Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mountain ❯ Broken Faces ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Mountain

Part: 2/? "Broken Faces"

Author: Sephira jo (contact:

Series: Naruto

Rating: NC17 (For Graphic Sex)

Disclaimer: I've said it once, and I'll say it again, I don't own Naruto.

Archive: with permission only.

Author's Notes/Disclaimer Part 2: This fic contains a Lolita style relationship. Meaning, the girl is under the age of 18. If you have a problem with this, don't read it. You should also know, that in a real life setting, I don't approve of this, this, my friends, is a work of FICTION. I know I said it last chapter, and I'll say it again. I'll also remind you that while not common, this type of relationship does happen in a lot of manga. Examples: In Marmalade boy, Meiko's seeing teacher (can't remember his name) and they end up getting married. Also, in KareKano, Mahou is seeing a dentist who is at least in his mid twenties, while she's sixteen.

So, I've backed myself up even more. Ha! I will say thanks to all my reviewers though, you've given me warm fuzzies all over. Mmm fuzzies! Now, for those of you not wanting death by spork who enjoyed this fic, review! *Evil Grin*

Oh yeah, made a mistake in the last chapter, Kakashi would be 28 during this. o.O;; my bad. Please forgive me. *since I'm to lazy to go back and fix it.*

Okay, now on to the story. </ramble>

* * ^_^ * *

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns. -Lolita

* * ^_^ * *

My love she dreams

And she sleeps with broken faces inside

Cold water runs deep

When she sleeps with broken faces

I can wonder, she can see

I roll over, she will breathe

All the others make you smile

Just lay back girl don't drive for a while - Thick (Tonic)

* * ^-^ * *

Sakura dreamed. It was rainy, bleak, and she was deep in the nearby forest. It seemed surreal. She wondered how she came to be there, but had no answer for herself, as such is the nature of dreams. She decided to ignore the reason and explore; there must have been some reason she was where she was.

Out of the rain, out of the shadows of the trees, he came. Uchiha Sasuke. He looked almost as he had that night she had tried to stop him two years ago. His face was a little more angular and his eyes were no longer just their deep obsidian; they seemed permanently locked in the sharingan.

It was odd, those eyes, the color of spilt blood in the sunlight staring at her, the tri-tear drop pupil. She stared back. Sakura had had this dream before. Too many times to count in fact. She took a deep breath.

"Go away," Sakura said simply, staring at her feet. The words surprised her. They held more confidence than she had ever felt about anything.

He grinned; it was cold. Like always, "You sure about that?"

They stared each other down. He smiled; she shifted slightly. For a moment, her stance wavered. Love was powerful, love was pure. It was love that had destroyed her once. Sakura was only just rebuilding, and even that was painful.

"Go. Away." Sakura said again, biting on each word, hands fisted at her sides. She didn't look at the ground as she spoke this time, but stared him down. She felt, for lack of a better word, empowered. "I don't need you anymore."

It may have only been a phantom in a dream, but the feeling of freedom, of having a weight lifted from her shoulders was real. "I...I want to live my own life now," Sakura said.

The image of Sasuke shattered like it had been made of glass. Sakura stared up at the sky and closed her eyes. The sunlight felt warm on her face. She smiled and stirred. Slowly, Sakura opened her eyes and found herself in an unfamiliar room, covered in sheets she didn't recognize. It took her a moment to remember everything that had happened the previous night. When memory returned, it did so like a tidal wave, washing away everything before and after.

Sakura blushed wildly and held her face in her hands, shaking her head, and for a moment, giggling like a small child. She felt totally free. She looked around for her sleeping partner, and it was then she realized she was alone in the bed. She frowned, and took a glance at the clock. It was early; the sun was just rising and shined through the window clearly, more beautiful for the storm that had passed before.

Since Kakashi was always late, Sakura had simply lived with the idea that he must've slept to around noon or so, only changing his pattern for missions and the like. This new information was interesting. If not laziness, what was it that always made him so tardy? Although she felt bereft without his immediate presence, Sakura heard the shower in the bathroom running and reasoned that he just didn't want to trouble her with his morning routine.

Even though she understood, Sakura was left with a biting uncertainty. Where exactly did she stand with him? What did he think of her now? Would they ever do this again? Had it even been the right thing to do in the first place? She shook her head and pushed everything aside. The issue of morality seemed a moot point, especially when she knew that given the chance, she'd do it again. In this situation, she wished that her self wouldn't bother her with these things. But that had always been the nature of her mind. Say one thing, think another. Do one thing, think another.

