was glad for that.

Sakura moved her hands over him, his hard, well-muscled chest, his arms, his neck. She felt Kakashi's pulse there, hot and fast, showing the full effect she had on him. It was almost unbelievable that she, Sakura, could wield so much power over anyone. She didn't have time to contemplate this as her body suddenly came even more alive. His hands moved over her and one strong hand closed over her breast, teasing the flesh there.

As if that wasn't intoxicating enough, his other wandering hand reached his goal and brushed her ever so slightly between the legs. Sakura gasped at the touch, both from shock and embarrassment. Shocked that he was indeed touching her down there, and oh, how it burned, and embarrassed because seemingly out of nowhere, she was wet there. Without knowing why she did so, she muttered an apology and blushed.

He paused a moment, "Why are you sorry?" He whispered. She could barely hear his voice over the beating of her heart.

Sakura blushed and looked down shyly seeing his hand down there, she made a little gasping noise, "Be...because I'm all wet," she trailed off, it even sounded stupid and it didn't make any sense. But why would he want to touch her if his fingers were going to get all sticky doing so?

Kakashi chuckled. Sakura, shocked at this looked up, meeting his eyes with hers, he was smiling playfully, "And you think this is a bad thing?" He asked, and leaned in, and with his breath brushing against her ear and cheek, "Funny, because I don't think you're wet enough," he said, his fingers moving, causing her to writhe, "Let's see what we can do about that, eh?"

With his strong hands, Kakashi took her by the hips and pulled Sakura onto his lap, turning her around so her back pressed into his chest. With his hand, he gently spread her legs, so she straddled him. It was strange, but comfortable. Confused, Sakura turned her head to look up at him and caught his lips curving upward in what she would've called a puckish smile.

Sakura opened her mouth to question this, only to have her question drowned out by a shocked cry of pleasure as his hand returned to its ministrations. Strong fingers pulled and pushed aside flesh while stroking, like he was looking for something. Then Kakashi's fingers brushed something that made her jump, it felt like lighting running through her body.

"Found it," he stated, a smile in his voice. Sakura had no idea what he was talking about, but at the time, thinking clearly was a bit of a problem. Every stroke, every movement of his fingers touched something that made fire shoot through her body, every nerve was laced with it. His fingers would move and she would moan and heave with the sensations running through her.

While that hand continued its ministrations, his other hand skimmed her flesh, teasing with a light touch that left trails of fire in its wake. She moaned and threw her head back against his chest. Something was happening, something she was at a loss of words to explain. Sakura was trembling, beneath her she could feel the evidence of Kakashi's desire getting harder.

"You like this, don't you?" He whispered into her ear, then touched his lips to her neck. It was half question and half encouragement and Sakura was unable to find any sensible words with to answer. His lips and hands started pushing her somewhere. It felt like the entire world was trembling and pulsing, it was unbelievable, and it wasn't even what she had been aiming for.

Sakura gasped and bit back a soft moan as she started to feel like her very existence was falling to pieces. She tried to stop it, to hold it back. For a sentimental reason she couldn't name she wanted this feeling to last forever.

Kakashi's voice reached through the sea of sensation, "It's okay, you can let it come. Let it come, Sakura," he said softly, and with his words, something snapped. He pressed her even closer as the world seemed to be tumbling down around her. For those few seconds, she felt like she was flying.

She floated down slowly. Drifting back to earth in his arms, she looked up at him, a half-grin on her face. That had been beyond anything she had ever experienced in her life, and it wasn't even the main event. Sakura could feel his desire underneath her, if anything it seemed to have grown even larger. It seemed odd that someone could be that turned on simply from stimulating another, her in particular.

Kakashi turned her around to face him slowly, she still felt the dumb-grin plastered on her face, but Sakura was so high that it didn't bother her as it might have normally. When he settled her over his length and started to kiss her again, Sakura's mind was a jumble of thoughts and sensations. She kissed him back, excited to a point she couldn't define reaching for that same elusive feeling he had given her. She wanted it again, and she knew that he could give it to her, and this time she had no intention of it being just her.

