Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Business ❯ My Business - Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Smoldering black eyes set in a pale, tired-looking face greeted Uchiha Sasuke every morning. His mouth was always set into a scowl, and his dark brows were always drawn down, giving him a guarded, unapproachable appearance. He was sure to stay out of other peoples way, and in return, everyone around him was more than happy to take the hint and do the same. He was born into a highly respected and extremely well-known family. His father was the President of a large and very prosperous software company, his mother a renowned but retired Enka singer. And then there was his brother, Uchiha Itachi. Senior to him by five years, he was enrolled in a rather long, difficult course at the University of Tokyo for Biotechnology. He was still living with their parents and himself, despite the fact that they had more than enough finances to cover a dorm and then some. Despite the fact that Itachi was probably just as cool and detached as his younger sibling, he had always been frugal and never took advantage of their wealth. They didn't see much of him anymore, but that was perfectly fine with Sasuke.

He gave a small sigh as he pushed himself away from the bathroom sink, and turning to head back into his room, threw the towel that had been wrapped about his shoulders into the laundry bin beside the door. The tension between himself and Itachi had been growing ever since he had been gone. Itachi was in his second year at Tokyo University, and although it was true that seeing him for more than five minutes a week was a rarity, when this did happen, Sasuke was well aware of unsaid words, feelings and other things between them. His cheeks colored, sending a small tint of rosy pink along the bridge of his nose. It was highly noticeable and contrasted against his naturally fair skin. He scowled at the warmth along his flesh, and ignored the heat climbing up his throat as he slid an undershirt over his torso.

He had long ago come to terms with his feelings for his brother. He had never spoken of them aloud to anyone, but he had come close to telling Itachi. Twice, if he recalled correctly. Nimble, thin fingers worked quickly to button up the shirt of his uniform, and he reached for his tie as he continued to let his thoughts wander. It was a silly, stupid and childish thing for him to be doing this, especially since Sasuke was not one to dwell on things regarding feelings, or in fact, anything that involved his brother.
He was reluctant to admit that the wedding taking place this weekend had him nervous. It was an out-of-town event, and not only did he have to go and spend the weekend in a hotel, but he had to share a room with his brother.

“Two nights,” he said, forcing a stoic expression onto his facial features as he yanked his tie through the loop he had created. “that's all, and he probably won't even pay attention to me. Always studying.”

With his tie taken care of, he snatched his jacket, and shrugged his arms through the sleeves. He didn't bother to button this up as well, and simply grabbed his school bag off of his bed and slung it over his shoulder. He made quick work of the stairs that led from the second floor to the main, and walked briskly across the kitchen to the threshold, where he began to put on his shoes. His mother was at the stove, the alluring aroma of bacon wafting through the kitchen. It was Thursday, which was his father's day off. He usually slept in until around ten, ate his breakfast and then locked himself away in his office for the rest of the day. Whether the man would admit it or not, the entire family knew he was a workaholic and it was never a surprise to find him at his computer, his desk surrounded by mounds of papers, files and documents that were either completed or in the process of being so.

“Sasuke, you're not eating breakfast? You have plenty of time.”

Sasuke looked over his shoulder as he rose from his kneeling position, and he let his hand fall to the doorknob. He wasn't particularly hungry in the mornings–he was never really hungry anymore, for some reason–and he met his mother's curious, cheerful look with a blank stare. He jerked the door open, and stepping across the threshold, muttered a quick, “I'm going.” before closing it behind him, and stepping out onto the lawn.

The sky was gray, but held no threat of rain, and the Uchiha took no notice of the cool bite to
the air. He walked down the long pathway from their house to the front gates, and made his way out onto the sidewalk. Students in all types of school uniforms, most similar to his since his house was located quite near the building, were all on their own ways and he was more irritated than surprised to find a relatively short, scruffy looking blond with large blue eyes waiting for him by the curb. He blinked several times as he lifted his gaze to Sasuke, and rose in greeting, lifting a hand.

“Ohayo,” he greeted as he fell into step with the taller of the two. Sasuke grunted in reply, finding that he couldn't bring himself to muster up enough motivation to form a verbal response. He wasn't in the mood, but then again, he was never in a talkative mood. Especially whenever he was around the idiot beside him. But alas, whenever he was with Naruto, hoards of people seemed to flock to his presence. The blond haired dobe was by far more sociable than himself, and he had a lot of friends that didn't hesitate to approach them and greet them on their way to class, despite the fact that they received nothing more than a mildly annoyed glare from Sasuke. He didn't like chatter, nor was he fond of small talk. It was apparent by his way of thinking that he did not possess many friends (in fact none, if he were to be honest–he insisted that he and Naruto were mere associates even though they spent a large amount of time with one another). He had always been a happy child, but he had been dependent on his older brother for far too long. It had been somewhat of a shock to realize that Itachi had a life as well, and that he wouldn't always be by his side. It was probably this experience that caused him to isolate himself from other's, and although Sasuke was sure it wasn't an ethical reason by far, to behave like an introvert, it was a good enough reason for him. So why couldn't people see that? Better yet, why couldn't Naruto? The fool was more empathetic and compassionate than he looked, and Sasuke knew that. But why didn't he understand?

