Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Belongs Here ❯ Hide'n'Seek ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was a nice little summer. All my friends and me were playing in the forest. Because we all lived in the same neighborhood, all the kids around the same age were friends. Today, we decided to play ninja. We all spited up into three teams. Akita was on my team, but sadly, I think she got lost. Now I was alone. I walked around slowly, looking for my teammate. I heard the bushes rattle behind me. I turned around quickly to be greeted with a tackle from Akita. “I GOT YOU!” she yelled. “Akita, it's me, get off.” I sighed. “Oh, I'm sorry, Kimi!” She got off and stood up. “I though you were the enemy.” “What happened to you?” I asked. “I sort of spaced and when I came to, you were gone.” She giggled, rubbing the back of her head. “Oh, Akita, you need to focus more.” I told her.
Akita was always like that. A big daydreamer. Her body was mature for our age but she didn't seem to like it. She had a low self-esteem issue, probably because of her mood-swing issue. She was a very emotion girl. When she cried, it poured. When she was mad, she roared. Nevertheless, with her, nothing was a dull moment. Akita could fit into every dumb blond joke. Being sick of made fun of, she dyed her hair purple, so people would not make fun of her. Still, she wasn't afraid to speak her mind and got into fights. But surprisingly, she was a very shy girl. In addition, she had a small problem. She got sick easily. Almost every year she was hospitalized with some type of illness. However, lately, she had been fine. She turned to a vegetarian life-style, which seemed to be keeping her healthy.
“Rawlin, Akita and Kimi are coming,” warned Sarri. “It's okay.” Rawlin told her. Sarri leaned her back against this tree, arms crossed and looking around. Rawlin was sitting next to her with a book in his hands. It was labeled “Art of Ninjas”, which inspired the game. “What are you guys doing?!” yelled Akita. “Why aren't you hiding? Or running away? Or fighting? Or playing?” “We are playing, just not real doing anything,” told Sarri. “It's kind a boring.”
Sarri was a nice girl. Somewhat silent. Most of the time, she was babysitting Akita. Making sure, she didn't get herself into trouble or killed. They were the bestest friends. Sarri studied everything around them. She was always the first to point something out. She was a very smart girl. She and Akita were total opposite but they attracted so well. Sarri's family was always moving around and she had been almost everywhere. This gave her a vast knowledge of many cultures, which was interesting to listen too.
Then there was Rawlin. He was genius. He was always reading something, always educating us. It was funny to see how smart he got Akita to become. It was surprise that she remembered those things. Sarri got along with him good too. Akita and I always picked on them for being a cute couple. Rawlin didn't do much more then read. It sometimes drove you crazy, just watching him read. However, he hates it when you look over his shoulder to read his book.
“Well, let's play something else!” Akita smiled brightly. “We have to find Ali and Boi first.” I told her. Akita sighed, “Do we have to?” “Yes.” Akita and the `Tarks' never got a long. In truth, none of us got along with them. “Hey, losers!” yelled Boi. Ali grinned. They were up in a tree across from us and had a bag with something in it. “Attack!” yelled Boi. Ali opened the bag and they reached in and pulled out small rocks. They began to throw them at us. “Throwing Stars.” Boi yelled. Sarri hid behind the tree and I followed her. Rawlin used his book to protect himself, still reading. “They're called Shuriken,” he told them. “Whatever,” snorted Boi as he kept throwing rocks. Poor Akita was right in the middle of the fire. I think about five rocks hit her. “STOP IT!” she yelled. “Aww, what are going to do about it?” snorted Boi. “Probably cry,” snickered Ali. Akita growled, even though her eyes were getting watery. She grabbed one of the rocks and tried throwing it back at them. It missed miserably. “What was that?” laughed Boi.
Ali and Boi were twins. Boi was always running his mouth and saying cruel things. He targeted Akita because of her low self-esteem. He was always trying hurt someone, physically and mentally. It really pissed us off. Then there was Ali. She hardly spoke and when she did, it was an insult of some kind. She normally just followed her brother's actions. But if she did not get what she wanted… Well, let us just say she always got what she wanted. We hated them but are parents made us hang out with them. When the adults were around, they acted like angels. Therefore, no one ever believed us when we told on them.
“You, two get down here!” I told them. “Why should we listen to you?” Boi crossed his arms. “Get down here and apologize to Akita.” I ordered. “And if we don't? What are you going to do, princess?” snickered Boi. “Hey, let's just forget about it.” Sarri sighed. “Let's forget about it and play a new game.” “Fine. But what game?” snorted Boi. “Let's play Hide'n'Seek,” I suggested and how I wish I didn't. “Not it!” “Not it!” yelled the twins. “Not it.” Rawlin sighed, still reading. “Well, I'm not it!” yelled Akita. Sarri looked at me. “I'll be it, I guess.” I told her. “Okay.” Sarri agreed. “Count to 12, that's all the time we need.” Boi grinned. “Fine.” I sighed.
I turned my back to my friends and placed my arms on this very tree. I closed my eyes and rested my forehead on them. “1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12..” At that very moment, it felt so weird. Like I was floating or something. With a gasped, I opened my eyes and looked around. It looked like the same forest. However, I was about to find out different. I shook my head, thinking the feeling was just lack of oxygen from my counting. “Here I come!” I yelled. I began to walk through the forest. I began to get a weird feeling. This place felt unfamiliar. “I think I'm lost.” I thought. “Guys. Hey, help me out her. Come on. I know you're around.” No reply. Not even from Akita. “Come on guys. I'm not joking! I'm getting scared.” I heard some people talking. I hurried forward to the voices. “I got y…ou.” As I tripped through the bushes. I was not in my neighborhood and in front of me were not my friends.
:: To Be Continued: