Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Belongs Here ❯ A New World? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

As I tripped through the bushes. I was not in my neighborhood and in front of me were not my friends…
Four figures stood in front of me. One was a spiky blonde haired boy. He had the brightest blue eyes I ever saw and weird lines on his face, almost looked like whiskers. He wore a strange orange jumpsuit. Next to him, stood a pink haired girl. Her hair was long and she had green eyes. She wore a red dress looking outfit with black shorts under it. Then there was the raven-haired guy. He had emotionless black eyes. He wore a blue shirt, white shorts. Then finally, the tall gray haired, no silver haired man. He wore black pants and a black shirt with a green vest. A mask covered his mouth and nose and a weird headband thing covered one of his eyes. All of them were wearing the same headband. The girl had it in her hair but the other two had it on their foreheads. The silvered haired man looked older then the other three. They seem around my age but he seemed more in his twenties.
From what I saw, behind them was a rather large city. No, it looked more like a village. Did we even have villages in these times? The group stared at me and I stared back. Maybe it was only for a few seconds but it felt like minutes. Then finally, I let out a scream of surprise. No longer in a familiar place or around familiar people. I scrambled to my feet, turned and took off running though the forest I though I knew.
How long did I run for? I'm not sure. I didn't even know I could run that long or that fast. As my legs began to feel like Jell-O. I saw the small river that I played in all the time. If I crossed it, I'd knew I would fine my way home. However, as I neared it I tripped. Clumsy me! A face plant right into the dirt. I let a small cry of pain out. I sat up and rubbed my face a bit. I felt something on my forehead. Strange, I didn't remember wearing anything on my head. I scrambled to the river and splashed water into my face. I washed away the dirt that covered my eyes. As I opened them, I looked into the water. I gasped.
What a strange sight I saw! I saw my reflection but I was different. I had the same hair, same eyes, and same face. However, my clothes were different! No longer the tank top and jean shorts I put on in the morning. I wore a purple shirt, it had a sort of wide collar around my neck, no sleeves and went down to my hips. It was lined with white on the collar and the hem of the shirt. As I looked down my body, I noticed I was also wearing white shorts that went to my knees. They were lined with purple. In addition, I had purple sandal like shoes on. Also, my hair was done up in a ponytail when I remembered leaving it down that day. My left leg had a mesh stocking and my right arm had same material, making it look like a mesh sleeve. Oh and how could I forget the strange headband with the metal plate with some weird symbol on it on my forehead.
“Excused me.” A voice said. I looked I saw that silvered haired, masked man I ran into only minutes ago was now in front of me, crouching on a rock in the middle of the river. How did he catch up to me so fast? How did he get past me with out noticing? Were the thoughts going through my head at the moment. “Why did you run away?” I couldn't help but scream in fear. It was childish of me, but I mean, come on, I was like 12. “Don't hurt me!” I begged. “Hurt you? Why would I do that?” the masked man titled his head.
“Kakashi-sensei!” I heard a girl's voice yell from behind me. “Are you harassing the poor girl?” I turned around and saw the three kids from before. The silvered hair man laughed “Of course not.” The blonde boy pointed at the man “Liar! She looks scared to death!” “Shut up, dobe,” snorted the raven-haired boy. “What'd you say, Sasuke-baka?” growled the blonde boy. “Will you two stop it!” shouted the pinked hair girl. She kneeled down to me. “Are you okay?” I just stared at them. I blinked, they blinked, I blinked, they blinked and so on, about a minute I think. “What's wrong with her?” asked the blonde hair boy. The girl shrugged. I looked over at the masked man again, he now had a strange orange book out. A manga by the look of the cover. An adult one, by the title “Come Come Paradise”. “What are you reading?” I bluntly said a loud. What a stupid question to ask at the time. Right? He looked at me. “Oh, this?” I think he smiled under that mask of his. “Kakashi-sensei! This is no time to being reading those perverted books of yours!” “Where am I? Who are you people?” I said a loud again. I got straight to the point.
>>>>>>About A Half Hour Later<<<<<<
We sat under the tree that I was counting on. I remembered it because it is one of the oldest in the forest. Of course, now I know it by heart, but back then, it was just on the biggest and oldest trees in the forest.
“So explain it to me again.” The blonde hair boy, Naruto Uzumaki, was his name. “Naruto, she already explained 3 times!” yelled the pinked haired girl, Sakura Haruno. “But I don't get it!” whined Naruto. We sat in the shade of the tree. My back was against its trunk. Sakura and Naruto sat sort of in a circle around me. The silvered hair man, Kakashi Hatake, sat on one of the lower out stretch branches reading his perverted book. By how the kids kept calling him sensei, I assumed he was their teacher. And the raven-haired kid, Sasuke Uchiha, leaned on a tree across from all of us. Very ani-social, it seemed. “Kakashi-sensei, what do you think?” asked Sakura. Kakashi looked down at us from his book. “I'm not sure.” He said simply. I groaned, they'd probably though I was crazy. “I'm telling you! This isn't my world! I'm telling you the truth.” “It's hard for us to believe that,” sighed Sakura. “But I'm not lying. I have never heard of the Land of Fire, Konoha, or The Village Hidden in the Leaves! In my world, we don't have ninjas or whatever you people say you are!” Earlier they explained to me where I was. We both though the other was crazy. “I think she's lying. I think she's a spy,” yelled Naruto. “A spy?” I yelled out. “We should take her to the Hokage.” I heard Sasuke snorted. “Who?” I blinked. “You're joking right?” laughed Sakura.
“Hold on team. I don't think she's lying.” Kakashi jumped down from his branch, his book tucked away in his vest pocket... They all stared at Kakashi weird. “Her story seems strange but she really does seem confused.” He turned and faced me. I squeaked. He sort of scared me. He was so strange and weird. “Tell us what happened right before you ran into us?” I sighed and explained again. “Me and my friends were playing hide-n-seek and I counted to 12 then took off in the forest. I got a weird feeling as if it wasn't the same forest I was in before. So a freaked and I ran in to you, people.” “And it was this tree?” asked Kakashi. “Yes!” “Are you positive?” “Yes!” “Try it again.” “What?” “Do what you were doing before you ran into us.” “You're joking right?” He looked at me. By the look in his eyes, I didn't think so. “This is stupid...” I told them but everything was already upside down, so I decided to try. I stood up and turn my back to them. They all stared at my back, sort of putting pressure on me. I leaned my head against the trees truck. I felt stupid. “1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12..” I paused, nothing felt different. “See, nothing happe...” I turned around they were gone.
“Hello?” I asked. I looked down at my body. The same tank top and jean shorts I started the day in. “Kimi, what's taking you so long?” whined Akita, stumbling out from some bushes. “Stop, Akita, you'll get caught.” I heard Sarri tell her. I stared at Akita, wide eyed. “Kimi, are you okay? It's been like 15 minutes.” What? Is she serious, it's been more like a half hour if not more! I thought. “Hey, Kimi, what's on your forehead?” I reached my hand up and felt that same metal plated headband on my forehead.
::To Be Continued::