Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Kitsune ❯ Chapter Three: Soul Bound ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

SilverKyuubi says: Once again, thanks for the reviews. Naruto Shippuuden is out! ^o^ I was still hoping they would finish the exercise in the second episode though. My thoughts: Sasuke is awesome, and Naruto is still Naruto. ^-^ Actually, I'm more impressed with Sakura in the newer season. She kicks butt! Nobody saw her crying when she kicked Sasori's ass in the next demension.
Pairings: SasuNaru (main), goddammit I don't know who to put as side dishes! Tell me in your review!!!
Warnings: Yaoi, shounen-ai, all that good stuff.
Disclaimer: I don't know Japanese. How can I own Naruto? Masashi-sama lended the characters to me, dammit!! I swear! *police drags silverkyuubi away* NOOO!!!
Thanks to:
JJ- Yeah, sorry, I had to have some stuff happen to Naruto-chan. Some stuff a bit worse than what happens in the anime series anyway.
Kurogai15- *nervously scratches back of neck* Hehehe...thanks. I will try to update ASAP!
2sexy4u- :) Thank you! And again I will try to update.
Arbitrary Doom- He he...sorry for the cliffie *scratches back of neck* And thanks for the compliment.
Enjoy Chapter 3!
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~*My Kitsune*~
Chapter Three: Soul-Bound
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It was about two weeks after that encounter with Naruto.
In that time after the fox had run from his house and into the storm, Sasuke had been unusually quiet. He never talked to anyone, and he never bothered to try to answer some question from the class. He was breaking himself off from the world, and the villagers and ninja who lived in Konohagakure were beginning to take notice to this depressing change in the last heir to the Uchiha clan.
It was common before for the Uchiha's to be private about everything, and a bit unwilling to socialize with others. They were the strongest clan in Konoha, so their arrogance was a bit more than normal. They kept up appearances, and always demonstrated their abilities as some of the best. The kekkai genkai running through their veins was always feared, because it was very powerful. And when the elder genius brother of the next line of the Uchihas slaughtered his entire family save one, there was no questioning its strength. So, it was common to believe that after his family's death, Sasuke would want to remain in his thoughts and mind a lot more than before.
But the elders of the village were beginning to become a bit concerned. Sasuke left immediately after class, almost as fast as possible, not giving his teachers a chance to talk to him. He almost held no emotion on his face, hardly even annoyance at others around him. He did his work perfectly, not a flaw in anything. This caused some of the elders in the council to want to maybe have him skip a grade or two to see how well he performed in his classes then. But his teachers insisted that he stay in the classes as long as possible. They were hoping that he would gain some social activity with the other students in the academy, and perhaps get over his family's death by having someone special and important to have along the way.
But the Uchiha didn't wish for such things. His 9th birthday was around the corner, and all he could think about was getting stronger and strengthening his abilities as a fighter. Gone were the memories of the good times he had with his beloved brother. Gone were the fun times he had with his classmates, and the praises he enjoyed receiving in his classes for having some of the highest grades. Gone was his will to do anything useless that he had done in the past.
Gone were the times he would walk in the door to his house and see his smiling mother there greeting him, with a fresh snack in hand.
Gone were the times he would look forward to bringing his excellent grades home to his father in hopes that he would acknowledge him.
Gone were the times he would ride on his aniki's back and they would talk about random things, or when Sasuke would beg his big brother to take him out to train him on shuriken weapons use, or other types of training.
Gone were the times he would come with his mother to town to buy some food and stop to greet fellow shinobi or friends.
Sasuke had to wipe everything away from his mind, or else his memories might get in his way and make him go into depression. With the resolution in mind, he was blinded by the fact that he was already in a depression that was slowly building to a beaking point. However, his mind was filled with determination to do his best, and he felt that his reasoning was not wrong. He wanted to avenge the people of his clan, even if that would make him to last heir to the Uchihas. If that meant that he would have to sacrifice his time for others, then so be it.
Sasuke was currently sitting on the small harbor that he normally came to when he was feeling a little more worse for wear than normal. The sun was setting, and its orangey and flamey glow spread over the water, making it shine brilliantly. The rays that spread over the trees made the whole scene seem completely calm and peaceful, putting the young raven in a nice meditative state.