“Oi, Sasuke, do you have those math notes we took down yesterday morning? I stayed up late Tuesday playing video games, and I fell asleep... if I don't have anything written down, I'll get scolded!”

“You should have thought about that,” Sasuke replied dryly as they moved into the receiving room of the school, “before you decided to stay up beyond reasonable hours.”

“Huh,” Naruto said aloud, as they removed their outer footwear and slipped into their indoor slippers, “you know I was planning on going to bed, but I was already at level twenty three! I beat a new record and everything! Please? Please oh please? Why do you have to be such a hard ass all of the time? It's not like you're in University yet.”

Sasuke stiffened at this comment, and simply turned his back to the other. Naruto was relentless in his begging however, and by the time they entered their classroom, Sasuke was ready to smack him over the head with his text books. With an exasperated sigh, he dropped his book bag onto his seat and removed all of his books and pencils from it. Hanging the small pack on the hook that jutted out from the side of his desk, he turned and gave Naruto an annoyed look. Honestly, what would he ever do without him? He always slept in class, never did his homework (although Sasuke did let him copy occasionally...) and was constantly being scolded by their teachers. Did he not realize that he needed to be serious? He was amazed that Naruto even got into the same High school as him. It had high standards, and so far he wasn't living up to them.

“This is the last time,” he warned, pulling out a duo tang. He sifted through a large pile of organized notes, and removed the section that was from the day prior. Handing them to a thankful Naruto, he collapsed into his seat and extended his long legs underneath the desk. They were early as usual, but several classmates milled about the room, chatting or finishing up last-minute homework assignments.
He was content to stare at his school supplies, dark eyes meandering lazily about each object with patience as he waited for the bell to ring. He actually enjoyed school. He excelled at it. It gave him something to do, and he poured all of his effort into his assignments to keep him busy. He had taken on a heavy course load their first term, and was extremely pleased to find he had little time for anything else except his classes. This meant he had plausible excuses to ditch Naruto when he wanted to hang out. Although that wasn't the only reason, even though it was probably the most dominant.

The bell rang, which signaled the beginning of class, and Naruto's babbling (which Sasuke hadn't been paying attention to in the first place) ceased as most of the students filed in, and they rose in unison. They bowed to their teacher, before resuming their seated positions, and Sasuke locked his eyes onto the front of the classroom. Their first period was English, and it was perhaps his most difficult subject. He did his best to learn the new vocabulary and perfect his accent, but he knew he would never get it. Languages had never been his strong point, and this for some reason, brought him to Itachi. Itachi had studied English as a Second Language in his first year at Tokyo University, and combined with the five years in High school, he could be considered fluent. A brief thought fluttered through his mind, before he quickly shook the notion from his head. He didn't want to talk to Itachi, and the last thing he wanted was to ask him for help with his homework. He needed to prove to everyone that he could excel academically just as his brother had, and if he needed help for one class, he would get nowhere.


“You're not hungry, Sasuke-kun?”

Sasuke lifted his gaze and looking up through his lashes. His eyes met with a pair of green orbs. Pink brows furrowed in worry, and Sakura laced her hands behind her back. Looking down shyly, she cleared her throat before pointing to Sasuke's empty desk. She must have realized he didn't understand what she was talking about, and a small blush rose along her throat.

“I–I noticed you didn't have a lunch today, Sasuke-kun... you haven't had one for the last several weeks. Is it possible you're not feeling well?”

“No,” Sasuke replied sharply. “I'm just not hungry.”

“Are you too busy with your classes to make a lunch?” Sakura asked carefully. Her index fingers and thumbs formed a steeple in front of her, and she fixed her eyes on her hands as she began to fidget. Sasuke cast a side-long glance to Naruto, who sat beside him. He had a mouthful of ramen, and his chopsticks were poised just above the bowl. He was prodding carefully at the noodles, but Sasuke could tell he was listening. He did feel kind of bad for him... after all, Naruto had been in love with Sakura since the eighth grade, and her crush was wasted on him. He took it in good stride though, and began to stuff his face again, probably in an attempt to look as though he wasn't eavesdropping on their conversation.

“Because–because if that's the case, I wouldn't mind making you a bento...”