But in this, her mind and actions had agreed. Sakura smiled; it had been a good feeling, to for once do what it was she was thinking. Laughing softly she raised her fist to the sky triumphantly.

"Hell yeah!"

Saying it aloud felt wonderful. I'm more myself than I've ever been, Sakura thought, satisfied. Ino had said that she'd be able to breathe again, and Sakura did indeed feel that was the case. She turned her attention to the sound of the shower. It seemed Kakashi had been in there an awfully long time; maybe she should go and check on him. She got a very impish grin.

Sakura hopped out of bed then stopped for a moment, a muscle cramp dampening her plans for a moment. She was sore. All the more reason to shower, Sakura thought, smiling. With a wide and slightly evil smile, Sakura headed towards the bathroom.


Kakashi leaned into the water of the shower, letting it wash over him. It had stopped being hot about a minute ago, and given another couple minutes would cross the threshold from warm to cool and then into cold. But he didn't care. He let the water wash over him, hoping it would wash away the guilt he felt.

It had been hard to leave Sakura lying there curled in his sheets, a perfect picture of both innocence and beauty. Just looking at her killed him a little bit inside. She had been an angelic, winsome seraph among the white clouds of his sheets. It had indeed been hard to leave her lying there. There had been the temptation to rouse her, watch those pretty jade eyes light up with a myriad of emotion.

He stood under the water, feeling both cleansed and dirty. His lips crooked into a lopsided smile. It was a strange thing really, but he didn't feel as if he was dwelling on it too much. He was simply acknowledging the wrong at plucking a flower so young. The guilt was mixed with the knowledge that given the chance, he would do so again. It was all the more reason to hurry and then to thrust her out into the world, where she'd be safe from him.

He heard her before he saw her, the light padding of small feet on the old wooden floor. To another person the noise would've been nothing, or brushed off as a mouse. Sakura was naturally quiet in motion, even wounded, and it was a trait that bred longevity. But Kakashi had been listening, half fearful, half hopeful, that he would hear her footsteps.

And when he heard them, he was half fearful, half hopeful, that she would leave, float away like blossom carried in the winds. There was a feeling of disbelief, of shock when the bathroom door opened, then closed just as quickly. What was she playing at? The question was rhetorical; he knew full well what she was playing at. He had known when she had started it and somehow he seemed to lack the mind or the will to put a stop to it.

Kakashi looked at her with an even expression on his face as Sakura crossed the threshold to the shower. She looked up at him and smiled; it was hard to see her as a child in these moments. Neither said a thing. Words would personify the relationship between them, and right now, to do so would kill it. It was tenuous, balanced on a highly charged and steep precipice. It was the fall over that edge that Sakura sought; her muted jade eyes said all. Kakashi made no move to stop her; she approached and it was beautiful.

She touched him, but did not embrace him. Her small hands were taking the time to explore, as she hadn't the chance previously. One of his hands played with her hair, the pink tresses quickly becoming wet, but no less tame. She might curse her hair, but he thought the world of it.

Sakura's hands traced over flesh, paying special attention to the numerous scars that crisscrossed his skin. He couldn't hide the very obvious reaction her light, sometimes teasing, touch had on him. He saw her gaze drop and a smile cross her face. Kakashi had a vague idea what she was planning, but little faith that she'd actually try it.

Sakura brushed his hardened member with one small hand, the other still playing across his chest. Kakashi shifted, having to force himself not to jerk at her touch. At first it was light, as if she wasn't quite sure she was doing the right thing. He felt himself stiffen even more at this, and at his reaction Sakura became bolder, wrapping her small hand around him she stroked him. Kakashi buried a noise halfway between a groan and grunt in his throat. The cooling water of the shower almost seemed too hot.

Sakura then kneeled down in front of him, placing a curious kiss on his hardened, swollen tip. He couldn't repress the groan drawn from him. Kakashi watched with detached disbelief as Sakura slowly took him into her mouth. It was hot, tight and destroying his already feeble hold on sanity.

His hands twisted in Sakura's soft, wet hair. Kakashi groaned. It struck him that this had always been a fantasy, hidden somewhere in the darker recesses of his mind. The realization simply added fuel to the fire as the part of his mind he was sure would reject her this morning collapsed, leaving ruins in its wake. And all it took was her. "Sakura..."