Kakashi's hands were all over her, touching her in too many placed to be named and Sakura returned the favor, running her hands over and through everything she could. The muscles in his back and shoulders were strong and well defined, slick with leftover rain water and sweat. She was being swept away in the storm that was his body. Even though she had been the one that had started this, she had the impression that she was no longer the one in control.

Kakashi lifted her up slightly her flesh dragging across his painfully slow. Sakura made a sound of eager protest. She felt him settle her over him and opened her eyes wide. He didn't move any farther than that, the head pressing slightly into her. She moved against it, trying to get him to move, get him to stop what struck her as an obvious tease.

"We don't have to do this," Kakashi suddenly spoke up, through gritted teeth, Sakura couldn't even begin to imagine the amount of self control he had to be able to hold her where he was and muster the ability of speech, "We can stop this right now, all you have to do is ask."

For a moment she just stared at him, not sure what he was offering. Why in hell would he want to stop here? Why ask her? "I don't want to stop," she said, her tone desperate, "Please, I want you..." her voice trailed off and she leaned in, grazing his hot neck with a kiss.

"Are you sure?" Each word sounded bitten off, "After this, there is no going back, you have to be sure, Sakura. This can't be just a game."

Kakashi held her so still, despite Sakura's efforts to move and answer the question with action instead of words. She looked him in the eyes, both of them, his one normal eye and the other one, forever in the form of the sharingan, unending. What did he see with that eye? "I'm sure," she answered, and in that moment she was. More sure than she had ever been of anything. She both wanted and needed him.

He released a breath that Sakura had no idea he'd been holding. Then he was pulling her down over him - fast. It pulled, stretched and for a moment stung, and then he was inside of her. She cried out, and Kakashi just held her for a moment, allowing her time to get used to him. It was an entirely new sensation, being stretched, everything centering around a part of him.

Distantly, she heard Kakashi mutter something about how tight she was. For a moment Sakura was embarrassed, not quite sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but he didn't seemed to be pained by it, so it must've been good. After all, if he felt anything near what she was feeling, it was beyond good.

Experimentally, Sakura moved her hips. Kakashi made a strangled sound and crushed his lips to hers again. And then, he lifted her up, until he was almost outside of her. He held her there for a moment, then pulled her down again. It was amazing, nothing like she had ever imagined it. He repeated the process, and in an odd way, Sakura was reminded of a carousel ride she had been fond of as a child, it was the same up and down, the same feeling of movement, of freedom.

As they moved faster, Sakura's awareness narrowed down to just the feeling. She heard words at a distance; herself calling out Kakashi's name, Kakashi calling out to her, disjointed words of praise, questions about how she felt, a million other things she couldn't put a name on. So she pushed all the talk aside and just paid attention to the feeling.

It was coming again, the same feeling as before, she moved with him, frantic, reaching for it. Every time he pumped into her sending her closer to the edge, until she finally flew off. She held on to him, shaking as he continued, harder and faster. In those frantic moments Sakura was surprised at the strangest things, the feel of him against her legs. The heaviness of his breathing, how much heat the two of them seemed to create.

Then he was shaking too, and deep inside her, Sakura felt something release and Kakashi was kissing her, hard and deep. Pressing her close to him in a crushing embrace to a loud crack of thunder. Everything seemed to stop for those few moments and then, slowly, time started again, but it did so at such a lazy pace, Sakura wasn't even sure it was real.

Kakashi broke the kiss, and Sakura leaned in, resting her head against his chest. He still rested inside of her, but Sakura didn't really feel like moving. She seemed to be moving as slowly as time was, her eyes drifting closed, only to flutter open again. She felt his hand go to her hair. Then, moving slowly he pulled her off of him and picked her up, carrying her somewhere. In her state, Sakura was only mildly aware of being carried to Kakashi's room and set among the sheets. She felt cold and lonely for a second and then he joined her. She sought his warmth and closed her eyes.

Kakashi watched her as she drifted off to sleep on his bed. Unlike her, he would find no solace in sleep. There were a thousand things running through his mind. Idly he moved a strand of pink hair from her face, it was going every which way, and it was beautiful. Sakura painted a portrait of innocence in sleep. Even nude. It was an innocence he had taken.