He loved this...just watching and appreciating some of the things around him without having to think about it. He liked it when his mind was blank, the beauty of nature enough to fill his mind so that thought was unnecessary. A nice refreshing breeze, the warmth from the sun, and orange and pink in the sky, the reflection on the water...and oddly, as beautiful as this sunset was, it had a sad sense to it. There was always that meloncholy feeling that he got everytime he would stare at the sun, watching it go down the horizon. It was as if every time the sun had set completely and would disappear from the earth until the new day, a piece of his own light would start to wither and fade, though never to return.
Some playful shouting nearby drew his attention to the side, where he saw a playground with some of his fellow students and some otehr kids playing on the slide and the swings. Their faces held an innocent glee and happiness.
One Sasuke recognized as Nara Shikamaru. He was known for his extreme laziness during class, and he was often found sleeping during lessons. He had his brown hair in a high pineapple-like ponytail. His face, which normally showed boredom of everything, now held a face of contained enjoyment, a smile graced his lips as he would occasionally laugh with his friends as he swung on one of the swings. Sasuke noted that Shikamaru was from the Nara clan, supposedly the masters of shadows techiniques and other such jutsus.
The one on the other swing was a bit of a chubby, with some black swirls on his plump cheeks. He had a lighter shade of brown hair that was spiked out in two different directions. While he was more chubby in the middle, he was already showing signs of strong arms. He had a gentle smile on his face as he watched his other two friends play. He was Akimichi Choji, from the Akimichi clan of Konoha. Sasuke didn't know too much about them, only that the males were more plump than normal. Sasuke never bothered to look them up.
The last one of the bunch was one a classmate he never payed attention to, because of his gruff and aggressive and sometimes stupid behavior. He had short, spiky brown hair and some strange red triangular marks on his cheeks, which were now spread in a mischiveous grin. His grin showed off some pointier than normal canines. The boy's eyes were slightly slanted in an animal-like fashion. His white puppy was barking joyously near his master. This was Inuzuka Kiba, from the Inuzuka clan. They naturally had a gruff way of life, and they had an obsession with dogs and canines. Thus, their similarities to them.
They were all laughing and having fun. The Inuzuka was trying to make a fool of himself to entertain his other friends, and they all seemed content. A part of Sasuke hated them for some reason. The way they would run, the way they would swing, the way they smiled, the way they looked at eachother, the way they played with eachother, the way their eyes shown....Sasuke hated everything about it. He narrowed his eyes toward them.
They were weak.
Who needs friends, anyway?
He turned away from them and blocked out their laughing. Laughing brought up to many memories. Mainly, of his mother. He loved his mother's laugh and the way she would smile brightly at him when he came home from the Academy. She was so kind to him...and she always told him little secrets when they were alone. Memories of when he was too young to remember. Silly memories she would tell of how she and his father had met, and what she thought about at the time. Things like how cute both Itachi and himself were when they were babies, large black eyes and a nice coat of black hair over their heads. And...
She smiled brightly and knowingly at Sasuke. Her voice traveled melodiously towards Sasuke.
"He tells me all sorts of things about you when you're at the Academy. He really does talk about you all the time."
Sasuke stared at the water in front of him. It was a lake, so it wasn't a clear blue like the sea or ocean was. It was a bit gray, and the pink reflection of the sky on its surface went well with it. A leaf landed on the water, making it ripple ever so slightly. Sasuke's bangs nearly covered his face, and he looked gravely at his mirror image in the water, even though he wasn't really seeing it. He whispered softly to the wind as a small breeze passed by.
"What did you say about me, Otou-san...?" He didn't receive an answer. But then, he wasn't expecting one. The quietness of his situation was finally settling in, and he knew that he would be engulfed by silence for a long time now.
Sasuke picked up a rock, and threw it in the lake, right on his reflection. It was a mechanical movement, one he wasn't entirely aware of making. The ripples of the water on his twin seemed to mesmorize the Uchiha for a moment, and when he got a good look at the way his image appeared, instant anger boiled up inside of him. A type of unaltered anger he didn't know the name of, but was beginning to become more familiar. The eyes looking back at him weren't his own, but that of his older brother. Itachi. Cold, unmerciful eyes that looked at him with disdain. He knew Itachi only left him alive because he was unworthy of the other end of his blade. His aniki told him himself. And Sasuke...Sasuke realized that he hated him for that. He hate Itachi for making him feel weak...and hated himself for being weak.