When her name rolled off Kakashi's lips, Sakura felt endowed with an intoxicating power over her teacher. It was amazing to think it was as easy as this. That, and that she was enjoying herself. The idea for this would never have entered her mind if it hadn't been for the previous night. She had been half-asleep when he had turned his mouth upon her, so Sakura had been fearful that he wouldn't enjoy something this strange.

Sakura found herself enjoying it as well. She would've giggled had her mouth not been otherwise occupied. Come to think of it, this was a subject that did feature quite highly in some of the more adult manga she had taken to borrowing from Ino.

He tasted like he had smelled yesterday in the rain, comforting and something different than anything she had ever tasted tinged with salt. Experimentally, Sakura placed on hand at the base of his hardness and took it deeper into her mouth.

She was rewarded with a gasping encouragement from Kakashi. Sakura smiled, her lips twisting around him. The whole experience was both powerful and surreal. Cold water ran around them, neither were in the position to turn off the shower, the sounds he was making made her bolder, she moved faster over him using her tongue and teeth slightly, as the mood struck her to do so.

Kakashi was muttering words of encouragement that Sakura had a hard time making out, not that her mind could've translated the words anyway. She was too quickly becoming drunk on him, on his reactions, on the small bit of salty liquid that seeped from him with her attentions.

Things were getting hurried, frenzied. Kakashi's hands tangled in her hair, there were muted whispers and the water falling over them. She finally understood how someone could derive pleasure from the pleasing of another. And that thought egged her on, made her move faster, gave her the mind to try things a little differently. She smiled, and in synch with a mad idea, lightly scraped her teeth against his tip.

In that moment, he began to shudder, his hands pushed her away, and Sakura couldn't figure out why. The reason occurred to her a moment later, something, that if it wasn't for the reading material that Ino always so graciously lent her, she would've been left in the dark about this too.

Sakura watched in fascinated wonderment. This was something she hadn't seen before. With wide eyes, she watched Kakashi climax, realizing that he had pulled away out of consideration for her. Sakura wasn't stupid, but she also knew that it would've been a bit much to deal with that without warning. Mixed in with here emotions was also a tinge of disappointment; she had wanted to taste him in the way she remembered him doing to her the night before.

Without so much as a second thought on the matter, Sakura leaned in and began to lick him clean. The taste wasn't what she would've expected, especially given what it was. Vaguely sweet and salty, it was something she was sure was unique to him and him alone. She was aware of every sound, every motion he made under her attentions. It was a singular feeling, to know that she could have this effect on someone.

Kakashi grasped her by the shoulders and pulled her up. Sakura was upset at this, until their mouths met. The kiss was unlike any from the night before; it was a raw and primal meeting of mouth and tongue. Without thinking, Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him amidst the torrents of cold shower water.

Kakashi picked her up so quickly and easily that Sakura had no time to really process what was happening, there was only time to react, and even that seemed cut short in the frantic nature of his movements. Using the cold tile wall to brace her in his arms, Kakashi entered her quickly and easily, the abruptness of it drawing a groan out of Sakura's parted lips.

This experience fit nowhere in her limited knowledge of this subject. The totally animalistic fashion in which he went at her frightened her a bit, but at the same time it aroused something similar in her. Sakura raked her nails against Kakashi's back slightly, the response was stunning and he pounded in to her harder.

Every feeling, every sensation was being burned into Sakura's skin. Kakashi's teeth against her neck and shoulder, his nails and fingers digging into her buttocks. The tile cold against her back, his body was shielding her from the brut of the icy water. What sane person showers cold anyway, she thought, the observation coming out of nowhere. The thought was lost in the next thrust. Every inch of his skin that brushed against hers seemed like a brand burning his name into her skin.

Sakura started to shudder. The motion of in and out, in and out, was as natural as breathing and it was quickly sending her over the same edge she felt last night. It was boiling over, like a pot of water left to long unattended and it would, in a single moment rise over the edge in a rebellion of heat, steam and emotion.

One of Kakashi's hands reached up and twined in her hair, his lips caught hers again, the teeth grazing slightly. Together, the noises they made were a tightly wound symphony of moans of passion, groans of pleasure. She was shaking, left on the edge.

