Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Movie reveiws ❯ 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What “The Thing”?
(Due to this series getting exactly twice more reviews than my other series, which isn't much since it is still one, this one shall live on.)
“BOREEEED!” Naruto yelled on the roof top where Zabuza, Sasuke, Kiba, Mittens, Neji, Lee, and Shino.
“Hey tard. Shut up, you're hurting my ears.” Mittens replied, annoyed. Haku then pops out of nowhere.
“I'VE GOT FREE TICKETS TO A SCI-FI FILM THAT IS A FEW DECADES OLD.” He then yelled at the top of his lungs.
Kiba ignored the fox. “What is the film?”
“The Thing.”
“Great title.” Zabuza said sarcastically.
“How did you get them?” Mittens said after taking a bottle of Tylenol and putting soundproof earmuffs. (He is going to lip read.)
“A talent contest.” Haku replied with pride.
“What did you do?” Lee asked.
“Stole them. Now lets go before they find out I replaced them with Chuck E. Cheese tokens.”
“Zabuza, buy beer and bring it.” Neji stated.
“'Cuz you're the only one who can buy the beer.” Neji replied. Then everyone left.
After the film…
“Some film that was, they alien was just a fucking parasite that altered the hosts mind to obey the alien. The scariest part was the freaking background music.” Mittens stated.
“Why cut your thumb for blood? Why not the pinky, you don't use it as much?” Zabuza inquired.
“I liked the part with flying monkey/unicorn hybrid.” Lee said while stumbling.
“It is so fun to watch him after he ingests beer.” Naruto whispered to Neji, while grinning evilly.
“That film sucked the gay straight out of Liberache's ass.” Mittens stated.
“I need some help back here.” Haku yelled at the group. Kiba was crying like Akamaru had been killed in front of him.
“All those dogs were killed, and only I care. You are all heartless bastards who were abused by their mother.”