Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Movie reveiws ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Movie Review
(Within this story, the nine tailed fox shall have it's own body. It shall be a guy, called Mittens, with orange hair, fox ears, and wears a fur coat the same shade as his hair with it dragging on the ground with nine tattered ends. No story relevance, just want for people to know what he looks like.)
“Dudes, I just got free tickets to the Godzilla movie fest.” Naruto yelled and barged into Sasuke's estate. It held Zabuza, Haku, Lee, Sakura, Ino, Shino, Kiba, Hinata, Neji, Sasuke, and Mittens “I got tickets for all the guys except for Lee. Sorry dude, but you're too creepy.”
“What is Godzilla?” said half of the people their.
“Iunno (means I Don't know). Lets go!”
After several days of watching every Godzilla film made, they went home. On the way there…
“I could of kicked that friggin' lizard and homosexual friends asses. Why take us there you freaking tard. You could have sold the tickets on ebay for cash.” Yelled Mittens
“Shut glove.” Said Sasuke.
“You guys fucking gave me that name so you wouldn't have to learn to speak squirrel.”
“Why do you need to learn squirrel to say a fox's name.” Neji asked
“I liked the parts with ass whupping.” Interjected Zabuza.
“Nice way to be vague.” Mittens sneaked in a sarcastic tone.
“Don't complain. Those were the only good parts, and it was true for all the movies.” Kiba stated.
“You sure it wasn't because you couldn't read the translations for `roar'.” Sasuke teased.
“We could use some help dragging sleeping beauty over here.” Haku yelled.
“I'll help.” Shino said as his bugs swarmed to carry Naruto.