His mismatched eyes met her jade ones as he broke this kiss. He smiled in a fashion that Sakura had never seen on anyone before.

"Come for me, Sakura," His voice was different, feral, not the normal gentle banter that she knew and recognized, and it sent shudders up and down her spine, "Just for me," the last words were a whisper falling from his lips like the drops of water that moved over him, between them. The images they invoked threw her over the edge.

Shuddering, she came, crying out loudly. He wasn't far behind.

* * *

Sakura washed herself in the cold water. Kakashi had left after they finished. She understood of course. They both had lives outside of this. And thinking of such, Sakura found herself wondering how to explain exactly where she had been and what she had been doing to her parents. Then again, they'd most likely swallow any excuse she could spit out.

Sakura shivered and turned off the cold water. At least she was clean, having washed away the remnants of their union. It almost felt like she had been washing away what was left of her innocence, but she pushed that thought away. Sakura wouldn't let herself dwell on that. It was something she had freely given. It seemed wrong to be having second thoughts about it after the fact.

Then again... she shook her head clear as she dried her face off with a towel she had borrowed from the rack against the wall. The plain white towel was one of the cheapest you could buy, and the rough fabric wasn't what she was used too, but it did the job. She wrapped the towel around her and looked at herself in the bathroom mirror.

She looked the same as she had yesterday when she left home, except her pink hair was wet and her ankle was bandaged. Sakura felt strange; like it wasn't right that she should still look like she did yesterday, when something so momentous had happened. She was still plain old Sakura. But at the same time she felt like a totally different person. It wasn't just the adult nature of what she had done, or that it had been done at all. Sakura, mentally, had always been ahead of others her age in that respect; more the fact that it had been done at all was what was weighing on her mind.

She poked her head out of the bathroom door, looking for Kakashi. He wasn't in the small living room. Sakura stepped out into the room looking left and right with no sign of Kakashi. She frowned and bit her lip. It seemed odd that he would just leave like that, but then again, he would be there one moment and gone the next during training sessions as well. It still bothered her, like some part of him didn't care enough to reassure her.

Stop it, Sakura, she thought harshly to herself, this was your idea. You get to deal with it. Determined to shake her own doubts and questions about the matter, she stomped towards the bedroom, surprised to see her clothing laid neatly on the made bed along with a small piece of paper. Curious, she padded in and picked it up.

Sakura had to smile. Kakashi's handwriting was horrid. The note was simple, no frills, no fluffy language; such a thing would've been unlike him.


Stepped out, had things to do. You should get dressed and head on home. Team seven's next training session is tomorrow at five in the morning. For Naruto's sake, you should wear a bra this time.

Sakura laughed at the last line. It was pretty dangerous to Naruto when she didn't wear a bra, if last time was any judge. At least Kakashi had left a note. That alone comforted her. She set the note down on the bed and dressed quickly. Her clothes were dry, and that in itself was a blessing, considering how soaked they had been the night before.

The fact that they were as dry as they were made her wonder how they had gotten that way, but she brushed the thought aside as she slipped her midriff red top, underwear, shorts and split skirt on. She looked exactly like she had the day before. It was such a convincing illusion that she almost felt like she had used a genjutsu, her specialty, on herself.

Two deep breaths later, Sakura felt herself ready for the glaring light of day, the calm that came after the storm. With only a slight limp to tell tale of her injury, Sakura left the apartment. The day assailed her with a fierce intensity of sound, heat, and light. She squinted to let her eyes adjust and looked around somewhat nervously. For a reason she couldn't name, she wasn't sure she wanted anyone she knew seeing her leaving Kakashi-sensei's apartment.

There was no one around, really. Not surprising as most daily activities in Konoha took place in a very few select places. The training grounds, the commerce district, or the academy. Even the civilian population hardly spent time around their own houses. Only the odd person marked her passing as Sakura started to quickly make her way towards home.


At the sound of Ino's voice, Sakura froze in place and for a moment didn't turn to face her friend. When she did, Ino was right behind her, grinning from ear to ear. She looked positively evil.

"It worked, didn't it?" Ino asked, though it was a question that she undeniably already knew the answer to, a thought that was conformed by the somewhat over joyous look on Ino's face. Ino took Sakura's hand and started to drag her to one of their hangouts, "Come on, I wanna hear all about it!" Ino said brightly.