“No, but thanks,” Sasuke cut in, getting to his feet. “I'm really not hungry. If you'll excuse me, I remember theres something I need to pick up at the library.”

Turning sharply on his heel, he ignored the slightly stricken expression on Sakura's face, before exiting the class. He really didn't have anything to go and pick up. He just wasn't comfortable with the situation she had put him in. Raking a hand through his hair, he paced the hall before heading towards the stairs that led to the roof. Perhaps some fresh air would do him some good? Complying with his thoughts, he made his way up the several flights of stairs, the sounds of his footsteps ricocheting off the bare walls. Who knew? Maybe he really wasn't feeling well? The cool wind that greeted him at this altitude was welcoming, and Sasuke closed the door behind him. He advanced towards the rail that outlined the edges of the building, and grasping the cool iron, closed his eyes and tilted his face heavenwards.

What's wrong with me? He questioned, his grip subconsciously tightening on the rail. No answer came to him, and the only sound he had for comfort was the soft whistling of the wind as it ripped over the taller buildings, and cut through the sharp corners that they made. Eyelids opening, he peered up at the ominous clouds that hovered above the city. The wind continued it's assault on his lanky figure, and he remained like that, unmoving, for perhaps five solid minutes before the sound of metal grinding against metal caught his attention. Turning slightly, he looked over his shoulder to see Naruto, closing the door behind him in what appeared to be a cautious manner. Sasuke's lower lip twitched in annoyance at being interrupted, and he debated between one of two things: ignore him and act as if he hadn't heard him, or face him and ask him what the hell he was doing. Choosing the first of the two, he turned back to look below at the street that wasn't too terribly far away. It wasn't very busy, and older people meandered about, window shopping or simply enjoying the cool weather. He wasn't surprised when Naruto spoke, nor was he surprised when his voice was very close to his person.

“You know, she really likes you.”

The silence was thick, and Naruto leaned against the rail, his elbow brushing Sasuke's. Looking over, he arched his eyebrows, and Sasuke smirked in an amused way. It was rare that he got to see Naruto serious. So rare that it was almost humorous. Usually. But the questioning look in his eyes, the searching in his gaze as it moved over Sasuke's face, caused his smirk to fall, and he sighed. Leaning back, he used his hands to support himself, fingers clinging to the rail.


“So? She still hopes.”

“That's not my fault,” Sasuke quipped, letting his head fall back, “I give her no reason to hope.”

“You don't give her reason not to,” Naruto replied, just as fast. He sighed, and leaned over the rail, folding his hands together. His blue eyes wandered over the buildings, just as Sasuke's eyes had done moments earlier, before he turned his back from the concrete landscape.

“You need to make her know how you feel,” he said carefully, turning his head back to regard Sasuke. Sasuke wasn't in the mood to receive lectures from someone who had just as much difficulty expressing his feelings as he did. Opening his eyes, he lifted his head and his optics narrowed to mere slits. It wasn't his fault if she was too stupid not to get the hint. He certainly didn't promote any feelings of love or companionship when it concerned her. Hell, he was even friendlier to Naruto, for Christ sake.

“What more can I do, aside from ripping her heart out and stomping on it?” Sasuke asked, his tone giving away that he was obviously not amused. And he wasn't. He was tired of playing this game. Leaning forward, he stepped closer to Naruto. He was close enough that the difference in height between them was noticeable, and Naruto had to tilt his head back ever so slightly just to meet his gaze.
There was a silence shared between them, before Sasuke's hand wandered along Naruto's arm, his fingers dancing over the material of his shirt to close around his tie. Winding it around his fist several times, Sasuke ran his thumb along the material before giving a small tug. It was enough to pull Naruto forward, and their noses were nearly touching. He could feel the warmth radiating from Naruto's body.

“If you like her so much,” he murmured, his voice dangerously low, “then why don't you tell her, instead of letting me step on her every...” tilting his head, he leaned closer, and he could feel the other boy's breath on his lips, “single...” his mouth whispered over his. It wasn't sexual, but a mere chaste brushing of lips. The touch was so light that Naruto probably wouldn't have even been able to tell if it had happened or not. “day?”

Naruto was still, before he lifted his hands and pulled Sasuke's fingers loose from his tie. A cool wind skirted along the roof, and sent Sasuke's tousled hair and Naruto's shaggy cut into an array of tousled locks. Through a thick mass of tangled black strands, Sasuke caught the momentarily pained expression along Naruto's face, before he himself grew fed up with the situation. Spinning violently on his heel, he shook his head and smoothed his hair behind his ear. Starting for the door, he lifted a hand as he reached the entrance, to stop Naruto from following. Looking over his shoulder, he set his jaw and narrowed his eyes.

“You know it's going to continue,” he stated bluntly, “unless you do something about it.”