Sasuke stared back into the water, though now it was his reflection facing him with a cold and guarded stare. The raven shook his head, as if to get rid of the dark feeling that was building within him. He didn't like the somewhat new and dreadful feeling of hate that had been in him ever since his family's death. He remembered to have claimed to hate Itachi before, because he had been getting more attention than him. But Sasuke knew he didn't hate his brother then. He was angry at him, sure, who wouldn't be? And upset that his brother probably didn't care enough about him to spend time with him, instead going on missions. He was upset at his brother because he loved him, and felt betrayed by him when he would make him feel like a nuisance.
But now, his brother had left him with the task of avenging his family. A terrible and unforgiveable task that wasn't meant to be resolved through words of peace. Itachi had taken away his loved ones. And had made him feel horrible for taking his family for granted. He had given Sasuke an unbearable sadness, something that could never be returned to him. There was a hole in his heart now, one that made Sasuke feel as if it could never be filled again like it used to be, and the only way the last Uchiha knew how to fill it up enough to give him a reason to live now was that hatred for Itachi.
His brother had told him to hate him to survive. Sasuke realized that hating him was the only way for him to survive now. Itachi had taken away his first reason to live in exchange for a horrible and ugly second. It was unfair, but it was his only option. He would get strong, and then kill Itachi. He didn't care what happened to him afterwards. But he refused to die before he completed his goal.
With that resolve now firm in his mind, he stood from his place on the harbor, and turned to make his way home. He stopped when his attention once again turned to the three kids he had been observing earlier, his back to the sun as it was nearly fully set. Their parents had arrived to pick them up from the playground, and they were saying their last farewells as they departed from eachother. Small waves and smiles, and promises of tomorrow's next play.
Sasuke watched them solemnly. He used to play over there too. His aniki had sometimes come with him when he was about 5. And his mother sometimes too. He never spent a whole lot of time with his father...he had always been busy, so it was mainly his mother that had raised him. As he continued to stare at the three children go off in the directions of their home, Sasuke knew his earlier thoughts weren't true.
He wouldn't mind a friend.
But those people wouldn't understand him. He could never pretend that his pain was gone or not there, because it was. And it would never go away completely.
Shaking such pointless thoughts from his mind, he began to make his way home. He walked slowly, the sky darkening into a deep and comforting blue and black. Stars were peeking in the sky, glinting beautifully. Sasuke took the time to enjoy the stars. He really loved looking at them. They were so far away, and gave Sasuke a longing to join them for some reason. Not as in death, but he always wondered what it would be like to be beyond the skies of earth and into the black and blue space with the stars. Sasuke caught a shooting star fly in his vision, but he didn't bother making a wish. Wishes were pointless. It was a silly idea parents put in children and they didn't give anybody anything. Sasuke knew that now.
He finally arrived at the entrance to the Uchiha compound. He walked through, though the silence was engulfing him as always. Even after nearly 2 months without his family, the raven wondered if he would ever adjust to the silence around him. He never thought he would miss noise so much.
Sasuke walked across the road, finally reaching his house. He was almost near the entrance when something caught his eye at the foot of the door. He couldn't see too well, because of the twilight darkness, but he could definitely see that there was some sort of weird thing on his doorstep. With a grimace, he thought it might be another gift from those weird girls at the Academy. It wouldn't be the first time one of them left something at his door to express their girly admiration or whatever it was that ran through their minds. Normally he would just throw it away.
But this one was a little weird. They were large leaves tied together, as if the person who wrapped this up didn't have anything other then the leaves in the forest to do this properly. Geez....who the heck would have to wrap up a gift in two large leaves and a piece if string anyway? But sure enough, Sasuke was curious as to what was inside. So he picked it up, and noticed it was firmly wrapped, and was made in a quality-like manner. He opened the door and went inside, taking off his sandals and turning on the lights. He continued to stare questioningly at the odd, small package as he continued towards the kitchen and set it on the table.
It wasn't too big. Only made to hold something small in it. Sasuke caustiously picked it up in wonder, and shook it slightly to test its weight, and maybe get an idea of what was inside. There was a light raddling sound, and a scraping from being rubbed against the leaves' plastic-like surface. It didn't feel too heavy. Not heavy at all actually. He undid the string, again wondering who had left such a weird package on his doorstep, and he looked inside.