Sakura, left with no choice, said nothing, simply letting her friend drag her along. They made it to their place quickly and Ino ushered Sakura into a booth, and looked her right in the eyes, "So, how was it?" Ino asked, excitedly.

For a moment, Sakura was at a loss for words. How did you describe a major life-changing event to a friend who looked like she was about ready to burst into peals of laughter? Sakura just shook her head a moment and watched as Ino indeed started to giggle.

"See, I told you that you can't really describe it," Ino said leaning over the table, her look was devilish, "And you feel better now too, don't you? I so knew you would!"

Ino prattled on, and Sakura answered halfheartedly. She found herself awash in a sea of doubt. That's right, all of this was Ino's idea, not mine. Not mine. Which brought to mind other questions. Why had she decided to do so in the first place? It wasn't something that, Sakura, as she thought of herself, would've thought of. It began to weigh on her. It was hard to believe that she had thrown away something so big on the advice of her friend.

What the hell came over me? Sakura thought to herself, nodding and smiling to Ino's prattle, I can't believe this... what have I done?

"Sakura, did you hear me?" Ino asked, her voice a strange combination of irked and amused. Sakura thought that her friend must think her still floating absentmindedly in the after glow and blamed that for the lack of attention.

Sakura shook her head and Ino sighed, the knowing look still lighting her eyes, "I asked when you're going to return that book you borrowed, you know that one?" Ino said, and Sakura knew exactly what book Ino was talking about. She blanked.

I didn't... did I...?

"Um yeah," Sakura said quickly, "That book. I left it at home, want me to go get it?"

"I don't need it back until tomorrow, I was going to show it Shikamaru," Ino said simply.

Sakura stood up, "I have something else I have to do anyway, so I'll see you later, okay Ino?" Sakura left, never having once touched her drink and hurried to the field where the training session the day before had been held. That was the last place Sakura remembered having Ino's book, and the book of hers she used to cover it. Unlike her teacher, she lacked the impertinence to read that type of book where everyone could see it. That and she wasn't eighteen yet.

Sakura stopped at the thought of Kakashi and shook her head, trying to clear it. She was already too confused about everything that had happened, everything she had done and what the consequences might be, thoughts that were no where near her the night before.

She moved again. The motion of the city dissolving into trees helped her think. When Sakura made it to the spot that the books laid she let out a disappointed sigh; sure enough, they were totally destroyed. Sakura bent down and picked up the wet and soaking manga. Some of the pages were still wet, others had reached the brittle state that came from the drying power of the sun had instilled upon them.

Wrecked from the inside out. A lot like you, she thought to herself, almost unaware of the thought as it surfaced. Then it hit her. The revelation knocked the wind out of her. What had happened wasn't supposed to be.

Though she was no longer the bright-eyed little girl who believed in happy endings. The romantic in her was screaming out in rage. She had thrown away something precious on a whim, no, not even a whim. Simply out of peer pressure. Nothing more meaningful than 'I had, so you should too.' She had always thought that when she had done what had been done her first time would be with Sasuke, for love.

Not like this.

Not like this. Sakura picked up the other book, the one used for covering Ino's. It too, was totaled. Ruined from the inside out. Even the words, once fine and evenly typed were nothing more than a grey black blur. Sakura tossed the heavy book away as she leaned back against the tree trunk then slid down, looking up at the sky from her position on the ground.

Ino's ruined manga lay next to her right hand, an underlying cause of the storm the night before. Sakura simply watched the leaves sway in the wind and wondered how one went about recapturing themselves after a storm.


Kakashi stood in vigil at the one place that he was sure to be daily, without fail and never late. Konoha's memorial to the fallen and the lost. Of the hundreds of names craved upon the one that always stood out to him the most was Obito's.

Today, however, his thoughts weren't completely on his friend. There was another type of mourning he was engaging in. This was more of self-retribution, the same song as always but with a different tune.

There were many types of guilt, but the guilt of taking something freely offered that he had no real right to stung worse than many others. It ate him up inside.

Kakashi's eyes wandered to a bouquet of flowers someone had left upon the memorial. Flowers, once plucked from the ground had only a short life span. Their beauty declined each second they resided apart from what ever environment had been their previous home.

Given a matter of days, they would wilt. And then they would die.

What gave anyone the right to pluck those flowers? True, for a moment in time, they would be immortally beautiful, but after being plucked their fate was one of certain death. What right did anyone have? What right had he had?