Freely offered or not, he had no right, and the thought of what Sakura would think about this tomorrow, when she awoke terrified him, the fact that he had enjoyed it, every moment of it, terrified him even more. It had been a haphazard series of coincidences that had led to this. Had she never twisted her ankle, it never would've happened, the same for if it had never started to rain, if he had simply supported her while she limped and not carried her.

But everything he had done that day had led them here. To this. Then there was always the looming fact that, given the chance, given the same set of circumstances, he would do it again. And he would relish it. Kakashi's hand wandered over pale skin as he watched her sleep.

It had been a long time, but had it really been long enough to justify this?

He would be asking himself that for a long time to come, he knew. She stirred, and he watched her. He still desired her. She had a perfect form that even as young as it was, was stunning. And unlike some women, who lost beauty with age, the simple curves and figure Sakura presented promised to grow even more beautiful given age.

He wanted her again. There was no denying that fact, Kakashi didn't even try to, but he made no move. Sakura's eyes fluttered and she snuggled in closer. He bit his cheek. Everything she did managed to tear down some barrier to his control, managed to pull him over any hurdle to join her.

She was all soft curves and the sweet, musky scent of woman. To try to save himself, to redeem himself even slightly, he started to push Sakura away. Her eyes opening as he did so, and Kakashi was lost in orbs of jade.

Sakura smiled, it was obvious that she wasn't fully awake, that she was hovering in-between dreaming and waking. But when she touched her lips to his ever so slightly, it wouldn't have mattered to him if she had been totally asleep. And he responded.

Sakura's responses were lazy and sleep laden, but honest. It was almost unbelievable. He had never, in all his years, been affected as much as this by anyone. Kakashi moved his lips downward, kissing her neck, her collar, lavishing attention on both breasts. Her half awake responses egged him on, her hands twined in his hair and he was decided.

No matter how wrong it may be. He would taste her. After all, it had been said that fruit that was forbidden tasted sweetest. Kakashi moved farther down, kissing and nipping slightly. With his hand, he gently, slowly, parted her legs the touched his mouth to her.

Like everything else Sakura, it was small, pink and too sweet. Kakashi savored it, the cries the awakening girl, the way her body moved beneath him, encouraging him, making him even harder.

Then Kakashi could take it no longer. He pulled away, ignoring her disjointed moan of protest. Hooking her legs over his shoulders, he gazed into Sakura's passion soaked eyes. And for the second time that night, he entered her. If anything, it was even better than the first time and he moved above her with a force that had her crying out in joy.

Sakura came quickly, her shuddering release, her musky scent, her taste on his tongue and lips were all too much for Kakashi to bear. He followed her quickly, holding her close to him, tightly. In the aftermath of their second union, much like the first, nothing was said. Neither had any honeyed words for the other, they would've cheapened it anyway.

Kakashi held her to him as he too drifted off to sleep. The thought of what tomorrow might bring still instilled fear within him, but here with her he could push it aside for now. Tomorrow as tomorrow and he would deal with another storm then.

They slept.


She came down

From the mountain

And I

I stood my ground

On the mountain

Like a fire I'm drawn to her lust

I can't run from her but Lord I must

Like a demon I'm drawn to her flame

I'm gonna burn calling her name

I'm gonna burn calling her name


She came down

From the mountain

And I

I stood my ground

On the mountain

Like a fire I'm drawn to her lust

I can't run from her but Lord I must

Like a demon I'm drawn to her flame

I'm gonna burn calling her name

I'm gonna burn calling her name

She's got a sweetness, about her

That I can't explain

She's got a wonderment, about her

That I can't deny

And if we, are patient

Then maybe, we'll get it straight

On the mountain

Like a fire I'm drawn to her lust

I can't run from her but Lord I must

Like a demon I'm drawn to her flame

I'm gonna burn calling her name

I'm gonna burn calling her name

Oh I'll burn calling her name - Mountain by Tonic

* * ^_~* *

Post story junk: Thanks a bunches to Obey The Gir! She helped me massively on this fic. And this most likely isn't the end of the fic, but a beginning of a multi-part one, depending on reviews and how much time I have. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. ^_^ Thanks! Sephira jo