In it was a necklace. A pretty peculiar one at that.
It wasn't too long, probably made for a male. It was a simple black string, and it held a very small blue org. About an inch from the orb on each side were onyx chips that glinted against the light. It was very beautiful, and the blue sphere realli caught Sasuke's attention. It wasn't a saphire, this Sasuke knew, but it held a very strange if it were a crystal sphere with something ocean-blue inside. Not water, just a type of air. In his wonder, Sasuke reached out to pick it up from the leaves. When his fingers came in contact with the small blue-like stone, it gave off a soft, but bright glow. This alarmed the Uchiha for a moment. And then he felt a peculiar emotional wave wash over him. It was as serene as a gentle flow of water rolling over your skin, only it was as if the whole experience was in a non-physical fashion. A sub-concious wave...
This shocked Sasuke for a moment, and he abruptly shoved his seat back and stood away from the light of the orb, but then its aura calmed until it held a very faint glow, and when Sasuke boldly reached out to touch it again, it stopped. And so did the strange feeling that came with it. Not that it was unpleasant, just unfamiliar. As if there was a barrier in his mind that kept himself locked inside, like a privacy room. And now that barrier was gone and someone just entered without his knowing. A peaceful presence, but an unknown one all the same. This startled Sasuke, but he wasn't as afraid of the possibility as he thought he would be.
Sasuke stared oddly at the necklace again. 'What the heck just happened?' He shook his head, as if to clear his thoughts and rid himself of the last of the strange feeling. As fast as it had come, it disappeared. He could have been daydreaming for all he knew, and just starled himself awake. Sasuke contemplated who might have given him this strange gift, but for some reason, he already knew.
Scared blue eyes, a strangely tanned body, shocking blonde hair, weird whisker marks, auburn fox ears and a was the stranger who at first came to his streets as a fox and then turned into, something. A hybrid looking thing. Sasuke never did find out, he realized he had been too emotional that day and drove the blonde out of his house. He realized this the day after Naruto left, and the Uchiha had felt sort of guilty for it, but he didn't know anything about Naruto. Apparently the boy lived in the forest, and he never thought he would see...or even think about it. If he couldn't give out an apology, then there was no use in worrying over it.
But there was no explanation as to why he knew that the necklace was given to him by the fox-child. He just knew, and he also knew that this knowledge came from that strange feeling he received from the orb. The logical part of him wanted Sasuke to throw it away for good and keep it away so that he would never have to think of such useless and petty things again. To concentrate on getting stronger and not deal with complicated things for now. He had enough complications already, and he didn't want something so trivial to get in his way. Besides, no matter whom it was from, it was another strange gift that someone decided to leave on his doorstep without his permission or any want at all.
But another part of him, a part that worried less of real world things and his problems, was stronger, and it was the part that made him accept the necklace and fix it around his pale and small neck. The string was a bit long, and Sasuke knew that when he was older it would fit snug around his neck. The orb gave a brief low glow before returning to its strange blue hue. Another feeling washed over him, a feeling quite similar to the one he just received moments before, but in a much more calming fashion that put Sasuke's thoughts at ease for once. Sasuke felt as if there was a deep serenity that came into his soul, and was for the moment carrying his burdens so that he would have a small moment of peace.
Sasuke knew this gift was special, and he accepted it. With this acceptance, the mass tension that was in his shoulders and body left almost instantly, and he suddenly felt blissfully tired. A nice tired where everything was just fine and he had nothing to worry about for now. Maybe later, but for now he could rest. Although he felt exhausted now, he knew that this...thing was a sign that something changed in his life and would never be the same again. But he had a feeling that maybe it would be a good change for once. He smiled dreamily at the thought. The feeling that someone else was in his mind was back, like that barrier was being intruded by someone who wasn't supposed to be there originally. But it was okay. He knew who it was. And he accepted him into his mind willingly. It was strange letting someone else in there, but at the same time, he didn't mind.
At least he wasn't alone.