A young, vibrant spring blossom had been plucked by his own hands. He wondered what punishment fate would throw at them for his careless act. In the end, Kakashi could never fault Sakura for what had happened between them.

Knowing that he enjoyed the picking of the flower that was slowly picking apart his mind. In life, there was so much to be guilty for; choices made, both good and bad, decisions of split second reactions that had cost lives. Had it been anyone else, it would've only been an after thought, a leaf blown past on the wind.

It had to be her.

And now, they would have to traverse this trap-covered stretch of life together. In the past, when things like this had happened the ending was never good.

Obito, what have I done?

Kakashi reflected, and was silent. On the surface, things were as always.


Sakura awoke to the sound of encroaching footsteps. She hadn't even been aware she had been sleeping. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dying light of day.

Dying light? That alone woke her up quickly. The twilight made her realize that she had been where she was for hours. Not knowing who was approaching, or why, Sakura drew a kunai and held it hidden behind her back. Curiosity bid her stay and see who the footsteps belonged to and common sense told her she was safe and well within the village limits.

But she still couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Sakura grinned wryly. I'm being stupid, probably someone looking for me. I must've been out here for hours. Sakura watched as the shadow through the tree approached, one slow step at a time.

For a moment, it did seem like time had slowed, and when the light glinted on the forehead protector of the approaching form, time stopped. The sun's dying rays ran across a straight line shot through a single quarter note.

Automatically, Sakura let the kunai fly. Sound nin were problem enough in the past, one of their ranks gone missing would be worse still. In an easy, practiced motion, the person stopped and caught the kunai with two fingers and then stepped into the light.

If Sakura's world had been on the brink of shattering before, it fell to pieces when she recognized him. Dark hair, mussed from either the wind, or the long road traveled, a lean, strong form, finely chiseled face.

And eyes the color of blood with pupils that held their own tears.

Sakura's legs dropped her weight, and she fell to her knees, simply staring up at him. Everything that she had let happen, whether she meant it to or not, hinged on one very important, immoveable fact. That Sasuke wasn't coming back.

The fact that he was standing in front of her blew everything away, and she was left thinking over and over again, Why didn't I just wait one more day?

He raised the hand holding the kunai and gave her a lazy, tired smile. "Yo," he said simply, as if the greeting was enough to forgive two years of sorrow, two years of constant wondering and drove a lifetime of guilt accumulated over the course of a day deep inside her.

It was easy for someone to swear off a drug when it wasn't right in front of them, to forget someone that they thought they'd never see again. But with Sasuke standing right in front of her, the morning's resolve to stand strong, by herself, shattered like his image had the night before in her dreams.

Sakura could tell genjutsu from reality and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that what she was seeing was real. Slowly, she picked herself up off the ground and for a moment, simply started at him and he returned her gaze.

Then, unable to help herself, she threw her arms around him, knocking him back, the kunai in his hands falling to the ground as he returned her strong embrace, but with a fraction of the force. Tears craved rivers out of Sakura's eyes down her cheeks and nose, "Sasuke-kun! I... I'm sorry!"

"For what?"

Sakura, not once meeting his eyes, told him everything. Wishing that everything had been nothing but a dream.

* * ^_~ * *

Oh my sugar she won't bend

Fly with me

On your love she will depend

Fly with me, my Love

When you're down, feeling low

Not quite paid for not quite sold

And they all have got you tricked

And the world has made you thick

My love she dreams

And she sleeps with broken faces inside

Cold water runs deep

When she sleeps with broken faces

I can wonder, she can see

I roll over, she will breathe

All the others make you smile

Just lay back girl don't drive for a while

My love she dreams

And she sleeps with broken faces inside

Cold water runs deep

When she sleeps with broken faces

Oh my sugar she won't bend

Fly with me

On my love she will depend

Fly with me

My love she dreams

And she sleeps with broken faces inside

Cold water runs deep

When she sleeps with broken faces - Thick, by Tonic

* * ^_~ * *

Post story junk: gawd, only half the length, hope no one hates me for this, but chapters end where chapters end, some are longer than others. I hope no one thinks I'm pulling a card out of the cliche hat for this, I'll have you know, that when I first thought about making this story more than a one shot that this was always the plan.


I love angst. And stuff.

Well, that's it, hope you enjoyed!