He didn't feel like studying, for once. It was ten thirty, and he was sitting on the floor of his bedroom. Textbooks surrounded him, and he had a notebook spread open in his lap. He was preoccupied with balancing a pencil on his upper lip, and thinking about the... interesting afternoon he'd had with Naruto. He was rather surprised by the way he had acted, although he did not regret doing what he did. There was no real reason as to why he did it, God knew he never had any intention of kissing Naruto–he had just wanted to shut him up, find an excuse to leave–if he wasn't talking, then he had one. And that, by far, had closed his mouth faster than anything else he had ever said or did in the past. Sighing, Sasuke let the pencil fall from his mouth to the floor, where the eraser bounced along the wooden surface, only to roll over by the door, which was open partially, giving a small glimpse of the hall outside.

The door opened then, and Sasuke looked up with mild interest. He was mortified (although he hid it well) to find his brother kneeling to pick up the pencil. His dark eyes flashed as he lifted his gaze, and their eyes locked. Sasuke was frozen in his spot, slouched over his books, and he just knew that his mouth was probably open. It was, for when Itachi extended his hand to return the fallen pencil, his mouth snapped shut so fast that his teeth clicked together. Leaning over, Sasuke retrieved the pencil and sat back in his original spot. Dropping his eyes, he hastily began to skim his notes and the assignment, trying to ignore his brother as he entered the room and closed the door.

“What are you doing home?” Sasuke asked, trying to sound casual. “Don't you have work or something?”

Itachi didn't say a thing, and so Sasuke continued to work on his algebra. He found that when he was nervous, he didn't even need a calculator to crunch numbers. The pencil moved over the paper with a practiced ease, the numbers and answers flowing freely from the tips of his fingers. Itachi stood over him, looking down over his shoulder at his work. There was silence between them, and finally growing irritated with his lack of response, Sasuke slammed his pencil down and turned round in his position to peer up over his shoulder, into his brother's face.

“What?” he snapped irritably, and a small, barely-there smile ghosted along Itachi's lips.

“I'm not going to the wedding.”

Sasuke's expression went blank, before his dark brows furrowed in confusion.

“What do you mean you're not going? You have to–the flights been paid for, as has the hotel–mom and dad won't let you–”

“I've already spoken to them,” Itachi cut in coolly. “It's fine.”

“Fine?” Sasuke asked, confused. He felt foolish, but then again, Itachi was the only person who had the ability to do that. Lifting his hand, he rubbed the nape of his neck, and his gaze wandered from his brothers, back to the door. Why wouldn't he go to the wedding? It had been a pre-planned thing since August. It was a moderately expensive trip, and they were going to Hokkaido. Their parents wouldn't simply let him bail last minute, would they? Not unless it was for a very, very good reason.

“Why aren't you going?” he asked, closing his textbooks. He didn't feel like doing homework now. He would do it later. After all, he was sure he wouldn't be scolded too terribly if he showed up with simply one or two questions unfinished. It happened to other students all of the time, did it not?

“The arrangements are...” Itachi paused, and his eyes wandered over the contents of Sasuke's dresser. Running his tongue over his lips, he smirked before shaking his head. “inconvenient.”

“Inconvenient?” Sasuke queried, getting to his feet. As he rose, he dusted off the t-shirt that he was wearing, before tilting his head back to look into Itachi's eyes. This wasn't something he indulged in regularly, particularly because of the blush that consumed is face and throat whenever he did, but he was filled with curiosity and a slight....disappointment?... upon hearing his declaration. Crossing his arms over his chest, he frowned, and jerked his head away as Itachi lifted a hand and jabbed his fingers into his forehead.

“Don't worry about it,” he said dismissively, “it's not your business, I just thought you'd like to know.”

Turning to leave, he stepped over the pile of books that had surrounded Sasuke, before reaching for the door. Frowning, Sasuke stepped forward as well, and reached out a hand. His fingers curled around the material of Itachi's shirt, and he gave a small tug back, and Itachi stopped moving forward. He did not turn to face him, but his advanced towards the door ceased. With a sigh, Itachi lifted his eyes to the ceiling. Sasuke's grip on his shirt tightened, and the other looked over his shoulder.


“You tell me it isn't my business,” Sasuke bit out, “but you're making it my business.”

Authors Note:

First part of a two-shot. I promise there will be more ItachixSasuke in the next chapter (obviously xD). Uhm, as you can tell, it's an AU and I tried to make it as realistic as possible. Sure, they aren't fighting, kick-ass ninjas, but I've tried to keep them in character to the best of my ability, and the relationships (mostly, aside from a few obvious alterations) are still relatively the same. Read and review if you like it please! Thanks. <3