The raven decided he could skip dinner tonight. He was suddenly so tired...his bed was more welcoming than food. So he changed his clothes in for night wear, layed out a futon, and snuggled up under the covers, a comfortable smile on his face as he hugged his pillow close to him. He touched the orb that now hung around his neck, and again, he felt as if his burdens were gone for now. He silently thanked the fox-boy, knowing he would be able to see him again in the very near future. He didn't know how he knew, but he didn't want to question it now. He wanted to sleep, as he had never wanted to after the death of his family. Blackness began to cloud his vision, his last thoughts were of stray, ocean blue eyes and a small smile.
Thank you, Naruto's voice whispered.
For the first time in nearly two months, Sasuke had a peaceful and dreamless sleep.
Naruto smiled cheekily from his place in the tree as he looked at the now sleeping raven through the window. 'I guess this means we'll be having to get to know eachother now.' At first, this prospect might have been scary to the blonde fox, but now he thought these words with a smile gracing his lips. He felt a warm feeling course through his body as he watched Sasuke sleep. He didn't remember ever feeling this warmly to a person.
Naruto's gift to Sasuke would probably be considered to some, unreasonable, and a lot to give, but not to Naruto. After those couple of weeks, it had given him plenty of time to make his decision. Even if he was a young kit of no more than 8 human years, he had a feeling that he wanted this. Naruto's smile brightened as the raven slept blissfully, his whisker marks stretching with his wide grin, and his eyes closing.
After the night that Naruto had visited Sasuke, he thought that he would never want to see him again, or any other human for that matter. He had been reminded of what little memory he had of his time with them. It had been 3 winters ago when he decided that he no longer wanted to be a part of the humans' lives because of the way he had been treated, and the way he had felt. The people who lived in Konohagakure had made it clear that they didn't want him there among them. The blonde didn't undertsand why at the time, though now he knew, and then he thought that if he could leave, everyone would feel better. He didn't know another solution, and he was terribly afraid, but he felt he had no choice.
At first, when he had entered the forest, he had no idea how to feed himself, take care of himself, or where to live. These were the things that a 5-year-old would overlook, naturally. But Naruto was too scared to go back to the village, as much as he was familiar with it. He was terrified in fact, of the forest. He had gotten lost in seconds. He had not yet discovered his other form. It was a couple of days of trying to find berries on bushes, and peeling apples from trees, and trying to find shelter with a large hole in the bark of a tree.
Naruto promised not to cry, or to give up. He tried his best to avoid the other people of the village when it was necessary for them to go through the forest. They had hurt the poor blonde terribly, and he was unwilling to take that abuse from them again. They had never discovered his chakra signature, so they never really got in Naruto's way. They had apparently forgotten about him, or simply didn't care. Later, Naruto would decide that it didn't really matter.
He had stumbled a lot in the forest, getting many wounds and scrapes on his knees, legs, and arms. But his scratches had always healed remarkably fast, and he learned to endure and withstand them. And to know the forest some. He had found the place a wonder, and he felt very welcomed by the forest's peaceful nature. The animals didn't come near him, but he never felt alone in this place. He felt something powerful and comforting surround him in his time there, and he felt that he never wanted to leave.
It was one morning when he woke up to find himself in the state of a very small fox. He probably looked like he was a mere 2 weeks old from how small he was. Naruto didn't even realize it until he had fallen over a tree branch and a bit of firey, auburn fur caught his sight. He had adjusted so well and so fast that he didn't notice walking on four legs, or being able to practically see with his newly advanced senses. It had driven him into a panic at first. He didn't know if he was dreaming, or what that hell happened. But after locating others like him, it suddenly wasn't such a big deal. Change isn't such a big deal when you're that young, as long as it doesn't involve pain.
So he had remained in that state, his new life coming onto him so suddenly he hardly ever thought about his life before. He had made friends with other fellow kitsunes like himself, and though most of the elder ones knew he wasn't like the rest, they allowed him to stay with them for a little bit to prove he was harmless. Animals were highly protective over their kits and children, and they didn't want to risk something disrupting that protective balance that they had matured, which is what to expect. However, none of the other foxes who lived in the Deep Nest had the heart to put a baby kit out into the forest without atleast showing him the ropes. So they taught him. How to run, how to hunt, how to spot a predator when one's nearby, how to recognize different scents, how to find a safe place to live, and everything else.
The Deep Nest was simply a great gathering place for the foxes and some other animals very far into the forest where it was at its most natural state without the humans' influence, changes, or inhabitance. It was a large community where the foxes made great burrows for themselves and their young. The kits would play, and the foxes always helped eachother. Sometimes they gained assisstance from other ally-like animals. During the time that Naruto had come here to learn and live amongst the other foxes, he was never allowed to actually have a home here. There were no other mothers who were willing to take in the strange kitsune who seemed to have a much different aura about him then their own.
That was when he had found his home under the sakura tree. It really was a beautiful thing. The way the petals would cascade down to the fresh and lush grass in spring and flow into the nearby stream that was there was simply breathtaking. And so he had made his own burrow there, and that was where he had lived. It was about his 7th human year that he had regained interest in the humans and had started to go and spy on them when he had spare time. During that time, while the elder foxes agreed Naruto was strange, he was harmless, and so he lived freely and played freely among the other foxes. They had warned him to stay away from the village for fear of predators, but he would always make an exception to go and see them.
He had felt a longing toward his former home whenever he would visit. He had remembered mingling with them in crowds, and knew they were his rightful species. Perfectly natural for him to want to return to that place. And he felt a sort of abandonment as well, which prevented him from wanting to completely return to his former home. No that he wasn't happy where he lived in the Deep Nest, it was just that acceptance from his original people and home was all he really wanted deep in his heart. It was something he longed for, which was why he kept watching. Memories of hostility prevented him from wanting to be part of his former home again, but his wish for acceptance always brought him to watch the humans.
He knew of his hybrid form as well. He never used it in front of the other foxes, fearing that some sort of resentment or banishment might take place should he reveal the form to his friends, so he kept the strange secret to himself.
It was with Sasuke that he had felt a part of his dream come true. He realized that the boy might have been going through some problems of his own when he had arrived at the raven's home, but even in that state he had accepted Naruto: the fox, the human, the creature in between the two species. Sasuke had taken him into his home, had treated him, and had shown kindness that he had only felt among his demi-form's kind. It took a while for him to come to the decision that the small compassion that the Uchiha had shown Naruto was a big deal to the fox. The small interaction meant more to the blonde than any other.
Sasuke was the first human to do this for him. And so Naruto felt the act should be returned, although some might think he went overboard.
The necklace that he had chosen to give Sasuke was a rare kind of charm. The orb starts out with a simple crystal ball, very small and light, easy to fasten on a strong piece of string. But the thing that gives it its eery glow is something else all together.
It was a piece of Naruto's soul.
The forest is very spiritual and knowledgeable altogether. And there are certain places where these spirits can gather. These places are where rituals can be performed. These rituals though, do not involve chanting, or candle-lighting, or any symbol at all. But Naruto went to one of these certain places where one soul could drag out a piece of his own so that he could place it inside of the small crystal orb. To humans, this ritual can be used to foretell the future, because even a piece of a soul can hold certain abilities when contained correctly.
In this case, giving the crystal to Uchiha Sasuke meant binding his soul to him. A piece of a soul to lie in the young heir's is a great honor, no matter who the person. Through this, Naruto bound himself to the raven, to serve, obey, and practically be owned by the child. And Naruto was okay with it. When Sasuke accepted his gift and wore the necklace was when he accepted Naruto's servitude, whether he knew about it or not. The fox didn't know how long he wished to be in that slavery to the Uchiha, but he felt a connection to him. And so he took the step of binding them in an unbreakable bond. Literally. He wanted an excuse to be near Sasuke. And so he made one.
Naruto watched one last time at the sleeping heir, before sliding down the tree and rushing off toward his den under the sakura tree. Probably for the last time. But he was not sad. He would still visit the forests, though he may lose his fox friends by the end of this. That made him frown, but he promised not to regret his decision. He was grateful to the foxes, but now it was time for him to learn about the things he needed to know on his own.
He gave a wry smile as he shifted into his demi-form, auburn fur glistening under the moonlight, azure eyes glowing as saphire diamonds.
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AN: Well, there's chapter 3 for ya. I hope you all enjoyed and thanks for being patient. Once again, sorry for the grammer, but the offer's up for a good beta.
The second Naruto Shippuuden came out today along with the Ch. 343 in the manga. I think we all knew Sasuke had no intention of letting Orochimaru take his body, ne? Still, that doesn't mean he'll be running back to Konoha now. >.<
Review please! I still need ideas on what ya'll will want on side couples. I don't have any clue where I got the whole crystal ball thingy, it just sounded cool at the time.